#pragma locale ("en_US")
#pragma include ("qualifiers.mof") #pragma include ("qualifiers_optional.mof") class QLGC_ManagedLocalHost { [key] uint32 HostHandle; boolean IsAdmin; [Description ( "OperatingSystem" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "Windows", "Linux"} ] uint16 OperatingSystem; [Description ( "Architecture" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "X86", "X86_64", "IA64", "PPC", "PPCLE"} ] uint16 Architecture; // Common for both Linux and windows uint32 MajorVersion; uint32 MinorVersion; uint32 ProductType; string osVersion; //Only for Windows uint32 BuildNumber; uint32 PlatformId; uint16 ServicePackMajor; uint16 ServicePackMinor; uint16 SuiteMask; string adapterInfo[];//QLGC_Adapter REF adapterInfo; uint32 adapterList[]; //Installed Powerkit version (OMI,CIM/ESXi Provider version) string ProviderVersion; uint32 ConnectHost( [IN, Description ( "Host Name or Host IP Address." )] string RemoteHost, [IN, Description ( "System Login UserName." )] string LoginUserName, [IN, Description ( "System Login Password." )] string Password, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 DisconnectHostHandle( [IN, Description ( "Remote Host Handle." )] uint32 RemoteHostHandle, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 DisconnectHost( [IN, Description ( "Host Name or Host IP Address." )] string RemoteHost, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RefreshHost( [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetRemoteAgentPassword( [IN, Description ( "Remote Host Handle." )] uint32 RemoteHostHandle, [IN, Description ( "System Login UserName." )] string SysLoginUserName, [IN, Description ( "System Login Password." )] string SysPassword, [IN, Description ( "Old Agent Password." )] string OldPassword, [IN, Description ( "New Agent Password." )] string NewPassword, [IN, Description ( "Verify New Agent Password." )] string VerifyPassword, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RefreshHandle( [IN, Description ( "Handle." )] uint32 Handle, [IN, Description ( "uRefreshFlags." "GAM_kAll = 0xFFFFFFFF, " "GAM_kPhyAdapters = 0x00000002, " "GAM_kCfgApi = 0x00000004, " "GAM_kiSCSIDevice = 0x00000008, " "GAM_kISCSITargets = 0x00000010, " "GAM_kISNSServer = 0x00000020, " "GAM_kPhyPorts = 0x00000040, " "GAM_kFunctions = 0x00000080, " "GAM_kResCfg = 0x00000100, " "GAM_kNdisDevices = 0x00000200, " "GAM_kISCSIDevices = 0x00000400, " "GAM_kFCoEDevices = 0x00000800, " )] uint32 uRefreshFlags, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 AddiSNSServer( [IN, Description ( "ISNS ServerName." )] string ISNSServerName, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RemoveiSNSServer( [IN, Description ( "ISNS ServerName." )] string ISNSServerName, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RefreshiSNSServer( [IN, Description ( "ISNS ServerName." )] string ISNSServerName, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 GetiSNSServers( [OUT, Description ( "ISNS ServerName." )] string ISNSServerName[], [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 AddDiscoveryPortal( [IN, Description ( "Host Handle." )] uint32 iSCSIHandle, [IN, Description ( "IP Address." )] string IPAddress, [IN, Description ( "PortNumber." )] uint16 PortNumber, [IN, Description ( "AuthType." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "NONE", "CHAP", "MUT_CHAP"}] uint8 AuthType, [IN, Description ( "User Name." )] string UserName, [IN, Description ( "Password." )] string Password, [IN, Description ( "User ID (LinuxOnly)." )] string UserIDLinuxOnly, [IN, Description ( "Password (linuxOnly)." )] string PasswordLinuxOnly, [IN, Description ( "ifaceFileName." )] string ifaceFileName, [IN, Description ( "Iser" )] boolean Iser, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RemoveDiscoveryPortal( [IN, Description ( "Discovery Portal Handle." )] uint32 DiscoveryPortalHandle, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 AddiSCSIStaticTarget( [IN, Description ( "TargetName." )] string TargetName, [IN, Description ( "TargetAlias." )] string TargetAlias, [IN, Description ( "HBAInstanceName." )] string HBAInstanceName, [IN, Description ( "IPAddresses." )] string IPAddress, [IN, Description ( "IfaceName." )] string IfaceName, [IN, Description ( "PortNumbers." )] uint32 PortNumber, [OUT, Description ( "TargetHandle." )] uint32 TargetHandle, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RemoveHostTarget( [IN, Description ( "TargetHandle." )] uint32 TargetHandle, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 UpgradeAll( [IN, Description ( "MBI Image file full Path" )] string ImageMBI, [OUT, Description ( "Host-Adapter" )] string HostAdapter[]); uint32 SaveAllConfigXML( [IN, Description ( "Directory Path " )] string DirectoryPath, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_ManagedRemoteHost { [key] uint32 HostHandle; boolean IsAdmin; [Description ( "OperatingSystem" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "Windows", "Linux"} ] uint16 OperatingSystem; [Description ( "Architecture" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "X86", "X86_64", "IA64", "PPC", "PPCLE"} ] uint16 Architecture; // Common for both Linux and windows uint32 MajorVersion; uint32 MinorVersion; uint32 ProductType; string osVersion; //Only for Windows uint32 BuildNumber; uint32 PlatformId; uint16 ServicePackMajor; uint16 ServicePackMinor; uint16 SuiteMask; string IPAddress; string adapterInfo[];//QLGC_Adapter REF adapterInfo; uint32 adapterList[]; }; class QLGC_Adapter { string Description; string Title; string Manufacturer; string Serialnumber; [key] uint32 HostHandle; [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; string ASICVersion; string BackupMACAddress; uint32 UniqueId; uint32 VendorID; uint32 DeviceID; uint32 SubsystemVendorID; uint32 SubsystemID; uint32 SlotNumber; [Description ( "BusType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, Values { "Unknown", "Unsupported", "PCI", "PCMCIA", "1394", "USB"} ] uint32 BusType; [Description ( "BusMode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values { "Unknown", "PCI", "PCIX", "PCIE"} ] uint32 BusMode; [Description ( "PCIESpeed" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values { "SpeedUnknown", "Speed25", "Speed50", "Speed75"} ] uint32 PCIESpeed; [Description ( "BusWidth" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}, Values { "Unknown", "32bit", "64bit", "PCIE_1x", "PCIE_2x", "PCIE_4x", "PCIE_8x", "PCIE_12x", "PCIE_16x", "PCIE_32x"} ] uint32 BusWidth; [Description ( "Adapter Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}, Values { "NON_QLOGIC_NIC", "RESERVED_1", "RESERVED_2", "UNKNOWN_NIC", "BRCM5706", "BRCM57710", "BRCM579XX"} ] uint32 Type; uint32 ChipRevID; uint32 InternalRAMSize; uint32 BARSize; uint32 MemBaseLow2; uint32 MemBaseHigh2; uint32 MBAVendorFlags; uint32 ISCSIBootFlags; uint32 NVRAMSize; [Description ( "Temperature in Celsius" ) ] uint32 Temperature; uint32 InterruptInfo_IntType; uint32 InterruptInfo_IntPin; uint32 InterruptInfo_IntLine; uint32 InterruptInfo_MsiVersion; uint32 InterruptInfo_NumOfEnabledMsgs; uint32 InterruptInfo_NumOfCapableMsgs; uint32 portList[]; string portInfo[];//QLGC_PortInfo REF portInfo; string vpdInfo; //QLGC_VPDInfo REF vpdInfo; string firmwareInfo; //QLGC_FirmwareInfo REF firmwareInfo; uint32 SaveVLANConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string VLANConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage[]); uint32 SetVLANConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string VLANConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SaveAdapterAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string AdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetAdapterAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string AdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SaveSRIOVConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string SRIOVConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetSRIOVConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string SRIOVConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SaveAdapterMdumpToFile( [IN, Description ( "Mdump file path" )] string MdumpFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_AdapterAdvancedParameter { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; [key] string Name; string Description; [Write] string StrCurrentValue; string StrDefaultValue; uint64 Base; uint32 Min; uint32 Max; uint32 Step; [Write] uint32 CurrentValue; uint32 DefaultValue; [Write] uint32 EnumCurrentValue; uint32 EnumDefaultValue; [ Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "IntParam", "EnumParam", "StringParam" } ] uint8 Type; uint32 Value[]; string ValueDescription[]; }; class QLGC_VPDInfo { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; string tag[]; string value[]; }; class QLGC_FirmwareInfo { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; string FirmwareVersion[]; [Description ( "Firmware Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"}, Values { "BootCode", "BootCode2", "PXE", "ISCSI", "UMP", "IPMI", "NCSI", "ASF", "DASH", "TSTORM", "CSTORM", "XSTORM", "USTORM", "FCoE", "FCode", "EFI_X86", "EFI_IPF", "EFI_EBC", "EFI_X64", "MFW", "SMASH", "MGMT_NA", "CCM", "MBI", "PHY"} ] uint32 FirmwareType[]; }; class QLGC_PortInfo { string Description; string Title; [key] uint32 UniqueId; uint32 AdapterHandle; uint32 BusNumber; uint32 DeviceNumber; uint32 NoOfFunctions; uint32 DuplexSetting; uint32 LinkSpeed; [Description ( "LinkStatus" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "LinkDown", "LinkUp" } ] uint32 LinkState; [Description ( "PhysicalMediaType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}, Values { "Unknown", "UTP", "BNC", "AUI", "FIBER", "SERDES", "SERDES_SGMII", "XGXS", "XGXS_SGMII"} ] uint32 PhysicalMediaType; [Description ( "HWCfgPhyMediaType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" }, Values { "Unknown", "Copper", "Fiber", "Backplane"} ] uint32 HWCfgPhyMediaType; uint32 PortNumber; uint32 Revision; uint32 UINumber; uint32 IRQ; [Description ( "LineSpeed" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}, Values { "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_UNKNOWN", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_10MBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_100MBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_1000MBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_2500MBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_10GBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_20GBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_25GBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_40GBPS","QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_50GBPS", "QLMAPI_LM_LINE_SPEED_100GBPS"} ] uint32 LineSpeed; string DMIData[]; string stats;//QLGC_PortStats string lldpInfo;// QLGC_PortLLDPInfo string dcbxInfo;//QLGC_PhysicalPortDCBXInfo string transceiverInfo;//QLGC_TransceiverInfo [Description ( "SmartANMode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1","100"}, Values { "Disabled", "Enabled", "NA"} ] uint32 SmartANMode; [Description ( "NVMSpeed" ), ValueMap { "0", "1","2","4","5","6","7","100","4294967295"}, Values { "AutoNeg", "1G","10G","25G","40G","50G","100G","NA","Unknown"} ] uint32 NVMSpeed; [Description ( "FECANMode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1","2","3","4","5","6","98","99","100"}, Values { "None", "10G_Firecode", "25G_Firecode","10G_And_25G_Firecode","25G_RS","25G_Firecode_and_RS","ALL","Enabled","Disabled","NA"} ] uint32 FECANmode; [Description ( "FECForcedMode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1","2","7","100"}, Values { "None", "Firecode", "RS","Auto","NA"} ] uint32 FECForcedMode; uint32 FunctionList[]; string functions[];//QLGC_Function REF functions; string DCBXBufferData; uint32 SpeedCapability; }; class QLGC_PhyPortBootConfig { [key] uint32 UniqueId; [Write, Description ( "BootProtocol" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, Values { "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_NONE", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_PXE", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_RPL", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_BOOTP", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_ISCSI", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOT_PROT_FCOE"} ] uint32 BootProtocol; [Write, Description ( "BootStrapType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values { "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOTSTRAP_AUTO", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOTSTRAP_BBS", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOTSTRAP_INT18H", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_BOOTSTRAP_INT19H"} ] uint32 BootStrapType; [Write, Description ("in seconds (0-15)" ) ] uint32 BannerTimeout; [Write, Description ("false for Ctrl-S, true for Ctrl-B" ) ] uint32 HotKey; [Write, Description ( "LinkSpeed" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10","11", "12", "13", "14"}, Values { "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_AUTO", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_10H", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_10F", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_100H", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_100F", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_1000H", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_1000F", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_2_5G", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_10G_CX4","BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_20G","BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_25G","BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_40G", "BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_50G","BOOT_BMAPI_MBA_SPEED_100G", "SmartAN(TM)"} ] uint32 LinkSpeed; [Write] uint32 VLANID; [Write] uint32 BootRetryCount; uint32 Valid; [Write] boolean BannerEnabled; [Write] boolean OptionROM; [Write] boolean PrebootWakeOnLAN; [Write] boolean VLANMode; boolean PreventFCoE; boolean PreventISCSI; uint32 SavePhyPortMBABootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string MBABootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetPhyPortMBABootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string MBABootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_PhyPortLLDPConfig { [key] uint32 PortID; Boolean IsCurrent; [Write] uint32 MsgTxInterval; [Write] uint32 MsgTxHold; [Write] uint32 MsgFastTx; [Write] uint32 TxCreditMax; [Write] uint32 TxFast; uint32 Valid; [Write] boolean OverwriteSettings; }; class QLGC_PhysicalPortDCBXCfg { [key] uint32 UniqueId; Boolean IsCurrent; [Write] uint32 AdminPriorityApp_AppId[]; [Write] uint32 AdminPriorityApp_Valid[]; [Write] uint32 AdminPriorityApp_Priority[]; [Write] uint32 AdminPriorityApp_TrafficType[]; [Write] uint8 AdminConfigurationBwPercentage[]; [Write] uint8 