function get-pfaVolfromVMFS { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the FlashArray volume that hosts a VMFS datastore. .DESCRIPTION Takes in a VMFS datastore and one or more FlashArrays and returns the volume if found. .INPUTS FlashArray connection(s) and a VMFS datastore. .OUTPUTS Returns FlashArray volume or null if not found. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.DatastoreManagement.Datastore]$datastore, [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray ) if ($datastore.Type -ne 'VMFS') { throw "This is not a VMFS datastore." } if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore } else { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray } $pureVolumes = Get-PfaVolumes -Array $fa $lun = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.DiskName |select-object -unique $volserial = ($lun.ToUpper()).substring(12) $purevol = $purevolumes | where-object { $_.serial -eq $volserial } if ($null -ne $purevol.name) { return $purevol } else { throw "The volume was not found." } } function new-pfaVolVmfs { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new VMFS on a new FlashArray volume .DESCRIPTION Creates a new FlashArray-based VMFS and presents it to a cluster. .INPUTS FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, a volume size, and name. .OUTPUTS Returns a VMFS object. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.Cluster]$cluster, [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=2,mandatory=$true)] [string]$volName, [Parameter(Position=3)] [int]$sizeInGB, [Parameter(Position=4)] [int]$sizeInTB ) Begin { if (($sizeInGB -eq 0) -and ($sizeInTB -eq 0)) { throw "Please enter a size in GB or TB" } elseif (($sizeInGB -ne 0) -and ($sizeInTB -ne 0)) { throw "Please only enter a size in TB or GB, not both." } elseif ($sizeInGB -ne 0) { $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024 } else { $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024 } $newDatastores = @() $allFAs = @() $newNAAs = @() $volNames = @() $hostGroupNames = @() $oneVolume = 0 } Process { if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $flasharray = checkDefaultFlashArray } foreach ($fa in $flasharray) { try { $hostGroup = $cluster | get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa } catch { for ($h =0; $h -lt $volNames.Count; $h++) { Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $allFAs[$h] -VolumeName $volNames[$h] -HostGroupName $hostGroupNames[$h] |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$h] -Name $volNames[$h] |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$h] -Name $volNames[$h] -Eradicate |Out-Null } $cluster | get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop } if ($oneVolume -gt 0) { if ($oneVolume -eq 1) { $nameSuffix = ("-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) Rename-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $lastFA -Name $volName -NewName ($volName + $nameSuffix) |Out-Null $volNames[0] = ($volName + "-" + $nameSuffix) $newName = ($volName + "-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) } else { $newName = ($volName + "-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) } } else { $newName = $volName } $newVol = New-PfaVolume -Array $fa -Size $volSize -VolumeName $newName -ErrorAction Stop $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa $lastFA = $fa New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $fa -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null $newNAAs += "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower() $allFAs += $fa $volNames += $newVol.name $hostGroupNames += $hostGroup.name $oneVolume++ } } End { $esxi = $cluster | get-vmhost | where-object {($_.version -like '5.5.*') -or ($_.version -like '6.*')}| where-object {($_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected')} |Select-Object -last 1 $cluster| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba |Out-Null $ESXiApiVersion = $esxi.ExtensionData.Summary.Config.Product.ApiVersion $varCount = 0 foreach ($newNAA in $newNAAs) { Write-Debug -Message $newNAA try { if (($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.5") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "6.0") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.1")) { $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $volNames[$varCount] -vmfs -Path $newNAAs[$varCount] -FileSystemVersion 5 -ErrorAction Stop } else { $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $volNames[$varCount] -vmfs -Path $newNAAs[$varCount] -FileSystemVersion 6 -ErrorAction Stop } $newDatastores += $newVMFS } catch { Write-Error $Global:Error[0] Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -VolumeName $volNames[$varCount] -HostGroupName $hostGroupNames[$varCount] |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -Name $volNames[$varCount] |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -Name $volNames[$varCount] -Eradicate |Out-Null } $varCount++ } return $newDatastores } } function add-pfaVolVmfsToCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Add an existing FlashArray-based VMFS to another VMware cluster. .DESCRIPTION Takes in a vCenter Cluster and a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray .INPUTS FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, and a datastore .OUTPUTS Returns the FlashArray host group connection. