
    Bolt uses transports (also known as protocols) to establish a connection
    with a target in order to run actions on the target. The default transport is
    SSH, and you can see available transports along with their configuration
    options and defaults at http://pup.pt/bolt-reference.
    You can specify a transport for a target by prepending '<transport>://' to
    the target's URI. For example, to connect to a target with hostname
    'example.com' as user 'Administrator' using the WinRM transport, you would
    pass the following to the target flag:
    You can also specify a default transport for all targets by passing the
    '--transport' flag on *nix systems and the '-Transport' flag in Powershell.
    Finally, you can set the transport for a target in the inventory. For more
    information about the Bolt inventory, run 'bolt guide inventory'.