<# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a script block with live rendering. .DESCRIPTION Starts live rendering for a given renderable. The script block is able to update the renderable in real-time and Spectre Console redraws every time the scriptblock calls `$Context.refresh()`. See for more information. .PARAMETER Data The renderable object to render. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The script block to execute while the live renderable is being rendered. .EXAMPLE # **Example 1** # This is a live updating table example, the table will be updated every second with a new row. $data = @( [pscustomobject]@{Name="John"; Age=25; City="New York"}, [pscustomobject]@{Name="Jane"; Age=30; City="Los Angeles"} ) $table = Format-SpectreTable -Data $data Invoke-SpectreLive -Data $table -ScriptBlock { param ( [Spectre.Console.LiveDisplayContext] $Context ) $Context.refresh() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns "Shaun $i", $i, "Wellington" $Context.refresh() } } .EXAMPLE # **Example 2** # This is a complex live updating nested layout example. It demonstrates how to create a file browser with a preview panel. # The root layout is constructed with a header and a content panel. The content panel is split into two columns: filelist and preview. # Invoke-SpectreLive is used to render the layout and update the content of each panel on every loop iteration until the escape key is pressed. $layout = New-SpectreLayout -Name "root" -Rows @( # Row 1 ( New-SpectreLayout -Name "header" -MinimumSize 5 -Ratio 1 -Data ("empty") ), # Row 2 ( New-SpectreLayout -Name "content" -Ratio 10 -Columns @( ( New-SpectreLayout -Name "filelist" -Ratio 2 -Data "empty" ), ( New-SpectreLayout -Name "preview" -Ratio 4 -Data "empty" ) ) ) ) # Functions for rendering the content of each panel function Get-TitlePanel { return "File Browser - Spectre Live Demo [gray]$(Get-Date)[/]" | Format-SpectreAligned -HorizontalAlignment Center -VerticalAlignment Middle | Format-SpectrePanel -Expand } function Get-FileListPanel { param ( $Files, $SelectedFile ) $fileList = $Files | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.Name if ($_.Name -eq $SelectedFile.Name) { $name = "[Turquoise2]$($name)[/]" } return $name } | Out-String return Format-SpectrePanel -Header "[white]File List[/]" -Data $fileList.Trim() -Expand } function Get-PreviewPanel { param ( $SelectedFile ) $item = Get-Item -Path $SelectedFile.FullName $result = "" if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $result = "[grey]$($SelectedFile.Name) is a directory.[/]" } else { try { $content = Get-Content -Path $item.FullName -Raw -ErrorAction Stop $result = "[grey]$($content | Get-SpectreEscapedText)[/]" } catch { $result = "[red]Error reading file content: $($_.Exception.Message | Get-SpectreEscapedText)[/]" } } return $result | Format-SpectrePanel -Header "[white]Preview[/]" -Expand } function Get-LastKeyPressed { $lastKeyPressed = $null while ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { $lastKeyPressed = [Console]::ReadKey($true) } #return $lastKeyPressed } # Start live rendering the layout # Type "↓", "↓", "↓" to navigate the file list, and press "Enter" to open a file in Notepad Invoke-SpectreLive -Data $layout -ScriptBlock { param ( [Spectre.Console.LiveDisplayContext] $Context ) # State $fileList = @(@{Name = ".."; Fullname = ".."}) + (Get-ChildItem) $selectedFile = $fileList[0] while ($true) { # Handle input $lastKeyPressed = Get-LastKeyPressed if ($lastKeyPressed -ne $null) { if ($lastKeyPressed.Key -eq "DownArrow") { $selectedFile = $fileList[($fileList.IndexOf($selectedFile) + 1) % $fileList.Count] } elseif ($lastKeyPressed.Key -eq "UpArrow") { $selectedFile = $fileList[($fileList.IndexOf($selectedFile) - 1 + $fileList.Count) % $fileList.Count] } elseif ($lastKeyPressed.Key -eq "Enter") { if ($selectedFile -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] -or $selectedFile.Name -eq "..") { $fileList = @(@{Name = ".."; Fullname = ".."}) + (Get-ChildItem -Path $selectedFile.FullName) $selectedFile = $fileList[0] } else { notepad $selectedFile.FullName return } } elseif ($lastKeyPressed.Key -eq "Escape") { return } } # Generate new data $titlePanel = Get-TitlePanel $fileListPanel = Get-FileListPanel -Files $fileList -SelectedFile $selectedFile $previewPanel = Get-PreviewPanel -SelectedFile $selectedFile # Update layout $layout["header"].Update($titlePanel) | Out-Null $layout["filelist"].Update($fileListPanel) | Out-Null $layout["preview"].Update($previewPanel) | Out-Null # Draw changes $Context.Refresh() Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 } } #> function Invoke-SpectreLive { [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Invoke-SpectreLive")] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [RenderableTransformationAttribute()] [object] $Data, [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock ) Start-AnsiConsoleLive -Data $Data -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } |