
function Add-SpectreJob {
    Adds a Spectre job to a list of jobs.

    This function adds a Spectre job to the list of jobs you want to wait for with Wait-SpectreJobs.
    To retrieve the outcome of the job you need to use the standard PowerShell Receive-Job cmdlet.
    This is only used inside `Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress` where the Spectre ProgressContext object is exposed.

    .PARAMETER Context
    The Spectre context to add the job to. The context object is only available inside Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress.

    .PARAMETER JobName
    The name of the job to add.

    The PowerShell job to add to the context.

    # **Example 1**
    # This example demonstrates how to add two jobs to a context and wait for them to complete.
    $jobOutcomes = Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress -ScriptBlock {
        param (
            [Spectre.Console.ProgressContext] $Context
        $jobs = @()
        $jobs += Add-SpectreJob -Context $Context -JobName "job 1" -Job (Start-Job { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 })
        $jobs += Add-SpectreJob -Context $Context -JobName "job 2" -Job (Start-Job { Start-Sleep -Seconds 4 })
        Wait-SpectreJobs -Context $Context -Jobs $jobs
        return $jobs.Job
    $jobOutcomes | Format-SpectreTable -Property Id, Name, PSJobTypeName, State, Command

    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Add-SpectreJob")]
    param (
        [Spectre.Console.ProgressContext] $Context,
        [string] $JobName,
        [System.Management.Automation.Job] $Job

    return @{
        Job  = $Job
        Task = $Context.AddTask($JobName)