
using module "..\..\private\completions\Transformers.psm1"

Adds a row to a Spectre Console table.

Adds a row to a Spectre Console table. The number of columns in the row must match the number of columns in the table.

The table to which the row will be added.

An array of renderable items containing the data to be displayed in the columns of this row.

$data = @(
    [pscustomobject]@{Name="John"; Age=25; City="New York"},
    [pscustomobject]@{Name="Jane"; Age=30; City="Los Angeles"}
$table = Format-SpectreTable -Data $data
$table | Out-SpectreHost

$table = Add-SpectreTableRow -Table $table -Columns "Shaun", 99, "Wellington"
$table | Out-SpectreHost

function Add-SpectreTableRow {
    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Add-SpectreTableRow")]
    param (
        [Spectre.Console.Table] $Table,
        [array] $Columns

    if ($table.Columns.Count -ne $Columns.Count) {
        throw "The number of columns $($Columns.Count) in the row must match the number of columns in the table $($table.Columns.Count)"

    $renderableColumns = $Columns | Foreach-Object { $_ | ConvertTo-Renderable }
    $table = [Spectre.Console.TableExtensions]::AddRow($Table, [Spectre.Console.Rendering.Renderable[]]$renderableColumns)

    return $table