Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
using System; using System.IO; public static class TextDetector { public static bool CheckFile(FileInfo f) { var bytes = new byte[512]; int len; try { using (var s = new FileStream(f.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) len = s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } catch { return false; } if ((len > 2 && bytes[0] == 0xEF && bytes[1] == 0xBB && bytes[2] == 0xBF) || (len > 1 && bytes[0] == 0xFF && bytes[1] == 0xFE) || (len > 1 && bytes[0] == 0xFE && bytes[1] == 0xFF) || (len > 3 && bytes[0] == 0x00 && bytes[1] == 0x00 && bytes[2] == 0xFE && bytes[3] == 0xFF)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (bytes[i] < 9 || bytes[i] == 11 || bytes[i] == 12 || (bytes[i] > 13 && bytes[i] < 32)) return false; return true; } } '@ # validate a CONTAINS search string, capture terms.. $textQueryExp = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex( '^\s*(?:(?:\s*\(+\s*)*(?:(?:\"([^"]+)\")|(\*?\w+\*?))(?:\s*\)+\s*)*(?:(?:\s+(?:near|and not|and|or)\s+)|(?:\s*(?:(?:\&\s*\!)|\&|\||\~)\s*))?)+$', @([Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase, [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled)) # return only captures, e.g.: '^(?:(\w+) ?)+$' and 'one two three' returns @('one','two','three') function Split-StringRegex ([regex]$r, [string]$s) { $m = $r.Matches($s) @(for ($g = 1; $g -lt $m.Groups.Count; $g++) { foreach ($c in $m.Groups[$g].Captures) { $c.Value } }) } # validate and convert a search string, e.g.: '((ducks near "angry*") or ("angry ducks" near lake)) and not (duckling|squirrel|fox)' # 'ducks|angry\w*|angry ducks|lake|duckling|squirrel|fox' to be used as regex for highlighting.. function ParseTextQuery ([string]$s) { $words = (Split-StringRegex $textQueryExp $s.Trim()) if ($words) { return $words.replace('*', '\w*') -join '|' } else { Write-Host "'$s' is not a valid text criteria. Multiple terms should be used with keywords such as AND or NEAR." -Foreground red Write-Host "To search for a phrase, wrap the phrase in quotes. Add the -query switch to use a raw predicate." -Foreground red Write-Host "For help constructing a valid search see:" -Foreground red } } function Write-Highlight ([string]$s, [regex]$r) { $o = 0 foreach($m in $r.Matches($s)) { Write-Host $s.Substring($o, $m.Index - $o) -NoNewline Write-Host $s.Substring($m.Index, $m.Length) -NoNewline -Foreground black -Background yellow $o = $m.Index + $m.Length } Write-Host $s.Substring($o) } function Get-IndexedPaths ([string]$path = $pwd) { if (![IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path)) { $path = Resolve-Path $path } $drive = [IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($path) $root = ((Get-ItemProperty 'Registry::HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Search\CrawlScopeManager\Windows\SystemIndex\SearchRoots\*' ` | Where-Object URL -like "file:///$drive*").url) + $path.Substring($drive.Length) Get-ItemProperty 'Registry::HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Search\CrawlScopeManager\Windows\SystemIndex\WorkingSetRules\*' ` | Where-Object URL -like "$($root.Replace('\','`\').Replace(']','`]').Replace('[','`['))*" ` | Where-Object Include | % { $path + $_.URL.Substring($root.Length) } <# .Synopsis Lists all locations in the Windows Search index at or below the specified path. .Parameter path Path to search, defaults to current directory. #> } function Search-Index ($s, $filePattern, [string]$path = $pwd, [string]$directoryPattern, [int]$top, [switch]$noTraverse, [switch]$query, [switch]$count, [string]$groupBy) { if (!$s -and !$filePattern -and !$directoryPattern) { help Search-Index; return } if (!($s -is [string]) -and !$filePattern) { $filePattern = $s; $s = $null } if ($filePattern -and $filePattern.IndexOfAny('/:\') -ge 0) { # detect swapped path/filePattern.. if ($path.Contains('*')) { $path, $filePattern = $filePattern, $path } else { $path = $filePattern; $filePattern = $null } } if ($s -and !$query -and !$s.StartsWith('"') -and !$s.EndsWith('"') -and !$s.Contains(' ')) { $s = '"' + $s + '"' } if ($s -and !$query -and !(ParseTextQuery($s))) { return } $scope = 'scope'; if ($noTraverse) { $scope = 'directory' } if ($s -and !$query) { $s = "contains('$s')" } $s = "select $(if($top) { "top $top " })system.itemPathDisplay from systemIndex where $scope='$path'$(if($s) { " and ($s)" })" if ($filePattern) { $s += " and ($(@($filePattern | % { "system.itemName like '$($_.Replace('*','%').Replace('?','_'))'" }) -join ' or '))" } if ($directoryPattern) { $s += " and system.itemPathDisplay like '$($directoryPattern.Replace('*','%').Replace('?','_'))'" } if ($groupBy) { $s = "group on system.$groupBy aggregate count() over ($s)" } if ($query) { Write-Host $s -Foreground yellow } $d = New-Object Data.DataSet $total = (New-Object Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter $s, 'Provider=Search.CollatorDso').Fill($d) if ($count) { $total } elseif ($groupBy) { foreach ($row in $d.Tables[0]) { New-Object PsObject -Prop @{ $groupBy = $row.Item(0); 'Count' = $row.Count } } } else { foreach ($row in $d.Tables[0]) { [IO.FileInfo]$row.Item(0) } } if ($total -eq 0) { if ((Get-IndexedPaths -path:$path).Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "There is nothing indexed beneath '$path'. Check your index settings in Control Panel." -Foreground red Write-Host "You can use Get-IndexedPaths <path> to list indexed roots beneath a specific path." -Foreground red } } <# .Synopsis Queries the Windows Search index, returns FileInfo objects. .Description For more about Windows Search, see: .Parameter s The full-text search argument for a CONTAINS predicate, e.g.: "donkey NEAR water" .Parameter filePattern One or more patterns to match against the file name, e.g.: "*.txt" ".config" .Parameter path Path to search, defaults to current directory. .Parameter directoryPattern A pattern to match against the full path, e.g: "*Users/.config/*" .Parameter top Limit results. .Parameter noTraverse Limit search to specified directory instead of including all subdirectories. .Parameter query Indicates that the first parameter is a valid SQL predicate instead of an argument for CONTAINS. Windows Search SQL Syntax reference: .Parameter count Return count instead of FileInfo objects. When used with -groupBy, returns count of groups. .Parameter groupBy Specify a property to group by, returns counts for each group instead of FileInfo objects. e.g.: -groupBy 'FileExtension', for all available properties see: #> } function Search-Files ([string]$pat, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]$file, [string]$path = $pwd, [int[]]$context = 3, [switch]$caseSensitive, [switch]$noTraverse, [switch]$simple) { if (!$pat) { help Search-Files; return } $regOptions = @([Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled) if (!$caseSensitive) { $regOptions += [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase } $reg = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@($pat, [Regex]::Escape($pat))[$simple.isPresent], $regOptions) if (!($file -is [IO.FileInfo])) { $detectText = $true $gcArgs = @{ Path = $path; Filter = $null; Include = $null; Recurse = !$noTraverse } if (!($file -is [string])) { $gcArgs.Filter = '*'; $gcArgs.Include = $file } else { $gcArgs.Filter = $file } $file = (Get-ChildItem @gcArgs -file -ea silent) } else { $file = $input } $trim = $path.Length + [int]!$path.EndsWith('\') foreach ($f in $file) { if ($detectText -and ![TextDetector]::CheckFile($f)) { continue } $lastLine = 0 Select-String $pat $f -context:$context -case:$caseSensitive -simple:$simple -ea silent | % { if ($lastLine -eq 0) { Write-Host $f.fullName.Substring($trim) -Foreground green } $line = $_.LineNumber - $_.Context.PreContext.Count foreach ($ctx in $_.Context.PreContext) { if ($line -ge $lastLine) { Write-Host $line -Foreground yellow -NoNewline; Write-Highlight ": $ctx" $reg; $line++; $lastLine = $line } } if ($line -ge $lastLine) { Write-Host $line -Foreground cyan -NoNewline; Write-Highlight ": $($_.line)" $reg; $line++; $lastLine = $line } foreach ($ctx in $_.Context.postContext) { if ($line -ge $lastLine) { Write-Host $line -Foreground yellow -NoNewline; Write-Highlight ": $ctx" $reg; $line++; $lastLine = $line; } } } if ($lastLine -gt 0) { Write-Host } } <# .Synopsis Searches for patterns in files and displays the results. .Description Use for highlighting patterns found in files returned by Search-Index, or anything that returns FileInfo objects (like dir). .Parameter pat Regular expression to highlight. .Parameter file Expects FileInfo objects from pipeline, or specify a search path e.g.: *.txt,*.cs .Parameter path Path to search, defaults to current directory. .Parameter context Lines to include before and after a match. .Parameter caseSensitive Indicates the pattern is case-sensitive. .Parameter recurse Indicates the provided search path should include subdirectories. Ignored when using pipeline. #> } function Search-Text ($s, $filePattern, [string]$path = $pwd, [string]$directoryPattern, [int]$top, [int[]]$context = 3, [switch]$noTraverse, [switch]$query) { if (!$s) { help Search-Text; return } if (!$query -and !$s.StartsWith('"') -and !$s.EndsWith('"') -and !$s.Contains(' ')) { $s = '"' + $s + '"' } if (!$query -and !($pat = ParseTextQuery $s)) { return } $reg = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex($pat, @([Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase, [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled)) Search-Index $s $filePattern -path:$path -dir:$directoryPattern -top:$top -noTraverse:$noTraverse -q:$query | Search-Files $reg -context:$context -path:$path -no:$noTraverse <# .Synopsis Queries the Windows Search index and displays the results. If nothing is indexed then files are scanned individually which may take a while. .Description Pipes Search-Index to Search-Files and derives a regular expression from the text query to use for highlighting. .Parameter s The full-text search argument for Search-Index. .Parameter filePattern The file patterns for Search-Index. .Parameter path Path to search, defaults to current directory. .Parameter directoryPattern The directory pattern for Search-Index. .Parameter top Top parameter for Search-Index (limits results). .Parameter context Context parameter for Search-Files. .Parameter noTraverse NoTraverse parameter for Search-Index. .Parameter query Query parameter for Search-Index. #> } New-Alias search Search-Index New-Alias ack Search-Text New-Alias index Get-IndexedPaths Export-ModuleMember -function Search-Index, Search-Files, Search-Text, Get-IndexedPaths -alias search, ack, index |