=========================================================================== Release version: Revision information: Refer to the changelog.md file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintained by: FlashArray Integrations and Evangelsigm Team @ Pure Storage Organization: Pure Storage, Inc. Filename: PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.psm1 Copyright: (c) 2022 Pure Storage, Inc. Module Name: PureStoragePowerShellToolkit Description: PowerShell Script Module (.psm1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The sample module and documentation are provided AS IS and are not supported by the author or the author’s employer, unless otherwise agreed in writing. You bear all risk relating to the use or performance of the sample script and documentation. The author and the author’s employer disclaim all express or implied warranties (including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, title, infringement or fitness for a particular purpose). In no event shall the author, the author’s employer or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss), even if such person has been advised of the possibility of such damages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributors: Rob "Barkz" Barker @purestorage, Robert "Q" Quimbey @purestorage, Mike "Chief" Nelson, Julian "Doctor" Cates, Marcel Dussil @purestorage - https://en.pureflash.blog/ , Craig Dayton - https://github.com/cadayton , Jake Daniels - https://github.com/JakeDennis, Richard Raymond - https://github.com/data-sciences-corporation/PureStorage , The dbatools Team - https://dbatools.io , many more Puritans, and all of the Pure Code community who provide excellent advice, feedback, & scripts now and in the future. =========================================================================== #> #Requires -Version 3 #### BEGIN HELPER FUNCTIONS #region ConvertTo-Base64 function ConvertTo-Base64() { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts source file to Base64. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to handle conversions. .INPUTS Source (Mandatory) .OUTPUTS Converted source. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $Source ) return [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $Source -Encoding byte)) } #endregion #region Convert-Size function Convert-Size() { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts volume sizes from B to MB, MB, GB, TB. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to handle conversions. .INPUTS ConvertFrom (Mandatory) ConvertTo (Mandatory) Value (Mandatory) Precision (Optional) .OUTPUTS Converted size of volume. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")][String]$ConvertFrom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")][String]$ConvertTo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Double]$Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Int]$Precision = 4 ) switch ($ConvertFrom) { "Bytes" { $value = $Value } "KB" { $value = $Value * 1024 } "MB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 } "GB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } "TB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } } switch ($ConvertTo) { "Bytes" { return $value } "KB" { $Value = $Value / 1KB } "MB" { $Value = $Value / 1MB } "GB" { $Value = $Value / 1GB } "TB" { $Value = $Value / 1TB } } return [Math]::Round($Value, $Precision, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) } #endregion #region New-FlashArrayReportPieChart function New-FlashArrayReportPieChart() { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates graphic pie chart .png image file for use in report. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to create a pie chart. .OUTPUTS piechart.png. #> Param ( [string]$FileName, [float]$SnapshotSpace, [float]$VolumeSpace, [float]$CapacitySpace ) [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization") $chart = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.chart $chart.Width = 700 $chart.Height = 500 $chart.Left = 10 $chart.Top = 10 $chartArea = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.chartArea $chart.chartAreas.Add($chartArea) [void]$chart.Series.Add("Data") $legend = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.Legend $legend.Name = "Legend" $legend.Font = "Verdana" $legend.Alignment = "Center" $legend.Docking = "top" $legend.Bordercolor = "#FE5000" $legend.Legendstyle = "row" $chart.Legends.Add($legend) $datapoint = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.DataPoint(0, $SnapshotSpace) $datapoint.AxisLabel = "SnapShots " + "(" + $SnapshotSpace + " MB)" $chart.Series["Data"].Points.Add($datapoint) $datapoint = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.DataPoint(0, $VolumeSpace) $datapoint.AxisLabel = "Volumes " + "(" + $VolumeSpace + " GB)" $chart.Series["Data"].Points.Add($datapoint) $chart.Series["Data"].chartType = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.SerieschartType]::Doughnut $chart.Series["Data"]["DoughnutLabelStyle"] = "Outside" $chart.Series["Data"]["DoughnutLineColor"] = "#FE5000" $Title = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.charting.Title $chart.Titles.Add($Title) $chart.SaveImage($FileName + ".png", "png") } #endregion #region Get-Sdk1Module function Get-Sdk1Module() { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms that PureStoragePowerShellSDK version 1 module is loaded, present, or missing. If missing, it will download it and import. If internet access is not available, the function will error. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to load required module. .OUTPUTS PureStoragePowerShellSDK version 1 module. #> $m = "PureStoragePowerShellSDK" # If module is imported, continue if (Get-Module | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { } else { # If module is not imported, but available on disk, then import if (Get-InstalledModule | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, then install and import if (Find-Module -Name $m | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Write-Warning "The $m module does not exist." Write-Host "We will attempt to install the module from the PowerShell Gallery. Please wait..." Install-Module -Name $m -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Scope CurrentUser Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, and we cannot access it online, then abort Write-Host "Module $m not imported, not available on disk, and we are not able to download it from the online gallery... Exiting." EXIT 1 } } } } #endregion #region Get-Sdk1Module function Get-Sdk2Module() { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms that PureStoragePowerShellSDK version 2 module is loaded, present, or missing. If missing, it will download it and import. If internet access is not available, the function will error. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to load required module. .OUTPUTS PureStoragePowerShellSDK version 2 module. #> $m = "PureStoragePowerShellSDK2" # If module is imported, continue if (Get-Module | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { } else { # If module is not imported, but available on disk, then import if (Get-InstalledModule | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, then install and import if (Find-Module -Name $m | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Write-Warning "The $m module does not exist." Write-Host "We will attempt to install the module from the PowerShell Gallery. Please wait..." Install-Module -Name $m -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Scope CurrentUser Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, and we cannot access it online, then abort Write-Host "Module $m not imported, not available on disk, and we are not able to download it from the online gallery... Exiting." EXIT 1 } } } } #endregion #region Get-DbaToolsModule function Get-DbaToolsModule() { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms that dbatools PowerShell module is loaded, present, or missing. If missing, it will download it and import. If internet access is not available, the function will error. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to load required module. .OUTPUTS dbatools module - https://dbatools.io. #> $m = "dbatools" # If module is imported, continue if (Get-Module | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { } else { # If module is not imported, but available on disk, then import if (Get-InstalledModule | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, then install and import if (Find-Module -Name $m | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $m }) { Write-Warning "$m module does not exist." Write-Host "We will attempt to install the module from the PowerShell Gallery. Please wait..." Install-Module -Name $m -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Scope CurrentUser Import-Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { # If module is not imported, not available on disk, and we cannot access it online, then abort Write-Host "Module $m not imported, not available on disk, and we are not able to download it from the online gallery... Exiting." EXIT 1 } } } } #endregion #region Get-ElevatedStatus function Get-ElevatedStatus() { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms elevated permissions to run cmdlets. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to confirm administrator permissions. .OUTPUTS Error on non-administrative permissions. #> if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(` [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Warning "Insufficient permissions to run this cmdlet. Open the PowerShell console as an administrator and run this cmdlet again." Break } } #endregion #region Get-HypervStatus function Get-HypervStatus() { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirms that the HyperV role is installed ont he server. .DESCRIPTION Helper function Supporting function to ensure proper role is installed. .OUTPUTS Error on missing HyperV role. #> $hypervStatus = (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V).State if ($hypervStatus -ne "Enabled") { Write-Host "Hyper-V is not running. This cmdlet must be run on a Hyper-V host." break } } #endregion #### END HELPER FUNCTIONS #### FLASHARRAY FUNCTIONS #region Get-FlashArrayConnectDetails function Get-FlashArrayConnectDetails() { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs FlashArray connection details. .DESCRIPTION Output FlashArray connection details including Host and Volume names, LUN ID, IQN / WWN, Volume Provisioned Size, and Host Capacity Written. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FlashArray IP address or FQDN. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Formatted output details from Get-Pfa2Connection .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayConnectDetails.ps1 -EndPoint myArray .NOTES This cmdlet does not allow for use of OAUth authentication, only token authentication. Arrays with maximum API versions of 2.0 or 2.1 must use OAuth authentication. This will be added in a later revision. This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk2Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } # Create an object to store the connection details $ConnDetails = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $Header = "HostName", "VolumeName", "LUNID", "IQNs", "WWNs", "Provisioned(TB)", "HostWritten(GB)" # Get Connections and filter out VVOL protocol endpoints $PureConns = (Get-Pfa2Connection -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { !($_.Volume.Name -eq "pure-protocol-endpoint") }) # For each Connection, build a row with the desired values from Connection, Host, and Volume objects. Add it to ConnDetails. ForEach ($PureConn in $PureConns) { $PureHost = (Get-Pfa2Host -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PureConn.Host.Name }) $PureVol = (Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PureConn.Volume.Name }) # Calculate and format Host Written Capacity, Volume Provisioned Capacity $HostWrittenCapacity = [Math]::Round(($PureVol.Provisioned * (1 - $PureVol.Space.ThinProvisioning)) / 1GB, 2) $VolumeProvisionedCapacity = [Math]::Round(($PureVol.Provisioned ) / 1TB, 2) $NewRow = "$($PureHost.Name),$($PureVol.Name),$($PureConn.Lun),$($PureHost.Iqns),$($PureHost.Wwns)," $NewRow += "$($VolumeProvisionedCapacity),$($HostWrittenCapacity)" [void]$ConnDetails.Add($NewRow) } # Print ConnDetails and make it look nice $ConnDetails | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header $Header | Sort-Object HostName | Format-Table -AutoSize } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayVolumeGrowth.ps1 function Get-FlashArrayVolumeGrowth() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves volume growth information over past X days at X percentage of growth. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves volume growth in GB from a FlashArray for volumes that grew in past X amount of days at X percentage of growth. .PARAMETER Arrays Required. An IP address or FQDN of the FlashArray(s). Multiple arrys can be specified, seperated by commas. Only use single-quotes or no quotes around the arrays parameter object. Ex. -Arrays array1,array2,array3 --or-- -Arrays 'array1,array2,array3' .PARAMETER MinimumVolumeAgeInDays Optional. The minimum age in days that a volume must be to report on it. If not specified, defaults to 1 day. .PARAMETER TimeFrameToCompareWith Required. The timeframe to compare the volume size against. Accepts '1h', '3h', '24h', '7d', '30d', '90d', '1y'. .PARAMETER GrowthPercentThreshold Optional. The minimum percentage of volume growth to report on. Specified as a numerical value from 1-99. If not specified, defaults to '1'. .PARAMETER DoNotReportGrowthOfLessThan Optional. If growth in size, in Gigabytes, over the specified period is lower than this value, it will not be reported. Specified as a numerical value. If not specified, defaults to '1'. .PARAMETER DoNotReportVolSmallerThan Optional. Volumes that are smaller than this size in Gigabytes will not be reported on. Specified as a numerical value + GB. If not specified, defaults to '1GB'. .PARAMETER html Optional. Switch. If present, produces a HTML of the output in the current folder named FlashArrayVolumeGrowthReport.html. .PARAMETER csv Optional. Switch. If present, produces a csv comma-delimited file of the output in the current folder named FlashArrayVolumeGrowthReport.csv. .INPUTS Specified inputs to calculate volumes reported on. .OUTPUTS Volume capacity information to the console, and also to a CSV and/or HTML formatted report (if specified). .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayVolumeGrowth -Arrays array1,array2 -GrowthPercentThreshold '10' -MinimumVolumeAgeInDays '1' -TimeFrameToCompareWith '7d' -DoNotReportGrowthOfLessThan '1' -DoNotReportVolSmallerThan '1GB' -csv Retrieve volume capacity report for array 1 and array2 comparing volumes over the last 7 days that: - volumes that are not smaller than 1GB in size - must have growth of less than 1GB - that are at least 1 day old - have grown at least 10% - output the report to a CSV delimited file .NOTES All arrays specified must use the same credential login. This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]] $Arrays, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $MinimumVolumeAgeInDays = "1", [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $TimeFrameToCompareWith, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $GrowthPercentThreshold = "1", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $DoNotReportGrowthOfLessThan = "1", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $DoNotReportVolSmallerThan = "1GB", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][switch] $csv, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][switch] $html ) Get-Sdk1Module $cred = Get-Credential # Connect to FlashArray(s) $VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold = @() foreach ($Array in $Arrays) { if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $Array -Credentials $cred -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Array with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $Array -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Array with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Retrieving data from arrays and calculating." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "This may take some time depending on number of arrays, volumes, etc. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "" foreach ($Array in $Arrays) { Write-Host "Calculating array $Array..." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $VolDetails = (Get-PfaVolumes $FlashArray -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $VolDetailsExcludingNewAndSmall = $VolDetails | ? size -GT $DoNotRportVolSmallerThan | Where-Object { (Get-Date $_.created) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysSinceCommissioningToReportAfter) } $VolDetailsExcludingNewAndSmall = $VolDetailsExcludingNewAndSmall | % { $VolumeSpaceMetrics = Get-PfaVolumeSpaceMetricsByTimeRange -VolumeName $_.name -TimeRange $TimeFrameToCompareWith -Array $FlashArray $_ | Add-Member NoteProperty -PassThru -Force -Name "GrowthPercentage" -Value $([math]::Round((($VolumeSpaceMetrics | select -Last 1).volumes / (1KB + ($VolumeSpaceMetrics | Select-Object -First 1).volumes)), 2)) | # 1KB+ appended to avoid devide by 0 errors Add-Member NoteProperty -PassThru -Force -Name "GrowthInGB" -Value $([math]::Round(((($VolumeSpaceMetrics | Select-Object -Last 1).volumes - ($VolumeSpaceMetrics | Select-Object -First 1).volumes) / 1GB), 2)) | ` Add-Member NoteProperty -PassThru -Force -Name "ArrayName" -Value $Array } $VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold += $VolDetailsExcludingNewAndSmall | Where-Object { $_.GrowthPercentage -gt $GrowthPercentThreshold -and $_.GrowthInGB -gt $DoNotRportGrowthOfLessThan } if ($VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold) { Write-Host "The following volumes have grown in the last $TimeFrameToCompareWith above the $GrowthPercentThreshold Percent of thier previous size:" -ForegroundColor Green ($($VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold | Select-Object Name, ArrayName, GrowthInGB, GrowthPercentage) | Format-Table -AutoSize ) $htmlOutput = ($($VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold | Select-Object name, ArrayName, GrowthInGB, GrowthPercentage)) $csvOutput = ($($VolThatBreachGrowthPercentThreshold | Select-Object name, ArrayName, GrowthInGB, GrowthPercentage)) } } Write-Host " " Write-Host "Query parameters specified as:" Write-Host "1) Ignore volumes created in the last $DaysSinceCommissioningToReportAfter days, 2) Volumes smaller than $($DoNotRportVolSmallerThan / 1GB) GB, and 3) Growth lower than $DoNotRportGrowthOfLessThan GB." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " if ($html.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Building HTML report as requested. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $htmlParams = @{ Title = "Volume Capacity Report for FlashArrays" Body = Get-Date PreContent = "<p>Volume Capacity Report for FlashArrays $Arrays :</p>" PostContent = "<p>Query parameters specified as: 1) Ignore volumes created in the last $DaysSinceCommissioningToReportAfter days, 2) Volumes smaller than $($DoNotRportVolSmallerThan / 1GB) GB, and 3) Growth lower than $DoNotRportGrowthOfLessThan GB.</p>" } $htmlOutput | ConvertTo-Html @htmlParams | Out-File -FilePath .\FlashArrayVolumeGrowthReport.html | Out-Null } if ($csv.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Building CSV report as requested. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $csvOutput | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path .\FlashArrayVolumeGrowthReport.csv } else { Write-Host " " Write-Host "No volumes on the array(s) match the requested criteria." Write-Host " " } } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayRASession.ps1 function Get-FlashArrayRASession() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Remote Assist status from a FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Remote Assist status from a FlashArray as disabled or enabled in a loop every 30 seconds until stopped. .PARAMETER EndPopint Required. FlashArray IP address or FQDN. .INPUTS EndPoint IP or FQDN required. .OUTPUTS Outputs Remote Assst status. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayRASession -EndPoint myarray.mydomain.com Retrieves the current Remote Assist status and continues check status every 30 seconds until stopped. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } While ($true) { If ((Get-PfaRemoteAssistSession -Array $FlashArray).Status -eq 'disabled') { Set-PfaRemoteAssistStatus -Array $FlashArray -Action connect } else { Write-Warning "Remote Assist session is not active." Start-Sleep 30 } } } #endregion #region Restore-PfaProtectionGroupVolumeSnapshots function Restore-PfaPGroupVolumeSnapshots() { <# .SYNOPSIS Recover all of the volumes from a protection group (PGroup) snapshot. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will recover all of the volumes from a protection group (PGroup) snapshot in one operation. .PARAMETER ProtectionGroup Required. The name of the Protection Group. .PARAMETER SnapshotName Required. The name of the snapshot. .PARAMETER PGroupPrefix Required. The name of the Protection Group prefix. .PARAMETER Hostname Optional. The hostname to attach the snapshots to. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Restore-PfaPGroupVolumeSnapshots –Array $array –ProtectionGroup "VOL1-PGroup" –SnapshotName "VOL1-PGroup.001" –Prefix TEST -Hostname HOST1 Restores protection group snapshots named "VOL1-PGroup.001" from PGroup "VOL1-PGroup", adds the prefix of "TEST" to the name, and attaches them to the host "HOST1" on array $array. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Array, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $ProtectionGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $SnapshotName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $PGroupPrefix, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Hostname ) $PGroupVolumes = Get-PfaProtectionGroup -Array $Array -Name $ProtectionGroup -Session $Session $PGroupSnapshotsSet = $SnapshotName ForEach ($PGroupVolume in $PGroupVolumes) { For($i=0;$i -lt $PGroupVolume.volumes.Count;$i++) { $NewPGSnapshotVol = ($PGroupVolume.volumes[$i]).Replace($PGroupVolume.source+":",$Prefix+"-") $Source = ($PGroupSnapshotsSet+"."+$PGroupVolumes.volumes[$i]).Replace($PGroupVolume.source+":","") New-PfaVolume -Array $Array -VolumeName $NewPGSnapshotVol -Source $Source New-PfaHostVolumeConnection -Array $array -HostName $Hostname -VolumeName $NewPGSnapshotVol } } } #endregion #region New-FlashArrayPGroupVolumes function New-FlashArrayPGroupVolumes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates volumes to a new FlashArray Protection Group (PGroup). .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will allow for the creation of multiple volumes and adding the created volumes to a new Protection Group (PGroup). The new volume names will default to "$PGroupPrefix-vol1", "PGroupPrefix-vol2" etc. .PARAMETER PGroupPrefix Required. The name of the Protection Group prefix to add volumes to. This parameter specifies the prefix of the PGroup name. The suffix defaults to "-PGroup". Example: -PGroupPrefix "database". The full PGroup name will be "database-PGroup". This PGroup will be created as new and must not already exist on the array. This prefix will also be used to uniquely name the volumes as they are created. .PARAMETER VolumeSizeGB Required. The size of the new volumes in Gigabytes (GB). .PARAMETER NumberOfVolumes Required. The number of volumes that are to be created. Each volume will be named "vol" with an ascending number following (ie. vol1, vol2, etc.). Each volume name will also contain the $PGroupPrefix variable as the name prefix. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE New-FlashArrayPGroupVolumes -PGroupPrefix "database" -VolumeSizeGB "200" -NumberOfVolumes "3" Creates 3-200GB volumes, named "database-vol1", "database-vol2", and "database-vol3". Each volume is added to the new Protection Group "database-PGroup". .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $PGroupPrefix, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $VolumeSizeGB, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $NumberOfVolumes ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $Volumes = @() for ($i = 1; $i -le $NumberOfVolumes; $i++) { New-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName "$PGroupPrefix-Vol$i" -Unit G -Size $VolumeSizeGB $Volumes += "$PGroupPrefix-Vol$i" } $Volumes -join "," New-PfaProtectionGroup -Array $FlashArray -Name "$PGGroupPrefix-PGroup" -Volumes $Volumes } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayQuickCapacityStats function Get-FlashArrayQuickCapacityStats() { <# .SYNOPSIS Quick way to retrieve FlashArray capacity statistics. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves high level capcity statistics from a FlashArray. .PARAMETER Names Required. A single name or array of names, comma seperated, of arrays to show acapacity information. .INPUTS Single or multiple FlashArray IP addresses or FQDNs. .OUTPUTS Outputs array capacity information .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayQuickCapacityStats -Names 'array1, array2' Retrieves capacity statistic information from FlashArray's array1 and array2. .NOTES The arrays supplied in the "Names" parameter must use the same credentials for access. This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Names ) Get-Sdk1Module if (!($Creds)) { $arrays = @() foreach ($name in $names) { try { $arrays += New-PfaArray -EndPoint $name -Credentials $cred -IgnoreCertificateError -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Error accessing $name : $_" } } } else { $arrays = @() foreach ($name in $names) { try { $arrays += New-PfaArray -EndPoint $name -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Error accessing $name : $_" } } } $spacemetrics = $arrays | Get-PfaArraySpaceMetrics -Verbose $spacemetrics = $spacemetrics | Select-Object *, @{N = "expvolumes"; E = { $_.volumes * $_.data_reduction } }, @{N = "provisioned"; E = { ($_.total - $_.system) / (1 - $_.thin_provisioning) * $_.data_reduction } } $totalcapacity = ($spacemetrics | Measure-Object capacity -Sum).Sum $totalvolumes = ($spacemetrics | Measure-Object volumes -Sum).Sum $totalvolumes_beforereduction = ($spacemetrics | Measure-Object expvolumes -Sum).Sum $totalprovisioned = ($spacemetrics | Measure-Object provisioned -Sum).Sum $1TB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 $date = Get-Date Write-Host "On $($spacemetrics.Count) Pure FlashArrays, there is $([int]($totalcapacity/$1TB)) TB of capacity; $([int]($totalvolumes/$1TB)) TB written, reduced from $([int]($totalvolumes_beforereduction/$1TB)) TB. Total provisioned: $([int]($totalprovisioned/$1TB)) TB." Write-Host "Data collected on $date" } #endregion #region Get-HostVolumeInfo function Get-AllHostVolumeInfo() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Host Volume information from FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Host Volume information including volumes attributes from a FlashArray. .INPUTS EndPoint IP or FQDN required .OUTPUTS Outputs Host volume information .EXAMPLE Get-HostVolumeinfo -EndPoint myarray.mydomain.com Retrieves Host Volume information from the FlashArray myarray.mydomain.com. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $hostNames = Get-PfaHosts -array $FlashArray | Select-Object -Property name foreach ($hostName in $hostnames) { $hostvols = Get-PfaHostVolumeConnections -Array $FlashArray -Name $hostName.name $hostvols | Format-Table -AutoSize; ForEach-Object -InputObject $hostvols { $vols = $_.vol; $volattribs = @(); if ($_.vol.count -gt 1) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $_.vol.count; $i++) { $volattrib = Get-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Name $vols[$i]; $volattribs += $volattrib; } $volattribs | Select-Object name, created, source, serial, @{Name = "Size(GB)"; Expression = { $_.size / 1GB } } | Format-Table -AutoSize; } else { Get-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Name $_.vol | Select-Object name, created, source, serial, @{Name = "Size(GB)"; Expression = { $_.size / 1GB } } | Format-Table -AutoSize; } } } } #endregion #region Get-FlashArraySerialNumbers function Get-FlashArraySerialNumbers() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves FlashArray volume serial numbers connected to the host. .DESCRIPTION Cmdlet queries WMI on the localhost to retrieve the disks that are associated to Pure FlashArrays. .INPUTS EndPoint IP or FQDN required. .OUTPUTS Outputs serial numbers of FlashArrays devices. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArraySerialNumbers Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to the host. #> $AllDevices = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive -Namespace 'root\CIMV2' ForEach ($Device in $AllDevices) { if ($Device.Model -like 'PURE FlashArray*') { @{ Name = $Device.Name; Caption = $Device.Caption; Index = $Device.Index; SerialNo = $Device.SerialNumber; } } } } #endregion #region New-HypervClusterVolumeReport function New-HypervClusterVolumeReport() { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Excel report on volumes connected to a Hyper-V cluster. .DESCRIPTION This creates separate CSV files for VM, Windows Hosts, and FlashArray information that is part of a HyperV cluster. It then takes that output and places it into a an Excel workbook that contains sheets for each CSV file. .PARAMETER VmCsvFileName Optional. Defaults to VMs.csv. .PARAMETER WinCsvFileName Optional. defaults to WindowsHosts.csv. .PARAMETER PfaCsvFileName Optional. defaults to FlashArrays.csv. .PARAMETER ExcelFile Optional. defaults to HypervClusterReport.xlsx. .INPUTS Endpoint is mandatory. VM, Win, and PFA csv file names are optional. .OUTPUTS Outputs individual CSV files and creates an Excel workbook that is built using the required PowerShell module ImportExcel, created by Douglas Finke. .EXAMPLE New-HypervClusterVolumeReport -EndPoint myarray -VmCsvName myVMs.csv -WinCsvName myWinHosts.csv -PfaCsvName myFlashArray.csv -ExcelFile myExcelFile This will create three separate CSV files with HyperV cluster information and incorporate them into a single Excel workbook. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$VmCsvFileName = "VMs.csv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$WinCsvFileName = "WindowsHosts.csv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$PfaCsvFileName = "FlashArrays.csv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$ExcelFile = "HypervClusterReport.xlxs" ) try { Get-ElevatedStatus Get-HypervStatus ## Check for modules & features Write-Host "Checking, installing, and importing prerequisite modules." [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $modulesArray = @( "PureStoragePowerShellSDK", "ImportExcel" ) ForEach ($mod in $modulesArray) { If (Get-Module -ListAvailable $mod) { Continue } Else { Install-Module $mod -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' Import-Module $mod -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } } Write-Host "Checking and installing prerequisite Windows Features." $osVer = (Get-ComputerInfo).WindowsProductName $featuresArray = @( "hyper-v-powershell", "rsat-clustering-powershell" ) ForEach ($fea in $featuresArray) { If (Get-WindowsFeature $fea | Select-Object -ExpandProperty installed) { Continue } Else { If ($osVer -le "2008") { Add-WindowsFeature -Name $fea -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } Else { Install-WindowsFeature -Name $fea -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } } } # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } ## Get a list of VMs - VM Sheet $vmList = Get-VM -ComputerName (Get-ClusterNode) $vmList | ForEach-Object { $vmState = $_.state; $vmName = $_.name; Write-Output $_; } | ForEach-Object { Get-VHD -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -VMId $_.VMId } | Select-Object -Property path, @{n = 'VMName'; e = { $vmName } }, @{n = 'VMState'; e = { $vmState } }, computername, vhdtype, @{Label = 'Size(GB)'; expression = { [Math]::Round($_.size / 1gb, 2) -as [int] } }, @{label = 'SizeOnDisk(GB)'; expression = { [Math]::Round($_.filesize / 1gb, 2) -as [int] } } | Export-Csv $VmCsvFileName Import-Csv $VmCsvFileName | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelFile -AutoSize -WorkSheetname 'VMs' ## Get windows physical disks - Windows Host Sheet Get-ClusterNode | ForEach-Object { Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='3'" -ComputerName $_ | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ Server = $_.__Server Label = $_.Label Name = $_.Name TotalSize_GB = ([Math]::Round($_.Capacity / 1GB, 2)) FreeSpace_GB = ([Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace / 1GB, 2)) SizeOnDisk_GB = ([Math]::Round(($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace) / 1GB, 2)) } } } | Export-Csv $WinCsvFileName -NoTypeInformation Import-Csv $WinCsvFileName | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelFile -AutoSize -WorkSheetname 'Windows Hosts' ## Get Pure FlashArray volumes and space - FlashArray Sheet Function GetSerial { [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $findserial) $GetVol = Get-Volume -FilePath $findserial | Select-Object -ExpandProperty path $GetDiskNum = Get-Partition | Where-Object -Property accesspaths -CContains $getvol | Select-Object disknumber Get-Disk -Number $getdisknum.disknumber | Select-Object serialnumber } $pathQ = $VmList | ForEach-Object { Get-VHD -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -VMId $_.VMId } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty path $serials = GetSerial { $pathQ } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ## FlashArray volumes $pureVols = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $serials.serialnumber -contains $_.serial } | ForEach-Object { Get-PfaVolumeSpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $_.name } | Select-Object name, size, total, data_reduction $pureVols | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Size(GB)"; Expression = { [math]::round($_.size / 1gb, 2) } }, @{Name = "SizeOnDisk(GB)"; Expression = { [math]::round($_.total / 1gb, 2) } }, @{Name = "DataReduction"; Expression = { [math]::round($_.data_reduction, 2) } } | Export-Csv $PfaCsvFileName -NoTypeInformation Import-Csv $PfaCsvFileName | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelFile -AutoSize -WorkSheetname 'FlashArrays' } catch { Write-Host "There was a problem running this cmdlet. Please try again or submit an Issue in the GitHub Repository." } } #endregion #region Sync-FlashArrayHosts function Sync-FlashArrayHosts() { <# .SYNOPSIS Synchronizes the hosts amd host protocols between two FlashArrays. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve the current hosts from the Source array and create them on the target array. It will also add the FC (WWN) or iSCSI (iqn) settings for each host on the Target array. .PARAMETER SourceArray Required. FQDN or IP address of the source FlashArray. .PARAMETER TargetArray Required. FQDN or IP address of the source FlashArray. .PARAMETER Protocol Required. 'FC' for Fibre Channel WWNs or 'iSCSI' for iSCSI IQNs. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Sync-FlashArraysHosts -SourceArray mySourceArray -TargetArray myTargetArray -Protocol FC Synchronizes the hosts and hosts FC WWNs from the mySourceArray to the myTargetArray. .NOTES This cmdlet cannot utilize the global $Creds variable as it requires two logins to two separate arrays. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $SourceArray, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$TargetArray, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateSet("iSCSI", "FC")][string]$Protocol ) $FlashArray1 = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $SourceArray -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError $FlashArray2 = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $TargetArray -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError Get-PfaHosts -Array $FlashArray1 | New-PfaHost -Array $FlashArray2 Get-PfaHostGroups -Array $FlashArray1 | New-PfaHostGroup -Array $FlashArray2 $fa1Hosts = Get-PfaHosts -Array $FlashArray1 switch ($Procotol) { 'iSCSI' { foreach ($fa1Host in $fa1Hosts) { Add-PfaHostIqns -Array $FlashArray2 -AddIqnList $fa1Host.iqn -Name $fa1Host.name } } 'FC' { foreach ($fa1Host in $fa1Hosts) { Add-PfaHostWwns -Array $FlashArray2 -AddWwnList $fa1Host.wwn -Name $fa1Host.name } } } } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayStaleSnapshots function Get-FlashArrayStaleSnapshots() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves aged snapshots and allows for Deletion and Eradication of such snapshots. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve all snapshots that are beyond the specified SnapAgeThreshold. It allows for the parameters of Delete and Eradicate, and if set to $true, it will delete and eradicate the snapshots returned. It allows for the parameter of Confirm, and if set to $true, it will prompt before deletion and/or eradication of the snapshots. Snapshots must be deleted before they can be eradicated. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. Endpoint is the FlashArray IP or FQDN. .PARAMETER SnapAgeThreshold Required. SnapAgeThreshold is the number of days from the current date. Delete. Confirm, and Eradicate are optional. .PARAMETER Delete Optional. If set to $true, delete the snapshots. .PARAMETER Eradicate Optional. If set to $true, eradicate the deleted snapshots (snapshot must be flagged as deleted). .PARAMETER Confirm Optional. If set to $true, provide user confirmation for Deletion or Eradication of the snapshots. .OUTPUTS Returns a listing of snapshots that are beyond the specified threshold and displays final results. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayStaleSnapshots -EndPoint myArray -SnapAgeThreshold 30 Returns all snapshots that are older than 30 days from the current date. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayStaleSnapshots -EndPoint myArray -SnapAgeThreshold 30 -Delete:$true -Eradicate:$true -Confirm:$false Returns all snapshots that are older than 30 days from the current date, deletes and eradicates them without confirmation. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $SnapAgeThreshold, [switch]$Delete, [switch]$Eradicate, [switch]$Confirm ) # Establish variables, Pure time format, and gather current time. $1GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 $CurrentTime = Get-Date $DateTimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } # Establish and reset counter variables. [int]$SpaceConsumedTotal = 0 [int]$SnapNumberTotal = 0 $Timespan = $null [int]$SpaceConsumed = 0 [int]$SnapNumber = 0 try { $Snapshots = Get-PfaAllVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray Write-Output "" Write-Output "=========================================================================" Write-Output " $EndPoint " Write-Output "=========================================================================" } catch { Write-Host "Error processing $($EndPoint)." } #Get all snapshots and compute the age of them. $DateTimeFormat variable taken from above; this is needed in order to parse Pure time format. foreach ($Snapshot in $Snapshots) { $SnapshotDateTime = $Snapshot.created $SnapshotDateTime = [datetime]::ParseExact($SnapshotDateTime, $DateTimeFormat, $null) $Timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $SnapshotDateTime -End $CurrentTime $SnapAge = $($Timespan.Days + $($Timespan.Hours / 24) + $($Timespan.Minutes / 1440)) $SnapAge = [math]::Round($SnapAge, 2) #Find snaps older than given threshold and output with formatted data. if ($SnapAge -gt $SnapAgeThreshold) { $SnapStats = Get-PfaSnapshotSpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray -Name $Snapshot.name $SnapSize = [math]::round($($SnapStats.total / $1GB), 2) $SpaceConsumed = $SpaceConsumed + $SnapSize $SnapNumber = $SnapNumber + 1 #Delete snapshots if ($Delete -eq $true -and $Eradicate -eq $true) { Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Name $Snapshot.name -Eradicate -Confirm $Confirm Write-Output "Eradicating $($Snapshot.name) - $($SnapSize) GB." } elseif ($Delete -eq $true) { Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Name $Snapshot.name -Confirm $Confirm Write-Output "Deleting $($Snapshot.name) - $($SnapSize) GB." } else { Write-Output $Snapshot.name Write-Output " $SnapSize GB" Write-Output " $SnapAge days" } } } #Display final message for array results. Write-Output "There are $($SnapNumber) snapshot(s) older than $($SnapAgeThreshold) days consuming a total of $($SpaceConsumed) GB on the array." $SnapNumberTotal = $SnapNumberTotal + $SnapNumber $SpaceConsumedTotal = $SpaceConsumedTotal + $SpaceConsumed } Write-Output "There are $($SnapNumberTotal) snapshot(s) older than $($SnapAgeThreshold) days consuming a total of $($SpaceConsumedTotal) GB." #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayDisconnectedVolumes Function Get-FlashArrayDisconnectedVolumes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves disconnected volume information for a FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve information for volumes that are ina disconnected state for a FlashArray. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Disconnected volume information is displayed. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayDisconnectedVolumes -EndPoint myArray .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) #Math values $1GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 $1TB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $faSpace = Get-PfaArraySpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray $Hosts = Get-PfaHosts -Array $FlashArray ForEach ($HostVol in $Hosts) { $ConnectedVolumes += @(Get-PfaHostVolumeConnections -Array $FlashArray -Name $HostVol.name | Select-Object vol) } #Get all volumes $AllVolumes = @(Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Select-Object name) $hash = @{} foreach ($i in $ConnectedVolumes) { $Vol = $i.vol $hash.Add($z, $Vol) $z++ } foreach ($j in $AllVolumes) { if (!$hash.ContainsValue($j.name)) { $DisconnectedVolumes += $j.name } else { $hash.Remove($j.name) } } Write-Output "" Write-Output "`t$($FlashArray) - $([math]::Round((($faSpace.total)/$1TB),2)) TB/$([math]::Round($(($faSpace.capacity)/$1TB),2)) TB ($([math]::Round((($faSpace.total)*100)/$($faSpace.capacity),2))% Full)`n" Write-Output "===================================================" Write-Output "`t`t Disconnected Volumes ($($DisconnectedVolumes.Count-1) of $($hash.Count))" Write-Output "===================================================" #If the array has a disconnected volume, gather volume space metrics if (($DisconnectedVolumes.Count) -gt 1 ) { foreach ($DisconnectedVolume in $DisconnectedVolumes) { if ($null -ne $DisconnectedVolume) { $VolDetails = Get-PfaVolumeSpaceMetrics -array $FlashArray -VolumeName $DisconnectedVolume $GetVol = Get-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Name $DisconnectedVolume $VolSerial = $GetVol.serial $Space = ($($VolDetails.volumes / $1GB)) $Space = [math]::Round($Space, 3) $Total = [math]::Round(($($VolDetails.size / $1TB)), 3) $Reduction = $VolDetails.data_reduction $Reduction = [math]::Round($Reduction, 0) Write-Output "$($DisconnectedVolume) `n`t $($VolSerial) `n`t $($Space) GB Consumed `n`t $($Total) TB Provisioned `n`t $($Reduction):1 Reduction `n" | Format-List $PotentialSpaceSavings = $PotentialSpaceSavings + $($VolDetails.volumes / $1GB) } } Write-Output "Potential space savings for $($faEndPoint) is $([math]::Round($PotentialSpaceSavings,3)) GB." } else { Write-Output "No Disconnected Volumes found." } } #endregion #region Get-FlashArraySpace Function Get-FlashArraySpace() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the space used and available for a FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will return various array space metrics for the given FlashArray. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Various FlashArray space used and available information. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArraySpace -EndPoint myArray .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module #Math values # [double]$1GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 [double]$1TB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $ArraySpace = @() $faSpace = Get-PfaArraySpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray $faSpace | Select-Object @{name = 'Hostname'; expr = { $_.Hostname } }, @{name = 'Percent Used'; expr = { ($faSpace.total / $faSpace.capacity).ToString("P") } }, @{name = 'Capacity Used (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.Total / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Capacity Free (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round((($faSpace.capacity - $faSpace.total) / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Volume Space (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.Volumes / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Shared Space (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.Shared_Space / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Snapshot Space (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.Snapshots / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'System Space (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.System / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Total Storage (TB)'; expr = { ([math]::Round([double]($_.Capacity / $1TB), 2)) } }, @{name = 'Data Reduction'; expr = { [math]::Round($_.Data_Reduction, 2) } }, @{name = 'Thin Provisioning'; expr = { [math]::Round($_.Thin_Provisioning * 10, 2) } } $ArraySpace | Format-Table -AutoSize } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayPgroupsConfig Function Get-FlashArrayPgroupsConfig() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Protection Group (PGroup) information for the FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Protection Group (PGroup) information for the FlashArray. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Protection Group information is displayed. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayPgroupsConfig -EndPoint myArrayg .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $ProtectionGroups = Get-PfaProtectionGroups -Array $FlashArray $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" foreach ($ProtectionGroup in $ProtectionGroups) { $RetentionDetails = Get-PfaProtectionGroupRetention -Array $FlashArray -ProtectionGroupName $ProtectionGroup.name $ScheduleDetails = Get-PfaProtectionGroupSchedule -Array $FlashArray -ProtectionGroupName $ProtectionGroup.name if ($ScheduleDetails.replicate_enabled -eq "True") { Write-Host "========================================================================================" Write-Host " $($ProtectionGroup.name) " -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "========================================================================================" Write-Host "Host Groups: $($ProtectionGroup.hgroups)" Write-Host "Hosts: $($ProtectionGroup.hosts)" Write-Host "Volumes: $($ProtectionGroup.volumes)" Write-Host "" Write-Host "A snapshot is taken and replicated every $($ScheduleDetails.replicate_frequency/60) minutes." Write-Host "$(($RetentionDetails.target_all_for/60)/($ScheduleDetails.replicate_frequency/60)) snapshot(s) are kept on the target for $($RetentionDetails.target_all_for/60) minutes." Write-Host "$($RetentionDetails.target_per_day) additional snapshot(s) are kept for $($RetentionDetails.target_days) more days." } else { Write-Host "==========================================================================================" Write-Host " $($ProtectionGroup.name) " -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "==========================================================================================" Write-Host "Host Groups: $($ProtectionGroup.hgroups)" Write-Host "Hosts: $($ProtectionGroup.hosts)" Write-Host "Volumes: $($ProtectionGroup.volumes)" Write-Host "" Write-Host "$($ProtectionGroup.name) is disabled." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "" } } } #endregion #region Remove-FlashArrayPendingDeletes Function Remove-FlashArrayPendingDeletes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Reports on pending FlashArray Volume and Snapshots deletions and optionally Eradicates them. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will return information on any volumes or volume snapshots that are pending eradication after deletion and optionally prompt for eradication of those objects. The user will be prompted for confirmation. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Volume and volume snapshots awaiting eradication. .EXAMPLE Remove-FlashArrayPendingDelete -EndPoint myArray .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $pendingvolumelist = Get-PfaPendingDeleteVolumes -Array $FlashArray $pendingsnaplist = Get-PfaPendingDeleteVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray if (!pendingvolumelist) { Write-Host "No volumes are pending delete." } else { Write-Host "Listing PENDING volumes and snapshots that exist on the array." Write-Host "======================================================================================================================`n" Write-Host "Volumes in PENDING state" foreach ($volume in $pendingvolumelist) { Write-Host " -" $volume.name } } if (!pendingsnaplist) { Write-Host "No snapshots are pending delete." break } else { Write-Host "Snapshots in PENDING state" foreach ($volumesnap in $pendingsnaplist) { Write-Host " -" $volumesnap.name } } $confirmstring = "proceed" Write-Host "Please confirm that you wish to perform an unrecoverable operation." Write-Host "======================================================================================================================`n" Write-Host "Please type the word $confirmstring to eradicate the pending deleted volumes and snapshots." Write-Host "The action will initiate immediately upon inputting $confirmstring . This operation CANNOT be undone." -fore yellow $user_response = Read-Host "`t" if (($user_response.ToLower() -ne $confirmstring.ToLower())) { Write-Host "Your input was [$user_response]. It was not the word $confirmstring. Exiting." exit } Write-Host "Eradicating PENDING volumes and snapshots." Write-Host "======================================================================================================================`n" foreach ($volume in $pendingvolumelist) { Write-Host " -" $volume.name " eradicated." Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Name $volume.name -Eradicate } foreach ($volumesnap in $pendingsnaplist) { Write-Host " -" $volumesnap.name " eradicated" Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Name $volumesnap.name -Eradicate } Write-Host "Volume and Snapshot pending deletes have been eradicated." } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayConfig Function Get-FlashArrayConfig() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves and outputs to a file the configuration of the FlashArray. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will run Purity CLI commands to retrieve the base configuration of a FlashArray and output it to a file. This file is formatted for the CLI, not necessarily human-readable. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .PARAMETER OutFile Optional. The file path and filename that will contain the output. if not specified, the default is the current folder\Array_Config.txt. .PARAMETER ArrayName Optional. The FlashArray name to use in the output. Defaults to $EndPoint. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArray -EndPoint myArray -ArrayName Array100 Retrieves the configuration for a FlashArray and stores it in the current path as Array100_config.txt. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $OutFile = "Array_Config.txt", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $ArrayName ) Get-Sdk1Module $GetDate = Get-Date # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { $Creds = Get-Credential } If (!$ArrayName) { $ArrayName = $EndPoint } "==================================================================================" | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append "FlashArray Configuration Export for: $($ArrayName)" | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append "Date: $($GetDate)" | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append "==================================================================================`n" | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append $InvokeCommand_pureconfig_list_object = "pureconfig list --object" $InvokeCommand_pureconfig_list_system = "pureconfig list --system" Write-Host "Retrieving FlashArray OBJECT configuration export (host-pod-volume-hgroup-connection)..." "FlashArray OBJECT configuration export (host-pod-volume-hgroup-connection)..." | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append " " | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append New-PfaCLICommand -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -CommandText $InvokeCommand_pureconfig_list_object | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append Write-Host "Retrieving FlashArray SYSTEM configuration export (array-network-alert-support)..." "FlashArray SYSTEM configuration export (array-network-alert-support):" | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append " " | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append New-PfaCLICommand -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -CommandText $InvokeCommand_pureconfig_list_system | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append Write-Host "FlashArray configuration file located in $Outfile." -ForegroundColor Green } #endregion #region Get-FlashArrayHierarchy Function Get-FlashArrayHierarchy() { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays array hierarchy in relation to hosts and/or volumes. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will display the hierarchy from a FlashArray of hosts and volumes. The output is to the console in text. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of the FlashArray. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS FlashArray host and/or volume hierarchy. .EXAMPLE Get-FlashArrayHierarchy -EndPoint myArray .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint ) Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } $Initiators = Get-PfaHosts -Array $FlashArray $Volumes = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray $1GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Write-Host "" Write-Host "Please indicate if you would like to see the hierarchy by host." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "This process will take a couple minutes, but is useful to find disconnected hosts or hosts with no replication group." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Otherwise, the hierarchy will be shown at the volume level." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "" $ByHost = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to view hierarchy by individual hosts? (Y/N)" Write-Host "" Write-Host "================================================================" Write-Host " $EndPoint Hierarchy" Write-Host "================================================================" #If else statement to control hierarchy displayed by host or by volume If ($ByHost -eq "Y" -or $ByHost -eq "y") { #Start at host level ForEach ($Initiator in $Initiators) { Write-Host " [H] $($Initiator.name)" $Volumes = Get-PfaHostVolumeConnections -Array $FlashArray -Name $Initiator.name If (!$Volumes) { Write-Host ' [No volumes connected]' -ForegroundColor Yellow } Else { #Start at volume level ForEach ($Volume in $Volumes) { #Reset variables $Snapshots = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $Volume.vol $SnapshotDetails = Get-PfaSnapshotSpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray -name $Volume.vol $SpaceConsumed = 0 #Change value for snapshot count threshold If ($Snapshots.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host " [V]$($Volume.vol)" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " There are no associated snapshots with this volume." -ForegroundColor Red } Else { Write-Host " [V]$($Volume.vol)" -ForegroundColor Green } #Space consumed computation for each volume ForEach ($SnapshotDetail in $SnapshotDetails) { $SpaceConsumed = $SpaceConsumed + $SnapshotDetail.total } #Change value for snapshot count threshold ForEach ($Snapshot in $Snapshots) { If ($Snapshots.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host " [S] $($Snapshot.name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Else { Write-Host " [S] $($Snapshot.name)" -ForegroundColor Green } } #Display space consumed if snapshot count exceeds threshold If ($Snapshots.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host " There are $($Snapshots.Count) snapshots associated with this volume consuming a total of $([math]::Round($SpaceConsumed/$1GB,2)) GB on the array." } } } } } #If user does not want hierarchy at host level Else { #Start volume level ForEach ($Volume in $Volumes) { #Reset variables $Snapshots = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $Volume.name $SnapshotDetails = Get-PfaSnapshotSpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray -name $Volume.name $SpaceConsumed = 0 #Change value for snapshot count threshold If ($Snapshots.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host " [V]$($Volume.name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " There are no associated snapshots with this volume." -ForegroundColor Red } Else { Write-Host " [V]$($Volume.name)" -ForegroundColor Green } #Space Consumed computation for each volume ForEach ($SnapshotDetail in $SnapshotDetails) { $SpaceConsumed = $SpaceConsumed + $SnapshotDetail.total } #Change value for snapshot count threshold ForEach ($Snapshot in $Snapshots) { If ($Snapshots.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host " [S] $($Snapshot.name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Else { Write-Host " [S] $($Snapshot.name)" -ForegroundColor Green } } #Display space consumed if snapshot count threshold is exceeded If ($Snapshots.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host "There are $($Snapshots.Count) snapshots associated with this volume consuming a total of $([math]::Round($SpaceConsumed/$1GB,2)) GB on the array." } } } } #endregion #region New-FlashArrayExcelReport Function New-FlashArrayExcelReport() { <# .SYNOPSIS Create an Excel workbook that contains FlashArray Information for each array specified in a file. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve array, volume, host, pod, and snapshot capacity information from all of the FlashArrays listed in the txt file and output it to an Excel spreadsheet. Each arrays will have it's own filename and the current date and time will be added to the filenames. This cmdlet requires the PowerShell module ImportExcel - https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ImportExcel .PARAMETER Username Optional. Required if $Creds variable is not used. Full username to login to the arrays. This currently must be the same username for all arrays. This user must have the array-admin role. If not supplied, the $Creds variable must exist in the session and be set by Get-Credential. .PARAMETER PassFilePath Optional. Required if $Creds variable is not used. Full path and filename that contains the plaintext password for the $username. The password will be encrypted when passing to the array. If not supplied, the $Creds variable must exist in the session and be set by Get-Credential. .PARAMETER ArrayList Required. Full path to file name that contains IP addresses or FQDN's for all FlashAarays being reported on. This is a plain text file with each array on a new line. .PARAMETER OutPath Optional. Full directory path (with no trailing "\") for Excel workbook, formatted as DRIVE_LETTER:\folder_name. If not specified, the files will be placed in the %temp% folder. .PARAMETER snapLimit Optional. This will limit the total number of Volume snapshots returned from the arrays. This will be beneficial when working with a large number of snapshots. With a large number of snapshots, and not setting this limit, the worksheet creation time is increased considerably. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS An Excel workbook .EXAMPLE New-FlashArrayExcelReport -Username "pureuser" -PassFilePath "c:\temp\creds.txt" -ArrayList "c:\temp\arrays.txt" Creates an Excel file in the the %temp% folder for each array in the Arrays.txt file, using the username and plaintext password file supplied. .EXAMPLE $Creds = (Get-Credential) New-FlashArrayExcelReport -ArrayList "c:\temp\arrays.txt" -snapLimit 25 -OutPath "c:\outputs" Creates an Excel file for each array in the Arrays.txt file, using the credentials preconfigured via the Get-Credentials cmdlet supplied. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. This cmdlet requires the PowerShell module ImportExcel. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Arraylist, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $OutPath = "$env:Temp", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $snapLimit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $PassFilePath ) # Check for Creds if (!($Creds)) { $pass = Get-Content -Path $PassFilePath | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlaintext $Creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$pass) } # Check for modules & features Write-Host "Checking for modules and installing if necessary..." -ForegroundColor green [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $modulesArray = @( "PureStoragePowerShellSDK2", "ImportExcel" ) ForEach ($mod in $modulesArray) { If (Get-Module -ListAvailable $mod) { Continue } Else { Install-Module $mod -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' Import-Module $mod -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } } # Assign variables $arrays = Get-Content -Path $arraylist $date = (Get-Date).ToString("MMddyyyy_HHmmss") # Run through each array Write-Host "Starting to read from array..." -ForegroundColor green foreach ($array in $arrays) { $flasharray = Connect-Pfa2Array -Endpoint $array -Credential $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError $array_details = Get-Pfa2Array -Array $flasharray $host_details =Get-Pfa2Host -Array $flasharray -Sort "name" $hostgroup = Get-Pfa2HostGroup -Array $flasharray $vol_details = Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $flasharray -Sort "name" -Filter "not(contains(name,'vvol'))" $vvol_details = Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $flasharray -Sort "name" -Filter "contains(name,'vvol')" $pgd = Get-Pfa2ProtectionGroup -Array $flasharray $pgst = Get-Pfa2ProtectionGroupSnapshotTransfer -Array $flasharray -Sort "name" $controller0_details = Get-Pfa2Controller -Array $flasharray | Where-Object Name -eq CT0 $controller1_details = Get-Pfa2Controller -Array $flasharray | Where-Object Name -eq CT1 $free = $array_details.capacity - $array_details.space.TotalPhysical if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('snapLimit')) { $snapshots = Get-Pfa2VolumeSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Limit $snapLimit } else { $snapshots = Get-Pfa2VolumeSnapshot -Array $FlashArray } $pods = Get-Pfa2Pod -Array $FlashArray Write-Host "Read complete. Disconnecting and continuing..." -ForegroundColor green # Disconnect 'cause we don't need to waste the connection anymore Disconnect-Pfa2Array -Array $flasharray # Name and path the files $wsname = $array_details.name $excelFile = "$outPath\$wsname-$date.xlsx" Write-Host "Writing data to Excel workbook..." -ForegroundColor green # Array Information [PSCustomObject]@{ "Array Name" = ($array_details.Name).ToUpper() "Array ID" = $array_details.Id "Purity Version" = $array_details.Version "CT0-Mode" = $controller0_details.Mode "CT0-Status" = $controller0_details.Status "CT1-Mode" = $controller1_details.Mode "CT1-Status" = $controller1_details.Status "% Utilized" = "{0:P}" -f ($array_details.space.TotalPhysical / $array_details.capacity ) "Total Capacity(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.Capacity/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Used Capacity(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.space.TotalPhysical/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Free Capacity(TB)" = [math]::round($free/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Provisioned Size(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.space.TotalProvisioned/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Unique Data(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.space.Unique/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Shared Data(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.space.shared/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) "Snapshot Capacity(TB)" = [math]::round($array_details.space.snapshots/1024/1024/1024/1024,2) } | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Array_Info" -AutoSize -TableName "ArrayInformation" -Title "FlashArray Information" ## Volume Details $vol_details | Select-Object name,@{n='Size(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.provisioned/1024/1024/1024),2)}},@{n='Unique Data(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.Unique/1024/1024/1024),2)}},@{n='Shared Data(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.Shared/1024/1024/1024),2)}},serial,ConnectionCount,Created,@{n='Volume Group';e={$_.VolumeGroup.Name}},Destroyed,TimeRemaining | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Volumes-No vVols" -AutoSize -ConditionalText $(New-ConditionalText Stop DarkRed LightPink) -TableName "VolumesNovVols" -Title "Volumes - Not including vVols" ## vVol Volume Details if ($vvol_details) { $vvol_details | Select-Object name,@{n='Size(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.provisioned/1024/1024/1024),2)}},@{n='Unique Data(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.Unique/1024/1024/1024),2)}},@{n='Shared Data(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.Shared/1024/1024/1024),2)}},serial,ConnectionCount,Created,@{n='Volume Group';e={$_.VolumeGroup.Name}},Destroyed,TimeRemaining | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "vVol Volumes" -AutoSize -ConditionalText $(New-ConditionalText Stop DarkRed LightPink) -TableName "vVolVolumes" -Title "vVol Volumes" } else { Write-Host "No vVol Volumes exist on Array. Skipping." } ## Volume Snapshot details if ($snapshots) { $snapshots | Select-Object Name,Created,@{n='Provisioned(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.Provisioned/1024/1024/1024),2)}},Destroyed,@{n='Source';e={$_.Source.Name}},@{n='Pod';e={$_.pod.name}},@{n='Volume Group';e={$_.VolumeGroup.Name}} | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Volume Snapshots" -AutoSize -TableName "VolumeSnapshots" -Title "Volume Snapshots" } else { Write-Host "No Volume Snapshots exist on Array. Skipping." } # Host Details $host_details | Select-Object Name,@{n='No. of Volumes';e={$_.ConnectionCount}},@{n='HostGroup';e={$_.HostGroup.Name}},Personality,@{n='Allocated(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.totalprovisioned/1024/1024/1024),2)}},@{n='Wwns';e={$_.Wwns -join ',' }} | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Hosts" -AutoSize -TableName "Hosts" -Title "Host Information" ## HostGroup Details if ($hostgroup) { $hostgroup | Select-Object Name,HostCount,@{n='No.of Volumes';e={$_.ConnectionCount}},@{n='Total Size(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.totalprovisioned/1024/1024/1024),2)}} | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Host Groups" -AutoSize -TableName "HostGroups" -Title "Host Groups" } else { Write-Host "No Host Groups exist on Array. Skipping." } ## Protection Group and Protection Group Transfer details if ($pgd) { $pgd | select-object Name,@{n='Snapshot Size(GB)';e={[math]::round(($_.space.snapshots/1024/1024/1024),2)}},volumecount,@{n='Source';e={$_.source.name}} | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Protection Groups" -AutoSize -TableName "ProtectionGroups" -Title "Protection Group" $pgst | Select-Object Name,@{n='Data Transferred(MB)';e={[math]::round(($_.DataTransferred/1024/1024),2)}},Destroyed,@{n='Physical Bytes Written(MB)';e={[math]::round(($_.PhysicalBytesWritten/1024/1024),2)}},@{n="Status";e={$_.Progress -Replace("1","Transfer Complete")}}| Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "PG Snapshot Transfers" -AutoSize -TableName "PGroupSnapshotTransfers" -Title "Protection Group Snapshot Transfers" } else { Write-Host "No Protection Groups exist on Array. Skipping." } ## Pod details if ($pods) { $pods | Select-Object Name,arraycount,@{n='Source';e={$_.source.name}},mediator,promotionstatus,destroyed | Export-Excel $excelFile -WorksheetName "Pods" -AutoSize -TableName "Pods" -Title "Pod Information" } else { Write-Host "No Pods exist on Array. Skipping." } } Write-Host "Complete. Files located in $outpath" -ForegroundColor green } #endregion #region New-FlashArrayCapacityReport function New-FlashArrayCapacityReport() { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a formatted report that contains FlashArray Capacity Information .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve volume and snapshot capacity information from the FlashArray and output it to a formatted report. .PARAMETER EndPoint Required. FQDN or IP address of FlashArray. .PARAMETER OutFile Optional. Full folder path for output report. Default is the current %TEMP% folder. .PARAMETER HTMLFileName Optional. File name of output report. Default is Array_Capacity_Report.html. .PARAMETER VolumeFilter Optional. Specific volumes to filter output on. Wildcards are accepted. By default, this is "*" (all). .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Formatted HTML report containing retrieved data and specified options. .EXAMPLE New-FlashArrayCapacityReport -EndPoint myArray Creates a capacity report named myArray_Capacity_Report.html in the current folder. .EXAMPLE New-FlashArrayCapacityReport -EndPoint myArray -OutFile C:\temp -HTMLFileName MyArrayReport.html -VolumeFilter 'Volume1*'. Creates a capacity report c:\temp\myArrayReport.html that includes volumes that contain the name 'Volume1*'. .NOTES This cmdlet can utilize the global $Creds variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the variable $Creds by using the command $Creds = Get-Credential. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $EndPoint, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $OutFile = "$env:Temp", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $HTMLFileName = "Array_Capacity_Report.html", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $VolumeFilter = "*" ) # define variables $ReportDateTime = Get-Date -Format d $metadata = [PSCustomObject]@{ ReportDate = Get-Date -Format g Source = $env:COMPUTERNAME ScriptPath = $($myInvocation.mycommand).path ScriptVersion = "" CreatedBy = "$env:USERNAME" } Get-Sdk1Module # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } # populate variables $FlashArraySpaceMetrics = Get-PfaArraySpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray $FlashArrayConfig = Get-PfaArrayAttributes -Array $FlashArray $FlashArraySnapshots = Get-PfaAllVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray $sysCapacity = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo TB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.capacity -Precision 2 $sysSnapshotSpace = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo MB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.snapshots -Precision 4 $sysVolumeSpace = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo GB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.volumes -Precision 2 $sysDRR = [system.Math]::Round($FlashArraySpaceMetrics.data_reduction, 1) $sysSpace = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo GB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.total -Precision 2 $sysSharedSpace = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo GB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.shared_space -Precision 0 $sysTP = Convert-Size -ConvertFrom Bytes -ConvertTo GB $FlashArraySpaceMetrics.thin_provisioning -Precision 2 if ([system.Math]::Round($FlashArraySpaceMetrics.total_reduction, 1) -gt 100) { $sysTotalDRR = ">100:1" } else { $sysTotalDRR = ([system.Math]::Round($FlashArraySpaceMetrics.total_reduction, 1)).toString() + ":1" } # zero out varables $volumeInfo = $null $provisioned = 0 $volumes = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.name -like $VolumeFilter } $volumeInfo += "<th>Volume Name</th><th>Volume Size (GB)</th><th>Connection</th><th><center>Protected</center></th><th>DR</th><th>SS</th><th>TP</th><th>WS (GB)</th>" ForEach ($volume in $volumes) { $printVol = $volume.name $volSize = ($volume.size) / 1GB $provisioned = (Convert-Size -ConvertFrom GB -ConvertTo TB $volSize -Precision 4) + $provisioned $dr = Get-PfaVolumeSpaceMetrics -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name $datardx = "{0:N2}" -f $dr.data_reduction $dataTP = "{0:N3}" -f $dr.thin_provisioning $WrittenSpace = "{0:N2}" -f (((1 - $dr.thin_provisioning) * $dr.total) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) if ($dr.shared_space) { $dataSS = "{0:N2}" -f $dr.shared_space } else { $dataSS = "None" } # Does the volume have any snapshots? if (!(Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name)) { $protected = "No" } else { $protected = "Yes" } if (!(Get-PfaVolumeHostConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).host) { if (!(Get-PfaVolumeHostGroupConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).hgroup) { $hostconnname = "Not Connected" } else { if (((Get-PfaVolumeHostGroupConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).hgroup).Count -gt 1) { $hostconnname = (Get-PfaVolumeHostGroupConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).hgroup[0] } else { $hostconnname = (Get-PfaVolumeHostGroupConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).hgroup } } } else { $hostconnname = (Get-PfaVolumeHostConnections -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $volume.name).host } $volumeInfo += "<tr><td>$("{0:N0}" -f $printVol)</td> <td>$("{0:N0}" -f $volSize)</td><td>$($hostconnname)</td><td><center>$protected</center></td><td>$($datardx)</td><td>$($dataSS)</td><td>$($dataTP)</td><td>$($WrittenSpace)</td></tr>" } $snapshotInfo = $null $snapshots = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.name -like $VolumeFilter } $snapshotInfo += "<th>Snapshot Name</th><th>Snapshot Size (GB)</th>" ForEach ($snapshot in $snapshots) { $printSnapshot = $snapshot.name $snapshotSize = ($snapshot.size) / 1GB $snapshotInfo += "<tr><td>$("{0:N0}" -f $printSnapshot)</td> <td>$("{0:N0}" -f $snapshotSize)</td></tr>" } # Create HTML/CSS report format #region HTML $HTMLHeader = @" <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"> <html> <head> <!-- $(($metadata | Out-String).Trim()) --> <title>Pure Storage FlashArray Capacity Report</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { font-family: Proxima Nova, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } table { border-collapse: collapse; border: none; border-right: 1px grey solid; border-top: 1px grey solid; border-bottom: 1px grey solid; border-left: 1px grey solid; text-align: left; font: 12pt Proxima Nova, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; color: black; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; } table td { vertical-align: top; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; text-align: left; border-right: 1px grey solid; border-top: 1px grey solid; border-bottom: 1px grey solid; border-left: 1px grey solid; } table th { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; text-align: left; border-right: 1px grey solid; border-top: 1px grey solid; border-bottom: 1px grey solid; border-left: 1px grey solid; } h2 { clear: both; font-size: 130%; } h3 { clear: both; font-size: 115%; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 30px; } protected { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; 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AAAAAAAA+kWF0YFRaZQAOSk5VxndCAUAAAAAAAAAAEA/qDA6tAOq0ijNy8nIZ8IAAAAAAAAAAADQHyqM DpRKowR4OVmltTAAAAAAAAAAAAB0nwqjQz2wKo3SPFVGAQAAAAAAAAAAekLC6JAP7k3S6PN6uxYNGjDf VmkhDAAAAAAAAAAAAN1nSfoR2Fa7Zekv620hGhxYrmD7fLJSyRYAAAAAAAAAAKDLVBgdw0Fepc/1dlz/ 8UI0OLCcjHwiDAAAAAAAAAAAAN2mwujIbKs0rz8+pJtEPziUXGV0IwwAAAAAAAAAAADdpMLo2A74Kq3r j+f1thINDuhSCAAAAAAAAAAAALpLhdER21ZpkW4S/VQb5RBeloRkAAAAAAAAAAAAOkaF0TEf/FVaJtVG ORxVRgEAAAAAAAAAADpKhVF2tlWa1x/v6m0qGjzBcUlEBgAAAAAAAAAAoEMkjPIX2yqd1B9nyTL1PM7n ens+We0+AQAAAAAAAAAA6AhL0vPXE2KVrtLNMvUXKUn648FyovGJMAAAAAAAAAAAAHSLCqN807b6M/nv dbJUPQ+Tq4xuhAEAAAAAAAAAAKAbJIxyL9sqLeqPN/V2JBrcw3qySi+FAQAAAAAAAAAAoBskjPIg22qX MJorji7SzfLj8C0vJ6u0FgYAAAAAAAAAAID2SRjl0bZVquqPX+otf0oe5WubySo9FwYAAAAAAAAAAID2 SRjlIErl0Zw4+nO9zUWE4nSySlfCAAAAAAAAAAAA0C4JozRiW+2SRvP2U71N6+1IVEbpc709n6x2nwAA AAAAAAAAALREwihhShXSvHT9vPyrf6ebZFKG7f1klZbCAAAAAAAAAAAA0B4JoyOwrXZJmpf1thANDkwF UQAAAAAAAAAAgB6YCMEIDvIqfa634/qPF6LBgeVk5BNhAAAAAAAAAAAA6Lb/X4ABALB1eFG6MQyjAAAA AElFTkSuQmCC"> <div id="report"> <p><div class='absolute'>FlashArray Capacity Report<br><div class='time'>$(Get-Date -Format U)</div></div> <h3>FlashArray Information</h3> <table class="list"> <tr> <td>FlashArray Name</td> <td>$($FlashArrayConfig.array_name)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Purity Version</td> <td>$($FlashArrayConfig.version)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Revision</td> <td>$($FlashArrayConfig.revision)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ID</td> <td>$($FlashArrayConfig.id)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Volumes Space</td> <td>$sysVolumeSpace G</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Snapshots Space</td> <td>$("{0:N2}" -f $sysSnapshotSpace) M</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Shared Space</td> <td>$("{0:N2}" -f $sysSharedSpace) G</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Used Space</td> <td>$("{0:N2}" -f $sysSpace) G</td> </tr> <tr> <td>System Capacity</td> <td>$("{0:N2}" -f $sysCapacity) T</td> </tr> <tr> <td>System Data Reduction</td> <td>$("{0:N2}" -f $sysDRR):1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Data Reduction</td> <td>$($sysTotalDRR)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Provisioned Space</td> <td> $("{0:N2}" -f $provisioned) T</td> </tr> </table> <h3>Volume Information</h3> <p>Volumes(s), Sizes (GB) and Data Reduction columes include DR (Data Reduction), SS (Shared Space)<br>and TP (Thin Provisioning) and WS (Written Space) for $($FlashArrayConfig.array_name) listed below.</p> <table class="list">$volumeInfo</table> <h3>FlashRecover SnapShot Information</h3> <p>Snapshot(s) and Sizes (GB) for $($FlashArrayConfig.array_name) listed below.</p> <table class="list">$snapshotInfo</table> <br></br> "@ # Add the current System HTML Report into the final HTML Report body $HTMLMiddle += $CurrentSystemHTML # Assemble the closing HTML for our report. $HTMLEnd = @" </div> <hr noshade size=3 width="100%"> $ReportDateTime </body> </html> "@ # Assemble the final report from all our HTML sections $HTMLmessage = $HTMLHeader + $HTMLMiddle + $HTMLEnd # Save the report out to a file in the current path$ $HTMLmessage | Out-File ($OutFile + "\" + $HTMLFileName) Write-Host " " Write-Host "The report file is located in the $OutFile folder." -ForegroundColor Green } #endregion #### END FLASHARRAY FUNCTIONS #### WINDOWS FUNCTIONS #region Test-WindowsBestPractices function Test-WindowsBestPractices() { <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet used to retrieve hosts information, test and optionally configure MPIO (FC) and/or iSCSI settings in a Windows OS against FlashArray Best Practices. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve the curretn host infromation, and iterate through several tests around MPIO (FC) and iSCSI OS settings and hardware, indicate whether they are adhearing to Pure Storage FlashArray Best Practices, and offer to alter the settings if applicable. All tests can be bypassed with a negative user response when prompted, or simply by using Ctrl-C to break the process. .PARAMETER EnableIscsiTests Optional. If this parameter is present, the cmdlet will run tests for iSCSI settings. .PARAMETER OutFile Optional. Specify the full filepath (ex. c:\mylog.log) for logging. If not specified, the default file of %TMP%\Test-WindowsBestPractices.log will be used. .INPUTS Optional parameter for iSCSI testing. .OUTPUTS Output status and best practice options for every test. .EXAMPLE Test-WindowsBestPractices Run the cmdlet against the local machine running the MPIO tests and the log is located in the %TMP%\Test-WindowsBestPractices.log file. .EXAMPLE Test-WindowsZBestPractices -EnableIscsiTests -OutFile "c:\temp\mylog.log" Run the cmdlet against the local machine, run the additional iSCSI tests, and create the log file at c:\temp\mylog.log. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $OutFile = "$env:Temp\Test-WindowsBestPractices.log", [Switch]$EnableIscsiTests ) function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Message, [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateSet("Information", "Passed", "Warning", "Failed")][string]$Severity = "Information" ) [pscustomobject]@{ Time = (Get-Date -f g) Message = $Message Severity = $Severity } | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append } Write-Log -Message 'Pure Storage FlashArray Windows Server Best Practices Analyzer v2.0.0.0' -Severity Information Clear-Host Write-Host ' __________________________' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/----------\++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\' Write-Host ' \------------\' Write-Host 'Pure Storage FlashArray Windows Server Best Practices Analyzer v2.0.0.0' Write-Host '------------------------------------------------------------------------' Write-Host '' Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'Host Information' Write-Host '=========================================' $compinfo = Get-SilComputer | Out-String -Stream $compinfo | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append $compinfo Write-Log -Message "Successfully retrieved computer properties. Continuing..." -Severity Information Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'Multipath-IO Verificaton' Write-Host '=========================================' # Multipath-IO if ((Get-WindowsFeature -Name 'Multipath-IO').InstallState -eq 'Available') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": Multipath-IO Windows feature is not installed. This feature can be installed by this cmdlet, but a reboot of the server will be required, and the you must re-run the cmdlet again." Write-Log -Message 'Multipath-IO Windows feature is not installed.' -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "Would you like to install this feature? (***Reboot Required) Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Add-WindowsFeature -Name Multipath-IO Write-Log -Message 'Multipath-IO Windows feature was installed per user request. Continuing...' -Severity Passed } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": You have chosen not to install the Multipath-IO feature via this cmdlet. Please add this feature manually and re-run this cmdlet." Write-Log -Message 'Multipath-IO Windows feature not installed per user request. Exiting.' -Severity Warning exit } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": The Multipath-IO feature is installed." Write-Log -Message 'Multipath-IO Windows feature is installed. Continuing...' -Severity Passed } Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'Multipath-IO Hardware Verification' Write-Host '=========================================' $MPIOHardware = Get-MPIOAvailableHW $MPIOHardware | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append Write-Log -Message "Successfully retrieved MPIO Hardware. Continuing..." -Severity Information $MPIOHardware $DSMs = Get-MPIOAvailableHW ForEach ($DSM in $DSMs) { if ((($DSM).VendorId.Trim()) -eq 'PURE' -and (($DSM).ProductId.Trim()) -eq 'FlashArray') { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": Microsoft Device Specific Module (MSDSM) is configured for $($DSM.ProductID).`n`r" Write-Log -Message "Microsoft Device Specific Module (MSDSM) is configured for $($DSM.ProductID).`n`r. Continuing..." -Severity Passed } else { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": Microsoft Device Specific Module (MSDSM) is not configured for $($DSM.ProductID).`n`r" Write-Log -Message "Microsoft Device Specific Module (MSDSM) is not configured for $($DSM.ProductID).`n`r. Continuing anyway..." -Severity Failed } } Write-Host '' Write-Host '-----------------------------------------' Write-Host 'Current MPIO Settings' Write-Host '-----------------------------------------' $MPIOSettings = $null $MPIOSetting = $null Write-Log -Message "Retrieving MPIO settings. Continuing..." -Severity Information $MPIOSettings = Get-MPIOSetting | Out-String -Stream $MPIOSettings = $MPIOSettings.Replace(" ", "") $MPIOSettings | Out-Null $MPIOSettings | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append Write-Log -Message "Successfully retrieved MPIO Settings. Continuing..." -Severity Information ForEach ($MPIOSetting in $MPIOSettings) { $MPIOSetting.Split(':')[0] $MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1] switch ( $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[0])) { 'PathVerificationState' { $PathVerificationState = $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1]) } 'PDORemovePeriod' { $PDORemovePeriod = $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1]) } 'UseCustomPathRecoveryTime' { $UseCustomPathRecoveryTime = $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1]) } 'CustomPathRecoveryTime' { $CustomPathRecoveryTime = $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1]) } 'DiskTimeoutValue' { $DiskTimeOutValue = $($MPIOSetting.Split(':')[1]) } } } Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'MPIO Settings Verification' Write-Host '=========================================' # PathVerificationState if ($PathVerificationState -eq 'Disabled') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": PathVerificationState is $($PathVerificationState)." Write-Log -Message "PathVerificationState is $($PathVerificationState)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the PathVerificationState to Enabled? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathVerificationState Enabled Write-Log -Message "PathVerificationState is now $($PathVerificationState) per to user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host ": Not changing the PathVerificationState to Enabled could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "PathVerificationState $($PathVerificationState) was not altered due to user request." -Severity Warning } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": PathVerificationState has a value of Enabled. No action required." Write-Log -Message "PathVerificationState has a value of Enabled. No action required." -Severity Passed } # PDORemovalPeriod # Need to test for Azure VM. If Azure VM, use PDORemovalPeriod=120. If not Azure VM, use PDORemovePeriod=30. try { $StatusCode = wget -TimeoutSec 3 -Headers @{"Metadata" = "true" } -Uri "" | ForEach-Object { $_.StatusCode } } catch {} if ($StatusCode -eq '200') { $b = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Metadata" = "true" } -Method GET -Proxy $Null -Uri "" | Select-Object azEnvironment if ($b.azEnvironment -like "Azure*") { Write-Log -Message "This is an Azure Vitual Machine. The PDORemovalPeriod is set differently than others." -Severity Information if ($PDORemovePeriod -ne '120') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": PDORemovePeriod for this Azure VM is set to $($PDORemovePeriod)." Write-Log -Message "PDORemovePeriod for this Azure VM is set to $($PDORemovePeriod)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the PDORemovePeriod to a value of 120? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPDORemovePeriod 120 Write-Log -Message ": PDORemovePeriod for this Azure VM is set to $($PDORemovePeriod) per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Not changing the PDORemovePeriod to 120 for an Azure VM could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "Not changing the PDORemovePeriod to 120 for an Azure VM could cause unexpected path recovery issues." -Severity Warning } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": PDORemovePeriod is set to a value of 120 for this Azure VM. No action required." Write-Log -Message "PDORemovePeriod is set to a value of 120 for this Azure VM. No action required." -Severity Passed } } } else { if ($PDORemovePeriod -ne '30') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": PDORemovePeriod is set to $($PDORemovePeriod)." Write-Log -Message "PDORemovePeriod is set to $($PDORemovePeriod)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the PDORemovePeriod to a value of 30? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPDORemovePeriod 30 Write-Log -Message "PDORemovePeriod is set to $($PDORemovePeriod) per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Not changing the PDORemovePeriod to 30 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "Not changing the PDORemovePeriod to 30 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." -Severity Warning } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": PDORemovePeriod is set to a value of 30. No action required." Write-Log -Message "PDORemovePeriod is set to a value of 30. No action required." -Severity Passed } } } } # PathRecoveryTime if ($UseCustomPathRecoveryTime -eq 'Disabled') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": UseCustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($UseCustomPathRecoveryTime)." Write-Log -Message "UseCustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($UseCustomPathRecoveryTime)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the UseCustomPathRecoveryTime to Enabled? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -CustomPathRecovery Enabled Write-Log -Message "UseCustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($UseCustomPathRecoveryTime) per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host ": Not changing the UseCustomPathRecoveryTime to Enabled could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "Not changing the UseCustomPathRecoveryTime to Enabled could cause unexpected path recovery issues." -Severity Warning } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": UseCustomPathRecoveryTime is set to Enabled. No action required." Write-Log -Message "UseCustomPathRecoveryTime is set to Enabled. No action required." -Severity Passed } if ($CustomPathRecoveryTime -ne '20') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": CustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($CustomPathRecoveryTime)." Write-Log -Message "CustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($CustomPathRecoveryTime)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the CustomPathRecoveryTime to a value of 20? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathRecoveryInterval 20 Write-Log -Message "CustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($UseCustomPathRecoveryTime) per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host ": Not changing the CustomPathRecoveryTime to a value of 20 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "Not changing the CustomPathRecoveryTime to a value of 20 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." -Severity Warning } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": CustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($CustomPathRecoveryTime). No action required." Write-Log -Message "CustomPathRecoveryTime is set to $($CustomPathRecoveryTime). No action required." -Severity Passed } # DiskTimeOutValue if ($DiskTimeOutValue -ne '60') { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": DiskTimeOutValue is set to $($DiskTimeOutValue)." Write-Log -Message "DiskTimeOutValue is set to $($DiskTimeOutValue)." -Severity Failed $resp = Read-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the DiskTimeOutValue to a value of 60? Y/N" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Set-MPIOSetting -NewDiskTimeout 60 Write-Log -Message "DiskTimeOutValue is set to $($DiskTimeOutValue) per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host ": Not changing the DiskTimeOutValue to a value of 60 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." Write-Log -Message "Not changing the DiskTimeOutValue to a value of 60 could cause unexpected path recovery issues." -Severity Warning } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": DiskTimeOutValue is set to $($DiskTimeOutValue). No action required." Write-Log -Message "DiskTimeOutValue is set to $($DiskTimeOutValue). No action required." -Severity Passed } Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'TRIM/UNMAP Verification' Write-Host '=========================================' # DisableDeleteNotification $DisableDeleteNotification = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'DisableDeleteNotification') if ($DisableDeleteNotification.DisableDeleteNotification -eq 0) { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": Delete Notification is Enabled" Write-Log -Message "Delete Notification is Enabled. No action required." -Severity Passed } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Delete Notification is Disabled. Pure Storage Best Practice is to enable delete notifications." Write-Log -Message "Delete Notification is Disabled. Pure Storage Best Practice is to enable delete notifications." -Severity Warning } Write-Host " " Write-Host "MPIO settings tests complete. Continuing..." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Log -Message "MPIO settings tests complete. Continuing..." -Severity Information # iSCSI tests if ($EnableIscsiTests) { Write-Host '' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Host 'iSCSI Settings Verification' Write-Host '=========================================' Write-Log -Message "iSCSI testing enabled. Continuing..." -Severity Information $AdapterNames = @() Write-Host "All available adapters: " Write-Host " " $adapters = Get-NetAdapter | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -Property "Name", "InterfaceDescription", "MacAddress", "Status" $adapters | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Append $adapters Write-Host " " $AdapterNames = Read-Host "Please enter all iSCSI adapter names to be tested. Use a comma to seperate the names - ie. NIC1,NIC2,NIC3" $AdapterNames = $AdapterNames.Split(',') Write-Host " " Write-Host "Adapter names being configured: " $AdapterNames Write-Host "===============================" foreach ($adapter in $AdapterNames) { $adapterGuid = (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $adapter -RegistryKeyword "NetCfgInstanceId" -AllProperties).RegistryValue $RegKeyPath = "HKLM:\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip\parameters\interfaces\$adapterGuid\" $TAFRegKey = "TcpAckFrequency" $TNDRegKey = "TcpNoDelay" ## TcpAckFrequency if ((Get-ItemProperty $RegkeyPath).$TAFRegKey -eq "1") { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpAckFrequency is set to disabled (1). No action required." Write-Log -Message "TcpAckFrequency is set to disabled (1). No action required." -Severity Passed } if (-not (Get-ItemProperty $RegkeyPath $TAFRegKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpAckFrequency key does not exist." Write-Log -Message "TcpAckFrequency key does not exist." -Severity Failed Write-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the TcpAckFrequency registry value to 1 for $adapter ?" -NoNewline $resp = Read-Host -Prompt "Y/N?" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Write-Host "Creating Registry key and setting to disabled..." New-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyPath -Name 'TcpAckFrequency' -Value '1' -PropertyType DWORD -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Log -Message "Creating Registry key and setting to disabled per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpAckFrequency registry key exists but is enabled. Changing to disabled." Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyPath -Name 'TcpAckFrequency' -Value '1' -Type DWORD -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Log -Message "TcpAckFrequency registry key exists but is enabled. Changing to disabled." -Severity Warning } } if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'N') { Write-Host "ABORTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Registry key not created or altered by request of user." Write-Log -Message "Registry key not created or altered by request of user." -Severity Warning } ## TcpNoDelay if ((Get-ItemProperty $RegkeyPath).$TNDRegKey -eq "1") { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpNoDelay (Nagle) is set to disabled (1). No action required." Write-Log -Message "TcpNoDelay (Nagle) is set to disabled (1). No action required." -Severity Passed } if (-not (Get-ItemProperty $RegkeyPath $TNDRegKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the TcpNodelay (Nagle) registry value to 1 for $adapter ?" -NoNewline $resp = Read-Host -Prompt "Y/N?" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Write-Host "TcpNoDelay registry key does not exist. Creating..." New-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyPath -Name 'TcpNoDelay' -Value '1' -PropertyType DWORD -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Log -Message "TcpNoDelay registry key does not exist. Creating per user request." -Severity Information } else { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpNoDelay registry key exists. Setting value to 1." Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKeyPath -Name 'TcpNoDelay' -Value '1' -Type DWORD -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Log -Message "TcpNoDelay registry key exists. Setting value to 1." -Severity Warning } } if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'N') { Write-Host "ABORTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": TcpNoDelay registry key not created or altered by request of user." Write-Log -Message "TcpNoDelay registry key not created or altered by request of user." -Severity Warning } } } else { Write-host " " Write-Host "The -EnableIscsiTests parameter not present. No iSCSI tests will be run." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " " Write-Log -Message "The -EnableIscsiTests parameter not present. No iSCSI tests will be run." -Severity Information } Write-Host '' Write-Host "The Test-WindowsBestPractices cmdlet has completed. The log file has been created for reference." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host '' Write-Log -Message "The Test-WindowsBestPractices cmdlet has completed." -Severity Information } #endregion #region Set-WindowsPowerScheme function Set-WindowsPowerScheme() { <# .SYNOPSIS Cmdlet to set the Power scheme for the Windows OS to High Performance. .DESCRIPTION Cmdlet to set the Power scheme for the Windows OS to High Performance. .PARAMETER ComputerName Optional. The computer name to run the cmdlet against. It defaults to the local computer name. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Current power scheme and optional confirmation to alter the setting in the Windows registry. .EXAMPLE Set-WindowsPowerScheme Retrieves the current Power Scheme setting, and if not set to High Performance, asks for confirmation to set it. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string] $ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME" ) $PowerScheme = Get-WmiObject -Class WIN32_PowerPlan -Namespace 'root\cimv2\power' -ComputerName $ComputerName -Filter "isActive='true'" if ($PowerScheme.ElementName -ne "High performance") { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Computer Power Scheme is not set to High Performance. Pure Storage best practice is to set this power plan as default." Write-Host " " Write-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Set the Power Plan to High Performance?" $resp = Read-Host -Prompt "Y/N?" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { $planId = "8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c" powercfg -setactive "$planId" } } else { Write-Host "PASSED" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": Computer Power Scheme is already set to High Performance. Exiting." } } #endregion #region Get-QuickFixEngineering function Get-QuickFixEngineering() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Outputs a listing of QFE patches applied. .EXAMPLE Get-QuickFixEngineering #> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering | Select-Object -Property Description, HotFixID, InstalledOn | Format-Table -Wrap } #endregion #region Get-HostBusAdapter function Get-HostBusAdapter() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves host Bus Adapater (HBA) information. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves host Bus Adapater (HBA) information for the host. .PARAMETER ComputerName Optional. The computer name to run the cmdlet against. It defaults to the local computer name. .INPUTS Computer name is optional. .OUTPUTS Host Bus Adapter information. .EXAMPLE Get-HostBusAdapter -ComputerName myComputer #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string] $ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME" ) try { $port = Get-WmiObject -Class MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes -Namespace 'root\WMI' -ComputerName $ComputerName $hbas = Get-WmiObject -Class MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes -Namespace 'root\WMI' -ComputerName $ComputerName $hbaProp = $hbas | Get-Member -MemberType Property, AliasProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '__*' } $hbas = $hbas | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $hbaProp $hbas | ForEach-Object { $_.NodeWWN = ((($_.NodeWWN) | ForEach-Object { '{0:x2}' -f $_ }) -join ':').ToUpper() } ForEach ($hba in $hbas) { Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $hba -Name FabricName -Value (($port | Where-Object { $_.instancename -eq $hba.instancename }).attributes | Select-Object @{ Name = 'Fabric Name'; Expression = { (($_.fabricname | ForEach-Object { '{0:x2}' -f $_ }) -join ':').ToUpper() } }, @{ Name = 'Port WWN'; Expression = { (($_.PortWWN | ForEach-Object { '{0:x2}' -f $_ }) -join ':').ToUpper() } }) -PassThru } } catch { } } #endregion #region Register-HostVolumes function Register-HostVolumes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets Pure FlashArray connected disks to online. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will set any FlashArray volumes (disks) to online in Windows using the diskpart command. .PARAMETER ComputerName Optional. The computer name to run the cmdlet against. It defaults to the local computer name. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Register-HostVolumes -ComputerName myComputer Sets all FlashArray disks for myComputer to online. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME" ) $cmds = "`"RESCAN`"" $scriptblock = [string]::Join(',', $cmds) $diskpart = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("$scriptblock | DISKPART") $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $diskpart $disks = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName { Get-Disk } # $i = 0 ForEach ($disk in $disks) { If ($disk.FriendlyName -like 'PURE FlashArray*') { If ($disk.OperationalStatus -ne 1) { $disknumber = $disk.Number $cmds = "`"SELECT DISK $disknumber`"", "`"ATTRIBUTES DISK CLEAR READONLY`"", "`"ONLINE DISK`"" $scriptblock = [string]::Join(',', $cmds) $diskpart = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("$scriptblock | DISKPART") $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $diskpart -ErrorAction Stop } } } } #endregion #region Unregister-HostVolumes function Unregister-HostVolumes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets Pure FlashArray connected disks to offline. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will set any FlashArray volumes (disks) to offline in Windows using the diskpart command. .PARAMETER ComputerName Optional. The computer name to run the cmdlet against. It defaults to the local computer name. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Unregister-HostVolumes -ComputerName myComputer Offlines all FlashArray disks from myComputer. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$Computername = "$env:COMPUTERNAME" ) $cmds = "`"RESCAN`"" $scriptblock = [string]::Join(',', $cmds) $diskpart = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("$scriptblock | DISKPART") $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock $diskpart $disks = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername { Get-Disk } ForEach ($disk in $disks) { If ($disk.FriendlyName -like 'PURE FlashArray*') { If ($disk.OperationalStatus -ne 1) { $disknumber = $disk.Number $cmds = "`"SELECT DISK $disknumber`"", "`"OFFLINE DISK`"" $scriptblock = [string]::Join(',', $cmds) $diskpart = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("$scriptblock | DISKPART") $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock $diskpart -ErrorAction Stop } } } } #endregion #region Get-MPIODiskLBPolicy function Get-MPIODiskLBPolicy() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current MPIO Load Balancing policy for Pure FlashArray disk(s). .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrieve the current MPIO Load Balancing policy for connected Pure FlashArrays disk(s) using the mpclaim.exe utlity. .PARAMETER DiskID Optional. If specified, retrieves only the policy for the that disk ID. Otherwise, returns all disks. DiskID is the 'Number' identifier of the disk from the cmdlet 'Get-Disk'. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS mpclaim.exe output .EXAMPLE Get-MPIODiskLBPolicy -DiskID 1 Returns the current MPIO LB policy for disk ID 1. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$DiskId ) function Invoke-mpclaim($param1, $param2, $param3) { . mpclaim.exe $param1 $param2 $param3 } #Checks whether mpclaim.exe is available. $exists = Test-Path "$env:systemroot\System32\mpclaim.exe" if (-not ($exists)) { Write-Host "mpclaim.exe not found. Is MultiPathIO enabled? Exiting." -ForegroundColor Yellow break } if ($DiskId) { Write-Host "Getting current MPIO Load Balancing Policy for DiskID " + $DiskId -ForegroundColor Green $result = Invoke-mpclaim -param1 "-s" -param2 "-d" -param3 $DiskId return $result } else { Write-Host "Getting current MPIO Load Balancing Policy for all MPIO disks." -ForegroundColor Green $result = Invoke-mpclaim -param1 "-s" -param2 "-d" return $result } } #endregion #region Set-MPIODiskLBPolicy function Set-MPIODiskLBPolicy() { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the MPIO Load Balancing policy for FlashArray disks. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will set the MPIO Load Balancing policy for all connected Pure FlashArrays disks to the desired setting using the mpclaim.exe utlity. The default Windows OS setting is RR. .PARAMETER Policy Required. No default. The Policy type must be specified by the letter acronym for the policy name (ex. "RR" for Round Robin). Available options are: LQD = Least Queue Depth RR = Round Robin FO = Fail Over Only RRWS = Round Robin with Subset WP = Weighted Paths LB = Least Blocks clear = clears current policy and sets to Windows OS default of RR .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Set-MPIODiskLBPolicy -Policy LQD Sets the MPIO load balancing policy for all Pure disks to Least Queue Depth. .EXAMPLE Set-MPIODiskLBPolicy -Policy clear Clears the current MPIO policy for all Pure disks and sets to the default of RR. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('LQD','RR','clear','FO','RRWS','WP','LB',IgnoreCase = $true)][string]$Policy ) If ($Policy -eq "LQD") { $pn = "4" } elseif ($Policy -eq "RR") { $pn = "2" } elseif ($Policy -like "clear") { $pn = "0" } elseif ($Policy -eq "FO") { $pn = "1" } elseif ($Policy -eq "RRWS") { $pn = "3" } elseif ($Policy -eq "WP") { $pn = "5" } elseif ($Policy -eq "LB") { $pn = "6" } else { Write-Host "Required policy type parameter of LQD, RR, FO, RRWS, WP LB, or clear not supplied. Exiting." break } function Invoke-MPclaim($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4) { . mpclaim.exe $param1 $param2 $param3 $param4 } #Checks whether mpclaim.exe is available. $exists = Test-Path "$env:systemroot\System32\mpclaim.exe" if (-not ($exists)) { Write-Host "mpclaim.exe not found. Is MultiPathIO enabled? Exiting." -ForegroundColor Yellow break } Write-Host "Setting MPIO Load Balancing Policy to" + $pn + " for all Pure FlashArray disks." $puredisks = Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object FriendlyName -Match "PURE" $puredisks | ForEach-Object { # Get disk uniqueid $UniqueID = $_.UniqueId $MPIODisk = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class mpio_disk_info).driveinfo | Where-Object { $_.SerialNumber -eq $UniqueID } $MPIODiskID = $MPIODisk.Name.Replace("MPIO Disk", "") $MPIODiskID Invoke-mpclaim -param1 "-l" -param2 "-d" -param3 $MPIODiskID -param4 $pn } Write-Host "New disk LB policy settings:" -ForegroundColor Green Invoke-mpclaim -param1 "-s" -param2 "-d" -param3 "" -param4 "" } #endregion #region Get-VolumeShadowCopy function Get-VolumeShadowCopy() { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the volume shadow copy informaion using the Diskhadow command. .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER ExposeAs Required. Drive letter, share, or mount point to expose the shadow copy. .PARAMETER ScriptName Optional. Script text file name created to pass to the Diskshadow command. defaults to 'PUREVSS-SNAP'. .PARAMETER ShadowCopyAlias Required. Name of the shadow copy alias. .PARAMETER MetadataFile Required. Full filename for the metadata .cab file. It must exist in the current working folder. .PARAMETER VerboseMode Optional. "On" or "Off". If set to 'off', verbose mode for the Diskshadow command is disabled. Default is 'On'. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Get-VolumeShadowCopy -MetadataFile myFile.cab -ShadowCopyAlias MyAlias -ExposeAs MyShadowCopy Exposes the MyAias shadow copy as drive latter G: using the myFie.cab metadata file. .NOTES See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskshadow for more information on the Diskshadow utility. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$ScriptName = "PUREVSS-SNAP", [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$MetadataFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$ShadowCopyAlias, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$ExposeAs, [ValidateSet("On", "Off")][string]$VerboseMode = "On" ) $dsh = "./$ScriptName.PFA" "SET VERBOSE $VerboseMode", 'RESET', "LOAD METADATA $MetadataFile.cab", 'IMPORT', "EXPOSE %$ShadowCopyAlias% $ExposeAs", 'EXIT' | Set-Content $dsh DISKSHADOW /s $dsh Remove-Item $dsh } #endregion #region New-VolumeShadowCopy function New-VolumeShadowCopy() { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new volume shadow copy using Diskshadow. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will create a new volume shadow copy using the Diskshadow command, passing the variables specified. .PARAMETER Volume Required. .PARAMETER Scriptname Optional. Script text file name created to pass to the Diskshadow command. Pre-defined as 'PUREVSS-SNAP'. .PARAMETER ShadowCopyAlias Required. Name of the shadow copy alias. .PARAMETER VerboseMode Optional. "On" or "Off". If set to 'off', verbose mode for the Diskshadow command is disabled. Default is 'on'. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE New-VolumeShadowCopy -Volume Volume01 -ShadowCopyAlias MyAlias Adds a new volume shadow copy of Volume01 using Diskshadow with an alias of 'MyAlias'. .NOTES See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskshadow for more information on the Diskshadow utility. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string[]]$Volume, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$ScriptName = "PUREVSS-SNAP", [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$ShadowCopyAlias, [ValidateSet("On", "Off")][string]$VerboseMode = "On" ) $dsh = "./$ScriptName.PFA" foreach ($Vol in $Volume) { "ADD VOLUME $Vol ALIAS $ShadowCopyAlias PROVIDER {781c006a-5829-4a25-81e3-d5e43bd005ab}" } 'RESET', 'SET CONTEXT PERSISTENT', 'SET OPTION TRANSPORTABLE', "SET VERBOSE $VerboseMode", 'BEGIN BACKUP', "ADD VOLUME $Volume ALIAS $ShadowCopyAlias PROVIDER {781c006a-5829-4a25-81e3-d5e43bd005ab}", 'CREATE', 'END BACKUP' | Set-Content $dsh DISKSHADOW /s $dsh Remove-Item $dsh } #endregion #region Update-DriveInformation function Update-DriveInformation() { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates drive letters and assigns a label. .DESCRIPTION Thsi cmdlet will update the current drive letter to the new drive letter, and assign a new drive label if specified. .PARAMETER NewDriveLetter Required. Drive lettwre without the colon. .PARAMETER CurrentDriveLetter Required. Drive lettwre without the colon. .PARAMETER NewDriveLabel Optional. Drive label text. Defaults to "NewDrive". .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Update-DriveInformation -NewDriveLetter S -CurrentDriveLetter M Updates the drive letter from M: to S: and labels S: to NewDrive. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$NewDriveLetter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string]$CurrentDriveLetter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string]$NewDriveLabel = "NewDrive" ) $Drive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter -eq "$($CurrentDriveLetter):" } if (!($NewDriveLabel)) { Set-WmiInstance -Input $Drive -Arguments @{ DriveLetter = "$($NewDriveLetter):" } | Out-Null } else { Set-WmiInstance -Input $Drive -Arguments @{ DriveLetter = "$($NewDriveLetter):"; Label = "$($NewDriveLabel)" } | Out-Null } } #endregion #region Set-TlsVersions function Set-TlsVersions() { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the TLS Version in the local registry. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet disables TLS version 1.0 and enables TLS Versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 in the local registry. It will prompt for creating a backup of the registry before execution for recovery purposes. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Backup of the registry before the changes are implemented. .EXAMPLE Set-TlsVersions Prompts for creation of a registry backup, disables TLS version 1.0, and enables TLS versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( ) Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": This cmdlet will change TLS protocol settings in the Registry. It is ***highly*** recommended to make a backup of your registry before executing this cmdlet." Write-Host " " Write-Host ": Would you like to create a complete registry backup file before proceeding?" $resp = Read-Host -Prompt "Y/N?" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { Write-Host "A registry backup is being generated. It will be located in your $env:temp folder as registrybackup.reg." cmd /c regedit /E $env:temp\registrybackup.reg if (!(Test-Path $env:temp\registrybackup.reg -PathType leaf)) { Write-Host "WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Registry backup failed. Please proceed with caution or manually backup the registry." } else { Write-Host "SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": The registry backup was successful." } } Write-Host " " Write-Host "REQUIRED ACTION: Disable TLS 1.0 and enable TLS versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 on this computer?" $resp = Read-Host -Prompt "Y/N?" if ($resp.ToUpper() -eq 'Y') { # Disable TLS v1.0 New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server' -Force | Out-Null New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client' -Force | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null Write-Host "SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TLS version 1.0 disabled." # Enable TLS v1.1 New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server' -Force | Out-Null New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client' -Force | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null Write-Host "SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TLS version 1.1 enabled." # Enable TLS v1.2 New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -Force | Out-Null New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -Force | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null Write-Host "SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TLS version 1.2 enabled." # Enable TLS v1.3 New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Server' -Force | Out-Null New-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Client' -Force | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Server' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Server' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Client' -Name 'Enabled' -Value '1' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.3\Client' -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value '0' –PropertyType 'DWORD' | Out-Null Write-Host "SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host ": TLS version 1.3 enabled." } else { Write-Host "CANCELLED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ": Action cancelled at user request." } } #endregion #region Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo function Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo() { <# .SYNOPSIS Gathers Windows operating system, hardware, and software information, including logs for diagnostics. This cmdlet requires Administrative permissions. .DESCRIPTION This script will collect detailed information on the Windows operating system, hardware and software components, and collect event logs in .evtx and .csv formats. It will optionally collect WSFC logs and optionally compress all gathered files intoa .zip file for easy distribution. This script will place all of the files in a parent folder in the root of the C:\ drive that is named after the computer NetBios name($env:computername). Each section of information gathered will have it's own child folder in that parent folder. .PARAMETER Cluster Optional. Collect Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) logs. .PARAMETER Compress Optional. Compress the folder that contains all the gathered data into a zip file. The file name will be the computername_diagnostics.zip. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Diagnostic outputs in txt and event log files. Compressed zip file. .EXAMPLE Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo.ps1 -Cluster Retrieves all of the operating system, hardware, software, event log, and WSFC logs into the default folder. .EXAMPLE Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo.ps1 -Compress Retrieves all of the operating system, hardware, software, event log, and compresses the parent folder into a zip file that will be created in the root of the C: drive. .NOTES This cmdlet requires Administrative permissions. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $false, Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Cluster, [Parameter(ValuefromPipeline = $false, Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Compress ) Get-ElevatedStatus # create root outfile $folder = Test-Path -PathType Container -Path "c:\$env:computername" if ($folder -eq "false") { New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null } Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername" Write-Host "" # system information Write-Host "Retrieving MSInfo32 information. This will take some time to complete. