
function Start-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailover {
    Issue test failover or failover operation against group
    Issue test failover or failover operation against group
    replication group ID, cluster name, power on (boolean), failover (boolean)
    Version: 1.0
    Start-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailover -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername


  ## check that the cluster exists ##
  $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Stop

  #creates groupid tag to tag new VMs
  $cat = Get-TagCategory -Name "PCBS-Rep-Group-ID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  if (-not $cat) {
    $cat = New-TagCategory -Name "PCBS-Rep-Group-ID" -EntityType "VirtualMachine"
  $tag = Get-Tag -Name $ReplicationGroupID -Category $cat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  if (-not $tag) {
    $tag = New-Tag -Name $ReplicationGroupID -Category $cat

  ## Setting the Replication Group Variable ##
  $repGroup = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -ID $ReplicationGroupID

  ## Failing over the replication group for the VMs and setting the operations to a variable ##
  if($Failover) {
    # does actual failover, rep group status become FailOver
    $testVms = Start-SpbmReplicationFailover -ReplicationGroup $repGroup -Confirm:$false
  else {
    # does test failover, rep group status become InTest
    $testVms = Start-SpbmReplicationTestFailover -ReplicationGroup $repGroup

  $VMNames = @()
  foreach ($vm in $testVms) {
    # create VMs on the failover vcenter
    $newvm = New-VM -VMFilePath $vm -ResourcePool $ClusterName
    # assign rep group tag to new vm
    New-TagAssignment -Tag $tag -Entity $newvm | Out-Null

    $VMNames += $newvm.Name
    ## Starting the VM if PowerOn param is true ##
    if($PowerOn) {
      $newvm | Start-VM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable hasQuestion | out-null
      if ($hasQuestion) {
        ## there is a question that is asked if the VM is copied or moved. This question must be answered ##
        $newvm | Get-VMQuestion | Set-VMQuestion -Option '*copied*' -Confirm:$false

function Start-PCBSVvolCleanupSourceReplicationGroupForFailover {

  ## Setting the Replication Group Variable ##
  $repGroup = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -ID $ReplicationGroupID

  ## Get VMs related to replication Group ##
  $relatedVMs = Get-VM -RelatedObject $repGroup

  foreach ($vm in $relatedVMs) {
    # stop VMs
    # if we fail to stop it's probably powered off already so we can ignore, if it's not it will fail on the next step
    $vm | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # unregister VMs
    # if VM exists but we cannot remove it, we should not continue
    if ($RemoveFromDisk) {
      Write-Verbose "Removing VM files from disk for VM $($vm.Name)"
      $vm | Remove-VM -Confirm:$false -DeletePermanently -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
      Write-Verbose "Unregister VM $($vm.Name) from inventory"
      $vm | Remove-VM -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

  # remove tag category created on previous failovers
  $cat = Get-TagCategory -Name "PCBS-Rep-Group-ID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  if ($cat) {
    Remove-TagCategory -Category $cat -Confirm:$false

function Remove-PCBSTags {

  $cat = Get-TagCategory -Name "PCBS-Rep-Group-ID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  if ($cat) {
    $tag = Get-Tag -Name $ReplicationGroupID -Category $cat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($tag) {
      # cleanup tags created by previous failovers
      Remove-Tag -Tag $tag -Confirm:$false

function Get-VMsByPCBSTags {

  $cat = Get-TagCategory -Name "PCBS-Rep-Group-ID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  $tag = Get-Tag -Name $ReplicationGroupID -Category $cat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  # get vms list
  $vms = Get-VM -Tag $tag
  return $vms

function Stop-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailoverTest {
    Stops test failover operation against group
    Issue test failover operation against group
    replication group ID,
    Version: 1.0
    Stop-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailoverTest -RepGroupID myGroupId


  ## Setting the Replication Group Variable ##
  $repGroup = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -ID $ReplicationGroupID

  # get vms list
  $vms = Get-VMsByPCBSTags -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID

  foreach ($vm in $vms) {
    # stop VMs
    # if we fail to stop it's probably powered off already so we can ignore, if it's not it will fail on the next step
    $vm | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # unregister VMs
    # if VM exists but we cannot remove it, we should not continue
    $vm | Remove-VM -DeletePermanently:$true -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
  Remove-PCBSTags -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID

  $retryCount = 5
  $TimeoutInSecs = 15

  do {
    # wait sometimes for vms to cleanup
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $TimeoutInSecs

    # Issue test failover stop
    # can fail saying that resource is still in use, but works if we retry
    Stop-SpbmReplicationTestFailover -ReplicationGroup $repGroup.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable stopError

  } while ($stopError -and $retryCount -gt 0)

  if ($stopError) {
    throw 'Stop Failed: ' + $stopError

function Start-PCBSVvolReprotectReplicationGroup {

  ## Setting the Replication Group Variable ##
  $failoverGroup = Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -ID $ReplicationGroupID

  ## Running the reverse replication group operation to reverse the source and target status for the Replication Group ##
  $new_source_group = Start-SpbmReplicationReverse -ReplicationGroup $failoverGroup.Name

  # get vms list
  $vms = Get-VMsByPCBSTags -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID

  ## Setting the New VM to a variable on the recovery vCenter Server
  $relevantObjs = @()
  foreach ($newvm in $vms) {
    $relevantObjs +=$newvm
    $HD1 = $newvm | Get-HardDisk
    $relevantObjs += $HD1

  ## get relevant SPBM-related configuration data of Virtual Machine, Hard Disk, and Datastore objects
  $spbmConfig = $relevantObjs | Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration

  ## Resetting the storage policy for the VM and each virtual disk to the "VVol No Requirements Policy" ##
  $noReqPolicy = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -name 'VVol No Requirements Policy'
  $spbmConfig | Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -StoragePolicy $noReqPolicy

  if ($PolicyName) {
    ## Setting the Variables for the replication group and storage policy that we want to use to re-protect the VM to the previous source/protected site ##
    $new_policy = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy -name $PolicyName
    $new_rg = $new_policy | Get-SpbmReplicationGroup -Name $new_source_group.Name

    ## Applying the Storage Policy and Replication group to the VMs to complete the Re-protect process ##
    $spbmConfig | Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration -StoragePolicy $new_policy -ReplicationGroup $new_rg
  Remove-PCBSTags -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID