Describe 'New-PuppetDscModule' -Tag 'Unit' { BeforeAll { $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath | Split-Path -Parent Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1" . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1') } InModuleScope puppet.dsc { Context 'Basic Functionality' { BeforeAll { Mock Get-PuppetizedModuleName { $Name.ToLowerInvariant() } Mock ConvertTo-CanonicalPuppetAuthorName { $AuthorName } Mock Initialize-PuppetModule {} Mock Write-PSFMessage {} Mock Test-WSMan {} Mock Test-RunningElevated { return $true } Mock Test-SymLinkedItem { return $false } Mock Add-DscResourceModule {} Mock Resolve-Path { $Path } Mock Update-PuppetModuleMetadata {} Mock Update-PuppetModuleFixture {} Mock Update-PuppetModuleReadme {} Mock Update-PuppetModuleChangelog {} Mock Set-PSModulePath {} Mock Get-DscResource { [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.DscResourceInfo[]]@( @{Name = 'FooResource' } @{Name = 'BarResource' } ) } Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi { $Name = $DscResource.Name.toLower() [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $Name RubyFileName = "$Name.rb" Type = "$Name type" Provider = "$Name provider" } } Mock Test-Path { $true } Mock Out-Utf8File {} Mock Add-PuppetReferenceDocumentation {} Mock Get-Item {} $ExpectedOutputDirectory = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath 'import' } Context 'Elevated' { It 'does not throw' { { New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Does not canonicalize the author name because none was specified' { Should -Invoke ConvertTo-CanonicalPuppetAuthorName -Times 0 -Scope Context } It 'Scaffolds the initial Puppet module' { Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $OutputFolderPath -eq $ExpectedOutputDirectory -and $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Vendors the PowerShell module' { Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Name -ceq 'Foo' -and $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $Repository -match 'PSGallery' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Updates the Puppet metadata based on the PowerShell metadata' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context } It 'Updates the fixture file with the necessary dependencies' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Updates the Puppet README based on the PowerShell metadata' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleReadme -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleName -match 'foo' -and $PowerShellModuleName -match 'Foo' -and $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context } It 'Updates the Puppet CHANGELOG based on the PowerShell metadata' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleChangelog -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context } It 'Temporarily sets the PSModulePath' { Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Retrieves the DSC resources for processing' { Should -Invoke Get-DscResource -ParameterFilter { $Module -ceq 'Foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Converts the DSC resources to the Puppet Resource API representations' { Should -Invoke ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Writes a type and provider file for each discovered DSC resource' { Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -Times 4 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $InputObject -match 'type$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $InputObject -match 'provider$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $Path -cmatch 'fooresource\.rb$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $Path -cmatch 'barresource\.rb$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context } It 'Generates the file' { Should -Invoke Add-PuppetReferenceDocumentation -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Sets the PSModulePath back' { Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $env:PSModulePath } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Unelevated' { BeforeAll { Mock Test-RunningElevated { return $false } Mock Test-SymLinkedItem {} Mock Test-Path { $true } } It 'does not throw' { { New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -PuppetModuleAuthor 'foobar' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Warns that the function is running in an unelevated context' { Should -Invoke Write-PSFMessage -ParameterFilter { $Message -match '^Running un-elevated' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Canonicalizes the author name' { Should -Invoke ConvertTo-CanonicalPuppetAuthorName -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Scaffolds the initial Puppet module' { Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $OutputFolderPath -eq $ExpectedOutputDirectory -and $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Vendors the PowerShell module' { Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Name -ceq 'Foo' -and $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $Repository -match 'PSGallery' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Updates the Puppet metadata based on the PowerShell metadata' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context } It 'Updates the fixture file with the necessary dependencies' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Temporarily sets the PSModulePath' { Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Retrieves the DSC resources for processing' { Should -Invoke Get-DscResource -ParameterFilter { $Module -ceq 'Foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Converts the DSC resources to the Puppet Resource API representations' { Should -Invoke ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Writes a type and provider file for each discovered DSC resource' { Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -Times 4 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $InputObject -match 'type$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $InputObject -match 'provider$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $Path -cmatch 'fooresource\.rb$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -ParameterFilter { $Path -cmatch 'barresource\.rb$' } -Times 2 -Scope Context } It 'Generates the file' { Should -Invoke