Describe 'Publish-PuppetModule' -Tag 'Unit' { BeforeDiscovery { $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath | Split-Path -Parent Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1" } InModuleScope puppet.dsc { Context 'Basic verification' { BeforeAll { Mock Export-PuppetModule Mock Invoke-PdkCommand Mock Write-PSFMessage Mock Resolve-Path { return [pscustomobject]@{ Path = $Path } } Mock Resolve-Path -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'DoesNotExist' } { Throw "Cannot find path '$Path' because it does not exist." } $TokenlessPublishParameters = @{ Publish = $true PuppetModuleFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\foo' } $MinimalPublishParameters = @{ Publish = $true PuppetModuleFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\foo' ForgeToken = 'MyVeryValidToken' } $MinimalBuildParameters = @{ Build = $true PuppetModuleFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\foo' } } It 'throws if the PuppetModuleFolderPath is not resolvable' { { Publish-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'TestDrive:\DoesNotExist' } | Should -Throw 'Cannot find path*' } Context 'when neither the Build nor Publish switches are passed' { It 'does nothing' { Publish-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'TestDrive\foo' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'when the Publish switch is passed' { It 'throws if the ForgeToken is null or empty' { { $env:FORGE_TOKEN = '' Publish-PuppetModule @TokenlessPublishParameters } | Should -Throw 'No Puppet Forge Token specified*' } It 'uses the PDK to publish the module' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' -and $Command -eq 'pdk release publish --forge-token MyVeryValidToken' } } It 'passes ``--force`` if the Force switch is passed' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -Force Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Command -match '--force' } } It 'passes ``--forge-upload-url `<URL`>`` if ForgeUploadUrl is specified' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -ForgeUploadUrl 'FooBarBaz' Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Command -match '--forge-upload-url FooBarBaz' } } It 'passes ``--file `<FILEPATH`>`` if PackagedModulePath is specified' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -PackagedModulePath 'TestDrive:\bar\module.tar.gz' Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Command -match [regex]::Escape('--file TestDrive:\bar\module.tar.gz') } } Context 'when the Build switch is not passed' { It 'does not call Export-Module' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters Should -Invoke Export-PuppetModule -Times 0 } } Context 'when the Build switch is passed' { It 'calls Export-PuppetModule' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -Build Should -Invoke Export-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' } } It 'passes the Force switch to Export-PuppetModule if specified' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -Build -Force Should -Invoke Export-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $Force -eq $true } } Context 'when ExportFolderPath is specified' { BeforeAll { Mock Get-Item { @( [PSCustomObject]@{ FullName = 'TestDrive:\bar\testuser-foo-1.2.3-0-0.tar.gz' ; LastWriteTime = 0 } [PSCustomObject]@{ FullName = 'TestDrive:\bar\testuser-foo-1.2.3-0-1.tar.gz' ; LastWriteTime = 1 } [PSCustomObject]@{ FullName = 'TestDrive:\bar\testuser-foo-1.2.3-0-2.tar.gz' ; LastWriteTime = 2 } ) } } It 'passes the specified path to Export-PuppetModule' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -Build -ExportFolderPath 'TestDrive:\bar' Should -Invoke Export-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $ExportFolderPath -eq 'TestDrive:\bar' } } It 'passes the latest-built module via the ``--file`` PDK parameter' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalPublishParameters -Build -ExportFolderPath 'TestDrive:\bar' Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Command -match [regex]::Escape('--file TestDrive:\bar\testuser-foo-1.2.3-0-2.tar.gz') } } } } } Context 'when the Build switch is passed without Publish' { It 'calls Export-PuppetModule' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalBuildParameters Should -Invoke Export-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' } } It 'does not call Invoke-PdkCommand directly' { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalBuildParameters Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -Times 0 } It 'errors on invalid syntax if PackagedModulePath is specified' { { Publish-PuppetModule @MinimalBuildParameters -PackagedModulePath 'foo' } | Should -Throw '*cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters*' } } } } } |