
$script:ModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$script:ModuleVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\PsLogicAppExtractor.psd1").ModuleVersion

# Detect whether at some level dotsourcing was enforced
$script:doDotSource = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Import.DoDotSource -Fallback $false
if ($PsLogicAppExtractor_dotsourcemodule) { $script:doDotSource = $true }

Note on Resolve-Path:
All paths are sent through Resolve-Path/Resolve-PSFPath in order to convert them to the correct path separator.
This allows ignoring path separators throughout the import sequence, which could otherwise cause trouble depending on OS.
Resolve-Path can only be used for paths that already exist, Resolve-PSFPath can accept that the last leaf my not exist.
This is important when testing for paths.

# Detect whether at some level loading individual module files, rather than the compiled module was enforced
$importIndividualFiles = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Import.IndividualFiles -Fallback $false
if ($PsLogicAppExtractor_importIndividualFiles) { $importIndividualFiles = $true }
if (Test-Path (Resolve-PSFPath -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\..\.git" -SingleItem -NewChild)) { $importIndividualFiles = $true }
if ("<was compiled>" -eq '<was not compiled>') { $importIndividualFiles = $true }
function Import-ModuleFile
            Loads files into the module on module import.
            This helper function is used during module initialization.
            It should always be dotsourced itself, in order to proper function.
            This provides a central location to react to files being imported, if later desired
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path to the file to load
            PS C:\> . Import-ModuleFile -File $function.FullName
            Imports the file stored in $function according to import policy

    Param (
    $resolvedPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($Path).ProviderPath
    if ($doDotSource) { . $resolvedPath }
    else { $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($false, ([scriptblock]::Create([io.file]::ReadAllText($resolvedPath))), $null, $null) }

#region Load individual files
if ($importIndividualFiles)
    # Execute Preimport actions
    foreach ($path in (& "$ModuleRoot\internal\scripts\preimport.ps1")) {
        . Import-ModuleFile -Path $path
    # Import all internal functions
    foreach ($function in (Get-ChildItem "$ModuleRoot\internal\functions" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore))
        . Import-ModuleFile -Path $function.FullName
    # Import all public functions
    foreach ($function in (Get-ChildItem "$ModuleRoot\functions" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore))
        . Import-ModuleFile -Path $function.FullName
    # Execute Postimport actions
    foreach ($path in (& "$ModuleRoot\internal\scripts\postimport.ps1")) {
        . Import-ModuleFile -Path $path
    # End it here, do not load compiled code below

#endregion Load individual files

#region Load compiled code
This file loads the strings documents from the respective language folders.
This allows localizing messages and errors.
Load psd1 language files for each language you wish to support.
Partial translations are acceptable - when missing a current language message,
it will fallback to English or another available language.

Import-PSFLocalizedString -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\en-us\*.psd1" -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Language 'en-US'


class Helper {
    Helper([object] $values) {
        if ($values -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
            foreach ($key in $values.Keys) {
                if ($this.PSObject.Properties.Item($key)) {
                    $this.$key = $values[$key]
        else {
            foreach ($property in $values.PSObject.Properties) {
                if ($this.PSObject.Properties.Item($property.Name)) {
                    $this.($property.Name) = $property.Value

class Definition: Helper {
    [object] ${$schema}
    [string] $contentVersion
    [object] $parameters
    [object] $triggers
    [object] $actions
    [object] $outputs

    Definition([object] $values) : base($values) { }

class Properties : Helper {
    [string] $state
    [Definition] $definition
    [object] $parameters
    [object] $integrationAccount
    [object] $accessControl
    Properties([object] $values) : base($values) { }

class LogicApp : Helper {
    [string] $type
    [string] $apiVersion
    [string] $name
    [string] $location
    [object] $tags
    [object] $identity
    [Properties] $properties

