
    This is a test function for invoking a script block in a background job inside Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress to help with
    Some commands cause output that interferes with the progress bar, this function is an attempt to suppress that output when all other attempts have failed.
    This function invokes a script block in a background job and returns the output. It also provides an option to suppress the output even more if there is garbage being printed to stderr if using Level = Quieter.
    # **Example 1**
    # This example demonstrates how to use this function to suppress all output from a script block so it doesn't break the progress bar.
    $result = Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress {
        param (
        $task1 = $Context.AddTask("Starting a process that generates noise")
        $value = Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly -Level Quiet -Command {
            Write-Output "Things..."
            Write-Output "And stuff..."
            Write-Error "This is an error"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            Write-Output "But it shouldn't break progress bar rendering"
        return $value
    Write-SpectreHost "Result: $result"

function Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly {
    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly")]
    param (
        # The script block to be invoked.
        [scriptblock] $Command,
        # Suppresses the output by varying amounts.
        [ValidateSet("Quiet", "Quieter")]
        [string] $Level = "Quiet"
    try {
        $job = Start-ThreadJob $Command
        $job | Wait-Job | Out-Null

        if ($job.State -eq "Failed") {
            $job | Receive-Job
            throw "Failed to execute script block"
        switch ($Level) {
            "Quiet" {
                $output = $job | Receive-Job 2>$null
                return $output
            "Quieter" {
            default {
                throw "Invalid value for Level parameter"
    } finally {
        $job | Stop-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $job | Remove-Job -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue