
function Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup {
      Returns FlashArray Replication Groups
      Takes in storage policy, a vVol datastore, a VM, or no inputs, and returns source and/or target replication groups.
      Storage Policy, vVol datastore, source or target
      Replication groups
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/31/2020
      Purpose/Change: Function creation
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup
      Returns all FlashArray vVol Replication Groups from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ $fd = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -Name flasharray-m50-1
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -faultDomain $fd
      Returns all FlashArray vVol Replication Groups from the specified fault domain (FlashArray) which has a vVol datastore that is mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -source
      Returns all source FlashArray vVol Replication Groups from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ $fd = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -Name flasharray-m50-1
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -faultDomain $fd -source
      Returns all FlashArray vVol source Replication Groups from the specified fault domain (FlashArray) which has a vVol datastore that is mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -target
      Returns all target FlashArray vVol Replication Groups from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -testFailover
      Returns all FlashArray vVol Replication Groups that are in the middle of a test failover from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -failedOver
      Returns all FlashArray vVol Replication Groups that have been failed over from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -VM (get-vm vVolVM-01)
      Returns the FlashArray vVol replication group for the virtual machine named vVolVM-01
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -policy (Get-SpbmStoragePolicy vVolStoragePolicy)
      Returns all the FlashArray vVol replication groups that are valid for the storage policy from all FlashArrays which have vVol datastores that are mounted in the connected vCenters
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

                $ds = $_ |get-datastore |where-object {$_.Type -eq 'VVOL'} | where-object {$_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -eq "PURE"}
                if ($null -eq $ds)
                    throw "This VM is not using a Pure Storage vVol datastore."
                else {

              if ($_.Type -ne 'VVOL')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a vVol datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a vVol datastore"
              elseif ($_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") 
                throw "This is not a Pure Storage vVol datastore"
              else {

                $rules = $_.AnyOfRuleSets.Allofrules.capability |Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*com.purestorage.storage.replication*"}
                if ($null -eq $rules)
                    throw "This is not a Pure Storage replication-based policy."
                else {





              if ($_.StorageArray.VendorId -ne "PURE")
                  throw "This is not a Pure Storage fault domain (FlashArray)."
              else {
    if ($null -ne $datastore)
      $pureReplicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -Datastore $datastore -StoragePolicy $policy
    elseif ($null -ne $policy) {
      $pureReplicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -StoragePolicy $policy
    elseif ($null -ne $vm) {
      $pureReplicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -VM $vm
    else {
      if ($null -ne $faultDomain)
        $pureReplicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -FaultDomain $faultDomain
        $vp = Get-VasaProvider |Where-Object {$_.Namespace -eq "com.purestorage"}
        $pureReplicationGroups = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -VasaProvider $vp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      $groupfilter = @()
      if ($source -eq $True)
        $groupfilter += "Source"
      if ($target -eq $True)
        $groupfilter += "Target"
      if ($testFailover -eq $True)
        $groupfilter += "InTest"
      if ($failedOver -eq $True)
        $groupfilter += "FailedOver"
      if ($groupfilter.count -ge 1)
        $pureReplicationGroups = $pureReplicationGroups  | Where-Object {$_}| Where-Object {$groupfilter.contains($_.State.ToString())}
    Write-Debug ($pureReplicationGroups |format-list * |Out-String)
    return $pureReplicationGroups
function Get-PfavVolReplicationGroupPartner {
    Returns any partner FlashArray Replication Groups for a specified group.
    Takes in a replication group and some optional filters
    Storage Policy, vVol datastore, source or target
    Replication groups
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 05/14/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm srmvm
    PS C:\ $group = $vm |Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroupPartner -replicationGroup $group
    Finds the replication group a VM's storage is assigned to and returns the target replication group(s).
    PS C:\ $vm = get-vm srmvm
    PS C:\ $group = $vm |Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup
    PS C:\ $fd = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -Name flasharray-m50-1
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroupPartner -replicationGroup $group -faultDomain $fd
    Finds the replication group a VM's storage is assigned to and returns the target replication group for the specified fault domain (FlashArray).
    PS C:\ $fd = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -Name flasharray-m50-1
    PS C:\ $targetGroup = Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -target -faultDomain $fd
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroupPartner -replicationGroup $targetGroup
    Finds the source replication group of the specified target replication group.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

