function Update-PuppetModuleFixture { <# .SYNOPSIS Update the Puppet module's .fixtures.yml .DESCRIPTION Update the Puppet module's .fixtures.yml with dependencies. .PARAMETER PuppetModuleFolderPath The Path, relative or literal, to the Puppet module's root folder. .PARAMETER Fixture The fixture reference for the puppetlabs-pwshlib dependency, defined as a hash with the mandatory keys `Section` ('forge_modules' or 'repositories') and `Repo` (the name of the module on the forge, like 'puppetlabs/pwshlib', or the git repo url) and the optional keys `Ref` (the version on the forge or the git ref - tag or commit sha) and `Branch` (source code repository only, identifying the branch to be pulled from). Defaults to retrieving the latest released version of pwshlib from the forge. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts for confirmation before overwriting the file .PARAMETER WhatIf Shows what would happen if the function runs. .EXAMPLE Update-PuppetModuleFixture -PuppetModuleFolderPath ./import/powershellget This command will update `./import/powershellget/.fixtures.yml`, adding a key to the Forge Modules fixture for puppetlabs/pwshlib. .EXAMPLE Update-PuppetModuleFixture -PuppetModuleFolderPath ./import/powershellget -Fixture @{ Section = 'repositories' Repo = '' Ref = '0.7.4' } This command will update `./import/powershellget/.fixtures.yml`, adding a key to the repositories fixture for puppetlabs/ruby-pwsh on github and pulling down the `0.7.4` tag. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param ( [string]$PuppetModuleFolderPath, [hashtable]$Fixture = @{ Section = 'forge_modules' Repo = 'puppetlabs/pwshlib' } ) begin { # Validate Fixture definition Function Test-FixtureSchema ($Fixture) { $ValidSections = @('forge_modules', 'repositories') If ($Fixture.Keys -notcontains 'Section' -or $Fixture.Keys -notcontains 'Repo') { Throw "Passed fixture is missing a mandatory key; must specify both 'Section' and 'Repo'.`r`nPassed fixture hash:`r`n$($Fixture | Out-String)" } If ($Fixture.Section -notin $ValidSections) { Throw "Invalid fixture section passed: must be one of: $($ValidSections -join ', ')`r`nPassed value: $($Fixture.Section)" } If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Fixture.Repo)) { Throw 'Fixture repo cannot be null or empty; specify a Forge module name or repository URI' } } } process { Try { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Test-FixtureSchema -Fixture $Fixture $FixturesFilePath = Resolve-Path -Path (Join-Path $PuppetModuleFolderPath '.fixtures.yml') $FixturesYaml = Get-Content -Path $FixturesFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml $FixturesYaml.fixtures.($Fixture.Section) = @{ pwshlib = @{ repo = $Fixture.Repo } } # References can be tags or git references if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Fixture.ref)) { $FixturesYaml.fixtures.($Fixture.Section).pwshlib.ref = $Fixture.ref } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Fixture.branch)) { $FixturesYaml.fixtures.($Fixture.Section).pwshlib.branch = $Fixture.branch } } Catch { # Rethrow any exceptions from the above commands $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem) } $YamlOutput = "---`n" + (ConvertTo-Yaml -Data $FixturesYaml) If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FixturesFilePath, "Overwrite YAML with:`n`n$YamlOutput")) { Out-Utf8File -Path $FixturesFilePath -InputObject $YamlOutput } } end {} } |