
function Build-PfaVvolStoragePolicyConfig {
    Returns a config object for specifed policy or creates a new configuration.
    Returns a config object for specifed policy or creates a new configuration. You can then change the properties of the configuration object and create a new policy or update an existing one with the values with New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy or Edit-PfaVvolStoragePolicy
    Policy (optional)
    Storage policy configuration object
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ Build-PfaVvolStoragePolicyConfig
    Returns a new policy config with default settings.
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolreplicationpolicy
    PS C:\ Build-PfavVolStoragePolicyConfig -Policy $policy
    Returns a policy config with the settings of an existing policy.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

  Begin {
    $policyConfigs = @()
    $pcliversion = (Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable).version
    if (($pcliversion.Major -lt 12) -and ($pcliversion.Minor -lt 1))
      throw "This cmdlet required PowerCLI 12.1 or later."
  Process {
    if ($null -eq $policy)
      $policyName = "FlashArray vVol Policy " + (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999).ToString()
    if ($null -ne $policy)
      $policyName = $policy.Name
      $policyDescription = $Policy.description
      $localSnapshotEnabled = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotCapable"}
      if ($null -ne $localSnapshotEnabled)
        $localSnapshotEnabled = $localSnapshotEnabled.Value
      $SnapshotInterval = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotInterval"}
      if ($null -ne $SnapshotInterval)
        $LocalSnapshotInterval = $SnapshotInterval.Value
      $LocalSnapshotRetention = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotRetention"}
      if ($null -ne $LocalSnapshotRetention)
        $LocalSnapshotRetentionShort = $LocalSnapshotRetention.Value
      $remoteReplicationEnabled = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.remoteReplicationCapable"}
      if ($null -ne $remoteReplicationEnabled)
        $ReplicationEnabled = $remoteReplicationEnabled.Value
      $remoteReplicationRetention = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.ReplicationConcurrency"}
      if ($null -ne $remoteReplicationRetention)
        $ReplicationConcurrency = $remoteReplicationRetention.Value
      $remoteReplicationInterval = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.remoteReplicationInterval"}
      if ($null -ne $remoteReplicationInterval)
        $ReplicationInterval = $remoteReplicationInterval.Value
      $remoteReplicationRetention = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.remoteReplicationRetention"}
      if ($null -ne $remoteReplicationRetention)
        $replicationRetentionShort = $remoteReplicationRetention.Value
      $consistencyGroup = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.ReplicationConsistencyGroup"}
      if ($null -ne $consistencyGroup)
        $consistencyGroupName = $consistencyGroup.Value
      $sourceFlashArrays = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.policy.FlashArrayGroup"}
      if ($null -ne $sourceFlashArrays)
        $foundArrays = @()
        foreach ($sourceArray in $sourceFlashArrays.Value) 
          $VvolArray = $null
          $VvolArray = Get-PfaVvolStorageArray -ArrayName $sourceArray
          if ($null -ne $VvolArray)
            $foundArrays += $VvolArray
            throw "Invalid array name found in policy $($sourceArray). Please ensure the array name is correct and/or it has a registered vasa provider in one or more of the connected vCenters."
        $sourceFlashArrays = $foundArrays
      $targetFlashArrays = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.AllofRules |where-object {$_.Capability.Name -eq "com.purestorage.storage.replication.ReplicationTarget"}
      if ($null -ne $targetFlashArrays)
        $foundArrays = @()
        foreach ($targetArray in $targetFlashArrays.Value) 
          $VvolArray = $null
          $VvolArray = Get-PfaVvolStorageArray -ArrayName $targetArray
          if ($null -ne $VvolArray)
            $foundArrays += $VvolArray
            throw "Invalid array name found in policy $($targetArray). Please ensure the array name is correct and/or it has a registered vasa provider in one or more of the connected vCenters."
        $targetFlashArrays = $foundArrays
    if ($null -eq $ReplicationInterval)
      [System.TimeSpan]$ReplicationInterval = 0
    if ($null -eq $ReplicationRetentionShort)
      [System.TimeSpan]$ReplicationRetentionShort = 0
    if ($null -eq $LocalSnapshotInterval)
      [System.TimeSpan]$LocalSnapshotInterval = 0
    if ($null -eq $localSnapshotRetentionShort)
      [System.TimeSpan]$localSnapshotRetentionShort = 0
    $policyConfigs += ([FlashArrayvVolPolicyConfig]::new($policyName, $policyDescription, $sourceFlashArrays, $replicationEnabled, $replicationInterval, $replicationRetentionShort, $replicationConcurrency, $consistencyGroupName, $targetFlashArrays, $localSnapshotEnabled , $localSnapshotInterval, $localSnapshotRetentionShort, $policy))
  End {
    if ($policyConfigs.count -eq 1)
      return $policyConfigs[0]
    else {
      return $policyConfigs
function Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy {
    Returns all or specified FlashArray storage policies
    Returns all or replication-based FlashArray storage policies
    Nothing, replication, or a vCenter server
    Storage policies
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy
    Returns all Pure Storage FlashArray-based storage policies
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -replication
    Returns all replication-enabled Pure Storage FlashArray-based storage policies
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -server $global:DefaultVIServer
    Returns all Pure Storage FlashArray-based storage policies for a specific vCenter
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



