Describe 'Export-PuppetModule' -Tag 'Unit' { BeforeDiscovery { $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath | Split-Path -Parent Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1" } BeforeAll { . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1') } InModuleScope puppet.dsc { Context 'Basic verification' { BeforeAll { Mock Invoke-PdkCommand Mock Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $PassThru -eq $true } { 'PDK Output' } Mock Resolve-Path { return [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = "TestDrive:\$Path" } } Mock Resolve-Path -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'bar' } { Throw "Cannot find path '$PWD\foo' because it does not exist." } } It 'calls pdk build in the specified PuppetModuleFolderPath' { Export-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'foo' Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' -and $Command -eq 'pdk build' } } It 'passes --target-dir if ExportFolderPath is specified' { $ExportFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\bar' Export-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'foo' -ExportFolderPath $ExportFolderPath Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' -and $Command -eq "pdk build --target-dir $ExportFolderPath" } } It 'passes --force if the Force switch is specified' { Export-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'foo' -Force Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' -and $Command -eq 'pdk build --force' } } It 'returns output if the PassThru switch is specified' { Export-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'foo' -PassThru | Should -Be 'PDK Output' Should -Invoke Invoke-PdkCommand -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'TestDrive:\foo' -and $Command -eq 'pdk build' $PassThru -eq $true } } It 'throws if the PuppetModuleFolderPath cannot be resolved' { { Export-PuppetModule -PuppetModuleFolderPath 'bar' } | Should -Throw } } } } |