
function Format-SpectreBreakdownChart {
    Formats data into a breakdown chart.

    This function takes an array of data and formats it into a breakdown chart using Spectre.Console.BreakdownChart. The chart can be customized with a specified width and color.

    An array of data to be formatted into a breakdown chart.

    .PARAMETER Width
    The width of the chart. Defaults to the width of the console.

    # This example displays a breakdown chart with the title "Fruit Sales" and a width of 50 characters.
    $data = @(
        @{ Label = "Apples"; Value = 10; Color = "Red" },
        @{ Label = "Oranges"; Value = 20; Color = "Orange1" },
        @{ Label = "Bananas"; Value = 15; Color = "Yellow" }
    Format-SpectreBreakdownChart -Data $data -Width 50

    # This example uses the new helper for generating chart items New-SpectreChartItem and the various ways of passing color values in.
    $data = @()

    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Apples" -Value 10 -Color [Spectre.Console.Color]::Green
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Oranges" -Value 5 -Color "Orange"
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Bananas" -Value 2.2 -Color "#FFFF00"
    Format-SpectreBreakdownChart -Data $data -Width 50

    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Format-SpectreBreakdownChart")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
        [array] $Data,
        $Width = $Host.UI.RawUI.Width
    begin {
        $chart = [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChart]::new()
        $chart.Width = $Width
    process {
        if($Data -is [array]) {
            foreach($dataItem in $Data) {
                [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChartExtensions]::AddItem($chart, $dataItem.Label, $dataItem.Value, ($dataItem.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor)) | Out-Null
        } else {
            [Spectre.Console.BreakdownChartExtensions]::AddItem($chart, $Data.Label, $Data.Value, ($Data.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor)) | Out-Null
    end {
        Write-AnsiConsole $chart