function Test-IpAddress { <# .SYNOPSIS Scan a specific IP Address. .DESCRIPTION You can scan a specific IP Address and even with a specific port number. It allow you to determine if X IP (and X port number) is pingable or not. .PARAMETER IpAddress Specifies the IP address. .PARAMETER Port Specifies the port number. .EXAMPLE Test-IpAddress -IpAddress .EXAMPLE Test-IpAddress -IpAddress - Port 25565 .NOTES A file named "report-ipscan.txt" is generated when the command is finished to be executed. #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$IpAddress, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Port ) Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "$IpAddress" -PercentComplete 0 if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Port')) { $portResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $IpAddress -TcpPort $Port -Quiet if ($portResult) { "IP: $IpAddress | Port: $Port | Status: Open" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $IpAddress | Port: $Port | Status: Closed" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } else { $ipResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $IpAddress -Ping -Quiet if ($ipResult) { "IP: $IpAddress | Status: Up" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $IpAddress | Status: Down" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "$IpAddress" -PercentComplete 100 } function Test-IpRange { <# .SYNOPSIS Scan a range of IP addresses. .DESCRIPTION You can scan a range of IP addresses whenever it's CIDR and even specific a range of port numbers. .PARAMETER StartIP Give the first IP address to be scanned. .PARAMETER EndIP Give the last IP address to be scanned. .PARAMETER StartPort Give the first port to be scanned. .PARAMETER EndPort Give the last port to be scanned. .EXAMPLE Test-IpRange -StartIP -EndIP .EXAMPLE Test-IpRange -StartIP -EndIP -StartPort 1 -EndPort 65535 .NOTES A file named "report-ipscan.txt" is generated when the command is finished to be executed. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$StartIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$EndIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$StartPort, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$EndPort ) $startIp = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($StartIP).Address $endIp = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($EndIP).Address $startIpDouble = [double]$startIp $endIpDouble = [double]$endIp Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "Scan in progress" -PercentComplete 0 if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartPort')) { for ($j = $StartPort; $j -le $EndPort; $j++) { for ($i = $startIpDouble; $i -le $endIpDouble; $i++) { $ip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($i) $portResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $ip.ToString() -TcpPort $j -Quiet if ($portResult) { "IP: $ip | Port: $j | Status: Open" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $ip | Port: $j | Status: Closed" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } } } else { for ($i = $startIpDouble; $i -le $endIpDouble; $i++) { $ip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($i) $ipResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $ip.ToString() -Ping -Quiet if ($ipResult) { "IP: $ip | Status: Up" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $ip | Status: Down" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } } Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "Scan complete" -PercentComplete 100 } |