AdminConfigurationEtsPg[]; [Write] uint8 AdminRecommendationBwPercentage[]; [Write] uint8 AdminRecommendationEtsPg[]; [Write] uint32 AdminDcbxVersion; [Write] uint32 AdminPfcBitmap; [Write] uint32 AdminDefaultPriority; [Write] uint32 Valid; [Write, Description ( "#define GAM_DCBX_CURRENT_STATE_IS_SYNC GAM_BIT_0" "#define GAM_PFC_IS_CURRENTLY_OPERATIONAL GAM_BIT_1" "#define GAM_ETS_IS_CURRENTLY_OPERATIONAL GAM_BIT_2" "#define GAM_PRIORITY_TAGGING_IS_CURRENTLY_OPERATIONAL GAM_BIT_3" "#define GAM_DRIVER_CONFIGURED_BY_OS_QOS GAM_BIT_4" "#define GAM_DRIVER_CONFIGURED_BY_OS_QOS_TO_WILLING GAM_BIT_5." )] uint32 DCBCurrentOperStateBitmap; [Write] boolean OverwriteSettings; [Write] boolean DcbEnable; [Write] boolean AdminDcbxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminEtsEnable; [Write] boolean AdminEtsConfigurationTxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminEtsRecommendationTxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminEtsWilling; [Write] boolean AdminEtsRecoValid; [Write] boolean AdminPfcEnable; [Write] boolean AdminPfcTxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminPfcWilling; [Write] boolean AdminTcSupportedTxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminApplicationPriorityTxEnable; [Write] boolean AdminAppPriorityWilling; }; class QLGC_PortStats { [key] uint32 PortID; uint64 DCBXFramesSent; uint64 DCBXFramesReceived; uint64 PFCFramesSent; uint64 PFCFramesReceived; }; class QLGC_PortLLDPInfo { [key] uint32 PortHandle; string RemoteChassisID; string RemotePortID; [Description ( "AdminStatus" ), ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "QLMAPI_LLDP_TX_ONLY", "QLMAPI_LLDP_RX_ONLY", "QLMAPI_LLDP_TX_RX", "QLMAPI_LLDP_DISABLED"} ] uint32 AdminStatus; uint32 LocalChassisID[]; uint32 LocalPortID[]; }; class QLGC_PhysicalPortDCBXInfo { [key] uint32 PortID; uint32 LocalPriorityAppTable_AppId[]; uint32 LocalPriorityAppTable_Valid[]; uint32 LocalPriorityAppTable_Priority[]; uint32 LocalPriorityAppTable_TrafficType[]; uint32 RemotePriorityAppTable_AppId[]; uint32 RemotePriorityAppTable_Valid[]; uint32 RemotePriorityAppTable_Priority[]; uint32 RemotePriorityAppTable_TrafficType[]; uint8 RemoteConfigBwPercentage[]; uint8 RemoteConfigEtsPg[]; uint8 RemoteRecommendationBwPercentage[]; uint8 RemoteRecommendationEtsPg[]; uint8 LocalConfigBwPercentage[]; uint8 LocalConfigEtsPg[]; uint32 LocalTcSupported; uint32 LocalPfcCaps; uint32 RemoteTcSupported; uint32 RemotePfcCap; uint32 RemotePfcBitmap; uint32 LocalPfcBitmap; uint32 DCBRetrieveMethod; boolean LocalEtsEnable; boolean LocalPfcEnable; boolean RemoteEtsWilling; boolean RemoteEtsRecoValid; boolean RemotePfcWilling; boolean RemoteAppPriorityWilling; boolean PfcMismatch; boolean PriorityAppMismatch; }; class QLGC_TransceiverInfo { [key] uint32 PortID; string vendor; string model; string serialNumber; string revision; string mfgDate; }; class QLGC_Function { [key] uint32 UniqueId; string InstanceId; string Description; string Title; string DriverVersion; string DriverDate; string DriverName; string MemoryAddress; string permanentMAC; string iSCSIMACAddr; string FCoEMACAddr; string FCoENodeWWN; string FCoEPortWWN; [Write] Boolean SRIOVEnabled; [Write] uint32 NumOfVF; uint32 BusNo; uint32 DeviceNo; uint32 FunctionNo; uint32 InterruptRequest; uint32 MsiVersion; uint32 MFMode; [Description ( "LinkStatus" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "LinkDown", "LinkUp" } ] uint32 LinkState; uint32 DriverInterfaceVersionMajor; uint32 DriverInterfaceVersionMinor; uint32 DrvBuildVerNum; [Description ( "SupportedFlags" "GAM_DRV_RSS_ENABLED 0x00000004 // 1 if driver is doing RSS, 0 if not" "GAM_DRV_BOOT_INTF 0x00000008 // 1 if the interface is a boot interface" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_INTF GAM_DRV_BOOT_INTF" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_CAPABLE 0x00000010 // 1 if the interface capable of remote PHY" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_ACTIVE 0x00000020 // 1 if the interface is using remote PHY" "// Determine which MFW is currently ruinning in NX2" "GAM_MFW_RUN_UNKNOWN 0x00000000" "GAM_MFW_RUN_IPMI 0x00000040" "GAM_MFW_RUN_UMP 0x00000080" "GAM_MFW_RUN_NCSI 0x000000c0" "GAM_MFW_RUN_NONE 0x000001c0" "GAM_MFW_RUN_MASK 0x000001c0" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_MODULE_PRESENT 0x00000200 // 1 if the remote PHY module is present" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_HBA 0x00000400 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from HBA, applicable only for BRCM iSCSI boot" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_NDIS 0x00000800 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from NDIS, applicable only for BRCM iSCSI boot" "GAM_EXT_PHY 0x00001000 // 1 if the port is using external PHY, applicable only for 57710 family" "GAM_WOL_NO_VAUX 0x00002000 // 1 if the port does not have Vaux power to support WOL, applicable only for 5706 family" "GAM_DRV_FCOE_BOOT_HBA 0x00004000 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from HBA, applicable only for BRCM FCoE boot" "GAM_VBD_NO_L4 0x40000000 // 1 if it is VBD but no L4 support." "GAM_EXT_INFO_VALID 0x80000000 // 1 if 'intr_info' is valid" "GAM_DRV_RSS_ENABLED 0x00000004 // 1 if driver is doing RSS, 0 if not" "GAM_DRV_BOOT_INTF 0x00000008 // 1 if the interface is a boot interface" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_INTF GAM_DRV_BOOT_INTF" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_CAPABLE 0x00000010 // 1 if the interface capable of remote PHY" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_ACTIVE 0x00000020 // 1 if the interface is using remote PHY" "// Determine which MFW is currently ruinning in NX2" "GAM_MFW_RUN_UNKNOWN 0x00000000" "GAM_MFW_RUN_IPMI 0x00000040" "GAM_MFW_RUN_UMP 0x00000080" "GAM_MFW_RUN_NCSI 0x000000c0" "GAM_MFW_RUN_NONE 0x000001c0" "GAM_MFW_RUN_MASK 0x000001c0" "GAM_REMOTE_PHY_MODULE_PRESENT 0x00000200 // 1 if the remote PHY module is present" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_HBA 0x00000400 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from HBA, applicable only for BRCM iSCSI boot" "GAM_DRV_ISCSI_BOOT_NDIS 0x00000800 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from NDIS, applicable only for BRCM iSCSI boot" "GAM_EXT_PHY 0x00001000 // 1 if the port is using external PHY, applicable only for 57710 family" "GAM_WOL_NO_VAUX 0x00002000 // 1 if the port does not have Vaux power to support WOL, applicable only for 5706 family" "GAM_DRV_FCOE_BOOT_HBA 0x00004000 // 1 if the interface ISCSI boot from HBA, applicable only for BRCM FCoE boot" "GAM_VBD_NO_L4 0x40000000 // 1 if it is VBD but no L4 support." "GAM_EXT_INFO_VALID 0x80000000 // 1 if 'intr_info' is valid")] uint32 SupportedFlags; uint32 FlowCtrl; [Description ( "// External PHY configuration " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_ADDR_MASK 0x000000ff " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT 0 " " " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_MASK 0x0000ff00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_SHIFT 8 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_DIRECT 0x00000000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8071 0x00000100 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8072 0x00000200 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8073 0x00000300 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8705 0x00000400 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8706 0x00000500 