  $pcliversion = (Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable).version
  if (($pcliversion.Major -lt 12) -and ($pcliversion.Minor -lt 1))
    throw "This cmdlet required PowerCLI 12.1 or later."
  try {
    if ($null -ne $server)
      $purePolicies = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -Namespace "com.purestorage.storage.policy" -Server $server -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
      $purePolicies = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -Namespace "com.purestorage.storage.policy" -ErrorAction Stop
  catch {
    #sometimes the SPBM service errors on first try. A retry works.
    if ($null -ne $server)
      $purePolicies = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -Namespace "com.purestorage.storage.policy" -Server $server
    else {
      $purePolicies = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -Namespace "com.purestorage.storage.policy"
  if ($replication -eq $true)
    $purePolicies = $purePolicies |Where-Object {$_.AnyOfRuleSets.allofrules.capability.name -like "com.purestorage.storage.replication*"}
  if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PolicyName)))
    $purePolicies = $purePolicies |where-object {$_.Name -eq $PolicyName}
    if ($purePolicies.count -eq 0)
      throw "No Pure Storage FlashArray vVol policies found with the name $($PolicyName)"
  return $purePolicies
function New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy {
    Creates a new FlashArray vVol Storage Policy
    Creates a new FlashArray vVol Storage Policy with specified capabilities
    New storage policy
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy
    Creates the default SPBM policy that indicates a VM should be on a FlashArray using vVols. Default generated name and description.
    PS C:\ New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatPolicy
    Creates a SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a FlashArray using vVols. Default generated description.
    PS C:\ New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatReplicationPolicy -ReplicationInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5) -ReplicationEnabled $true -ReplicationConcurrency 2
    Creates a replication-type SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a FlashArray using vVols, replicated every 5 minutes to at least two other FlashArrays. Default generated description.
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolreplicationpolicy
    PS C:\ $policyConfig = Build-PfavVolStoragePolicyConfig -Policy $policy
    PS C:\ $policyConfig.policyName = "MyEvenGreaterReplicationPolicy"
    PS C:\ $policyConfig.replicationInterval = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 10
    PS C:\ Edit-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyConfig $policyConfig
    Creates a new policy with the identical configuration of a previously created policy but with a different name and replication interval.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.






