# Imports Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Manage-Design.psm1" -Force <# .SYNOPSIS Check if a directory exist on the local system & get its path .OUTPUTS [[Path] <String>] #> function Get-Directory { # Display an information message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Info" -CTC "blue" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Type a $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "PATH") to work on. Otherwise, press $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "Enter") to stay on" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "green"))" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)the same path." ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "blue") # Loop until the user enters a valid path in their local system. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired directory path. $path = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the directory PATH" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($path -eq "") { # Outputs the current working directory. $currentPath = Get-Location $currentPath = $currentPath.Path return $currentPath } else { # Insure that the path exist on the local system. if (Test-Path -Path $path) { return $path } else { # Propmt the user to retype the path since it doesn't exist on the local system. $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid PATH, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Set/Overwrite a new directory on the local system & get its path .OUTPUTS [[Path] <String>] #> function Set-Directory { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [string]$Path ) # Display an information message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Info" -CTC "blue" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Type a $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "NAME") to create a new directory in the specified path. Otherwise," ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)press $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "Enter") to stay on the same directory." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "green")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "By default, it will navigate to the selected directory." ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)To return to the previous path, type $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam windows back-path")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "green")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "blue") # Loop until the user enters a valid name in their local system. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired directory name. $name = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the new directory Name" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($name -eq "") { return $Path } else { # Construct the full path of the new directory. $directoryPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $name # Insure that the path exist on the local system. if (Test-Path -Path $directoryPath) { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "A directory with that name already exist on the specified path." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Display a choice message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Choice" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "What would you like to do?" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "1" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Continue with the existing directory" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "2" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Overwrite the existing directory" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "3" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Retype another directory name" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") # Loop until the user enters a valid operation number. $loopVar = $true while ($loopVar) { # Prompt the user to type the desired operation number. $choice = $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the operation number" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default switch ($choice) { "1" { return $directoryPath } "2" { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($directoryPath, "Overwrite a directory")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Delete the selected directory. Remove-Item -Path $directoryPath -Recurse -Force # Create a new directory. $directoryPath = New-Item -Path $Path -Name $name -ItemType "directory" $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The '$name' directory successfully overwritten." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default return $directoryPath } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Overwrite the directory canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } } "3" { # Start from a fresh line after typing each command with a line divider. Clear-CurrentContent -Option "div" # Break the "while" loop. $loopVar = $false } Default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid choice, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } } else { # Create a new directory. $directoryPath = New-Item -Path $Path -Name $name -ItemType "directory" $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The '$name' directory successfully created." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default return $directoryPath } } } } # Function: Display list of Windows commands function Show-WindowsHelp { # Display Window commands to the user. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Windows Commands" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Usage" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "qatam windows <command>" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Command" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Description" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "cdir $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") create-dir" ` -CT "|" ` -Str "Create a Local Directory" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "gdir $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") get-dir" ` -CT "|" ` -Str "Provide a Local Directory, Verify it, & Navigate to it" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "bp $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") back-path" ` -CT "|" ` -Str "Navigate to the Previous Path" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "h $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") help" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Display Windows OS Commands" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") } <# .Synopsis Main Entry Point for the Windows operations that manages the entire Windows commands .EXAMPLE qatam windows .EXAMPLE qatam windows [[-Command] <String>] .INPUTS <Command>: create-dir, cdir, back-path, bp, help, h .OUTPUTS List of Windows commands .FUNCTIONALITY Manage the Windows workflow #> function Select-Windows { param ( [string]$Command, # By default, suppress the values. Otherwise, return them. [boolean]$DoReturn = $false ) switch ($Command.ToLower()) { { $_ -in @("create-dir", "cdir") } { # Save the current path. Push-Location # A function that gets the path the user want to work on. $directoryPath = Get-Directory # Start from a fresh line after typing each command with a line divider. Clear-CurrentContent -Option "div" # A function that set/overwrite a new directory in the specified path from "Get-Directory". $directoryPath = Set-Directory -Path $directoryPath # Set the path to the path selected by the user. Set-Location $directoryPath # If $true, return the values. if ($DoReturn) { return $directoryPath } } { $_ -in @("get-dir", "gdir") } { # Save the current path. Push-Location # A function that gets the path the user want to work on. $directoryPath = Get-Directory # Set the path to the path selected by the user. Set-Location $directoryPath # If $true, return the values. if ($DoReturn) { return $directoryPath } } { $_ -in @("back-path", "bp") } { # Return back to the previous path. Pop-Location } { $_ -in @("help", "h", "") } { Show-WindowsHelp Write-Output "" | Out-Default } default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid command, run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam windows help") to see all Windows commands." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "green")" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } # Export the Main Entry Point function Export-ModuleMember -Function Select-Windows |