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8726 0x00000600 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8481 0x00000700 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_SFX7101 0x00000800 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8727 0x00000900 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8727_NOC 0x00000a00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84823 0x00000b00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM54640 0x00000c00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84833 0x00000d00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM54618SE 0x00000e00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM8722 0x00000f00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM54616 0x00001000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM84834 0x00001100 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_DIRECT_WC 0x0000fc00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_FAILURE 0x0000fd00 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_XGXS_EXT_PHY_TYPE_NOT_CONN 0x0000ff00 " " " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_ADDR_MASK 0x00ff0000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT 16 " " " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_TYPE_MASK 0xff000000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_TYPE_SHIFT 24 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_TYPE_DIRECT 0x00000000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_TYPE_BCM5482 0x01000000 " "GAM_EXT_PHY_SERDES_EXT_PHY_TYPE_NOT_CONN 0xff000000")] uint32 ExtPhyConfig; uint32 ExtPhyConfig2; uint32 PhyLinkSpeedMBPS; uint32 MaxPhyPorts; [Description ( "PortDefaultConfig // Available only for NX2 10G devices." "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_MASK 0x0F000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_SHIFT 24 " "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_SGMII 0x00000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_XFI 0x01000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_SFI 0x02000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_KR 0x03000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_DXGXS 0x04000000" "GAM_PORT_HW_CFG_NET_SERDES_IF_KR2 0x05000000")] uint32 PortDefaultConfig; [Description ( "// Available only for NX2 10G devices." "#define GAM_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_VF_DEVICE BIT_0 // 0 - PF device; 1 - VF device " "#define GAM_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_PF_SRIOV_CAPABLE BIT_1 // If PF: 0 - no SRIOV; 1 - SRIOV capable " "#define GAM_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_PF_SRIOV_HW_SUPPORT BIT_2 // If PF is SRIOV capable: " "// 0 - SRIOV is not involved/configured; " "// 1 - configured for SRIOV, SRIOV extended capability is exposed in PCI configuration space" "#define GAM_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_PF_SRIOV_OS_SUPPORT BIT_3 // If PF device involves SRIOV: " "// 0 - OS does not support SRIOV (at does not involve SRIOV for this PF) " "// 1 - OS provides SRIOV support for this PF, so PF is ready for SRIOV switch functionality" )] uint32 VirtualizationCaps; [Description ( "Available only for NX2 10G devices. " "For BMAPI_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_PF_SRIOV_HW_SUPPORT: Max number of VFs exposed " "by SRIOV extended capability in PCI configuration space. " "For BMAPI_DEV_VIRT_CAPS_VF_DEVICE: type of HOST OS/hyervisor: " "0: Windows8 (SW VF/PF interface) " "1: VMware/Linux (HW/FW VF/PF interface" )] uint32 VirtualizationProps; [Description ( "SupportedTests" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"}, Values { "CONTROL_REGISTERS_TEST", "MII_REGISTERS_TEST", "INTERNAL_MEMORY_TEST", "EEPROM_TEST", "INTERRUPT_TEST", "LOOPBACK_MAC_TEST", "LOOPBACK_PHYSICAL_TEST", "CPU_TEST", "LED_TEST", "ISCSI_PING_TEST", "CABLE_TEST", "NIC_NW_TEST" }] uint16 SupportedTests[]; uint16 SupportedTestCount; boolean DriverLoaded; boolean IsResourceReadOnly; string resCfgParams;//QLGC_ResourceConfigParams uint32 nicList[]; string nicFunctions[]; //QLGC_NicFunction REF nicFunctions; uint32 FCoEList[]; string fcoeFunctions[]; //QLGC_FCoEFunction REF fcoeFunctions; uint32 iSCSIList[]; string iscsiFunctions[];//QLGC_IscsiFunction REF iscsiFunctions; string params;//QLGC_FunctionParameter REF params; string stats;//QLGC_FCoEStats REF stats; string bootConfig[];// QLGC_FCoEBootConfigInfo REF bootConfig; uint32 RunFuncDiagnostic( [IN, Description ( "Diagnostic Type." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "10"}, Values { "CONTROL_REGISTERS_TEST", "MII_REGISTERS_TEST", "INTERNAL_MEMORY_TEST", "EEPROM_TEST", "INTERRUPT_TEST", "LOOPBACK_MAC_TEST", "LOOPBACK_PHYSICAL_TEST", "CPU_TEST", "LED_TEST", "CABLE_TEST" }] uint32 DiagTests[], [IN, Description ( "BlinkDuration." )] uint32 BlinkDuration, [IN, Description ( "Number of iterations." )] uint32 Number_of_iterations, [OUT, Description ( "Number of tests passed in the order of CONTROL_REGISTERS_TEST, MII_REGISTERS_TEST, INTERNAL_MEMORY_TEST, " "EEPROM_TEST, INTERRUPT_TEST, LOOPBACK_MAC_TEST, LOOPBACK_PHYSICAL_TEST, CPU_TEST, LED_TEST" )] uint32 DiagStatus[], [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 UpgradeFW( [IN, Description ( "Firmware Type- Currently Supported MBI" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"}, Values { "BootCode", "BootCode2", "PXE", "ISCSI", "UMP", "IPMI", "NCSI", "ASF", "DASH", "TSTORM", "CSTORM", "XSTORM", "USTORM", "FCoE", "FCode", "EFI_X86", "EFI_IPF", "EFI_EBC", "EFI_X64", "MFW", "SMASH", "MGMT_NA", "CCM", "MBI"} ] uint32 FirmwareType, [IN, Description ( "Reset" )] boolean Reset, [IN, Description ( "Force Upgrade" )] boolean Force, [IN, Description ( "Firmware Image File Path" )] string ImageFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 GetCustomDiagnosticData( [IN, Description ( "Diagnostic Data File Path" )] string DiagDataFilePath, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_ResourceConfigParams { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; uint32 ToeLicensedConnections; uint32 ToeReservedConnections; uint32 ToeMaxConnections; uint32 ToeConnectionLimit; uint32 IscsiLicensedConnections; uint32 IscsiReservedConnections; uint32 IscsiMaxConnections; uint32 IscsiPendingTask; uint32 FcoeLicensedConnections; uint32 FcoeMaxConnections; uint32 FcoePendingTask; uint32 FcoePendingTaskSession; uint32 RdmaLicensedConnections; uint32 RdmaReservedConnections; uint32 RdmaMaxConnections; uint32 IserLicensedConnections; uint32 IserReservedConnections; uint32 MemoryConsumption; [Description ( "StorageEnum" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "GAM_RES_CFG_NVM_ENUM_NONE", "GAM_RES_CFG_NVM_ENUM_FCOE", "GAM_RES_CFG_NVM_ENUM_ISCSI" } ] uint32 StorageEnum; [Write] boolean ToeRssPossible; [Write] boolean EnableToeRSS; [Write] boolean EnableNDIS; [Write] boolean EnableTOEChimney; [Write] boolean EnableISCSI; [Write] boolean EnableFCOE; [Write] boolean EnableRDMA; boolean FirstComeFirstServedDisabled; [Write] boolean ConfigToeIpv6; [Write] boolean ConfigIscsiIpv6; [Write] boolean PreventFCoE; [Write] boolean PreventISCSI; }; class QLGC_PortAdavancedParameter { [key] uint32 PortHandle; [key] string Name; string Description; [Write] string StrCurrentValue; string StrDefaultValue; uint64 Base; uint32 Min; uint32 Max; uint32 Step; [Write] uint32 CurrentValue; uint32 DefaultValue; [Write] uint32 EnumCurrentValue; uint32 EnumDefaultValue; [ Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "IntParam", "EnumParam", "StringParam" } ] uint8 