        [System.TimeSpan]$ReplicationInterval = 0,

        [System.TimeSpan]$ReplicationRetentionShort = 0,




        [System.TimeSpan]$LocalSnapshotInterval = 0,

        [System.TimeSpan]$LocalSnapshotRetentionShort = 0,

  $pcliversion = (Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable).version
  if (($pcliversion.Major -lt 12) -and ($pcliversion.Minor -lt 1))
    throw "This cmdlet required PowerCLI 12.1 or later."
  if ($server.count -eq 0)
    $vCenters = $global:DefaultVIServers
  else {
    $vCenters = $server
  if ($null -eq $policyConfig)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($policyName))
      $policyName = "FlashArray vVol Policy " + (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999).ToString()
    $policyConfig = ([FlashArrayvVolPolicyConfig]::new($policyName, $policyDescription,$sourceFlashArrays, $replicationEnabled, $replicationInterval, $replicationRetentionShort, $replicationConcurrency, $consistencyGroupName, $targetFlashArrays, $localSnapshotEnabled , $localSnapshotInterval, $localSnapshotRetentionShort, $null))
  $vCenterExists = @()
  foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters)
    $checkExisting = $null
    $checkExisting = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -Name $policyConfig.policyName -Server $vCenter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -ne $checkExisting)
      $vCenterExists += $vCenter.name
  if ($vCenterExists.count -gt 0)
    throw "A storage policy with the name of $($policyConfig.policyName) already exists on the following vCenter(s):`n `n$($vCenterExists -join ",")`n `n Please choose a unique name."
  $policy = @()
  foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($policyConfig.policyDescription))
      $policyConfig.policyDescription = "Pure Storage FlashArray vVol storage policy default description"
    $checkforPure = $null
    $checkforPure = Get-SpbmCapability -Server $vCenter |where-object {$_.name -like "com.purestorage*"}
    if ($null -eq $checkforPure)
      Write-Error "This vCenter does not have any Pure VASA providers registered and therefore no policy can be created. Skipping vCenter $($vCenter.Name)..."
    else {
      $ruleSet = New-pfaRuleSetfromConfig -policyConfig $policyConfig -Server $vCenter
      Write-Host "Creating policy $($policyConfig.policyName) on vCenter $($vCenter.Name)..."
      $policy += New-SpbmStoragePolicy -Name $policyConfig.policyName -Description $policyConfig.policyDescription -AnyOfRuleSets $ruleSet -Server $vCenter
  if ($policy.count -eq 1)
    return $policy[0]
  else {
    return $policy
function Edit-PfaVvolStoragePolicy {
    Updates/adds one or more capabilities to a FlashArray vVol Storage Policy
    Updates/adds one or more capabilities to a FlashArray vVol Storage Policy by taking in a changed configuration from Build-PfavVolStoragePolicyConfig
    SPBM policy configuration object
    Updated storage policy
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ $policyConfig = Build-PfavVolStoragePolicyConfig -PolicyName myvVolreplicationpolicy
    PS C:\ $policyConfig.replicationInterval = New-TimeSpan -Hours 2
    PS C:\ Edit-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyConfig $policyConfig
    Updates the replication interval for the SPBM policy called myvVolreplicationpolicy to 2 hours.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


  $pcliversion = (Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable).version
  if (($pcliversion.Major -lt 12) -and ($pcliversion.Minor -lt 1))
    throw "This cmdlet required PowerCLI 12.1 or later."
  if ($null -eq $policyConfig.policy)
    throw "No existing policy is associated with this policy configuration. Use the New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy instead to create a new policy."
  $vCenter = get-vCenterfromStoragePolicy -policy $policyConfig.policy
  $ruleSet = New-pfaRuleSetfromConfig -policyConfig $policyConfig -Server $vCenter
  return (Set-SpbmStoragePolicy -policy $policyConfig.policy -AnyOfRuleSets $ruleSet -Description $policyConfig.policyDescription -Name $policyConfig.policyName -Confirm:$false)
function Set-PfaVvolVmStoragePolicy {
    Sets an SPBM policy on a VM or set of VMs.
    Sets an SPBM policy on a VM or set of VMs. Optionally can assign a replication group
    VM(s), an SPBM policy, a replication group option.
    VM components
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolpolicy
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm myVM
    PS C:\ Set-PfaVvolVmStoragePolicy -vm $vm -Policy $policy
    Assigns a policy to a VM and all of its disks.
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolpolicy
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm myVM*
    PS C:\ Set-PfaVvolVmStoragePolicy -vm $vm -Policy $policy
    Assigns a policy to all VMs with the specified prefix and all of their disks.
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolreplicationpolicy
    PS C:\ $group = Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -policy $policy
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm myVM
    PS C:\ Set-PfaVvolVmStoragePolicy -vm $vm -Policy $policy -ReplicationGroup $group[0]
     Assigns a policy to a VM and all of its disks with a compatible replication group.
    PS C:\ $policy = Get-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName myvVolreplicationpolicy
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm myVM
    PS C:\ Set-PfaVvolVmStoragePolicy -vm $vm -Policy $policy -AutoReplicationGroup
    Assigns a policy to a VM and all of its disks with an automatically created new compatible replication group.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