    LogicApp([object] $values) : base($values) { }

class ArmTemplate: Helper {
    [object] ${$schema}
    [string] $contentVersion
    [object] $parameters
    [object] $variables
    [object] $resources
    [object] $outputs
    ArmTemplate([object] $values) : base($values) { }

        Get the header for a runbook file
        Gets the header for a runbook file, containing the sane defaults
        Allows you to prepare the runbook file as much as possible, based on the parameters that you pass to it
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
        Name of the logic app, that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the logic app
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The ApiVersion that you want the LogicApp to be working against
        The default value is: "2019-05-01"
    .PARAMETER IncludePrefixSuffix
        Instruct the cmdlet to add the different prefix and suffix options, with the default values that comes with the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        PS C:\> Get-BuildHeader
        Creates the bare minimum header for the runbook file
        Prepares the Properties object with sane defaults, allowing you to edit them after the file has been created
        PS C:\> Get-BuildHeader -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        Creates the bare minimum header for the runbook file
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup, and sane defaults for the remaining objects, allowing you to edit them after the file has been created
        PS C:\> Get-BuildHeader -Name "TestLogicApp" -ApiVersion "2019-05-01"
        Creates the bare minimum header for the runbook file
        Prepares the Properties object with Name and ApiVersion, and sane defaults for the remaining objects, allowing you to edit them after the file has been created
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-BuildHeader {
    param (
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [string] $Name,

        [string] $ApiVersion = "2019-05-01",

        [switch] $IncludePrefixSuffix

    $res = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

    $res.Add("# Object to store the needed parameters for when running the export")
    $res.Add("Properties {")
    if ($SubscriptionId) {
        $res.Add('$SubscriptionId = "{0}"' -f $SubscriptionId)
    else {
        $res.Add('$SubscriptionId = $null')

    if ($ResourceGroup) {
        $res.Add('$ResourceGroup = "{0}"' -f $ResourceGroup)
    else {
        $res.Add('$ResourceGroup = $null')
    if ($Name) {
        $res.Add('$Name = "{0}"' -f $Name)
    else {
        $res.Add('$Name = ""')

    if ($ApiVersion) {
        $res.Add('$ApiVersion = "{0}"' -f $ApiVersion)
    else {
        $res.Add('$ApiVersion = ""')
    if ($IncludePrefixSuffix) {
        $res.Add('$Tag_Prefix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.tag.prefix))
        $res.Add('$Tag_Suffix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.tag.suffix))

        $res.Add('$Parm_Prefix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.parm.prefix))
        $res.Add('$Parm_Suffix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.parm.suffix))

        $res.Add('$Connection_Prefix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix))
        $res.Add('$Connection_Suffix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.suffix))

        $res.Add('$Trigger_Prefix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.trigger.prefix))
        $res.Add('$Trigger_Suffix = "{0}"' -f $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.trigger.suffix))

    #Above line completes the Properties declaration

    $res.Add('# Used to import the needed classes into the powershell session, to help with the export of the Logic App')
    $res.Add('."$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Classes)\PsLogicAppExtractor.class.ps1"')
    $res.Add("# Path variable for all the tasks that is available from the PsLogicAppExtractor module")
    $res.Add('$pathTasks = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Tasks)')

    $res.Add("# Include all the tasks that is available from the PsLogicAppExtractor module")
    $res.Add("Include `"`$pathTasks\All\All.task.ps1`"")


        Show the window used for OAuth consent
        Used to handle the consent flow of ApiConnection objects, where the user needs to fill in an user account / credentials
        It requires human interaction to handle the consent flow, but this cmdlet helps make it a smooth process
        The url of the endpoint where the consent flow for the specific ApiConnection object can be completed
        PS C:\> Show-OAuthConsentWindow -Url ""
        This will invoke the consent flow
        It will prompt the user to enter an user account / credentials
        It returns the url, containing the code needed to complete the constent flow against the ApiConnection Object
        This is highly inspired by the previous work of other smart people:
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Show-OAuthConsentWindow {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]
    param (
        [string] $Url