Type; uint32 Value[]; string ValueDescription[]; uint32 SavePortAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string PortAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetPortAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string PortAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_ndisAdvancedParameter { [key] uint32 ndisHandle; [key] string Name; string Description; [Write] string StrCurrentValue; string StrDefaultValue; uint64 Base; uint32 Min; uint32 Max; uint32 Step; [Write] uint32 CurrentValue; uint32 DefaultValue; [Write] uint32 EnumCurrentValue; uint32 EnumDefaultValue; [ Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "IntParam", "EnumParam", "StringParam" } ] uint8 Type; uint32 Value[]; string ValueDescription[]; uint32 GetEnumParamValuesDesc( [IN, Description ( "Name" )] string Name, [OUT, Description ( "Value" )] uint32 Value[], [OUT, Description ( "ValueDescription" )] string ValueDescription[], [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_FunctionParameter { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] string Name; string Description; [Write] string StrCurrentValue; string StrDefaultValue; uint64 Base; uint32 Min; uint32 Max; uint32 Step; [Write] uint32 CurrentValue; uint32 DefaultValue; [Write] uint32 EnumCurrentValue; uint32 EnumDefaultValue; [ Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "IntParam", "EnumParam", "StringParam" } ] uint8 Type; string valueDescription; //QLGC_ParameterValueDescription uint32 SaveFunctionAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FunctionAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetFunctionAdvancedParameters( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FunctionAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_ParameterValueDescription { uint32 Value[]; string ValueDescription[]; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] string Name; }; class QLGC_FCoEFunction { [key] uint32 FCoEHandle; string InstanceId; string Description; string Title; string FriendlyName; string DriverVersion; string DriverDate; string DriverName; string macAddress; string wwnn; string wwpn; Uint32 UniqueId; Uint32 VLANID; Uint32 MTU; [Description ( "FCFSelectionMethod" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "BACS_FCF_SELECT_FIRST", "BACS_FCF_SELECT_PRIORITY" } ] Uint32 FCFSelectionMethod; boolean DriverLoaded; boolean UseFIP; Uint32 VNPortList[]; string vnPorts[]; //QLGC_VNPort REF vnPorts; uint32 CreateVirtualPort( [IN, Description ( "WWPN." )] string WWPN, [IN, Description ( "WWNN." )] string WWNN, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 DeleteVirtualPort( [IN, Description ( "WWPN." )] string WWPN, [IN, Description ( "WWNN." )] string WWNN, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_FCoEStats { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 FCoEHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint64 RxFCoEFrames; uint64 RxFCoEBytes; uint64 RxFCPFrames; uint64 TxFCoEFrames; uint64 TxFCoEBytes; uint64 TxFCPFrames; uint64 FCoEDropedFrames; uint64 SequencesDropped; uint64 FCCRCErrorFrames; uint64 WrongFCoEVersionFrames; uint64 EOFAFrames; uint64 MissingFrames; uint64 SequenceTimeouts; /** driver stats */ uint64 ReadRequests; uint64 WriteRequests; uint64 ControlRequests; uint64 ReadMegabytes; uint64 WriteMegabytes; uint64 FIPVlanNegotiations; uint64 FIPFabricDiscoveries; uint64 FLOGICount; uint64 FDISCCount; uint64 ULPTOVExpirations; uint64 RECExpirations; uint64 ABTSCount; uint64 SRRCount; uint64 ResetLUNCount; uint64 ResetTargetCount; uint64 SessionLevelRecoveryCount; /** Added for Linux */ uint64 LinkFailures; }; class QLGC_VNPort { string FPMAMacAddress; string FCFMacAddress; [key] uint32 VNPortHandle; [key] uint32 FCoEHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string FabricName; string FCFNodeWWN; string FCFPortWWN; string WWPN; string WWNN; string ParentWWPN; uint64 Speed; uint32 PortFCID; uint32 FCMap; uint32 LinkKeepaliveInterval; uint32 FabricVLAN; uint32 FabricPriority; [Description ( "PortType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "NPORT", "NPIVPORT" } ] uint32 PortType; uint32 TargetList[]; string targets[]; //QLGC_QLTarget REF targets; }; class QLGC_FCoEBootConfigInfo { [key] uint32 FCoEHandle; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; [Write] uint16 FIPVLAN; [Write] boolean FIPVLANDiscovery; [Write] boolean TargetAsFirstHDD; [Write] boolean HBAMode; [Write,Description ( "BootToFCoETarget" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "BOOT_PROTOCOL_NONE", "BOOT_PROTOCOL_FCoE", "BOOT_TO_FCoE_TARGET_ENABLED", "BOOT_TO_FCoE_TARGET_DISABLED", "BOOT_TO_FCoE_TARGET_ONE_TIME" } ] uint8 BootToFCoETarget; [Write] uint8 LinkUpDelay; [Write] uint8 LUNBusyRetryCount; [Write] uint8 FabricDiscoveryTimeout; [Write,Description ( "AuthenticationMode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "None", "Unidirectional Diffie-Hellman CHAP", "Bidirectional Diffie-Hellman CHAP" } ] uint8 AuthenticationMode; [Write] uint8 FIPPriority; [Write] string bootSourceInfo_wwpn[]; [Write] uint16 bootSourceInfo_LUN[]; [Write] boolean bootSourceInfo_Enabled[]; uint32 SaveFCoEBootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FCoEBootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetFCoEBootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FCoEBootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_QLTarget { [key] uint32 VNPortHandle; [key] uint32 Target; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string Id; string ProductId; string VendorId; string ProductRevision; string NodeName; string PortName; [Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, Values { "StaticTarget", "ISNSDiscovered", "SendTargetDiscovered", "PersistTarget", "OtherTarget", "HBADiscovered"} ] uint32 Type; /**< refers to eQL_TargetType? */ uint32 FCID; /**< 3 byte FCID, ex. 12:AB:55 stored as 0x0012AB55 */ uint32 SCSIBusNumber; uint32 SCSITargetNumber; uint32 NumberLUNs; uint32 UniqueId; boolean PersistencyFlag; uint32 LunList[]; string luns[]; //QLGC_QLUN REF luns; }; class QLGC_QLUN { [key] uint32 Target; [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string DeviceName; string ProductId; string VendorId; string ProductRevision; uint64 Capacity; uint32 SCSIUnitNumber; [Description ( "DeviceType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"}, Values { "DIRECT_ACCESS_BLOCK_DEVICE", "SEQUENTIAL_ACCESS_DEVICE", "PRINTER_DEVICE", "PROCESSOR_DEVICE", "WRITE_ONCE_DEVICE", "CD_DVD_DEVICE", "SCANNER_DEVICE", "OPTICAL_MEMORY_DEVICE", "MEDIUM_CHANGER_DEVICE", "COMMUNICATIONS_DEVICE", "INVALID_DEVICE_1", "INVALID_DEVICE_2", "STORAGE_ARRAY_CONTROLLER_DEVICE", "ENCLOSURE_SERVICES_DEVICE", "SIMPLIFIED_DIRECT_ACCESS_DEVICE", "OPTICAL_CARD_DEVICE", "BRIDGE_CONTROLLER_DEVICE", "OBJECT_BASED_STORAGE_DEVICE"} ] uint32 DeviceType; }; class QLGC_IscsiFunction { string InstanceId; string Description; string Title; string InitiatorName; string DriverVersion; string DriverDate; string DriverName; string MACAddress; [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint32 MTU; uint32 VLANID; boolean ProcessRouterAdvertisements; boolean IPv4EnableDHCP; boolean IPv6EnableDHCP; boolean DriverLoaded; //QLGC_IscsiStats REF stats; uint32 LoginAcceptRsps; uint32 LoginOtherFailRsps; uint32 LoginRedirectRsps; uint32 LoginAuthFailRsps; uint32 LoginAuthenticateFails; uint32 LoginNegotiateFails; uint32 LogoutNormals; uint32 LogoutOtherCodes; uint32 LoginFailures; uint32 SessionDigestErrorCount; uint32 SessionConnectionTimeoutErrorCount; uint32 SessionFormatErrorCount; uint32 SessionFailureCount; uint32 OffloadTCPConnections; string IPv4Address;//QLGC_IscsiIpv4Addresses string IPv6Address;//QLGC_IscsiIpAddresses string StaticIPv4Address[]; string StaticIPv4SubnetMask[]; string StaticIPv4DefaultGateway[]; string StaticIPv6Address[]; string StaticIPv6DefaultGateway[]; uint32 StaticIPv6PrefixLength[]; uint32 PortalList[]; string portals[]; //QLGC_IscsiPortalInfo REF portals; string sessions[]; //QLGC_IscsiSessionInfo REF sessions; uint32 sessionList[]; uint32 LoginToTarget( [IN, Description ( "iSCSITargetPortalHandle." )] uint32 iSCSITargetPortalHandle, [IN, Description ( "AuthType." