
  Quickly get a dice roll out come!
  Get the outcome of a dice roll. You can use a predifined dice or just tell it
  the dice type.
  The type of Dice you want. D6, D8, D10, D12, or D20 for example.
  An existing Dice object
  Disable the critical success/failure notifications
  PS C:\> New-DiceRoll
  Assume you mean a D6 and gives you a return. Will tell you if it's a critical
  miss on a 1 or a critical hit on a 6.
  PS C:\> New-DiceRoll -NoCrit
  Assume you mean a D6 and gives you a return. Will ignore critical hit/miss.
  PS C:\> New-DiceRoll -DiceType D20
  Roll a D20.
  PS C:\> New-DiceRoll -Dice $d
  Will roll the custom dice you created (`$d`) with `New-Dice`.

function New-DiceRoll {
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Simple')]
  param (
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Simple')]
    [ValidateSet('D2', 'D4', 'D6', 'D8', 'D10', 'D12', 'D20')]
    $DiceType = 'D6',
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Advanced')]
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Simple')]
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Advanced')]
  if ($null -eq $Dice) {
    # If you give a full dice object, use it
    [int]$sides = [DiceType]$DiceType
    $Dice = [Dice]::new([int]$sides)
  $res = $Dice.NewDiceRoll()
  Write-Verbose "Rolled a $res"
  if (-Not $NoCrits) {
    if ($Dice.IsCriticalHit($res)) {
      Write-Host 'Success! Critical Hit!'
    if ($Dice.IsCriticalMiss($res)) {
      Write-Host 'Oh no! Critical Miss!'
  return $res