Add-PuppetReferenceDocumentation -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Sets the PSModulePath back' { Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $env:PSModulePath } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Parameter Validation' { Context 'Output Directory' { BeforeAll { Mock New-Item { $Path } Mock Resolve-Path { $Path } Mock Get-DscResource {} Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi {} New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -OutputDirectory TestDrive:\Bar -Repository FooRepo } It 'Respects the specified path' { Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $OutputFolderPath -eq 'TestDrive:\Bar' -and $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Name -ceq 'Foo' -and $Path -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' -and $Repository -match 'FooRepo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'bar(/|\\)foo\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Add-PuppetReferenceDocumentation -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -eq 'TestDrive:\Bar\foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Puppet Module Fixture' { BeforeAll { Mock New-Item { $Path } Mock Resolve-Path { $Path } Mock Get-DscResource {} Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi {} $FixtureHash = @{ Section = 'repositories' Repo = '' } New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -PuppetModuleFixture $FixtureHash } It 'Passes the fixture reference to Update-PuppetModuleFixture' { Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $Fixture -eq $FixtureHash } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Puppet Module Name' { Context 'Output Directory' { BeforeAll { Mock Resolve-Path { $Path } Mock Get-DscResource {} Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi {} New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -OutputDirectory TestDrive:\Bar } It 'Respects the specified path' { # Need to find the actual path since the mock won't see the test drive alias $TestDrivePath = Get-ChildItem TestDrive:\ -Filter 'Bar' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName $TestDrivePath | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $OutputFolderPath -eq $TestDrivePath -and $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Name -ceq 'Foo' -and $Path -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' -and $Repository -match 'PSGallery' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'bar(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'bar(/|\\)foo\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } } Context 'Function Output' { BeforeAll { Mock Get-DscResource {} Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi {} Mock New-Item { 'TestDrive:\OutputDirectory' } Mock Get-Item { 'Output' } } It 'Only returns output if PassThru is specified' { $ExpectNoOutputResult = New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo $ExpectOutputResult = New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -PassThru Should -Invoke Get-Item -Times 1 -Scope It $ExpectNoOutputResult | Should -BeNullOrEmpty $ExpectOutputResult | Should -Be 'Output' } } Context 'Puppet Module Naming' { BeforeAll { Mock Get-DscResource {} Mock ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi {} Mock Get-Item { $Path } $UnspecifiedResult = New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -PassThru $SpecifiedResult = New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo -PassThru -PuppetModuleName bar_baz } It 'Puppetizes the PowerShell module name if a Puppet module name is not specified' { Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $Repository -match 'PSGallery' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)foo' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)foo\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } It 'Uses the Puppet module name if specified' { Should -Invoke Initialize-PuppetModule -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'bar_baz' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Add-DscResourceModule -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)bar_baz' -and $Repository -match 'PSGallery' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)bar_baz' -and $PowerShellModuleManifestPath -match 'import(/|\\)bar_baz\S+(/|\\)foo(/|\\)foo.psd1' } -Scope Context Should -Invoke Update-PuppetModuleFixture -ParameterFilter { $PuppetModuleFolderPath -match 'import(/|\\)bar_baz' } -Times 1 -Scope Context Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -match 'import(/|\\)bar_baz\S*dsc_resources$' } -Times 1 -Scope Context } } } Context 'Error Handling' { Context 'When an intermediate step fails' { BeforeAll { Mock Initialize-PuppetModule { Throw 'Failure!' } $UncalledFunctions = @( 'Add-DscResourceModule' 'Update-PuppetModuleMetadata' 'Update-PuppetModuleFixture' 'Get-DscResource' 'ConvertTo-PuppetResourceApi' 'Test-Path' 'Out-Utf8File' 'Add-PuppetReferenceDocumentation' 'Get-Item' ) ForEach ($Function in $UncalledFunctions) { Mock -CommandName $Function {} } } It 'surfaces the underlying error and stops executing' { { New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo } | Should -Throw 'Failure!' ForEach ($Function in $UncalledFunctions) { Should -Invoke -CommandName $Function -Times 0 -Scope It } # Cleanup always runs Should -Invoke Set-PSModulePath -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Env:PSModulePath } -Times 1 -Scope It } } Context 'When running elevated and the output folder is in a symlinked path' { BeforeAll { Mock Test-SymLinkedItem { return $true } } It 'throws an explanatory exception' { { New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo } | Should -Throw -PassThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Exception | Should -Match "The specified output folder '.+' has a symlink in the path; CIM class parsing will not work in a symlinked folder, specify another path" } } Context 'When running elevated and PSRemoting is disabled' { BeforeAll { Mock Test-WSMan { Throw 'Oops' } } It 'throws an explanatory exception' { { New-PuppetDscModule -PowerShellModuleName Foo } | Should -Throw -PassThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Exception | Should -Match 'PSRemoting does not appear to be enabled' } } } } } } |