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    #Building the outer body of the form
    $form = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{Width = 600; Height = 800 }
    #Building the inner part of the content on the form
    $web = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser -Property @{Width = 580; Height = 780; Url = ($url -f ($Scope -join "%20")) }
    $docComp = {
        $Global:uri = $web.Url.AbsoluteUri

        #Close on error or on returned code
        if ($Global:Uri -match "error=[^&]*|code=[^&]*") { $form.Close() }

    #Register the event handler
    #Construct the form

    $form.Add_Shown( { $form.Activate() })

    #Display the form
    $form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

    # If below is the URL - the user exited the flow before completing the consent
    if ($Global:Uri -like "*") {
    else {

        Add new parameter to the ARM template
        Adds or overwrites an ARM template parameter by the name provided, and allows you to specify the default value, type and the metadata decription
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [ArmTemplate] for it to work properly
        Name of the parameter that you want to work against
        If the parameter exists, the value gets overrided otherwise a new parameter is added to the list of parameters
        The type of the ARM template parameter
        It supports all known types
    .PARAMETER Value
        The default value, that you want to assign to the ARM template parameter
    .PARAMETER Description
        The metadata description that you want to assign to the ARM template parameters
        PS C:\> Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName" -Type "string" -Value "TestLogicApp"
        Creates / updates the logicAppName ARM template parameter
        Sets the type of the parameter to: string
        Sets the default value to: TestLogicApp
        PS C:\> Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName" -Type "string" -Value "TestLogicApp" -Description "This is the name we extracted from the orignal LogicApp"
        Creates / updates the logicAppName ARM template parameter
        Sets the type of the parameter to: string
        Sets the default value to: TestLogicApp
        Sets the metadata description
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Add-ArmParameter {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Type,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $Value,

        [string] $Description

    if ($Description) {
        $valueObj = $([ordered]@{
                type         = $Type;
                defaultValue = $Value;
                metadata     = [ordered]@{
                    description = $Description

    else {
        $valueObj = $([ordered]@{
                type         = $Type;
                defaultValue = $Value;

    if ($InputObject.parameters.$Name) {
        $InputObject.parameters.$Name = $($valueObj)
    else {
        $InputObject.parameters | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $valueObj

        Add new variable to the ARM template
        Adds or overwrites an ARM template variable by the name provided, and allows you to specify the value
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [ArmTemplate] for it to work properly
        Name of the variable that you want to work against
        If the variable exists, the value gets overrided otherwise a new variable is added to the list of variables
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value, that you want to assign to the ARM template variable
        PS C:\> Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName" -Value "TestLogicApp"
        Creates / updates the logicAppName ARM template variable
        Sets the value to: TestLogicApp
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Add-ArmVariable {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $Value

    if ($InputObject.variables.$Name) {
        $InputObject.variables.$Name = $($Value)
    else {
        $InputObject.variables | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $($Value)


        Add new parm (parameter) to the LogicApp object
        Adds or overwrites a LogicApp parm (parameter) by the name provided, and allows you to specify the default value and the type
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [LogicApp] for it to work properly
        Name of the parm (parameter) that you want to work against
        If the parm (parameter) exists, the value gets overrided otherwise a new parm (parameter) is added to the list of parms (parameters)
        The type of the LogicApp parm (parameter)
        It supports all known types
    .PARAMETER Value
        The default value, that you want to assign to the LogicApp parm (parameter)
        PS C:\> Add-LogicAppParm -InputObject $lgObj -Name "TriggerQueue" -Type "string" -Value "Inbound"
        Creates / updates the TriggerQueue LogicApp parm (parameter)
        Sets the type of the parameter to: string
        Sets the default value to: Inbound
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Add-LogicAppParm {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Type,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $Value

    $valueObj = $([ordered]@{
            type         = $Type;
            defaultValue = $Value;
    if ($$Name) {
        $$Name = $($valueObj)
    else {
        $ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $valueObj


