################################################ # Function - Get-RSCEventsAudit - Getting all RSC Audit events ################################################ Function Get-RSCEventsAudit { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all RSC audit events within the time frame specified, default is 24 hours with no parameters. .DESCRIPTION Makes the required GraphQL API calls to RSC via Invoke-RestMethod to get the data as described, then creates a usable array of the returned information, removing the need for the PowerShell user to understand GraphQL in order to interact with RSC. .LINK GraphQL schema reference: .PARAMETER DaysToCapture The number of days to get events from, overrides all others, recommended to not go back too far without also specifying filters on LastActivityType, LastActivityStatus etc due to number of events. .PARAMETER HoursToCapture The number of hours to get events from, use instead of days if you want to be more granular. .PARAMETER MinutesToCapture The number of minutes to get events from, use instead of hours if you want to be even more granular. .SWICTH DisableCountBack This disables counting back to see how many failed login attempts for the user within the data collected, use if collecting multiple days to speed up collection. .OUTPUTS Returns an array of all the available information on the GraphQL endpoint in a uniform and usable format. .EXAMPLE Get-RSCEventsAudit This example returns audit all events within a 24 hour period as no paramters were set. .EXAMPLE Get-RSCEventsAudit -DaysToCapture 30 This example returns all audit events within a 30 day period. .NOTES Author: Joshua Stenhouse Date: 05/11/2023 #> ################################################ # Paramater Config ################################################ Param ( $DaysToCapture,$HoursToCapture,$MinutesToCapture ) ################################################ # Importing Module & Running Required Functions ################################################ # Importing the module is it needs other modules Import-Module RSCReporting # Checking connectivity, exiting function with error if not connected Test-RSCConnection ################################################ # Getting times required ################################################ $MachineDateTime = Get-Date $UTCDateTime = [System.DateTime]::UtcNow # If null, setting to 24 hours IF(($MinutesToCapture -eq $null) -and ($HoursToCapture -eq $null)) { $HoursToCapture = 24 } # Calculating time range if minutes specified IF($MinutesToCapture -ne $null) { $TimeRangeUTC = $UTCDateTime.AddMinutes(-$MinutesToCapture) $TimeRange = $MachineDateTime.AddMinutes(-$MinutesToCapture) } # Calculating time range if hours specified IF($HoursToCapture -ne $null) { $TimeRangeUTC = $UTCDateTime.AddHours(-$HoursToCapture) $TimeRange = $MachineDateTime.AddHours(-$HoursToCapture) } # Overriding both if days to capture specified IF($DaysToCapture -ne $null) { $TimeRangeUTC = $UTCDateTime.AddDays(-$DaysToCapture) $TimeRange = $MachineDateTime.AddDays(-$DaysToCapture) } # Converting to UNIX time format $TimeRangeUNIX = $TimeRangeUTC.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000Z") # Logging Write-Host "CollectingEventsFrom(UTC): $TimeRange GraphQLAPI: EventSeriesListQuery" ################################################ # Getting RSC Events ################################################ # Creating array for events $RSCEventsList = @() # Building GraphQL query $RSCGraphQL = @{"operationName"="AuditLogListQuery"; "variables" = @{ "filters" = @{ "timeGt" = "$TimeRangeUNIX" } "first" = 1000 "sortOrder" = "DESC" }; "query"="query AuditLogListQuery(`$after: String, `$first: Int, `$filters: UserAuditFilter, `$sortOrder: SortOrder) {userAuditConnection(after: `$after, first: `$first, filters: `$filters, sortOrder: `$sortOrder) { edges { node { userNote userName id message time severity status cluster { id name __typename } __typename } cursor __typename } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage __typename } __typename } } "} ################################################ # API Call To RSC GraphQL URI ################################################ # Converting to JSON $RSCEventsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 32) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader $RSCEventsList += $ # Getting all results from paginations While ($ { # Getting next set $RSCGraphQL.variables.after = $ $RSCEventsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 20) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader $RSCEventsList += $ } # Counting $RSCEventsCount = $RSCEventsList | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count # Logging Write-Host "EventsReturnedByAPI: $RSCEventsCount Processing audit events..." ################################################ # Processing Events ################################################ # Creating array $RSCEvents = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # For Each Getting info ForEach ($Event in $RSCEventsList) { # Setting variables $EventID = $ $EventUserName = $Event.userName $EventUserNote = $Event.userNote $EventMessage = $Event.message $EventTimeUNIX = $Event.time $EventStatus = $Event.status $EventSeverity = $Event.severity # Counting failed login attemps if switch not used IF($EventStatus -eq "Failure"){$EventFailedAttempts = $RSCEventsList | Where-Object {(($_.userName -eq $EventUserName) -and ($_.status -eq "Failure"))} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count}ELSE{$EventFailedAttempts = 0} # Converting event times $EventDate = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $EventTimeUNIX # Removing illegal SQL characters from user or message IF($EventUserName -ne $null){$EventUserName = $EventUserName.Replace("'","");$EventUserName = $EventUserName.Replace(",","")} IF($EventMessage -ne $null){$EventMessage = $EventMessage.Replace("'","");$EventMessage = $EventMessage.Replace(",","") $EventMessage = $EventMessage.Replace("(","");$EventMessage = $EventMessage.Replace(")","") $EventMessage = $EventMessage.Replace(":","");$EventMessage = $EventMessage -Replace ".$"} # Parsing source # IF($EventMessage -match "logged in from"){$EventSource = ($EventMessage -split 'from ',2)[-1]}ELSE{$EventSource = $null} # Getting cluster $EventCluster = $Event.cluster $EventClusterID = $ $EventClusterName = $ # Overriding Polaris in cluster name IF($EventClusterName -eq "Polaris"){$EventClusterName = "RSC";$EventSource = "RSC"}ELSE{$EventSource = "RubrikCluster"} ############################ # Adding To Array ############################ $Object = New-Object PSObject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RSCInstance" -Value $RSCInstance $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DateUTC" -Value $EventDate $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value $EventStatus $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Severity" -Value $EventSeverity $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "UserName" -Value $EventUserName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source" -Value $EventSource $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RubrikCluster" -Value $EventClusterName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Message" -Value $EventMessage # Always null so leaving out for now 08/29/22 # $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "UserNote" -Value $EventUserNote $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Failures" -Value $EventFailedAttempts # IDs $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EventID" -Value $EventID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RubrikClusterID" -Value $EventClusterID # Adding to array (optional, not needed) $RSCEvents.Add($Object) | Out-Null # End of for each event below } # End of for each event above # Returning array Return $RSCEvents # End of function } |