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "NONE", "CHAP", "MUT_CHAP"}] uint32 AuthType, [IN, Description ( "ChapUsername." )] string ChapUsername, [IN, Description ( "ChapPassword." )] string ChapPassword, [IN, Description ( "InitiatorUsername." )] string InitiatorUsername, [IN, Description ( "InitiatorSecret." )] string InitiatorSecret, [IN, Description ( "ifaceFileName." )] string ifaceFileName, [IN, Description ( "UseHeaderDigest." )] boolean UseHeaderDigest, [IN, Description ( "UseDataDigest." )] boolean UseDataDigest, [IN, Description ( "Persist." )] boolean Persist, [IN, Description ( "EnableMPIO." )] boolean EnableMPIO, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 Logout( [IN, Description ( "iSCSISessionHandle." )] uint32 iSCSISessionHandle, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 RuniSCSIDiagnostic( [IN, Description ( "IP Address." )] string IPAddress, [OUT, Description ( "DiagStatus " )] uint32 DiagStatus, [IN, Description ( "IPV4/IPV6, 0/1" )] uint32 IPType, [IN, Description ( "ifaceFileName." )] string ifaceFileName, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 Create_Or_Modify_ifaceFile( [IN, Description ( "VLANID." )] uint32 VLANID, [IN, Description ( "MTU." )] uint32 MTU, [IN, Description ( "IfaceNum." )] uint32 IfaceNum, [IN, Description ( "IPCategory" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "GAM_kUNSPECIFIED", "GAM_kDHCP", "GAM_kSTATIC" } ] uint32 IPCategory, [IN,Description ( "ModifiedState" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values { "GAM_kNotUpdated", "GAM_kUpdated", "GAM_kCreated", "GAM_kDeleted" } ] uint32 ModifiedState, [IN, Description ( "ifaceFileName." )] string ifaceFileName, [IN, Description ( "InitiatorName." )] string InitiatorName, [IN, Description ( "IPv4Address." )] string IPv4Address, [IN, Description ( "IPv4SubnetMask." )] string IPv4SubnetMask, [IN, Description ( "IPv4DefaultGateway." )] string IPv4DefaultGateway, [IN, Description ( "isIPv4." )] boolean isIPv4, [IN, Description ( "IPv6Address." )] string IPv6Address, [IN, Description ( "IPv6PrefixLength ." )] uint32 IPv6PrefixLength , [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SaveIscsiFunctionConfig ( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string IscsiFunctionConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetIscsiFunctionConfig ( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string IscsiFunctionConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_IscsiNegotiationInfo { [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint32 MaxOutstandingR2T; uint32 FirstBurstLength; uint32 MaxBurstLength; uint32 ErrorRecoveryLevel; uint32 DefaultTimeToWait; uint32 DefaultTimeToRetain; uint32 MaxConnections; boolean InitialR2T; boolean ImmediateData; boolean DataSequenceInOrder; boolean DataPDUInOrder; }; class QLGC_IscsiBootCfg { [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; [Write] string IscsiBootSourceInfo_Name[]; [Write] string IscsiBootSourceInfo_ChapID[]; [Write] string IscsiBootSourceInfo_ChapSecret[]; [Write] string IscsiBootSourceInfo_Address[]; [Write] uint32 IscsiBootSourceInfo_iTCPPort[]; [Write] uint32 IscsiBootSourceInfo_iLUN[]; [Write] boolean bEnabled[]; [Write] string IPDNS1; [Write] string IPDNS2; [Write] string InitiatorName; [Write] string ChapID; [Write] string ChapSecret; [Write] string DHCPVendorID; [Write] string ipAddress; [Write] string ipSubnetMask; [Write] string ipGateway; [Write] boolean ChapAuthentication; [Write] boolean UseDHCPForInitiator; [Write] boolean UseDHCPForTargetInfo; [Write, Description ( "Boot To IscsiTarget" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "Disabled", "Enabled", "One Time Disabled" }] uint32 BootToIscsiTarget; [Write] boolean UseTCPTimestamp; [Write] boolean TargetAsFirstHDD; [Write] boolean HBAMode; [Write] boolean MPIOUseIndependentTargetPortal; [Write] boolean MPIOUseIndependentTargetName; [Write, Description ( "IPMode" ), ValueMap { "1", "2"}, Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" }] uint32 IPMode; [Write] uint32 LinkUpDelay; [Write] uint32 LUNBusyRetryCount; // E4 specific uint16 DHCPRequestTimeout; uint16 TargetLoginTimeout; uint16 VLANID; [Write, Description ( "Boot Mode" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "Non-Offload", "Offload" }] uint32 BootMode; [Write, Description ( "Address Redirect" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "Disabled", "Enabled" }] uint32 AddressRedirect; [Write, Description ( "IPv4 Fallback" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "Disabled", "Enabled" }] uint32 IPv4Fallback; uint32 SaveIscsiBootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string IscsiBootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetIscsiBootConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string IscsiBootConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_FCoEGeneralConfig { [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; [Write] uint32 LinkDownTimeout; [Write] uint32 PortDownTimeout; uint32 SaveFCoEGeneralConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FCoEGeneralConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetFCoEGeneralConfig( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string FCoEGeneralConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_IscsiSessionInfo { [key] uint32 SessionHandle; [key] uint32 iSCSIHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string TargetName; uint64 SessionID; uint64 SessionID2; uint32 TSIH; uint32 SCSIBusNumber; uint32 SCSITargetNumber; uint32 Handle; uint32 MaxOutstandingR2T; uint32 MaxUnsolicitedFirstDataBurstLength; uint32 MaxDataBurstLength; uint32 DefaultTimeToWait; uint32 DefaultTimeToRetain; uint32 ErrorRecoveryLevel; boolean Connected; boolean InitialR2T; boolean ImmediateData; boolean DataSequenceInOrder; boolean DataPDUInOrder; // InitiatorPortal; string InitiatorPortal_HBAInstanceName; string InitiatorPortal_IPv4Str; uint32 InitiatorPortal_PortNumber; uint32 InitiatorPortal_InitiatorPort; string InitiatorPortal_ipv6; boolean InitiatorPortal_bIsIPv4; // Target portal; string TargetPortal_HBAInstanceName; string TargetPortal_IPv4Str; uint32 TargetPortal_PortNumber; uint32 TargetPortal_InitiatorPort; string TargetPortal_ipv6; boolean TargetPortal_bIsIPv4; //QLGC_IscsiSessionStats REF sessionStats; string SessionName; uint64 sessionStats_SessionId; uint64 BytesSent; uint64 BytesReceived; uint64 PDUCommandsSent; uint64 PDUResponsesReceived; uint64 DigestErrors; uint64 ConnectionTimeoutErrors; uint64 FormatErrors; string connections[]; //QLGC_IscsiConnection1 REF connections; uint32 connectionList[]; }; class QLGC_IscsiConnection1 { [key] uint32 SessionHandle; uint64 ConnectionID; [key] uint32 