        Format the name with the prefix and suffix
        Format the name with the prefix and suffix
        If the passed prefix and suffix is not $null, then they are used
        Otherwise the cmdlet will default back to the configuration for each type, that is persisted in the configuration store
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        The type of name that you want to work against
        Allowed values:
    .PARAMETER Prefix
        The prefix that you want to append to the name
        If empty / $null - then the cmdlet will use the prefix that is stored for the specific type
    .PARAMETER Suffix
        The suffix that you want to append to the name
        If empty / $null - then the cmdlet will use the suffix that is stored for the specific type
    .PARAMETER Value
        The string value that you want to have the prefix and suffix concatenated with
        PS C:\> Format-Name -Type "Tag" -Value "CostCenter"
        Formats the value: CostCenter with the default prefix and suffix for the type: Tag
        The default prefix is: tag_
        The default suffix is: $null
        The output will be: tag_CostCenter
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Format-Name {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Tag', 'Connection', 'Parameter', 'Parm', 'Trigger')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Type,

        [string] $Prefix,

        [string] $Suffix,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Value
    switch ($Type) {
        "Tag" {
            if ($Prefix -or $Suffix) {
            else {
                $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.tag.prefix
                $Suffix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.tag.suffix

        "Connection" {
            if ($Prefix -or $Suffix) {
            else {
                $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
                $Suffix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.suffix

        "Parameter" {  }
        "Parm" {
            if ($Prefix -or $Suffix) {
            else {
                $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.parm.prefix
                $Suffix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.parm.suffix

        "Trigger" {
            if ($Prefix -or $Suffix) {
            else {
                $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.trigger.prefix
                $Suffix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.trigger.suffix

        Default { "$Prefix$Value$Suffix" }

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.prefix' -Value "tag_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string"
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.prefix' -Value "tag_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.parm.prefix' -Value "parm_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for parm (parameter) objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.parm.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for parm (parameter) objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.connection.prefix' -Value "connection_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for connection objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.connection.suffix' -Value "_id" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for connection objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.trigger.prefix' -Value "trigger_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for trigger objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.trigger.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for trigger objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string."

        Get action from the object, filtered by the type of the action
        Get actions and all nested actions, filtered by type
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object that you want to work against
        Will by analyzed to see if it has nested actions, and will be recursively traversed to fetch all actions
        The action type that will be outputted
        PS C:\> Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $obj -Type "Http"
        Will traverse the $obj and filter actions to only output the ones of the type Http
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Get-ActionsByType {
    param (
        [PsCustomObject] $InputObject,

        [string] $Type
    if ($InputObject.Type -eq $Type -or $InputObject.Value.Type -eq $Type) {

    if ($InputObject.Value.actions) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.Value.actions.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type
    elseif ($InputObject.actions) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.actions.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type
    elseif ($InputObject.cases) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.cases.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type
    }elseif ($InputObject.Value.cases) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.Value.cases.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type

        Get the value from an ARM template parameter
        Gets the current default value from the specified ARM template parameter
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [ArmTemplate] for it to work properly
        Name of the parameter that you want to work against
        PS C:\> Get-ArmParameterValue -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName"
        Gets the default value from the ARM template parameter: logicAppName
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Get-ArmParameterValue {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name
    if ($InputObject.parameters.$Name) {

        Get the output file
        Get the full path of the "latest" file from the workpath of the runbook / extraction process
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        Path to the workpath where the runbook has been persisting files
        PS C:\> Get-ExtractOutput -Path "C:\temp\work_directory"
        Returns the full path of the latest written file from the "C:\temp\work_directory" path
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Get-ExtractOutput {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Path
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -File
    $files | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

        Get parameters from ARM template
        Get parameters from the ARM template
        You can include / exclude parameters, so your parameter file only contains the parameters you want to handle at deployment
        The default value is promoted as the initial value of the parameter
        Path to the ARM template that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER Exclude
        Instruct the cmdlet to exclude the given set of parameter names
        Supports array / list
    .PARAMETER Include
        Instruct the cmdlet to include the given set of parameter names
        Supports array / list
        Instruct the cmdlet to save a valid ARM template parameter file next to the ARM template file
    .PARAMETER BlankValues
        Instructs the cmdlet to blank the values in the parameter file
    .PARAMETER CopyMetadata
        Instructs the cmdlet to copy over the metadata property from the original parameter in the ARM template, if present
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json"
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        The output is written to the console
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json" -Exclude "logicAppLocation","trigger_Frequency"
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        Will exclude the parameters "logicAppLocation" & "trigger_Frequency" if present
        The output is written to the console
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json" -Include "trigger_Interval","trigger_Frequency"
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        Will only copy over the parameters "trigger_Interval" & "trigger_Frequency" if present
        The output is written to the console
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json" -AsFile
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        The output is written the "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.parameters.json" file
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json" -BlankValues
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        Blank all values for each parameter
        The output is written to the console
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaArmParameter -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\TestLogicApp.json" -CopyMetadata
        Gets all parameters from the "TestLogicApp.json" ARM template
        Copies over the metadata property from the original parameter, if present
        The output is written to the console
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaArmParameter {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Path,

        [string[]] $Exclude,

        [string[]] $Include,

        [switch] $AsFile,

        [switch] $BlankValues,

        [switch] $CopyMetadata

    process {
        $armObj = [ArmTemplate]$(Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Path)

        $res = [ordered]@{}
        $res.'$schema' = ""
        $res.contentVersion = ""
        $res.parameters = [ordered]@{}
        foreach ($item in $armObj.parameters.PsObject.Properties) {
            if ($item.Name -in $Exclude) { continue }
            if ($Include.Count -gt 0) {
                if (-not ($item.Name -in $Include)) { continue }
            $valueObj = [ordered]@{}

            if ($BlankValues) {
                switch ($item.Value.Type) {
                    "int" {
                        $valueObj.value = 0
                    "bool" {
                        $valueObj.value = $false
                    "object" {
                        $valueObj.value = $null
                    "array" {
                        $valueObj.value = @()
                    Default {
                        $valueObj.value = ""
            else {
                $valueObj.value = $item.Value.DefaultValue

            if ($CopyMetadata -and $item.Value.metadata) {
                $valueObj.metadata = $item.Value.metadata

            $res.parameters."$($item.Name)" = $valueObj

        if ($AsFile) {
            $pathLocal = $Path.Replace(".json", ".parameters.json")

            $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($pathLocal, $($([PSCustomObject] $res) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10), $encoding)

