
using module "..\..\private\completions\Completers.psm1"
using module "..\..\private\completions\Transformers.psm1"

function Format-SpectreBreakdownChart {
    Formats data into a breakdown chart.
    This function takes an array of data and formats it into a breakdown chart using BreakdownChart. The chart can be customized with a specified width and color.
    See for more information.
    An array of data to be formatted into a breakdown chart.
    .PARAMETER Width
    The width of the chart. Defaults to the width of the console.
    .PARAMETER HideTags
    Hides the tags on the chart.
    .PARAMETER HideTagValues
    Hides the tag values on the chart.
    $data = @()
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Apples" -Value 10 -Color "Green"
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Oranges" -Value 5 -Color "Gold1"
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Bananas" -Value 2.2 -Color "#FFFF00"
    Format-SpectreBreakdownChart -Data $data -Width 50

    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Format-SpectreBreakdownChart")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
        [object] $Data,
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 -and $_ -le (Get-HostWidth) }, ErrorMessage = "Value '{0}' is invalid. Cannot be negative or exceed console width.")]
        [int]$Width = (Get-HostWidth),
    begin {
        $chart = [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChart]::new()
        $chart.Width = $Width
        if ($HideTags) {
            $chart.ShowTags = $false
        if ($HideTagValues) {
            $chart.ShowTagValues = $false
        if ($ShowPercentage) {
            $chart = [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChartExtensions]::ShowPercentage($chart)
    process {
        if ($Data -is [array]) {
            foreach ($dataItem in $Data) {
                [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChartExtensions]::AddItem($chart, $dataItem.Label, $dataItem.Value, ($dataItem.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor)) | Out-Null
        } else {
            [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChartExtensions]::AddItem($chart, $Data.Label, $Data.Value, ($Data.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor)) | Out-Null
    end {
        return $chart