  $vCenter = $vm.ExtensionData.client.ServiceUrl |Select-Object -Unique
  if ($vCenter.count -gt 1)
    throw "It is only supported to pass in VMs in the same vCenter at once. Please reduce the list of VMs to VMs in the same vCenter."
  $vc = (get-vCenterfromStoragePolicy -policy $Policy).ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri
  if ($vc -ne $vCenter)
    throw "The entered policy must be from the same vCenter as the VMs."
  $datastores = $vm |Get-Datastore
  $compatibleDatastores = $Policy | Get-SpbmCompatibleStorage
  if ($compatibleDatastores.count -eq 0)
    throw "No compatible datastores found for the specified policy."
  $nonCompatibleDatastores = @()
  foreach ($datastore in $datastores) {
    if (($compatibleDatastores.extensiondata.info.url).contains($datastore.extensiondata.info.url) -ne $true)
      $nonCompatibleDatastores += $datastore
  if ($nonCompatibleDatastores.count -gt 0)
    $nameList = $nonCompatibleDatastores.name -join(", ")
    throw "Some of the specified VM(s) in the list are found using one or more datastores that are not compatible with the specified policy. Please relocate the VMs or choose a different policy. The following datastores were found in-use and not compatible: `r`n $($nameList)"
  if (($null -ne $replicationGroup) -and ($datastores.count -gt 1))
    throw "The VMs are on multiple datastores--they must be on the same vVol datastore when using a replication-type policy."
  $rules = $policy.AnyOfRuleSets.Allofrules.capability |Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*com.purestorage.storage.replication*"}
  if ($null -ne $rules)
    if (($null -eq $replicationGroup) -and ($AutoReplicationGroup -eq $false))
      throw "This is a Pure Storage replication-based policy and you must pass in a valid replication group."
    elseif ($AutoReplicationGroup -eq $false) {
      $replicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -Datastore $datastores -StoragePolicy $policy
      if (($replicationGroups.id -contains $replicationGroup.id) -eq $false)
        throw "Specified replication group is not valid for the policy. Please use Get-PfaVvolReplication group with the policy to find compatible groups."
  else {
    if (($null -ne $replicationGroup) -or ($AutoReplicationGroup -eq $true))
      throw "A replication group was specified which is not needed as the specified policy is not a replication-type policy."
  $VmConfig = ($vm |Get-HardDisk),$vm |Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration
  if ($AutoReplicationGroup -eq $true)
    $FirstVMConfig = ($vm[0] |Get-HardDisk),$vm[0] |Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration
    $FirstVMConfig = Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -Configuration $FirstVMConfig -StoragePolicy $Policy -AutoReplicationGroup -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($VmConfig.count -gt 1)
      $VmConfig =  Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -Configuration $VmConfig -StoragePolicy $Policy -ReplicationGroup $FirstVMConfig[0].replicationGroup
  elseif ($null -eq $replicationGroup)
    $VmConfig = Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -Configuration $VmConfig -StoragePolicy $Policy
  else {
    $VmConfig =  Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -Configuration $VmConfig -StoragePolicy $Policy -ReplicationGroup $replicationGroup
  return $VmConfig

