
function Stop-SpectreRecording {
            Stops a recording of the current console output and returns the recording.
            Stops a recording of the current console output and returns the recording.
            I've used this to record the examples on the docs help site.
            This is experimental.
            Experimental features are unstable and subject to change.
        .PARAMETER Title
            The title of the recording, only used for asciinema recordings.
        .PARAMETER OutputPath
            The path to save the recording to.
            # **Example 1**
            # This example demonstrates how to record the spectre console output.
            $recording = Start-SpectreRecording -RecordingType "Html" -CountdownAndClear
            # Use spectre console functions, these will be recorded
            Write-SpectreHost "Hello [red]world[/]"
            # Finish the recording
            $result = Stop-SpectreRecording
            # Output the results
            Write-SpectreHost "Result:`n$result"

    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Stop-SpectreRecording")]
    param (
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $OutputPath

    if(!$script:SpectreRecordingType) {
        Write-Warning "No recording in progress"

    if(!$Title) {
        $Title = "Asciinema Recording"

    # Get the recording
    switch ($script:SpectreRecordingType) {
        "asciinema" {
            $recording = $script:SpectreRecordingRecorder.GetAsciiCastRecording($Title)
        "text" {
            $recording = [Spectre.Console.RecorderExtensions]::ExportText($script:SpectreRecordingRecorder)
        "html" {
            $recording = [Spectre.Console.RecorderExtensions]::ExportHtml($script:SpectreRecordingRecorder)

    # Reset the console
    [Spectre.Console.AnsiConsole]::Console = $script:SpectreRecordingOriginalConsole
    $script:SpectreRecordingRecorder = $null
    $script:SpectreRecordingOriginalConsole = $null
    $script:SpectreRecordingType = $null
    # Return the output
    if ($OutputPath) {
        Set-Content -Path $OutputPath -Value $recording
        Write-Host "Saved recording to '$OutputPath'"
    } else {
        return $recording