function Get-DefaultDisplayMembers { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the default display members for an object using the formatdata. .NOTES rewrite, borrowed some code from chrisdents gist. .LINK #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Object]$Object ) try { Write-Debug "getting formatdata for $($Object[0].PSTypeNames)" $formatData = Get-FormatData -TypeName $Object[0].PSTypeNames | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Debug "formatData: $($formatData.count)" } catch { # no formatdata found return $null } if ($formatData) { $properties = [ordered]@{} $labels = @{} # $regex = [regex]::New('(?x)\$_\.(?<Property>[^\s,]+)') $viewDefinition = $formatData.FormatViewDefinition | Where-Object { $_.Control -match 'TableControl' } | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Debug "viewDefinition: $($viewDefinition.Name)" $format = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $viewDefinition.Control.Headers.Count; $i++) { $name = $viewDefinition.Control.Headers[$i].Label $displayEntry = $viewDefinition.Control.Rows.Columns[$i].DisplayEntry if (-not $name) { $name = $displayEntry.Value } if ($labels.ContainsKey($name)) { Write-Debug 'duplicate label found' # im not sure why this is needed, but for filesystem we get both 'Mode' and 'ModeWithoutHardLink' with "label" Mode. continue } $labels[$name] = $true switch ($displayEntry.ValueType) { 'Property' { $expression = $displayEntry.Value # $property = $displayEntry.Value } 'ScriptBlock' { $expression = [ScriptBlock]::Create($displayEntry.Value) # $property = $regex.matches($displayEntry.Value).foreach({ $_.Groups['Property'].Value }) | Select-Object -Unique } } $properties[$name] = @{ Label = $name Width = $viewDefinition.Control.headers[$i].width Alignment = $viewDefinition.Control.headers[$i].alignment # Property = $property # Expression = $expression # PropertyType = $Object.PSObject.Properties[$property].TypeNameOfValue # Type = $displayEntry.ValueType } @{ Name = $name; Expression = $expression } } # we still need the properties to create the columns, but this function can be simplified. # temporarily leaving it commented out for testing. return [PSCustomObject]@{ Properties = $properties Format = $format } } } |