Handle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; [Description ( "AuthType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "none", "CHAP", "MUT_CHAP" } ] uint32 AuthType; uint32 MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength; uint32 MaxTransmitDataSegmentLength; [Description ( "HeaderDigest" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "none", "crc32c" } ] uint8 HeaderDigest; [Description ( "DataDigest" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "none", "crc32c" } ] uint8 DataDigest; boolean ActiveiSCSIVersion; }; class QLGC_IscsiPortalInfo { [key,Description ( "PortalType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "ISCSIPortal", "ISCSIDiscoveryPortal", "TargetPortal" } ] uint32 PortalType; //Discovery portal or Initiator Portal or Target Portal string HBAInstanceName; string IPv4Str; string IPv6Str; [key] uint32 iSCSIHandle; [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint32 PortNumber; uint32 InitiatorPort; boolean IsIPv4; uint32 TargetList[]; string devices[];//QLGC_iSCSIQLTarget REF devices; }; class QLGC_iSCSIQLTarget { string TargetIQNName; [key] uint32 PortalHandle; [key] uint32 Target; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string Id; string ProductId; string VendorId; string ProductRevision; [Description ( "Type" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, Values { "StaticTarget", "ISNSDiscovered", "SendTargetDiscovered", "PersistTarget", "OtherTarget", "HBADiscovered"} ] uint32 Type; /**< refers to eQL_TargetType? */ uint32 SCSIBusNumber; uint32 SCSITargetNumber; uint32 NumberLUNs; uint32 UniqueId; [Description ( "TargetType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1" }, Values { "iSCSITarget", "HostiscsiTarget"} ] uint32 TargetType; boolean Connected; boolean PersistencyFlag; uint32 LunList[]; string luns[]; //QLGC_iSCSIQLUN REF luns; }; class QLGC_iSCSIQLUN { [key] uint32 Target; [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 HostHandle; string DeviceName; string ProductId; string VendorId; string ProductRevision; uint64 Capacity; uint32 SCSIUnitNumber; [Description ( "DeviceType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"}, Values { "DIRECT_ACCESS_BLOCK_DEVICE", "SEQUENTIAL_ACCESS_DEVICE", "PRINTER_DEVICE", "PROCESSOR_DEVICE", "WRITE_ONCE_DEVICE", "CD_DVD_DEVICE", "SCANNER_DEVICE", "OPTICAL_MEMORY_DEVICE", "MEDIUM_CHANGER_DEVICE", "COMMUNICATIONS_DEVICE", "INVALID_DEVICE_1", "INVALID_DEVICE_2", "STORAGE_ARRAY_CONTROLLER_DEVICE", "ENCLOSURE_SERVICES_DEVICE", "SIMPLIFIED_DIRECT_ACCESS_DEVICE", "OPTICAL_CARD_DEVICE", "BRIDGE_CONTROLLER_DEVICE", "OBJECT_BASED_STORAGE_DEVICE"} ] uint32 DeviceType; }; class QLGC_IscsiIpv4Addresses { [key] uint32 iSCSIHandle; string IPv4Str[]; string DefaultGateway[]; string SubnetMask[]; uint32 EnableDHCP[]; [Description ( "GAM_ISCSI_IPV4_ADDR_INIT 0x0001" "GAM_ISCSI_IPV4_ADDR_VALID 0x0002" "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_HBA_BOOT 0x0010" ) ] uint32 Flags[]; }; class QLGC_IscsiIpAddresses { [key] uint32 iSCSIHandle; uint32 UseLinkLocalAddress[]; [Description ( "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_ADDR_INIT 0x0001 " "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_ADDR_VALID 0x0002 " "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_GTW_VALID 0x0004 " "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_MASK_VALID 0x0008 " "GAM_ISCSI_IPV6_HBA_BOOT 0x0010" ) ] uint32 Flags[]; uint32 EnableDHCP[]; uint32 FlowInfo[]; uint32 ScopeId[]; string ipAddress[]; string defaultGateway[]; string subnetMask[]; }; class QLGC_IfaceFileInfo { [key] uint32 Handle; // Host or iSCSI handle uint32 VLANID; uint32 MTU; uint32 IfaceNum; [Description ( "IPCategory" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "GAM_kUNSPECIFIED", "GAM_kDHCP", "GAM_kSTATIC" } ] uint32 IPCategory; [Description ( "ModifiedState" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values { "GAM_kNotUpdated", "GAM_kUpdated", "GAM_kCreated", "GAM_kDeleted" } ] uint32 ModifiedState; [key] string ifaceFileName; string InitiatorName; string IPv4Address; string IPv4SubnetMask; string IPv4DefaultGateway; boolean isIPv4; string Address; string DefaultGateway; uint32 PrefixLength; }; class QLGC_NicFunction { string InstanceId; string Description; string Title; string DriverVersion; string DriverDate; string DriverName; string TeamName; string VlanName; string SubnetMask; string DefaultGateway; string MacAddress; string PermanentMacAddr; string IPv4Addr[]; string IPv6Addr[]; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 UniqueId; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint64 MaxSpeed; [Description ( "// bit flags for NDIS_R_INFO.OffloadCapabilities" "#define OFFLOAD_CAP_TOE 0x0001" "#define OFFLOAD_CAP_LSO 0x0002" "#define OFFLOAD_CAP_CO 0x0004" "#define OFFLOAD_CAP_RSS 0x0008") ] uint32 OffloadCapabilities; uint32 MTU; [Description ( "LinkStatus" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "LinkDown", "LinkUp" } ] uint32 LinkState; [Description ( "TeamMemberType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1"}, Values { "LoadBalancing", "StandBy" } ] uint32 TeamMemberType; [Description ( "TeamMemberState" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2"}, Values { "GAM_TEAM_MEMBER_STATE_NOT_APPLICABLE", "GAM_TEAM_MEMBER_STATE_ACTIVE", "GAM_TEAM_MEMBER_STATE_NOT_ACTIVE" } ] uint32 TeamMemberState; uint32 VLANID; uint32 DuplexMode; [Description ( "GAM_RSS_CAPS_MESSAGE_SIGNALED_INTERRUPTS 0x01000000 " "GAM_RSS_CAPS_CLASSIFICATION_AT_ISR 0x02000000 " "GAM_RSS_CAPS_CLASSIFICATION_AT_DPC 0x04000000 " "GAM_RSS_CAPS_HASH_TYPE_TCP_IPV4 0x00000100 " "GAM_RSS_CAPS_HASH_TYPE_TCP_IPV6 0x00000200 " "GAM_RSS_CAPS_HASH_TYPE_TCP_IPV6_EX 0x00000400 " "GAM_RSS_HASHFUNCTIONTOEPLITZ 0x00000001" ) ] uint32 RSSCaps; uint32 LineSpeedKbps; boolean DriverLoaded; boolean IsTOESupported; //QLGC_NICStats uint64 PacketsTransmitted; uint64 PacketsReceived; uint64 TotalTransmitError; uint64 TotalReceiveError; uint64 DirectedFramesTransmitted; uint64 MulticastFramesTransmitted; uint64 BroadcastFramesTransmitted; uint64 DirectedFramesReceived; uint64 MulticastFramesReceived; uint64 BroadcastFramesReceived; uint64 SingleCollisionFrames; uint64 MultipleCollisionFrames; uint64 DeferredTransmissions; uint64 LateCollisions; uint64 ExcessiveCollisions; uint64 CarrierSenseErrors; uint64 OffloadTCPConnections; uint32 RunNdisDiagnostic( [IN, Description ( "IP Address." )] string IPAddress, [OUT, Description ( "DiagStatus " )] uint32 DiagStatus, [IN, Description ( "IPV4/IPV6." )] uint32 IPType, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SaveNdisAdvancedParameter( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string NdisAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 SetNdisAdvancedParameter( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string NdisAdvancedParametersXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_NicPartFunctionConfig { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 PortNumber; [key] uint32 FunctionNumber; [Write] string netMAC; [Write] string iSCSIMAC; [Write] string fcoeMAC; [Write] string fcoeWWNN; [Write] string fcoeWWPN; [Write,Description ( "PART_FUNC_CFG_ENABLED 0x00000001" "// By default, all functions will have NDIS enumerated." "PART_FUNC_CFG_ETH 0x00000002 // enumerate NDIS" "// By default, function 0 and 1 will iSCSI enumerated." "// No more than 2 iSCSI can be enumerated per physical port." "PART_FUNC_CFG_ISCSI 0x00000004 // enumerate iSCSI" "// No more than 2 FCoE can be