# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Keith Hill # Desc: Infrastructure for applying prompt themes. Prompt themes affect # the PowerShell prompt string and optionally the host's window # title and a startup message. # Date: Nov 07, 2009 # Site: # Usage: In your Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1 file, set the prompt theme to one # of: Modern, WinXP or Jachym. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $Theme = @{ # Host RawUI Colors HostBackgroundColor = $null HostForegroundColor = $null PromptBackgroundColor = $null PromptForegroundColor = $null #Host Private Data Colors PrivateData = @{ ErrorForegroundColor = $null # Console = Red, ISE = #FFFF0000 ErrorBackgroundColor = $null # Console = Black, ISE = #00FFFFFF WarningForegroundColor = $null # Console = Yellow, ISE = #FFFF8C00 WarningBackgroundColor = $null # Console = Black, ISE = #00FFFFFF DebugForegroundColor = $null # Console = Yellow, ISE = #FF0000FF DebugBackgroundColor = $null # Console = Black, ISE = #00FFFFFF VerboseForegroundColor = $null # Console = Yellow, ISE = #FF0000FF VerboseBackgroundColor = $null # Console = Black, ISE = #00FFFFFF ProgressForegroundColor = $null # Console = Yellow, ISE = <not defined> ProgressBackgroundColor = $null # Console = DarkCyan, ISE = <not defined> } # Behavior (ie scriptblocks) PromptScriptBlock = $null StartupMessageScriptBlock = $null UpdateWindowTitleScriptBlock = $null } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Updates the host's window title # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Update-HostWindowTitle { if (!$Theme.UpdateWindowTitleScriptBlock) { return } if ($Theme.UpdateWindowTitleScriptBlock -is [scriptblock]) { $title = & $Theme.UpdateWindowTitleScriptBlock } else { $title = "$($Theme.UpdateWindowTitleScriptBlock)" } $OFS = '' $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$title" } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Writes the startup message # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Write-StartupMessage { if (!$Theme.StartupMessageScriptBlock) { return } if ($Theme.StartupMessageScriptBlock -is [scriptblock]) { $message = & $Theme.StartupMessageScriptBlock } else { $message = "$($Theme.StartupMessageScriptBlock)" } if (!$Pscx:Preferences['ShowModuleLoadDetails']) { Clear-Host } if ($message) { $foreColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') { if ($Theme.PromptForegroundColor) { $foreColor = $Theme.PromptForegroundColor } } Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $foreColor } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Writes the prompt string directly to the host # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Write-Prompt($Id) { # Default prompt $prompt = "PS $(Get-Location)>" if ($Theme.PromptScriptBlock -is [scriptblock]) { $OFS = '' $prompt = "$(& $Theme.PromptScriptBlock $Id)" } elseif ($Theme.PromptScriptBlock -is [string]) { $prompt = $Theme.PromptScriptBlock } if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') { if ($Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.X -ne 0) { Write-Host } $foreColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor if ($Theme.PromptForegroundColor) { $foreColor = $Theme.PromptForegroundColor } $backColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor if ($Theme.PromptBackgroundColor) { $backColor = $Theme.PromptBackgroundColor } Write-Host $prompt -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $foreColor -BackgroundColor $backColor } else { # For any other host besides powershell.exe, just return the prompt string "$prompt " } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The replacment prompt function # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Prompt { $id = 0 $histItem = Get-History -Count 1 if ($histItem) { $id = $histItem.Id } if ($id -eq 0) { Write-StartupMessage } Write-Prompt ($id + 1) Update-HostWindowTitle return ' ' # If you don't return anything PowerShell gives you PS> } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the specified theme (default is Modern) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $themeName = $Pscx:Preferences.PromptTheme $themePath = "$PSScriptRoot\Themes\$themeName.ps1" if (!(Test-Path $themePath)) { Write-Warning "Theme '$themeName' not found, defaulting to Modern theme" $themePath = "$PSScriptRoot\Themes\Modern.ps1" } Write-Verbose "Applying prompt theme '$themeName'" & $themePath $Theme # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize host colors and window title # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') { if ($Theme.HostForegroundColor) { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $Theme.HostForegroundColor } if ($Theme.HostBackgroundColor) { $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $Theme.HostBackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.ErrorBackgroundColor = $Theme.HostBackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.WarningBackgroundColor = $Theme.HostBackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.DebugBackgroundColor = $Theme.HostBackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.VerboseBackgroundColor = $Theme.HostBackgroundColor } foreach ($key in $Theme.PrivateData.Keys) { if ($Theme.PrivateData.$key) { $Host.PrivateData.$key = $Theme.PrivateData.$key } } } # Update window title if a scriptblock has been provided Update-HostWindowTitle Export-ModuleMember -Function Prompt |