#Custom Classes
Class FlashArrayvVolPolicyConfig{
  static [String] $version = "1.1.0"
  static [String] $vendor = "Pure Storage"
  static [String] $objectName = "vVol Storage Policy Configuration"
  static [String] $model = "FlashArray"
  static [System.Boolean]$flasharray = $true
  [String]$policyName = ""
  [String]$policyDescription = ""
  [VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Types.V1.Sms.VasaStorageArray[]]$sourceFlashArrays = $null 
  [Nullable[boolean]]$replicationEnabled = $null
  [System.TimeSpan]$replicationInterval = 0
  [System.TimeSpan]$replicationRetentionShort = 0
  [int]$replicationConcurrency = $null
  [ValidatePattern('(?# MUST BE 3+ digits, alphanumeric, also dashes or underscores can be in the middle)^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$|^$')]
  [String]$consistencyGroupName = ""
  [VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Types.V1.Sms.VasaStorageArray[]]$targetFlashArrays = $null 
  [Nullable[boolean]]$localSnapshotEnabled = $null
  [System.TimeSpan]$localSnapshotInterval = 0
  [System.TimeSpan]$localSnapshotRetentionShort = 0
  FlashArrayvVolPolicyConfig ([String]$policyName, [String]$policyDescription, [VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Types.V1.Sms.VasaStorageArray[]]$sourceFlashArrays, [Nullable[boolean]]$replicationEnabled, [System.TimeSpan]$replicationInterval, [System.TimeSpan]$replicationRetentionShort, [int]$replicationConcurrency, [String]$consistencyGroupName, [VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Types.V1.Sms.VasaStorageArray[]]$targetFlashArrays, [Nullable[boolean]]$localSnapshotEnabled , [System.TimeSpan]$localSnapshotInterval, [System.TimeSpan]$localSnapshotRetentionShort, [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Storage.StoragePolicy]$policy)
    $this.sourceFlashArrays = $sourceFlashArrays
    $this.policyName = $policyName
    $this.policyDescription = $policyDescription
    $this.replicationEnabled = $replicationEnabled
    $this.replicationInterval = $replicationInterval
    $this.replicationRetentionShort = $replicationRetentionShort
    $this.replicationConcurrency = $replicationConcurrency
    $this.consistencyGroupName = $consistencyGroupName
    $this.targetFlashArrays = $targetFlashArrays
    $this.localSnapshotEnabled = $localSnapshotEnabled
    $this.localSnapshotInterval = $localSnapshotInterval
    $this.localSnapshotRetentionShort = $localSnapshotRetentionShort
    $this.policy = $policy
    if ($replicationEnabled -eq $false)
      if ($null -ne $replicationInterval)
        throw "Do not specify a replication interval if replicationEnabled is set to false."
      if ($null -ne $replicationRetentionShort)
        throw "Do not specify a replication retention if replicationEnabled is set to false."
    if ($localSnapshotEnabled -eq $false)
      if ($null -ne $localSnapshotInterval)
        throw "Do not specify a snapshot interval if localSnapshotEnabled is set to false."
      if ($null -ne $localSnapshotRetentionShort)
        throw "Do not specify a snapshot retention if localSnapshotEnabled is set to false."

#internal functions
function New-pfaRuleSetfromConfig {

  if ($null -eq $Server)  
    $Server = $global:DefaultVIServer
  $rules = @()
  if ($policyConfig.sourceFlashArrays.count -ne 0)
    $rules += New-SpbmRule `
                -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.policy.FlashArrayGroup -Server $Server) `
                -Value $policyConfig.sourceFlashArrays.Name
   $rules += New-SpbmRule `
               -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.policy.PureFlashArray -Server $Server) `
               -Value $true
   if ($null -ne $policyConfig.localSnapshotEnabled)
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
                 -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotPolicyCapable -Server $Server) `
                 -Value $policyConfig.localSnapshotEnabled
   if ($policyConfig.localSnapshotInterval -ne 0)
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
                 -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotInterval -Server $Server) `
                 -Value $policyConfig.localSnapshotInterval
   if ($policyConfig.localSnapshotRetentionShort -ne 0)
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
               -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.LocalSnapshotRetention -Server $Server) `
               -Value $policyConfig.localSnapshotRetentionShort 
   if ($policyConfig.targetFlashArrays.count -ne 0)
    $rules += New-SpbmRule `
               -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.ReplicationTarget -Server $Server) `
               -Value $policyConfig.targetFlashArrays.Name
   if ($null -ne $policyConfig.replicationEnabled)
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
               -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.RemoteReplicationCapable -Server $Server) `
               -Value $policyConfig.replicationEnabled
   if ($policyConfig.replicationInterval -ne 0)
   $rules += New-SpbmRule `
             -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.RemoteReplicationInterval -Server $Server) `
             -Value $policyConfig.replicationInterval
   if ($policyConfig.replicationRetentionShort -ne 0)
             $rules += New-SpbmRule `
             -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.RemoteReplicationRetention -Server $Server) `
             -Value $policyConfig.replicationRetentionShort 
   if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($policyConfig.consistencyGroupName)))
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
               -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.ReplicationConsistencyGroup -Server $Server) `
               -Value $policyConfig.consistencyGroupName
   if (($null -ne $policyConfig.replicationConcurrency) -and ($policyConfig.replicationConcurrency -ne 0))
     $rules += New-SpbmRule `
                 -Capability (Get-SpbmCapability -Name com.purestorage.storage.replication.replicationConcurrency -Server $Server) `
                 -Value $policyConfig.replicationConcurrency
   #create policy
   return New-SpbmRuleSet -AllOfRules $rules 
function get-vCenterfromStoragePolicy {
 foreach ($vcenter in $global:DefaultVIServers)
   $foundPolicy = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -id $policy.id -Server $vcenter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
   if ($null -ne $foundPolicy)
     return $vcenter