enumerated per physical port." "PART_FUNC_CFG_FCOE 0x00000008 // enumerate FCoE" "PART_FUNC_CFG_ROCE 0x00000010 // enumerate RoCE" "PART_FUNC_CFG_IWARP 0x00000020 // enumerate iWARP" "// pause on host ring" "PART_FUNC_CFG_PAUSE_ON_HOST_RING 0x00000080" ) ] uint32 flags; [Description ( "FUNC_ENABLE 0x01" "PROTOCOL_ETHERNET 0x02" "PROTOCOL_ISCSI 0x04" "PROTOCOL_FCOE 0x08" "PROTOCOL_ROCE 0x010" "PROTOCOL_IWARP 0x020" ) ] uint32 func_cap; uint32 MinBW; uint32 MaxBW; [Write] uint32 PFAllocation; }; class QLGC_NicPartPortConfig { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 PortNumber; [Description ( "FlowControl" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "GAM_PART_PORT_FC_AUTO", "GAM_PART_PORT_FC_TX", "GAM_PART_PORT_FC_RX", "GAM_PART_PORT_FC_BOTH", "GAM_PART_PORT_FC_NONE" } ] uint32 FlowControl; [Description ( "GAM_DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_ETHERNET 0x1" "GAM_DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_FCOE 0x2" "GAM_DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_ISCSI 0x4" "GAM_DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_ROCE 0x8" "GAM_DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS_IWARP 0x10") ] uint32 default_mode_protocol; [Write] uint8 MinBW[]; }; class QLGC_NicPartConfig { [key] uint32 AdapterHandle; [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [Write,Description ( "Flags" ), ValueMap { "0","1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values { "Disable NPAR", "GAM_NIC_PART_ENABLED", "GAM_NIC_PART1_5_ENABLED", "GAM_NIC_PART2_0_ENABLED", "NPAR_EP_ENABLED" } ] uint32 Flags; [Write] uint32 PreventFCoE; [Write] uint32 SRIOV; [Write] uint32 SRIOVSupported; [Write] uint32 preventISCSI; uint32 SetNicPartitionCfg( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string NPARConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); uint32 GetNicPartitionCfg( [IN, Description ( "XML file path" )] string NPARConfigXMLFile, [OUT, Description ( "ResultMessage" )] string ResultMessage); }; class QLGC_SRIOVSwitchInfo { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [Description ( "SwitchType" ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, Values { "GAM_SRIOV_SWITCH_PF_UNBOUND", "GAM_SRIOV_SWITCH_PF_BOUND_WITH_SRIOV_CAPS", "GAM_SRIOV_SWITCH_VF", "GAM_SRIOV_REGULAR_PF", "GAM_SRIOV_VMQ_SWITCH", "GAM_SRIOV_SRIOV_SWITCH" } ] uint32 SwitchType; uint32 HWAvailableVFs; uint32 AvailableVFs; uint32 MaxVFChainsPerVF; uint32 VFChainsPoolSize; uint32 VMQChainsPoolSize; string switchFriendlyName; }; class QLGC_SRIOVSwitchStats { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; uint32 SwitchType; uint32 ActiveVFs; uint32 RejectedVFs; uint32 MaliciousVFs; uint32 ActiveVMQs; uint32 RejectedVMQs; }; class QLGC_SriovVFInfo { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; uint32 Bus[]; uint32 Device[]; uint32 Function[]; uint32 QPsRequestedByVM[]; uint32 QPsRequestedByVF[]; uint32 QPsAllocatedToVF[]; uint32 QPsNumbersValidator[]; string vmName[]; string vmFriendlyName[]; string vportName[]; string vfVportNicName[]; uint32 vfHeader_RelativeVFId[]; uint32 vfHeader_VFPortInstance[]; uint32 vfHeader_ActiveVFChains[]; uint32 vfHeader_FeaturesFlag[]; uint64 totalSentBytes[]; uint64 totalSentPkts[]; uint64 totalRecvBytes[]; uint64 totalRecvPkts[]; }; class QLGC_LicenseInfo { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; uint32 key_type; uint32 dword_length; uint32 oem_id; uint32 capability; uint32 max_toe_conn; uint32 max_um_rdma_conn; uint32 max_iscsi_init_conn; uint32 max_iscsi_trgt_conn; uint32 max_iser_init_conn; uint32 max_iser_trgt_conn; uint32 max_fcoe_init_conn; uint32 max_fcoe_trgt_conn; uint32 sn; uint32 expiration; }; class QLGC_NdisQlgcStatsInfo { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint64 FecMode; uint64 FecCoreErrCnt; uint64 FecUnCoreErrCnt; uint64 FecRsvd; uint64 Version; uint64 EtherStatsFragments; uint64 XonPauseFramesReceived; uint64 XoffPauseFramesReceived; uint64 MacControlFramesReceived; uint64 OutXonSent; uint64 OutXoffSent; uint64 NicNoMoreRxBDs; uint64 NicRecvThresholdHit; uint64 NicInterrupts; uint64 NicAvoidedInterrupts; uint64 NicSendThresholdHit; uint64 OctetsReceived; uint64 OctetsTransmitted; uint64 TxLargeSendFrames; // Available only for 57710 family devices uint64 ifInNoBrbBuffer; uint64 ifInMBUFDiscards; uint32 OffloadTCPConnections; uint32 AlignmentErrors; uint32 FCSErrors; uint32 FrameTooLongs; uint32 InternalMACTransmitErrors; uint32 InternalMACReceiveErrors; uint32 SingleCollisionFrames; uint32 MultipleCollisionFrames; uint32 DeferredTransmissions; uint32 LateCollisions; uint32 ExcessiveCollisions; uint32 CarrierSenseErrors; uint64 PacketsTransmitted; uint64 PacketsReceived; uint64 ifHCInUcastPkts; uint64 ifHCInMulticastPkts; uint64 ifHCInBroadcastPkts; uint64 xoffStateEntered; uint64 etherStatsJabbers; uint64 etherStatsUndersizePkts; ////////////////////////// // Not available for 5706 // Not available for 57710 uint64 inRangeLengthError; uint64 outRangeLengthError; ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// // Not available for 57710 uint64 etherStatsPkts64Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts65Octetsto127Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts128Octetsto255Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts256Octetsto511Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts512Octetsto1023Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts1024Octetsto1522Octets; ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// // Not available for 57710 // Not available for 5706 uint64 etherStatsPkts1523Octetsto2047Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts2048Octetsto4095Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts4096Octetsto8191Octets; uint64 etherStatsPkts8192Octetsto9022Octets; ////////////////////////// // Statistics maintained by Transmit MAC. uint64 ifHCOutOctets; uint64 etherStatsCollisions; uint64 flowControlDone; ////////////////////////// // Not available for 5706 // Not available for 57710 uint64 dot3Collided2Times; uint64 dot3Collided3Times; uint64 dot3Collided4Times; uint64 dot3Collided5Times; uint64 dot3Collided6Times; uint64 dot3Collided7Times; uint64 dot3Collided8Times; uint64 dot3Collided9Times; uint64 dot3Collided10Times; uint64 dot3Collided11Times; uint64 dot3Collided12Times; uint64 dot3Collided13Times; uint64 dot3Collided14Times; uint64 dot3Collided15Times; ////////////////////////// uint64 ifHCOutUcastPkts; uint64 ifHCOutMulticastPkts; uint64 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts; uint64 ifOutDiscards; uint64 ifOutErrors; uint64 nicDmaWriteQueueFull; uint64 nicDmaWriteHighPriQueueFull; ////////////////////////// // Not available for 5706 VBD // Not available for 57710 uint64 ifInDiscards; ////////////////////////// uint64 ifInErrors; uint64 nicDmaReadQueueFull; uint64 nicDmaReadHighPriQueueFull; uint64 nicSendDataCompQueueFull; ////////////////////////// uint64 nicRingSetSendProdIndex; uint64 nicRingStatusUpdate; }; class QLGC_LinkDumpInfo { [key] uint32 FunctionHandle; [key] uint32 HostHandle; uint64 ChipMode; uint64 MFWLinkState; uint64 PCSLink; uint64 MACFault; uint64 RX_SignalDetect; uint64 LinkSpeed; uint64 Module; uint64 FlowControl; uint64 AutoNeg; uint64 AnLpAdvSpeeds; uint64 AnLpAdvFlowControl; uint64 TxPreFir; uint64 TxMainFir; uint64 TxPostFir; uint64 RxDfe; uint64 LinkChangeCount; uint64 LfaCount; uint64 LfaState; uint64 MfwRawLinkState; uint64 FecMode; uint64 FecCoreErrCnt; uint64 FecUnCoreErrCnt; }; |