
Recursively adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree.

The Add-SpectreTreeNode function adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree. It does this recursively, so it can handle nested child nodes.

The parent node to which the child nodes will be added.

An array of child nodes to be added to the parent node. Each child node should be an object with a 'Label' property and a 'Children' property (which can be an empty array if the child has no children of its own).

See Format-SpectreTree for usage.

function Add-SpectreTreeNode {
    param (
        [Spectre.Console.IHasTreeNodes] $Node,
        [array] $Children

    foreach($child in $Children) {
        $newNode = [Spectre.Console.HasTreeNodeExtensions]::AddNode($Node, $child.Label)
        if($child.Children.Count -gt 0) {
            Add-SpectreTreeNode -Node $newNode -Children $child.Children