
Function ConvertTo-VersionBuild {
    Turn a valid Puppet DSC Module version string into a VersionBuild object
    Turn a valid Puppet DSC Module version string into a VersionBuild object for
    easier comparison of latest build versions.
    ConvertTo-VersionBuild -Version '1.2.3-4-5'
    This will return a PSCustomObject with the version property set to '1.2.3-4'
    and the Build property set to 5.
    [string[]] The Puppet DSC Module version string to convert
    [PSCustomObject[]] An object with the version and build properties

  param (

  Begin { }
  Process {
    $Version | ForEach-Object -Process {
      $null = $_ -match '(?<Version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\d+)-(?<Build>\d+$)'
        Version = [version]($Matches.Version -replace '-', '.')
        Build   = [int]($Matches.Build)
    } | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Version, Build | ForEach-Object -Process {
      $_.Version = [string]($_.Version) -replace '\.(\d+)$', '-$1'
  End { }