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.Cluster[]]$cluster, [Parameter(Position=1)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=2,mandatory=$true)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.DatastoreManagement.Datastore]$datastore ) Begin { $faConnections = @() if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop } else { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop } } Process { foreach ($cs in $cluster) { $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop $hostGroup = get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop -cluster $cs if ($hostGroup.count -gt 1) { throw "This cluster spans more than one host group, please ensure this is a 1:1 relationship." } else { try { $faConnection = New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error $Global:Error[0] continue } $cs| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null $faConnections += $faConnection $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa } } } End { return $faConnections } } function set-pfaVolVmfsCapacity { <# .SYNOPSIS Increase the size of a FlashArray-based VMFS datastore. .DESCRIPTION Takes in a datastore, the corresponding FlashArray, and a new size. Both the volume and the VMFS will be grown. .INPUTS FlashArray connection, a size, and a datastore .OUTPUTS Returns the datastore. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=1,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.DatastoreManagement.Datastore]$datastore, [Parameter(Position=2)] [int]$sizeInGB, [Parameter(Position=3)] [int]$sizeInTB ) if (($sizeInGB -eq 0) -and ($sizeInTB -eq 0)) { throw "Please enter a size in GB or TB" } elseif (($sizeInGB -ne 0) -and ($sizeInTB -ne 0)) { throw "Please only enter a size in TB or GB, not both." } elseif ($sizeInGB -ne 0) { $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024 } else { $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024 } if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop } else { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop } $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop if ($volSize -le $pureVol.size) { throw "The new size cannot be smaller than the existing size. VMFS volumes cannot be shrunk." } Resize-PfaVolume -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name -NewSize $volSize -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa $datastore| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |Out-Null $esxiView = Get-View -Id ($Datastore.ExtensionData.Host |Select-Object -last 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key) $datastoreSystem = Get-View -Id $esxiView.ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem $expandOptions = $datastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreExpandOptions($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef) $expandedDS = $datastoreSystem.ExpandVmfsDatastore($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef,$expandOptions[0].spec) $ds = get-datastore -Id $expandedDS return $ds } function get-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve all of the FlashArray snapshots of a given VMFS volume .DESCRIPTION Takes in a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray and returns any available snapshots. .INPUTS FlashArray connection and a datastore .OUTPUTS Returns any snapshots. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=1,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.DatastoreManagement.Datastore]$datastore ) if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop } else { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop } $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop $volSnapshots = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa return $volSnapshots } function new-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new FlashArray snapshot of a given VMFS volume .DESCRIPTION Takes in a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray and creates a snapshot. .INPUTS FlashArray connection and a datastore .OUTPUTS Returns created snapshot. