<# .SYNOPSIS Demonstrates the features of Spectre.Console. .DESCRIPTION This script demonstrates the features of Spectre.Console. It shows off the various colors, styles, and other features that Spectre.Console supports. .EXAMPLE # **Example 1** # This example demonstrates how to use Get-SpectreDemoFeatures to display a list of the features of Spectre.Console as seen on the homepage. Get-SpectreDemoFeatures #> function Get-SpectreDemoFeatures { [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Get-SpectreDemoFeatures")] param () $demoWidth = Get-HostWidth $title = Write-SpectreHost "[underline][yellow]PwshSpectreConsole[/][silver] Features[/][/]" -PassThru | Format-SpectreAligned -VerticalAlignment Middle $titleTable = Format-SpectreTable -Data @{ Title = $title } -HideHeaders -Border None -Width $demoWidth $titleTable | Format-SpectrePadded -Top 1 -Left 0 -Bottom 0 -Right 0 | Out-SpectreHost # Colors $colors = @() $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [red]2-bit color[/]" -PassThru $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [green]3-bit color[/]" -PassThru $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [blue]4-bit color[/]" -PassThru $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [violet]8-bit color[/]" -PassThru $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [yellow]Truecolor (16.7 million)[/]" -PassThru $colors += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]✓[/] [cyan]Automatic color conversion[/] " -PassThru $colorRows = $colors | Format-SpectreRows # Spectrum $spectrumRows = @() $brightnesses = 12 $hues = $demoWidth - 52 for ($b = 1; $b -le $brightnesses; $b+=2) { $line = "" for ($h = 0; $h -lt $hues; $h++) { $rgb1 = Convert-HslToRgb -Hue ($h * 360 / $hues) -Saturation 100 -Lightness (($b * 95) / $brightnesses) $color1 = [Spectre.Console.Color]::new($rgb1[0], $rgb1[1], $rgb1[2]) $rgb2 = Convert-HslToRgb -Hue ($h * 360 / $hues) -Saturation 100 -Lightness ((($b + 1) * 95) / $brightnesses) $color2 = [Spectre.Console.Color]::new($rgb2[0], $rgb2[1], $rgb2[2]) $line += "[#$($color2.ToHex()) on #$($color1.ToHex())]$([char]0x2584)[/]" } $spectrumRows += Write-SpectreHost $line -PassThru } $spectrumRows = $spectrumRows | Format-SpectreRows $colorColumns = Format-SpectreColumns -Data @( $colorRows, $spectrumRows ) # Start the table creation $table = Format-SpectreTable -Data ([ordered]@{ Feature = (Write-SpectreHost "[red]Colors[/] " -PassThru) # Force column width to be wide enough for the longest line Demo = $colorColumns }) -HideHeaders -Border None -Width $demoWidth $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # OS $os = Write-SpectreHost "[green]Windows[/] [blue]macOS[/] [yellow]Linux[/]" -PassThru $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]OS[/]" -PassThru), $os) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Styles $styles = Write-SpectreHost "[silver]All ansi styles[/] [bold]bold[/], [dim]dim[/], [italic]italic[/], [underline]underline[/], [strikethrough]strikethrough[/], [reverse]reverse[/], and even [rapidblink]blink[/]" -PassThru $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Styles[/]" -PassThru), $styles) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Wrap $wrapRows = @() $wrapRows += Write-SpectreHost "[silver]Word wrap text. Justify[/] [green]left[/], [yellow]center[/], or [blue]right[/]" -PassThru $wrapRows += "" $textToWrap = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec blandit quam. Vestibulum sed turpis eget metus feugiat imperdiet. Quisque tempor cursus nibh vitae maximus." $wrapRows += New-SpectreGridRow -Data @( (Write-SpectreHost "[green]$textToWrap[/]" -PassThru | Format-SpectreAligned -HorizontalAlignment Left), (Write-SpectreHost "[yellow]$textToWrap[/]" -PassThru | Format-SpectreAligned -HorizontalAlignment Center), (Write-SpectreHost "[blue]$textToWrap[/]" -PassThru | Format-SpectreAligned -HorizontalAlignment Right) ) | Format-SpectreGrid -Width $demoWidth $wrapRows = $wrapRows | Format-SpectreRows $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Wrap[/]" -PassThru), $wrapRows) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Markup $markup = Write-SpectreHost "[violet]Spectre.Console[/] supports a simple bbcode like [bold]markup[/] for [yellow]color[/], [underline]style[/], and emoji! :thumbs_up: :red_apple: :ant: :bear: :baguette_bread: :bus:" -PassThru $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Markup[/]" -PassThru), $markup) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Tables and trees $embeddedTable = @( ([ordered]@{ Foo = "Baz " Bar = @( (Write-SpectreHost "`n[grey]Overview[/]" -PassThru), (Write-SpectreRule -Color Silver -PassThru), (@{ Value = "📁 src" Children = @( @{ Value = "📁 foo" Children = @( @{ Value = "📄 bar.cs" } ) }, @{ Value = "📁 baz" Children = @( @{ Value = "📁 qux" Children = @( @{ Value = "📄 corgi.txt" } ) } ) }, @{ Value = "📄 waldo.xml" } ) } | Format-SpectreTree), (Write-SpectreRule -Color Silver -PassThru), (Write-SpectreHost "[grey]3 Files, 225 KiB[/]" -PassThru) ) | Format-SpectreRows }), ([ordered]@{ Foo = "" Bar = "" }) ([ordered]@{ Foo = "Qux" Bar = "Corgi" }) ) | Format-SpectreTable -Color Yellow -Width ($demoWidth - 22) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Tables and Trees[/]" -PassThru), $embeddedTable) # Charts $breakdownChart = @( (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "PowerShell" -Value 70.2 -Color Blue), (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "MDX" -Value 24.7 -Color Red), (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "C#" -Value 3 -Color Green), (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Astro" -Value 3 -Color Blue) ) | Format-SpectreBreakdownChart -ShowPercentage -Width ([int](($demoWidth - 30) / 2)) | Format-SpectrePanel -Border Square -Color Grey -Height 5 $barChart = @( (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Apple" -Value 32 -Color Green), (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Oranges" -Value 13 -Color Orange1), (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Bananas" -Value 22 -Color Yellow) ) | Format-SpectreBarChart -Width ([int](($demoWidth - 30) / 2) - 1) | Format-SpectrePanel -Border Square -Color Grey $chartColumns = Format-SpectreColumns -Data @( $breakdownChart, $barChart ) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Charts[/]" -PassThru), $chartColumns) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Exceptions $exceptionData = $null try { Get-ChildItem -BadParam -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $exceptionData = $_ | Format-SpectreException -ExceptionFormat ShortenEverything } $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]Exceptions[/]" -PassThru), $exceptionData) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") # Much more $more = @( (Write-SpectreHost "Tables, Grids, Trees, Progress bars, Status, Bar charts, Calendars, Figlet, Images," -PassThru), (Write-SpectreHost "Text prompts, List boxes, Separators, Pretty exceptions, Canvas" -PassThru) ) | Format-SpectreRows $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @((Write-SpectreHost "[red]+ Much More![/]" -PassThru), $more) $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns @("", "") $table | Format-SpectrePadded -Top 1 -Left 0 -Bottom 0 -Right 0 | Out-SpectreHost Write-SpectreHost " " } |