Function Get-EmbeddedCimInstance { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve CIM instances discovered in a CIM Class's definition .DESCRIPTION Retrieve CIM instances discovered in a CIM Class's definition, returning their class names. Optionally, recurse through the list of CIM instances to discover more deeply nested classes. .PARAMETER ClassName The CIM Class name to look up; for DSC Resources, usually the ResourceType for that DSC resource, as surfaced by Get-DscResource. .PARAMETER Namespace The CIM namespace to look in; by default, the root DSC namespace. .PARAMETER Recurse If specified, will recursively search discovered embedded instances for any embedded instances they may contain, and so on. .EXAMPLE Get-EmbeddedCimInstance -ClassName NTFSAccessEntry -Recurse This command will look in the DSC namespace for the NTFSAccessEntry CIM Class and, if loaded, search through it for propereties which are CIM instances, then recursively search those classes for their own embedded instances, returning the full list of discovered CIM classes which were found to be embedded. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ClassName, [string]$Namespace = 'root\Microsoft\Windows\DesiredStateConfiguration', [switch]$Recurse ) Begin {} Process { [string[]]$EmbeddedInstanceTypes = Get-CimClassPropertiesList -ClassName $ClassName -Namespace $Namespace | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Qualifiers | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'EmbeddedInstance' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value If ($Recurse) { ForEach ($EmbeddedInstanceType in $EmbeddedInstanceTypes) { $EmbeddedInstanceTypes += Get-EmbeddedCimInstance -ClassName $EmbeddedInstanceType -Namespace $Namespace -Recurse } } # Sometimes a null gets added to the list for some reason, but only in testing; discard null values $EmbeddedInstanceTypes | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } } End {} } |