            Get-Item -Path $pathLocal | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        else {
            $([PSCustomObject] $res) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        Get ManagedApi connection objects
        Get the ApiConnection objects from a resource group
        Helps to identity ApiConnection objects that are failed or missing an consent / authentication
        Uses the current connected Az.Account session to pull the details from the azure portal
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against, your current Az.Account powershell session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against, your current powershell session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
    .PARAMETER FilterError
        Filter the list of ApiConnections to a specific error status
        Valid list of options:
    .PARAMETER IncludeStatus
        Filter the list of ApiConnections to a specific (overall) status
        Valid list of options:
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Instruct the cmdlet to output with the detailed format directly
    .PARAMETER Tools
        Instruct the cmdlet which tool to use
        Options are:
        AzCli (azure cli)
        Az.Powershell (Az.Accounts+ PowerShell native modules)
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Output example:
        Name DisplayName OverallStatus Id StatusDetails
        ---- ----------- ------------- -- -------------
        azureblob TestFtpDownload Connected /subscriptions/467c… {"status": "Connect…
        azureeventgrid TestEventGrid Error /subscriptions/467c… {"status": "Error",…
        azurequeues Test Connected /subscriptions/467c… {"status": "Connect…
        office365 MyPersonalCon.. Connected /subscriptions/467c… {"status": "Error",…
        office365-1 MyPersonalCon.. Connected /subscriptions/467c… {"status": "Connect…
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Detailed
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        It will display detailed information about the ApiConnection object
        Output example:
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : azureblob
        DisplayName : TestFtpDownload
        AuthenticatedUser :
        ParameterValues : @{accountName=storageaccount1}
        OverallStatus : Connected
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Connected"
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : azureeventgrid
        DisplayName : TestEventGrid
        AuthenticatedUser : @{}
        ParameterValues : @{token:TenantId=f312ba7d-b63a-4306-9e97-a623c3f42024; token:grantType=code}
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthorized",
        "message": "Failed to refresh access token for service: aadcertificate. Correlation
        Id=g-3bdeeea8-ae1f-4ac3-82dc-7fee7f16a1e2, UTC TimeStamp=4/8/2021 11:40:36 PM, Error: Failed to
        acquire token from AAD: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"AADSTS700082: The refresh
        token has expired due to inactivity.The token was issued on 2020-09-01T12:13:41.5336734Z and was
        inactive for 90.00:00:00.\\r\\nTrace ID: b6f03183-79e9-4f81-a640-efcf65c30400\\r\\nCorrelation ID:
        52b391c3-9c1d-42c7-99f3-a219b7675aee\\r\\nTimestamp: 2021-04-08
        23:40:36Z\",\"error_codes\":[700082],\"timestamp\":\"2021-04-08 23:40:36Z\",\"trace_id\":\"b6f03183-79e
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : office365
        DisplayName : MyPersonalConnection
        AuthenticatedUser :
        ParameterValues :
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthenticated",
        "message": "This connection is not authenticated."
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : office365-1
        DisplayName : MyPersonalConnection2
        AuthenticatedUser : @{}
        ParameterValues :
        OverallStatus : Connected
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Connected"
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -IncludeStatus Error -Detailed
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error
        Output example:
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : azureeventgrid
        DisplayName : TestEventGrid
        AuthenticatedUser : @{}
        ParameterValues : @{token:TenantId=f312ba7d-b63a-4306-9e97-a623c3f42024; token:grantType=code}
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthorized",
        "message": "Failed to refresh access token for service: aadcertificate. Correlation
        Id=g-3bdeeea8-ae1f-4ac3-82dc-7fee7f16a1e2, UTC TimeStamp=4/8/2021 11:40:36 PM, Error: Failed to
        acquire token from AAD: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"AADSTS700082: The refresh
        token has expired due to inactivity.The token was issued on 2020-09-01T12:13:41.5336734Z and was
        inactive for 90.00:00:00.\\r\\nTrace ID: b6f03183-79e9-4f81-a640-efcf65c30400\\r\\nCorrelation ID:
        52b391c3-9c1d-42c7-99f3-a219b7675aee\\r\\nTimestamp: 2021-04-08
        23:40:36Z\",\"error_codes\":[700082],\"timestamp\":\"2021-04-08 23:40:36Z\",\"trace_id\":\"b6f03183-79e
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : office365
        DisplayName : MyPersonalConnection
        AuthenticatedUser :
        ParameterValues :
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthenticated",
        "message": "This connection is not authenticated."
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError Unauthenticated -Detailed
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error of the type Unauthenticated
        This is useful in combination with the Invoke-PsLaConsent cmdlet
        Output example:
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : office365
        DisplayName : MyPersonalConnection
        AuthenticatedUser :
        ParameterValues :
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthenticated",
        "message": "This connection is not authenticated."
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError Unauthorized -Detailed
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error of the type Unauthenticated
        Output example:
        id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg/providers/Microsoft.W
        name : azureeventgrid
        DisplayName : TestEventGrid
        AuthenticatedUser : @{}
        ParameterValues : @{token:TenantId=f312ba7d-b63a-4306-9e97-a623c3f42024; token:grantType=code}
        OverallStatus : Error
        StatusDetails : {
        "status": "Error",
        "target": "token",
        "error": {
        "code": "Unauthorized",
        "message": "Failed to refresh access token for service: aadcertificate. Correlation
        Id=g-3bdeeea8-ae1f-4ac3-82dc-7fee7f16a1e2, UTC TimeStamp=4/8/2021 11:40:36 PM, Error: Failed to
        acquire token from AAD: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"AADSTS700082: The refresh
        token has expired due to inactivity.The token was issued on 2020-09-01T12:13:41.5336734Z and was
        inactive for 90.00:00:00.\\r\\nTrace ID: b6f03183-79e9-4f81-a640-efcf65c30400\\r\\nCorrelation ID:
        52b391c3-9c1d-42c7-99f3-a219b7675aee\\r\\nTimestamp: 2021-04-08
        23:40:36Z\",\"error_codes\":[700082],\"timestamp\":\"2021-04-08 23:40:36Z\",\"trace_id\":\"b6f03183-79e
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError Unauthenticated | Invoke-PsLaConsent
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error of the type Unauthenticated
        Will pipe the objects to Invoke-PsLaConsent, which will prompt you to enter a valid user account / credentials
        Note: Read more about Invoke-PsLaConsent before running this command, to ensure you understand what it does
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [ValidateSet('Unauthorized', 'Unauthenticated')]
        [string] $FilterError,