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 05/26/2019 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray[]]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=1,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.DatastoreManagement.Datastore[]]$datastore, [Parameter(Position=2)] [string]$SnapName, [Parameter(Position=3)] [string]$suffix ) Begin { if (("" -ne $SnapName) -and ("" -ne $suffix)) { throw "Please only enter in the suffix, the snapName parameter is being deprecated." } elseif ("" -ne $Snapname) { Write-Warning -Message "The snapName parameter is being deprecated--please use the suffix parameter instead." $suffix = $SnapName } $newSnapshots = @() } Process { foreach ($ds in $datastore) { if ($null -eq $flasharray) { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $ds -ErrorAction Stop } else { $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $ds -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop } $pureVol = $ds | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa if ($suffix -ne "") { $newSnapshots += New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -Sources $pureVol.name -Suffix $suffix } else { $newSnapshots += New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -Sources $pureVol.name } } } End { return $newSnapshots } } function new-pfaVolVmfsFromSnapshot { <# .SYNOPSIS Mounts a copy of a VMFS datastore to a VMware cluster from a FlashArray snapshot. .DESCRIPTION Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding FlashArray, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted. .INPUTS FlashArray connection, a snapshotName, and a cluster. .OUTPUTS Returns the new datastore. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 10/24/2018 Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.Cluster]$cluster, [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray]$flasharray, [Parameter(Position=2,mandatory=$true)] [string]$snapName ) $volumeName = $snapName.split(".")[0] + "-snap-" + (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999) $newVol =New-PfaVolume -Array $flasharray -Source $snapName -VolumeName $volumeName -ErrorAction Stop $hostGroup = $flasharray |get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -cluster $cluster New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null $esxi = $cluster | Get-VMHost| where-object {($_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected')} |Select-Object -last 1 $esxi | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVMFS -ErrorAction stop |Out-Null $hostStorage = get-view -ID $esxi.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.StorageSystem $resigVolumes= $hostStorage.QueryUnresolvedVmfsVolume() $newNAA = "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower() $deleteVol = $false foreach ($resigVolume in $resigVolumes) { if ($deleteVol -eq $true) { break } foreach ($resigExtent in $resigVolume.Extent) { if ($resigExtent.Device.DiskName -eq $newNAA) { if ($resigVolume.ResolveStatus.Resolvable -eq $false) { if ($resigVolume.ResolveStatus.MultipleCopies -eq $true) { write-host "The volume cannot be resignatured as more than one unresignatured copy is present. Deleting and ending." -BackgroundColor Red write-host "The following volume(s) are presented and need to be removed/resignatured first:" $resigVolume.Extent.Device.DiskName |where-object {$_ -ne $newNAA} } $deleteVol = $true break } else { $volToResignature = $resigVolume break } } } } if (($null -eq $volToResignature) -and ($deleteVol -eq $false)) { write-host "No unresolved volume found on the created volume. Deleting and ending." -BackgroundColor Red $deleteVol = $true } if ($deleteVol -eq $true) { Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $newVol.name |Out-Null Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $newVol.name -Eradicate |Out-Null return $null } $esxcli=get-esxcli -VMHost $esxi -v2 -ErrorAction stop $resigOp = $esxcli.storage.vmfs.snapshot.resignature.createargs() $resigOp.volumelabel = $volToResignature.VmfsLabel $esxcli.storage.vmfs.snapshot.resignature.invoke($resigOp) |out-null Start-sleep -s 5 $esxi | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanVMFS -ErrorAction stop |Out-Null $datastores = $esxi| Get-Datastore -ErrorAction stop foreach ($ds in $datastores) { $naa = $ds.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.DiskName if ($naa -eq $newNAA) { $resigds = $ds | Set-Datastore -Name $newVol.name -ErrorAction stop return $resigds } } } function checkDefaultFlashArray{ if ($null -eq $Global:DefaultFlashArray) { throw "You must pass in a FlashArray connection or create a default FlashArray connection with new-pfaconnection" } else { return $Global:DefaultFlashArray } } function getAllFlashArrays { if ($null -ne $Global:AllFlashArrays) { return $Global:AllFlashArrays } else { throw "Please either pass in one or more FlashArray connections or create connections via the new-pfaConnection cmdlet." } } New-Alias -Name get-faVolfromVMFS -Value get-pfaVolfromVMFS New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfs -Value new-pfaVolVmfs New-Alias -Name add-faVolVmfsToCluster -Value add-pfaVolVmfsToCluster New-Alias -Name set-faVolVmfsCapacity -Value set-pfaVolVmfsCapacity New-Alias -Name get-faVolVmfsSnapshots -Value get-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfsSnapshot -Value new-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfsFromSnapshot -Value new-pfaVolVmfsFromSnapshot |