
Describe 'Get-ReadmeContent' -Tag 'Unit' {
  BeforeAll {
    $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath |
      Split-Path -Parent |
      Split-Path -Parent
    Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1"
    . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1')

  InModuleScope Puppet.Dsc {
    Context 'Basic verification' {
      BeforeAll {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        $Result = Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters
      It 'Has the puppet module name as the title' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "# $($Parameters.PuppetModuleName)"
      It 'Includes the link to the builder, the upstream module, and the module version in the first para' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[Puppet DSC Builder\]\(.+\)'
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "\[$($Parameters.PowerShellModuleName)\]\($($Parameters.PowerShellModuleGalleryUri)\)"
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "v$([Regex]::Escape($Parameters.PowerShellModuleVersion))"
      It 'Includes the module description as a quote' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "> _$($Parameters.PowerShellModuleDescription)_"
      It 'Links to the Resource API and pwshlib dependencies' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[Puppet Resource API\]\(.+\)'
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[puppetlabs/pwshlib\]\(.+\)'
      It 'Links to the base provider on github' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\(\)'
      It 'Links to further narrative documentation' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[narrative documentation\]\(.+\)'
      It 'Links to the issues page for the builder, the pwslib module, and the upstream module' {
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[file an issue\]\(.+puppetlabs/Puppet.Dsc/issues/new/choose\)'
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly '\[file an issue\]\(.+puppetlabs/ruby-pwsh/issues/new/choose\)'
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "\[file an issue\]\($($Parameters.PowerShellModuleProjectUri)\)"
    Context 'Parameter handling' {
      It 'Marks the PowerShellModuleName parameter as mandatory' {
        (Get-Command -Name Get-ReadmeContent).Parameters['PowerShellModuleName'].Attributes |
          Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -is [parameter] } |
          Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $true
      It 'Marks the PuppetModuleName parameter as mandatory' {
        (Get-Command -Name Get-ReadmeContent).Parameters['PuppetModuleName'].Attributes |
          Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -is [parameter] } |
          Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $true
      It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleName is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = ''
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        { Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleName'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
      It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleDescription is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = ''
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        { Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleDescription'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
      It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleGalleryUri is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        { Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleGalleryUri'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
      It 'Uses the PowerShellModuleGalleryUri for the PowerShellModuleProjectUri if the PowerShellModuleProjectUri is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        $Result = Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters
        $Result | Should -MatchExactly "\[file an issue\]\($($Parameters.PowerShellModuleGalleryUri)\)"
      It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleVersion is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = ''
          PuppetModuleName            = 'foo_bar'
        { Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleVersion'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
      It 'Errors if the PuppetModuleName is specified as an empty string' {
        $Parameters = @{
          PowerShellModuleName        = 'Foo.Bar'
          PowerShellModuleDescription = 'Foo and bar and baz!'
          PowerShellModuleGalleryUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleProjectUri  = ''
          PowerShellModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
          PuppetModuleName            = ''
        { Get-ReadmeContent @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PuppetModuleName'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."