using module "..\..\private\completions\Completers.psm1" using module "..\..\private\completions\Transformers.psm1" <# .SYNOPSIS Formats an error record/exception into a Spectre Console Exception which supports syntax highlighting. .DESCRIPTION Formats an error record/exception into a Spectre Console Exception which supports syntax highlighting. See for more information. .PARAMETER Exception The error/exception object to format. .PARAMETER ExceptionFormat The format to use when rendering the exception. The default value is "Default". .PARAMETER ExceptionStyle The style to use when rendering the exception provided as a hashtable. e.g. ``` @{ Message = "red" Exception = "white" Method = "yellow" ParameterType = "blue" ParameterName = "silver" Parenthesis = "silver" Path = "Yellow" LineNumber = "blue" Dimmed = "grey" NonEmphasized = "silver" } ``` .EXAMPLE # **Example 1** # This example demonstrates how to format an exception into a Spectre Console Exception with syntax highlighting. try { Get-ChildItem -BadParam -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $_ | Format-SpectreException -ExceptionFormat ShortenEverything } .EXAMPLE # **Example 2** # This example uses custom formatting for the exception. try { Get-ChildItem -BadParam -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $_ | Format-SpectreException -ExceptionStyle @{ Message = "#00ff00" Exception = "white" Method = "#ff0000 on orange1" ParameterType = "blue" ParameterName = "silver" Parenthesis = "silver" Path = "Yellow" LineNumber = "blue" Dimmed = "grey" NonEmphasized = "silver" } } #> function Format-SpectreException { [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Format-SpectreException")] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [object] $Exception, [ValidateSet([SpectreConsoleExceptionFormats], ErrorMessage = "Value '{0}' is invalid. Try one of: {1}")] [string] $ExceptionFormat = "Default", [ColorThemeTransformationAttribute()] [hashtable] $ExceptionStyle = @{ Message = "Red" Exception = "White" Method = [Spectre.Console.Color]::Pink3 ParameterType = "Grey69" ParameterName = $script:DefaultValueColor Parenthesis = $script:DefaultValueColor Path = [Spectre.Console.Color]::Pink3 LineNumber = "Blue" Dimmed = "Grey" NonEmphasized = $script:DefaultValueColor } ) $requiredExceptionStyleKeys = @("Message", "Exception", "Method", "ParameterType", "ParameterName", "Parenthesis", "Path", "LineNumber", "Dimmed", "NonEmphasized") if (($requiredExceptionStyleKeys | ForEach-Object { $ExceptionStyle.Keys -contains $_ }) -contains $false) { throw "ExceptionStyle must contain the following keys: $($requiredExceptionStyleKeys -join ', ')" } if ($Exception -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $exceptionObject = $Exception.Exception } elseif ($Exception -is [System.Exception]) { $exceptionObject = $Exception } else { throw "Invalid exception object type $($Exception.GetType().FullName). Must be of type [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] or [System.Exception]." } $exceptionSettings = [Spectre.Console.ExceptionSettings]::new() $exceptionSettings.Format = [Spectre.Console.ExceptionFormats]::$ExceptionFormat $exceptionSettings.Style = [Spectre.Console.ExceptionStyle]::new() $exceptionSettings.Style.Message = $ExceptionStyle.Message $exceptionSettings.Style.Exception = $ExceptionStyle.Exception $exceptionSettings.Style.Method = $ExceptionStyle.Method $exceptionSettings.Style.ParameterType = $ExceptionStyle.ParameterType $exceptionSettings.Style.ParameterName = $ExceptionStyle.ParameterName $exceptionSettings.Style.Parenthesis = $ExceptionStyle.Parenthesis $exceptionSettings.Style.Path = $ExceptionStyle.Path $exceptionSettings.Style.LineNumber = $ExceptionStyle.LineNumber $exceptionSettings.Style.Dimmed = $ExceptionStyle.Dimmed $exceptionSettings.Style.NonEmphasized = $ExceptionStyle.NonEmphasized return [Spectre.Console.ExceptionExtensions]::GetRenderable($exceptionObject, $exceptionSettings) } |