
using module "..\..\private\models\SpectreChartItem.psm1"
using module "..\..\private\attributes\ColorAttributes.psm1"

Creates a new SpectreChartItem object.

The New-SpectreChartItem function creates a new SpectreChartItem object with the specified label, value, and color for use in Format-SpectreBarChart and Format-SpectreBreakdownChart.

The label for the chart item.

The value for the chart item.

The color for the chart item. Must be a valid Spectre color as name, hex or a Spectre.Console.Color object.

New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Sales" -Value 1000 -Color "green"

This example creates a new SpectreChartItem object with a label of "Sales", a value of 1000, and a green color.


function New-SpectreChartItem {
    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "New-SpectreChartItem")]
    param (

    return [SpectreChartItem]::new($Label, $Value, $Color)