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow msinfo32 /report msinfo32.txt | Out-Null Write-Host "Completed MSInfo32 information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" ## hotfixes Write-Host "Retrieving Hotfix information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering | Select-Object -Property Description, HotFixID, InstalledOn | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | Out-File "HotfixesQFE.txt" Get-HotFix | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | Out-File "Get-Hotfix.txt" Write-Host "Completed HotfixQFE information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" # storage information New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\storage" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\storage" Write-Host "Retrieving Storage information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify | Out-File "fsutil_behavior_DisableDeleteNotify.txt" Get-PhysicalDisk | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-PhysicalDisk.txt" Get-Disk | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-Disk.txt" Get-Volume | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-Volume.txt" Get-Partition | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-Partition.txt" Write-Host " Completed Disk information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" ## disk, MPIO, and MSDSM information Write-Host " Retrieving MPIO and MSDSM information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSDSM\Parameters" | Out-File "Get-ItemProperty_msdsm.txt" Get-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy | Out-File "Get-ItemProperty_msdsm_load_balance_policy.txt" Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\mpio\Parameters" | Out-File "Get-ItemProperty_mpio.txt" Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disk" | Out-File "Get-ItemProperty_disk.txt" mpclaim -s -d | Out-File "mpclaim_-s_-d.txt" mpclaim -v | Out-File "mpclaim_-v.txt" Get-MPIOSetting | Out-File "Get-MPIOSetting.txt" Get-MPIOAvailableHW | Out-File "Get-MPIOAvailableHW.txt" Write-Host " Completed MPIO, & MSDSM information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" ## Fibre Channel information Write-Host " Retrieving Fibre Channel information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow winrm e wmi/root/wmi/MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes > MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes.txt winrm e wmi/root/wmi/MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes > MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes.txt Get-InitiatorPort | Out-File "Get-InitiatorPort.txt" Write-Host " Completed Fibre Channel information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" Write-Host "Completed Storage information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" # Network information New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\network" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\network" Write-Host "Retrieving Network information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-NetAdapter | Format-Table Name, ifIndex, Status, MacAddress, LinkSpeed, InterfaceDescription -AutoSize | Out-File "Get-NetAdapter.txt" Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Format-Table DisplayName, DisplayValue, ValidDisplayValues | Out-File "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty.txt" -Width 160 Write-Host "Completed Network information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" # Event Logs in evtx format New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\eventlogs" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\eventlogs" Write-Host "Retrieving Event Logs unfiltered." -ForegroundColor Yellow wevtutil epl System "systemlog.evtx" wevtutil epl Setup "setuplog.evtx" wevtutil epl Security "securitylog.evtx" wevtutil epl Application "applicationlog.evtx" Write-Host " Completed .evtx log files." -ForegroundColor Green ## create locale files wevtutil al "systemlog.evtx" wevtutil al "setuplog.evtx" wevtutil al "securitylog.evtx" wevtutil al "applicationlog.evtx" Write-Host " Completed locale .evtx log files." -ForegroundColor Green ## get error & warning events & export to csv Write-Host "Retrieving filtered Event Logs. This will take some time to complete. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Application'; 'Level' = 1, 2, 3 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "application_log-CRITICAL_ERROR_WARNING.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'System'; 'Level' = 1, 2, 3 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "system_log-CRITICAL_ERROR_WARNING.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Security'; 'Level' = 1, 2, 3 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "security_log-CRITICAL_ERROR_WARNING.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Setup'; 'Level' = 1, 2, 3 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "setup_log-CRITICAL_ERROR_WARNING.csv" -NoTypeInformation Write-Host " Completed Critical, Error, & Warning .csv log files." -ForegroundColor Green ## get information events & export to csv Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Application'; 'Level' = 4 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "application_log-INFO.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'System'; 'Level' = 4 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "system_log-INFO.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Security'; 'Level' = 4 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "security_log-INFO.csv" -NoTypeInformation Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Setup'; 'Level' = 4 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "setup_log-INFO.csv" -NoTypeInformation Write-Host " Completed Informational .csv log files." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" Write-Host "Completed Event Logs." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" # WSFC inforation If ($Cluster.IsPresent) { New-Item -Path "c:\$env:computername\cluster" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null Set-Location -Path "c:\$env:computername\cluster" Write-Host "Retrieving Cluster Logs. This may take some time to complete. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-ClusterLog -Destination . | Out-Null Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-ClusterSharedVolume.txt" Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState | Select-Object * | Out-File "Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState.txt" Write-Host "Completed Cluster information." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" } # Compress folder If ($Compress.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Starting folder compression. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Set-Location -Path "\" $compress = @{ Path = "c:\$env:computername" CompressionLevel = "Optimal" DestinationPath = $env:computername + "_diagnostics.zip" } Compress-Archive @compress Write-Host "Completed folder compression." -ForegroundColor Green } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Information collection completed." } #endregion #### END WINDOWS FUNCTIONS #### DBA TOOLKIT FUNCTIONS ### migrated from the Pure Storage DBA Toolkit module in July 2021 #region Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh function Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh { <# .SYNOPSIS A PowerShell function to refresh one or more SQL Server databases (the destination) from either a snapshot or database. .DESCRIPTION A PowerShell function to refresh one or more SQL Server databases either from: - a snapshot specified by its name - a snapshot picked from a list associated with the volume the source database resides on - a source database directly This function will detect and repair orpaned users in refreshed databases and optionally apply data masking, based on either: - the dynamic data masking functionality available in SQL Server version 2016 onwards, - static data masking built into dbatools from version 0.9.725, refer to https://dbatools.io/mask/ .PARAMETER RefreshDatabase Required. The name of the database to refresh, note that it is assumed that source and target database(s) are named the same. .PARAMETER RefreshSource Required. If the RefreshFromSnapshot flag is specified, this parameter takes the name of a snapshot, otherwise this takes the name of the source SQL Server instance. .PARAMETER DestSqlInstance Required. This can be one or multiple SQL Server instance(s) that host the database(s) to be refreshed, in the case that the function is invoked to refresh databases across more than one instance, the list of target instances should be spedcified as an array of strings, otherwise a single string representing the target instance will suffice. .PARAMETER Endpoint Required. The IP address representing the FlashArray that the volumes for the source and refresh target databases reside on. .PARAMETER PollJobInterval Optional. Interval at which background job status is poll, if this is ommited polling will not take place. Note that this parameter is not applicable is the PromptForSnapshot switch is specified. .PARAMETER PromptForSnapshot Optional. This is an optional flag that if specified will result in a list of snapshots being displayed for the database volume on the FlashArray that the user can select one from. Despite the source of the refresh operation being an existing snapshot, the source instance still has to be specified by the RefreshSource parameter in order that the function can determine which FlashArray volume to list existing snapshots for. .PARAMETER RefreshFromSnapshot Optional. This is an optional flag that if specified causes the function to expect the RefreshSource parameter to be supplied with the name of an existing snapshot. .PARAMETER NoPsRemoting Optional. The commands that off and online the windows volumes associated with the refresh target databases will use Invoke-Command with powershell remoting unless this flag is specified. Certain tools that can invoke PowerShell, Ansible for example, do not permit double-hop authentication unless CredSSP authentication is used. For security purposes Kerberos is recommended over CredSSP, however this does not support double-hop authentication, in which case this flag should be specified. .PARAMETER ApplyDataMasks Optional. Specifying this optional masks will cause data masks to be applied , as per the dynamic data masking feature first introduced with SQL Server 2016, this results in this function invoking the Invoke-DynamicDataMasking function to be invoked. For documentation on Invoke-DynamicDataMasking, use the command Get-Help Invoke-DynamicDataMasking -Detailed. .PARAMETER ForceDestDbOffline Optional. Specifying this switch will cause refresh target databases for be forced offline via WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE. .PARAMETER StaticDataMaskFile Optional. If this parameter is present and has a file path associated with it, the data masking available in version 0.9.725 of the dbatools module onwards will be applied to the refreshed database. The use of this is contigent on the data mask file being created and populated in the first place as per this blog post: https://dbatools.io/mask/ . .EXAMPLE Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql2016-devops-prd -DestSqlInstance z-sql2016-devops-tst -Endpoint ` -PromptForSnapshot Refresh a single database from a snapshot selected from a list of snapshots associated with the volume specified by the RefreshSource parameter. .EXAMPLE $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql2016-devops-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -PromptForSnapshot Refresh multiple databases from a snapshot selected from a list of snapshots associated with the volume specified by the RefreshSource parameter. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource source-snap -DestSqlInstance z-sql2016-devops-tst -Endpoint ` -RefreshFromSnapshot Refresh a single database using the snapshot specified by the RefreshSource parameter. .EXAMPLE $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource source-snap -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -RefreshFromSnapshot Refresh multiple databases using the snapshot specified by the RefreshSource parameter. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance z-sql2016-devops-tst -Endpoint Refresh a single database from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource. .EXAMPLE $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` Refresh multiple databases from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource. .EXAMPLE $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-PfaDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -ApplyDataMasks Refresh multiple databases from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource. .EXAMPLE $StaticDataMaskFile = "D:\apps\datamasks\z-sql-prd.tpch-no-compression.tables.json" $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -StaticDataMaskFile $StaticDataMaskFile Refresh multiple databases from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource and apply SQL Server dynamic data masking to each database. .EXAMPLE $StaticDataMaskFile = "D:\apps\datamasks\z-sql-prd.tpch-no-compression.tables.json" $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -ForceDestDbOffline -StaticDataMaskFile $StaticDataMaskFile Refresh multiple databases from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource and apply SQL Server dynamic data masking to each database. All databases to be refreshed are forced offline prior to their underlying FlashArray volumes being overwritten. .EXAMPLE $StaticDataMaskFile = "D:\apps\datamasks\z-sql-prd.tpch-no-compression.tables.json" $Targets = @("z-sql2016-devops-tst", "z-sql2016-devops-dev") Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh -$RefreshDatabase tpch-no-compression -RefreshSource z-sql-prd -DestSqlInstance $Targets -Endpoint ` -PollJobInterval 10 -ForceDestDbOffline -StaticDataMaskFile $StaticDataMaskFile Refresh multiple databases from the database specified by the SourceDatabase parameter residing on the instance specified by RefreshSource and apply SQL Server dynamic data masking to each database. All databases to be refreshed are forced offline prior to their underlying FlashArray volumes being overwritten. Poll the status of the refresh jobs once every 10 seconds. .NOTES FlashArray Credentials - A global variable $Creds may be used as described in the release notes for this module. If neither is specified, the module will prompt for credentials. Known Restrictions ------------------ 1. This function does not work for databases associated with failover cluster instances. 2. This function cannot be used to seed secondary replicas in availability groups using databases in the primary replica. 3. The function assumes that all database files and the transaction log reside on a single FlashArray volume. Note that it has dependencies on the dbatools and PureStoragePowerShellSDK modules which are installed by this module. #> param( [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$RefreshDatabase, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$RefreshSource, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string[]]$DestSqlInstances, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$Endpoint, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][int]$PollJobInterval, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$PromptForSnapshot, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$RefreshFromSnapshot, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$NoPsRemoting, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$ApplyDataMasks, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$ForceDestDbOffline, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$StaticDataMaskFile ) $StartMs = Get-Date Get-Sdk1Module Get-DbaToolsModule if ( $PromptForSnapshot.IsPresent.Equals($false) -And $RefreshFromSnapshot.IsPresent.Equals($false) ) { try { $SourceDb = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $RefreshSource -Database $RefreshDatabase } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to source database $RefreshSource.$Database with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Color -Text "Source SQL Server instance: ", $RefreshSource, " - CONNECTED" -Color Yellow, Green, Green try { $SourceServer = (Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $RefreshSource).ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS } catch { Write-Error "Failed to determine target server name with: $ExceptionMessage" } } # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } Write-Color -Text "FlashArray endpoint : ", "CONNECTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $GetDbDisk = { param ( $Db ) $DbDisk = Get-Partition -DriveLetter $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] | Get-Disk return $DbDisk } $Snapshots = $(Get-PfaAllVolumeSnapshots $FlashArray) $FilteredSnapshots = $Snapshots.where( { ([string]$_.Source) -eq $RefreshSource }) if ( $PromptForSnapshot.IsPresent ) { Write-Host ' ' for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FilteredSnapshots.Count; $i++) { Write-Host 'Snapshot ' $i.ToString() $FilteredSnapshots[$i] } $SnapshotId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the number of the snapshot to be used for the database refresh' } elseif ( $RefreshFromSnapshot.IsPresent.Equals( $false ) ) { try { if ( $NoPsRemoting.IsPresent ) { $SourceDisk = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetDbDisk -ArgumentList $SourceDb } else { $SourceDisk = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $SourceServer -ScriptBlock $GetDbDisk -ArgumentList $SourceDb } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine source disk with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } try { $SourceVolume = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.serial -eq $SourceDisk.SerialNumber } | Select-Object name } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine source volume with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } if ( $PromptForSnapshot.IsPresent ) { Foreach ($DestSqlInstance in $DestSqlInstances) { Invoke-DbRefresh -DestSqlInstance $DestSqlInstance ` -RefreshDatabase $RefreshDatabase ` -Endpoint $Endpoint ` -Creds $Creds ` -SourceVolume $FilteredSnapshots[$SnapshotId] } } else { $JobNumber = 1 Foreach ($DestSqlInstance in $DestSqlInstances) { $JobName = "DbRefresh" + $JobNumber Write-Colour -Text "Refresh background job : ", $JobName, " - ", "PROCESSING" -Color Yellow, Green, Green, Green If ( $RefreshFromSnapshot.IsPresent ) { Start-Job -Name $JobName -ScriptBlock $Function:DbRefresh -ArgumentList $DestSqlInstance , ` $RefreshDatabase , ` $Endpoint , ` $Creds , ` $RefreshSource , ` $StaticDataMaskFile, ` $ForceDestDbOffline.IsPresent, ` $NoPsRemoting.IsPresent , ` $PromptForSnapshot.IsPresent , ` $ApplyDataMasks.IsPresent | Out-Null } else { Start-Job -Name $JobName -ScriptBlock $Function:DbRefresh -ArgumentList $DestSqlInstance , ` $RefreshDatabase , ` $Endpoint , ` $Creds , ` $SourceVolume.Name , ` $StaticDataMaskFile, ` $ForceDestDbOffline.IsPresent, ` $NoPsRemoting.IsPresent , ` $PromptForSnapshot.IsPresent , ` $ApplyDataMasks.IsPresent | Out-Null } $JobNumber += 1; } While (Get-Job -State Running | Where-Object { $_.Name.Contains("DbRefresh") }) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PollJobInterval')) { Get-Job -State Running | Where-Object { $_.Name.Contains("DbRefresh") } | Receive-Job Start-Sleep -Seconds $PollJobInterval } else { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } Write-Colour -Text "Refresh background jobs : ", "COMPLETED" -Color Yellow, Green foreach ($job in (Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.Name.Contains("DbRefresh") })) { $result = Receive-Job $job Write-Host $result } Remove-Job -State Completed } $EndMs = Get-Date Write-Host " " Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "D A T A B A S E R E F R E S H C O M P L E T E" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host " Duration (s) = " ($EndMs - $StartMs).TotalSeconds -ForegroundColor White Write-Host " " Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green } function DbRefresh { param( [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$DestSqlInstance, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$RefreshDatabase, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$Endpoint, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$SourceVolume, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$StaticDataMaskFile, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$ForceDestDbOffline, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$NoPsRemoting, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$PromptForSnapshot, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$ApplyDataMasks ) # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } try { $DestDb = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $DestSqlInstance -Database $RefreshDatabase } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to destination database $DestSqlInstance.$Database with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Host " " Write-Colour -Text "Target SQL Server instance: ", $DestSqlInstance, "- CONNECTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green, Green try { $TargetServer = (Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $DestSqlInstance).ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS } catch { Write-Error "Failed to determine target server name with: $ExceptionMessage" } Write-Colour -Text "Target SQL Server host : ", $TargetServer -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $GetDbDisk = { param ( $Db ) $DbDisk = Get-Partition -DriveLetter $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] | Get-Disk return $DbDisk } $GetVolumeLabel = { param ( $Db ) Write-Verbose "Target database drive letter = $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0]" $VolumeLabel = $(Get-Volume -DriveLetter $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0]).FileSystemLabel Write-Verbose "Target database windows volume label = <$VolumeLabel>" return $VolumeLabel } try { if ( $NoPsRemoting ) { $DestDisk = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetDbDisk -ArgumentList $DestDb $DestVolumeLabel = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetVolumeLabel -ArgumentList $DestDb } else { $DestDisk = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $GetDbDisk -ArgumentList $DestDb $DestVolumeLabel = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $GetVolumeLabel -ArgumentList $DestDb } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine destination database disk with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target drive letter : ", $DestDb.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green try { $DestVolume = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.serial -eq $DestDisk.SerialNumber } | Select-Object name if (!$DestVolume) { throw "Failed to determine destination FlashArray volume, check that source and destination volumes are on the SAME array" } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine destination FlashArray volume with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target Pfa volume : ", $DestVolume.name -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $OfflineDestDisk = { param ( $DiskNumber, $Status ) Set-Disk -Number $DiskNumber -IsOffline $Status } try { if ( $ForceDestDbOffline ) { $ForceDatabaseOffline = "ALTER DATABASE [$RefreshDatabase] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE" Invoke-DbaQuery -ServerInstance $DestSqlInstance -Database $RefreshDatabase -Query $ForceDatabaseOffline } else { $DestDb.SetOffline() } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to offline database $Database with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target database : ", "OFFLINE" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green try { if ( $NoPsRemoting ) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $OfflineDestDisk -ArgumentList $DestDisk.Number, $True } else { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $OfflineDestDisk -ArgumentList $DestDisk.Number, $True } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to offline disk with : $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target windows disk : ", "OFFLINE" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $StartCopyVolMs = Get-Date try { Write-Colour -Text "Source Pfa volume : ", $SourceVolume -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green New-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName $DestVolume.name -Source $SourceVolume -Overwrite } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to refresh test database volume with : $ExceptionMessage" Set-Disk -Number $DestDisk.Number -IsOffline $False $DestDb.SetOnline() Return } Write-Colour -Text "Volume overwrite : ", "SUCCESSFUL" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $EndCopyVolMs = Get-Date Write-Colour -Text "Overwrite duration (ms) : ", ($EndCopyVolMs - $StartCopyVolMs).TotalMilliseconds -Color Yellow, Green $SetVolumeLabel = { param ( $Db, $DestVolumeLabel ) Set-Volume -DriveLetter $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] -NewFileSystemLabel $DestVolumeLabel } try { if ( $NoPsRemoting ) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $OfflineDestDisk -ArgumentList $DestDisk.Number, $False Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $SetVolumeLabel -ArgumentList $DestDb, $DestVolumeLabel } else { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $OfflineDestDisk -ArgumentList $DestDisk.Number, $False Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $SetVolumeLabel -ArgumentList $DestDb, $DestVolumeLabel } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to online disk with : $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target windows disk : ", "ONLINE" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green try { $DestDb.SetOnline() } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to online database $Database with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target database : ", "ONLINE" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green if ( $ApplyDataMasks ) { Write-Host "Applying SQL Server dynamic data masks to $RefreshDatabase on SQL Server instance $DestSqlInstance" -ForegroundColor Yellow try { Invoke-DynamicDataMasking -SqlInstance $DestSqlInstance -Database $RefreshDatabase Write-Host "SQL Server dynamic data masking has been applied" -ForegroundColor Yellow } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to apply SQL Server dynamic data masks to $Database on $DestSqlInstance with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } elseif ([System.IO.File]::Exists($StaticDataMaskFile)) { Write-Color -Text "Static data mask target : ", $DestSqlInstance, " - ", $RefreshDatabase -Color Yellow, Green, Green, Green try { Invoke-StaticDataMasking -SqlInstance $DestSqlInstance -Database $RefreshDatabase -DataMaskFile $StaticDataMaskFile Write-Color -Text "Static data masking : ", "APPLIED" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to apply static data masking to $Database on $DestSqlInstance with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } Repair-DbaDbOrphanUser -SqlInstance $DestSqlInstance -Database $RefreshDatabase | Out-Null Write-Color -Text "Orphaned users : ", "REPAIRED" -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green } # endregion #region Invoke-StaticDataMasking function Invoke-StaticDataMasking { <# .SYNOPSIS A PowerShell function to statically mask data in char, varchar and/or nvarchar columns using a MD5 hashing function. .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell function uses as input a JSON file created by calling the New-DbaDbMaskingConfig PowerShell function. Data in the columns specified in this file which are of the type char, varchar or nvarchar are envrypted using a MD5 hash. .PARAMETER SqlInstance Required. The SQL Server instance of the database that static data masking is to be applied to. .PARAMETER Database Required. The database that static data masking is to be applied to. .PARAMETER DataMaskFile Required. Absolute path to the JSON file generated by invoking New-DbaDbMaskingConfig. The file can be subsequently editted by hand to suit the data masking requirements of this function's user. Currently, static data masking is only supported for columns with char, varchar, nvarchar, int and bigint data types. .EXAMPLE Invoke-StaticDataMasking -SqlInstance Z-STN-WIN2016-A\DEVOPSDEV -Database tpch-no-compression -DataMaskFile 'C:\Users\devops\Documents\tpch-no-compression.tables.json' .NOTES Note that it has dependencies on the dbatools module which are installed with this module. #> param( [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $SqlInstance, [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $Database, [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $DataMaskFile ) Get-DbaToolsModule if ($DataMaskFile.ToString().StartsWith('http')) { $tables = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $DataMaskFile } else { # Check if the destination is accessible if (-not (Test-Path -Path $DataMaskFile)) { Write-Error "Could not find data mask config file $DataMaskFile" Return } } # Get all the items that should be processed try { $tables = Get-Content -Path $DataMaskFile -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Could not parse masking config file: $DataMaskFile" -ErrorRecord $_ } foreach ($tabletest in $tables.Tables) { if ($Table -and $tabletest.Name -notin $Table) { continue } $ColumnIndex = 0 $UpdateStatement = "" foreach ($columntest in $tabletest.Columns) { if ($columntest.ColumnType -in 'varchar', 'char', 'nvarchar') { if ($ColumnIndex -eq 0) { $UpdateStatement = 'UPDATE ' + $tabletest.Name + ' SET ' + $columntest.Name + ' = SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR, HASHBYTES(' + '''' + 'MD5' + '''' + ', ' + $columntest.Name + '), 1), 1, ' + $columntest.MaxValue + ')' } else { $UpdateStatement += ', ' + $columntest.Name + ' = SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR, HASHBYTES(' + '''' + 'MD5' + '''' + ', ' + $columntest.Name + '), 1), 1, ' + $columntest.MaxValue + ')' } } elseif ($columntest.ColumnType -eq 'int') { if ($ColumnIndex -eq 0) { $UpdateStatement = 'UPDATE ' + $tabletest.Name + ' SET ' + $columntest.Name + ' = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 2147483647' } else { $UpdateStatement += ', ' + $columntest.Name + ' = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 2147483647' } } elseif ($columntest.ColumnType -eq 'bigint') { if ($ColumnIndex -eq 0) { $UpdateStatement = 'UPDATE ' + $tabletest.Name + ' SET ' + $columntest.Name + ' = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))' } else { $UpdateStatement += ', ' + $columntest.Name + ' = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))' } } else { Write-Error "$columntest.ColumnType is not supported, please remove the column $columntest.Name from the $tabletest.Name table" Return } $ColumnIndex += 1 } Write-Verbose "Statically masking table $tabletest.Name using $UpdateStatement" Invoke-DbaQuery -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -Query $UpdateStatement -QueryTimeout 999999 } } #endregion #region Invoke-DynamicDataMasking function Invoke-DynamicDataMasking { <# .SYNOPSIS A PowerShell function to apply data masks to database columns using the SQL Server dynamic data masking feature. .DESCRIPTION This function uses the information stored in the extended properties of a database: sys.extended_properties.name = 'DATAMASK' to obtain the dynamic data masking function to apply at column level. Columns of the following data type are currently supported: - int - bigint - char - nchar - varchar - nvarchar Using the c_address column in the tpch customer table as an example, the DATAMASK extended property can be applied to the column as follows: exec sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'DATAMASK' ,@value = N'(FUNCTION = 'partial(0, "XX", 20)'' ,@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = 'dbo' ,@level1type = N'Table', @level1name = 'customer' ,@level2type = N'Column', @level2name = 'c_address' GO .PARAMETER SqlInstance Required. The SQL Server instance of the database that data masking is to be applied to. .PARAMETER Database Required. The database that data masking is to be applied to. .EXAMPLE Invoke-DynamicDataMasking -SqlInstance Z-STN-WIN2016-A\DEVOPSDEV -Database tpch-no-compression .NOTES Note that it has dependencies on the dbatools and PureStoragePowerShellSDK modules which are installed as part of this module. #> param( [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string] $SqlInstance, [parameter(mandatory = $true)][string] $Database ) Get-DbaToolsModule $sql = @" BEGIN DECLARE @sql_statement nvarchar(1024) ,@error_message varchar(1024) DECLARE apply_data_masks CURSOR FOR SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' + tb.name + ' ALTER COLUMN ' + c.name + + ' ADD MASKED WITH ' + CAST(p.value AS char) + ''')' FROM sys.columns c JOIN sys.types t ON c.user_type_id = t.user_type_id LEFT JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON ic.object_id = i.object_id AND ic.index_id = i.index_id JOIN sys.tables tb ON tb.object_id = c.object_id JOIN sys.extended_properties AS p ON p.major_id = tb.object_id AND p.minor_id = c.column_id AND p.class = 1 WHERE t.name IN ('int', 'bigint', 'char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar'); OPEN apply_data_masks FETCH NEXT FROM apply_data_masks INTO @sql_statement; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Applying data mask: ' + @sql_statement; BEGIN TRY EXEC sp_executesql @stmt = @sql_statement END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT @error_message = ERROR_MESSAGE(); PRINT 'Application of data mask failed with: ' + @error_message; END CATCH; FETCH NEXT FROM apply_data_masks INTO @sql_statement END; CLOSE apply_data_masks DEALLOCATE apply_data_masks; END; "@ Invoke-DbaSqlQuery -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -Query $sql } #endregion #region New-FlashArrayDbSnapshot function New-FlashArrayDbSnapshot { <# .SYNOPSIS A PowerShell function to create a FlashArray snapshot of the volume that a database resides on. .DESCRIPTION A PowerShell function to create a FlashArray snapshot of the volume that a database resides on, based in the values of the following parameters: .PARAMETER Database Required. The name of the database to refresh, note that it is assumed that source and target database(s) are named the same. .PARAMETER SqlInstance Required. This can be one or multiple SQL Server instance(s) that host the database(s) to be refreshed, in the case that the function is invoked to refresh databases across more than one instance, the list of target instances should be spedcified as an array of strings, otherwise a single string representing the target instance will suffice. .PARAMETER Endpoint Required. The IP address representing the FlashArray that the volumes for the source and refresh target databases reside on. .EXAMPLE New-FlashArrayDbSnapshot -Database tpch-no-compression -SqlInstance z-sql2016-devops-prd -Endpoint -Creds $Creds Create a snapshot of FlashArray volume that stores the tpch-no-compression database on the z-sql2016-devops-prd instance .NOTES FlashArray Credentials - A global variable $Creds may be used as described in the release notes for this module. If neither is specified, the module will prompt for credentials. Known Restrictions ------------------ 1. This function does not work for databases associated with failover cluster instances. 2. This function cannot be used to seed secondary replicas in availability groups using databases in the primary replica. 3. The function assumes that all database files and the transaction log reside on a single FlashArray volume. Note that it has dependencies on the dbatools and PureStoragePowerShellSDK modules which are installed as part of this module. #> param( [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $Database, [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $SqlInstance, [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $Endpoint ) Get-Sdk1Module Get-DbaToolsModule $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) if ( ! $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) ) { Write-Error "This function needs to be invoked within a PowerShell session with elevated admin rights" Return } # Connect to FlashArray if (!($Creds)) { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } else { try { $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $EndPoint -Credentials $Creds -IgnoreCertificateError } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $Endpoint with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } Write-Colour -Text "FlashArray endpoint : ", "CONNECTED" -Color Yellow, Green try { $DestDb = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to connect to destination database $SqlInstance.$Database with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target SQL Server instance: ", $SqlInstance, " - ", "CONNECTED" -Color Yellow, Green, Green, Green Write-Colour -Text "Target windows drive : ", $DestDb.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] -Color Yellow, Green try { $TargetServer = (Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $SqlInstance).ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS } catch { Write-Error "Failed to determine target server name with: $ExceptionMessage" } Write-Colour -Text "Target SQL Server host : ", $TargetServer -ForegroundColor Yellow, Green $GetDbDisk = { param ( $Db ) $DbDisk = Get-Partition -DriveLetter $Db.PrimaryFilePath.Split(':')[0] | Get-Disk return $DbDisk } try { $TargetDisk = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TargetServer -ScriptBlock $GetDbDisk -ArgumentList $DestDb } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine the windows disk snapshot target with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } Write-Colour -Text "Target disk serial number : ", $TargetDisk.SerialNumber -Color Yellow, Green try { $TargetVolume = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.serial -eq $TargetDisk.SerialNumber } | Select-Object name } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to determine snapshot FlashArray volume with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } $SnapshotSuffix = $SqlInstance.Replace('\', '-') + '-' + $Database + '-' + $(Get-Date).Hour + $(Get-Date).Minute + $(Get-Date).Second Write-Colour -Text "Snapshot target Pfa volume: ", $TargetVolume.name -Color Yellow, Green Write-Colour -Text "Snapshot suffix : ", $SnapshotSuffix -Color Yellow, Green try { New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -Sources $TargetVolume.name -Suffix $SnapshotSuffix } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Failed to create snapshot for target database FlashArray volume with: $ExceptionMessage" Return } } #endregion #### END DBATOOLS FUNCTIONS #### End Exported Functions # Declare Exports Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AllHostVolumeInfo Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-WindowsPowerScheme Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-HostBusAdapter Export-ModuleMember -Function Register-HostVolumes Export-ModuleMember -Function Unregister-HostVolumes Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-QuickFixEngineering Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-WindowsBestPractices Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VolumeShadowCopy Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VolumeShadowCopy Export-ModuleMember -Function New-FlashArrayCapacityReport Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-DriveInformation Export-ModuleMember -Function Sync-FlashArrayHosts Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArraySerialNumbers Export-ModuleMember -Function New-HypervClusterVolumeReport Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-TlsVersions Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MPIODiskLBPolicy Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-MPIODiskLBPolicy Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayStaleSnapshots Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayDisconnectedVolumes Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArraySpace Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayPGroupsConfig Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-FlashArrayPendingDeletes Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayConfig Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayHierarchy Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PfaSerialNumbers Export-ModuleMember -Function New-FlashArrayDbSnapshot Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-DynamicDataMasking Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-StaticDataMasking Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-FlashArrayDbRefresh Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-WindowsDiagnosticInfo Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayRASession Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayQuickCapacityStats Export-ModuleMember -Function New-FlashArrayPGroupVolumes Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayVolumeGrowth Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FlashArrayConnectDetails Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-PfaPGroupVolumeSnapshots Export-ModuleMember -Function New-FlashArrayExcelReport # END |