            if ($_.StorageArray.VendorId -ne "PURE")
                throw "This is not a Pure Storage fault domain (FlashArray)."
            else {
  if ($replicationGroup.state.ToString() -eq "Source")
    $pureReplicationGroups = Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -testFailover -target -failedOver
    $groupID = $replicationGroup.ExtensionData.groupId
    $groupPartners = @()
    foreach ($pureReplicationGroup in $pureReplicationGroups)
      $partnerGroupID = $pureReplicationGroup.ExtensionData.sourceInfo.sourceGroupId
      if ($partnerGroupID.deviceGroupId.id -eq $groupID.deviceGroupId.id)
        if ($partnerGroupID.faultDomainId.id -eq $groupID.faultDomainId.id)
          if (($null -ne $faultDomain) -and ($pureReplicationGroup.faultDomain.id -eq $faultDomain.Id))
            $groupPartners += $pureReplicationGroup
          if ($null -eq $faultDomain)
            $groupPartners += $pureReplicationGroup
    if ($groupPartners.count -eq 1)
      return $groupPartners[0]
    else {
      return $groupPartners
    $pureReplicationGroups = Get-PfaVvolReplicationGroup -source
    $groupID = $replicationGroup.ExtensionData.sourceInfo.sourceGroupId
    foreach ($pureReplicationGroup in $pureReplicationGroups)
      $partnerGroupID = $pureReplicationGroup.ExtensionData.groupId
      if ($partnerGroupID.deviceGroupId.id -eq $groupID.deviceGroupId.id)
        if ($partnerGroupID.faultDomainId.id -eq $groupID.faultDomainId.id)
          if (($null -ne $faultDomain) -and ($pureReplicationGroup.faultDomain.id -ne $faultDomain.Id))
            throw "The source replication group does not exist on the specified Fault Domain: $($faultDomain.name) ($($faultDomain.id)). It resides on a FlashArray with ID of $($pureReplicationGroup.faultDomain.id)"
          return $pureReplicationGroup
function Get-PfaVvolFaultDomain {
    Returns all or specified FlashArray fault domains
    Takes in a name, serial number, connection or nothing and returns the corresponding FlashArray fault domains
    Takes in a name, serial number, connection or nothing.
    Fault domains
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolFaultDomain
    Returns all Pure Storage FlashArray fault domains
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolFaultDomain -ArraySerial 7e914d96-c90a-31e0-a495-75e8b3c300cc
    Returns the FlashArray fault domain for the specified array serial number.
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolFaultDomain -ArrayName flasharray-m50-1
    Returns the FlashArray fault domain for the specified array name.
    PS C:\ $fa = new-pfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m50-1 -ignoreCertificateError -DefaultArray
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolFaultDomain -FlashArray $fa
    Returns the FlashArray fault domain for the specified FlashArray connection.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arrayName))
      $faultDomain = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -Name $arrayName -ErrorAction Stop
    elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arraySerial))
      $faultDomain = Get-SpbmFaultDomain | Where-Object {$_.StorageArray.Id -eq "com.purestorage:$($arraySerial)"} 
      if ($null -eq $faultDomain)
        throw "Could not find a fault domain for specified serial number: $($arraySerial)"
    elseif ($null -ne $flasharray) 
      $arraySerial = (Get-PfaArrayAttributes -array $flasharray).id
      $faultDomain = Get-SpbmFaultDomain -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.StorageArray.Id -eq "com.purestorage:$($arraySerial)"} 
      if ($null -eq $faultDomain)
        throw "Could not find a fault domain for specified FlashArray with the serial number: $($arraySerial)"
    else {
      $faultDomain = Get-SpbmFaultDomain | Where-Object {$_.StorageArray.VendorId -eq "PURE"}
    return $faultDomain