using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Management.Automation; namespace PwshSpectreConsole.VTCodes { public class VT { // objects of this class are returned by the Parser public class VtCode { public object Value { get; set; } // color, decoration, etc. public string Type { get; set; } // 4bit, 8bit, 24bit, decoration public string Position { get; set; } // foreground, background public int Placement { get; set; } // placement in the string } public class RGB { public int Red { get; set; } public int Green { get; set; } public int Blue { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return $"RGB({Red},{Green},{Blue})"; } } } public static class DecorationDictionary { public static bool TryGetValue(int key, out string value) { if (DecorationDict.TryGetValue(key, out string str)) { value = str; return true; } value = null; return false; } internal static Dictionary<int, string> DecorationDict { get; } = new Dictionary<int, string>() { { 0, "reset" }, { 1, "bold" }, { 2, "faint" }, { 3, "italic" }, { 4, "underline" }, { 5, "blinkSlow" }, { 6, "blinkRapid" }, { 7, "reverseVideo" }, { 8, "conceal" }, { 9, "crossedOut" }, { 21, "boldOff" }, { 22, "normalIntensity" }, { 23, "italicOff" }, { 24, "underlineOff" }, { 25, "blinkOff" }, { 27, "inverseOff" }, { 28, "concealOff" }, { 29, "crossedOutOff" }, { 39, "defaultForeground" }, { 49, "defaultBackground" } // Add more entries as needed }; } public class Parser { private static (string slice, int placement) GetNextSlice(ref ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan) { var escIndex = inputSpan.IndexOf('\x1B'); if (escIndex == -1) { return (null, 0); } // Skip the '[' character after ESC var sliceStart = escIndex + 2; if (sliceStart >= inputSpan.Length) { return (null, 0); } var slice = inputSpan.Slice(sliceStart); var endIndex = slice.IndexOf('m'); if (endIndex == -1) { return (null, 0); } var vtCode = slice.Slice(0, endIndex).ToString(); var placement = sliceStart + endIndex - vtCode.Length; inputSpan = inputSpan.Slice(placement); return (vtCode, placement); } private static VT.VtCode New4BitVT(int firstCode, int placement) { string pos = (firstCode >= 30 && firstCode <= 37 || firstCode >= 90 && firstCode <= 97) ? "foreground" : "background"; return new VT.VtCode { Value = firstCode, Type = "4bit", Position = pos, Placement = placement }; } private static VT.VtCode New8BitVT(string[] codeParts, int placement, string position) { return new VT.VtCode { Value = int.Parse(codeParts[2]), Type = "8bit", Position = position, Placement = placement }; } private static VT.VtCode New24BitVT(string[] codeParts, int placement, string position) { return new VT.VtCode { Value = new VT.RGB { Red = int.Parse(codeParts[2]), Green = int.Parse(codeParts[3]), Blue = int.Parse(codeParts[4]) }, Type = "24bit", Position = position, Placement = placement }; } private static VT.VtCode NewDecoVT(int firstCode, int placement) { if (DecorationDictionary.TryGetValue(firstCode, out string strDeco)) { return new VT.VtCode { Value = strDeco, Type = "decoration", Position = "", Placement = placement }; } return null; } private static VT.VtCode NewVT(int firstCode, string[] codeParts, int placement) { if (firstCode >= 30 && firstCode <= 37 || firstCode >= 40 && firstCode <= 47 || firstCode >= 90 && firstCode <= 97) { return New4BitVT(firstCode, placement); } else if (firstCode == 38 || firstCode == 48) { string position = firstCode == 48 ? "background" : "foreground"; if (codeParts.Length >= 3 && codeParts[1] == "5") { return New8BitVT(codeParts, placement, position); } else if (codeParts.Length >= 5 && codeParts[1] == "2") { return New24BitVT(codeParts, placement, position); } } else { return NewDecoVT(firstCode, placement); } return null; } public static List<VT.VtCode> Parse(string input) { ReadOnlySpan<char> inputSpan = input.AsSpan(); List<VT.VtCode> results = new List<VT.VtCode>(); while (!inputSpan.IsEmpty) { var (slice, placement) = GetNextSlice(inputSpan: ref inputSpan); if (slice == null) { break; } var codeParts = slice.Split(';'); if (codeParts.Length > 0) { try { int firstCode = int.Parse(codeParts[0]); VT.VtCode _vtCode = NewVT(firstCode, codeParts, placement); if (_vtCode != null) { results.Add(_vtCode); } } catch (FormatException) { // Ignore } } } return results; } } } |