function Connect-CBSArray { param ( [String] $KeyVaultName, [int] $DefaultUtilizationThreshold = 80 ) $CBSArrays = @() Import-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2 $Secrets = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName | where-object {$_.Name -like "*-$($KeyVaultName)-capacity-username"} foreach ($Secret in $Secrets) { $ArrayName = ($Secret.name -Split "-$($KeyVaultName)-capacity-username")[0] $CBSUsername = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name $Secret.Name -AsPlainText #TODO: Password we got here is plain text. Any security concern? $CBSPassword = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name "$($ArrayName)-$($KeyVaultName)-capacity-password" -AsPlainText $SecureCBSPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $CBSPassword -AsPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($CBSUsername, $SecureCBSPassword) $Location = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name "$($ArrayName)-$($KeyVaultName)-capacity-location" -AsPlainText $Threshold = $DefaultUtilizationThreshold $ThresholdString = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name "$($ArrayName)-$($KeyVaultName)-capacity-threshold" -AsPlainText if ($ThresholdString) { $Threshold = [int]$ThresholdString } # If the string matches the format like "172-168-1-0", the array ip addressed was processed because secret name does not allow "." if ($ArrayName -match "^\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+$") { $ArrayName = $ArrayName.Replace("-", ".") } $Array = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $ArrayName -Credential $Credential -IgnoreCertificateError if (-not $Array) { Write-Warning "Failed to connect to array ($ArrayName)" } $CBSArrays += @{ArrayConnection= $Array; Threshold = $Threshold; Location= $Location} } return $CBSArrays } function Get-AzureAuthHeader { param ( $AzContext ) $AzProfile = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile $ProfileClient = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Common.RMProfileClient -ArgumentList ($AzProfile) $Token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($azContext.Subscription.TenantId) $AuthHeader = @{ 'Content-Type'='application/json' 'Authorization'='Bearer ' + $token.AccessToken } return $AuthHeader } function Check-AzureQuota { param ( $CBSArray, $CBSLocation, $CurrentCapacity, $DesiredCapacity ) $ArrayModel = (Get-Pfa2Controller -Array $CBSArray).Model | Select-Object -First 1 $QuotaDevice = "PremiumV2TotalDiskSizeinGB" if ($ArrayModel -eq "CBS-V10MUR1" -or $ArrayModel -eq "CBS-V20MUR2") { $QuotaDevice = "UltraSSDDiskSizeinGB" } elseif ($ArrayModel -eq "CBS-V20MP2R2") { $QuotaDevice = "PremiumV2TotalDiskSizeinGB" } else { throw "Unsupported array model: $ArrayModel for array ($($CBSArray.ArrayName))" } $QuotaInfo = Get-AzVMUsage -Location $CBSLocation | Where-Object { $_.Name.LocalizedValue -eq $QuotaDevice } $AvailableQuota = ($QuotaInfo.Limit - $QuotaInfo.CurrentValue) * 1GB if ($AvailableQuota -ge ($DesiredCapacity - $CurrentCapacity)) { return $true } return $false } function Get-ArrayUtilization { param ( $CBSArray ) Import-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2 $ArraySpace = Get-Pfa2ArraySpace -Array $CBSArray $Utilization = $ArraySpace.Space.TotalPhysical / $ArraySpace.Capacity return $Utilization } function Get-ArrayNextUpgradeStep { param ( $CBSArray, $CBSLocation ) $CloudCapacity = Invoke-Pfa2RestCommand -Array $CBSArray -Method GET -RelativeUri arrays/cloud-capacity | ConvertFrom-Json if ($CloudCapacity.Items.Status -ne "idle") { throw "Array ($($CBSArray.ArrayName)) is not ready for upgrade. Status: $($CloudCapacity.Items.Status)" } $CurrentCapacity = $CloudCapacity.Items.current_capacity $SupportedStepsData = Invoke-Pfa2RestCommand -Array $CBSArray -Method GET -RelativeUri arrays/cloud-capacity/supported-steps | ConvertFrom-Json # Steps should be returned in sorted order from the REST API but we sort it here to make sure $SupportedSteps = $SupportedStepsData.Items.supported_capacity | Sort-Object foreach ($Step in $SupportedSteps) { if ($Step -gt $CurrentCapacity) { return $Step } } throw "No upgrade step found for array ($($CBSArray.ArrayName))" } function Start-ArrayStorageUpgrade { param ( $CBSArray, $NewStorageSize ) Invoke-Pfa2RestCommand -Method PATCH -RelativeUri arrays/cloud-capacity -Body "{""requested_capacity"":$NewStorageSize}" } function Start-UpgradeCheck { param ( $CBSArrays, $AuthHeader ) Write-Host "Starting upgrade check ..." foreach ($CBSArray in $CBSArrays) { try { $ArrayUtilization = Get-ArrayUtilization -CBSArray $Array.ArrayConnection Write-Host "Array ($($CBSArray.ArrayConnection.ArrayName)) utilization: $($ArrayUtilization)" $UtilizationThreshold = $CBSArray.Threshold/100 Write-Host "Array ($($CBSArray.ArrayConnection.ArrayName)) utilization threshold: $($UtilizationThreshold)" if ($ArrayUtilization -ge $UtilizationThreshold) { Write-Host "Array ($($CBSArray.ArrayName)) utilization has reeached the utilization threshold. Checking if array can be upgraded..." # Check if array can be upgraded $NextUpgradeStep = Get-ArrayNextUpgradeStep -CBSArray $CBSArray.ArrayConnection -CBSLocation $CBSArray.Location if ($NextUpgradeStep -gt 0) { # TODO: Check Azure Quota Write-Host "Starting upgrade for array ($($CBSArray.ArrayConnection.ArrayName)) ...." Start-ArrayStorageUpgrade -CBSArray $CBSArray.ArrayConnection -NewStorageSize $NextUpgradeStep } } else { Write-Host "Array ($($CBSArray.ArrayConnection.ArrayName)) utilization is under threshold. No need to upgrade." } } catch { Write-Host "Failed to check capacity upgrade for array $($CBSArray.ArrayName). Error: $_" } } } |