# Imports Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Design.psm1" -Force Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Git.psm1" -Force Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Windows.psm1" -Force # Links $urlQatamCLIGitHubReleases = "" $urlQatamCLITerms = "" # Notes <# - Both "Format-Shape & Format-Color" are custom functions for terminal design & can be found at "qatam-cli\src\windows\modules\Manage-Design.psm1". #> # Function: Check the user's internet connection function Test-InternetConnection { try { # Send a request to a known reliable website. $internetConnection = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 5 # Available internet connection. (Return 200) $StatusCode = $internetConnection.StatusCode } catch { # Unavailable internet connection. (Return $null) $StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ } return $StatusCode } # Function: Compare versions of "Qatam CLI" between local & PowerShell Gallery function Compare-QatamCLIVersion { try { # Get the local "Qatam-CLI" module. $localModulePath = Get-Module -Name 'Qatam-CLI' # Get the PowerShell Gallery "Qatam-CLI" module. $OnlineModulePath = Find-Module -Name 'Qatam-CLI' if ($localModulePath.Version -lt $OnlineModulePath.Version) { $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Update" -CTC "green" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "New update is available for $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "Qatam CLI")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Current version: $(Format-Color -TC "red" -Str "$($localModulePath.Version)") | New version: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "$($OnlineModulePath.Version)")" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F @("red", "green")) ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "To update, run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "Update-Module -Name Qatam-CLI")" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "For update details, visit: $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "`e]8;;$urlQatamCLIGitHubReleases`e\Qatam CLI`e]8;;`e\")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "link"))$urlQatamCLIGitHubReleases" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "green") Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } catch { Write-Output $_.Exception.Message | Out-Default } } # Function: Display a welcom message to the brothers & sisters with "Qatam CLI" terms function Show-QatamCLITerm { $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Terms" -CTC "green" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 28)Alsalam Alaykum!" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "$(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "Qatam CLI") is a tool that combines commands from various services into" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)a single CLI, allowing developers to focus on their actual work and" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)increasing productivity." ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "Please read the following $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "`e]8;;$urlQatamCLITerms`e\Terms`e]8;;`e\")." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("green", "link"))$urlQatamCLITerms" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "green") Write-Output "" | Out-Default } # Function: Display list of services with help command function Show-QatamCLIHelp { $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Services & Commands" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Usage" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "qatam <service> <command>" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Service $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") Command" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "gold" ` -Str "Description" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F @("bright_magenta", "clear", "gold")) ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "w $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "gold") windows" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "gold" ` -Str "Windows OS Service" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "gold") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "g $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "gold") git" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "gold" ` -Str "Git Service" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "gold") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "g $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "gold") github" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "gold" ` -Str "GitHub Service (Currently Under Development)" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "gold") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "h $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") help" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "List Service's Commands" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") } <# .Synopsis Main Entry Point for the Qatam CLI that manages the entire Qatam CLI system .EXAMPLE qatam .EXAMPLE qatam [[-Service] <String>] help .INPUTS <Servic>: git, g, github, gh, help, h .OUTPUTS List of services & commands .FUNCTIONALITY Manage the Qatam CLI workflow #> function Qatam { param ( [string]$Service, [string]$Command ) # Start from a fresh line after typing each command. Clear-CurrentContent # A function that checks the user's internet connection. if (Test-InternetConnection) { switch ($Service.ToLower()) { "" { <# - A function that displays the "Qatam CLI" logo. * The function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Design.psm1" file. #> Show-QatamCLILogo # A function that checks 'Qatam CLI' updates. Compare-QatamCLIVersion # A function that displays 'Qatam CLI' terms. Show-QatamCLITerm # A function that displays 'Qatam CLI' services. Show-QatamCLIHelp Write-Output "" | Out-Default } { $_ -in @("windows", "w") } { <# - A function that displays or executes the "Windows" service commands. * The function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Windows.psm1" file. #> Select-Windows -Command $Command } { $_ -in @("git", "g") } { <# - A function that displays or executes the "Git" service commands. * The function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-Git.psm1" file. #> Select-Git -Command $Command } { $_ -in @("github", "gh") } { <# - A function that displays or executes the "GitHub" service commands. * The function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\src\windows\modules\Manage-GitHub.psm1" file. #> # Select-GitHub -Command $Command $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Sorry, this service is currently under development." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } { $_ -in @("help", "h") } { Show-QatamCLIHelp } default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid command, run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam help") to see all services." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "green")" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "No internet connection. Please check your internet connection & try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } # Export the Main Entry Point function Export-ModuleMember -Function Qatam |