        [ValidateSet('Connected', 'Error')]
        [string] $IncludeStatus,

        [switch] $Detailed,

        [ValidateSet('AzCli', 'Az.Powershell')]
        [string] $Tools = 'Az.Powershell'
    if ($Tools -eq 'Az.Powershell') {
        $parms = @{}
        $parms.ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup
        $parms.ApiVersion = "2018-07-01-preview"
        $parms.ResourceProviderName = "Microsoft.Web"
        $parms.ResourceType = "connections"

        if ($SubscriptionId) {
            $parms.SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId

        $res = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method Get @parms

        if ($null -eq $res) {
            #TODO! We need to throw an error
        $cons = $res.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
    else {
        $uri = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections?api-version=2018-07-01-preview"

        if ($SubscriptionId) {
            $uri = $uri.Replace("{subscriptionId}", $SubscriptionId)

        $res = az rest --url "$uri" | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
        if ($null -eq $res) {
            #TODO! We need to throw an error

        $cons = $res | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value

    $temp = $cons | Select-PSFObject -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection -Property id, Name,
    @{Label = "DisplayName"; Expression = { $ } },
    @{Label = "OverallStatus"; Expression = { $ } },
    @{Label = "AuthenticatedUser"; Expression = { $ } },
    @{Label = "ParameterValues"; Expression = { $ } },
    @{Label = "StatusDetails"; Expression = {
            if ($Detailed) {
                $ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
            else {
                $($ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4).Replace("`r`n", "").Replace(" ", "")

    if ($FilterError -or $IncludeStatus) {
        $filtered = @(foreach ($item in $temp) {
                $details = $item.StatusDetails | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

                if ($FilterError -and $details.error.code -ne $FilterError) {

                if ($IncludeStatus -and $item.OverallStatus -ne $IncludeStatus) {


        $temp = $filtered

    if ($Detailed) {
        $temp | Select-PSFObject -Property * -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Detailed
    else {

        Get ManagedApi connection objects status
        Get the status of ApiConnection objects from a resource group
        Helps to identity ApiConnection objects that are failed or missing an consent / authentication
        Uses the current connected Az.Account session to pull the details from the azure portal
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against, your current Az.Account powershell session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against, your current powershell session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
    .PARAMETER IncludeProperties
        Filter the list of ApiConnections to a specific (overall) status
    .PARAMETER FilterError
        Filter the list of ApiConnections to a specific error status
        Valid list of options:
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.Status.ViaGraph.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Output example:
        Name State Status ApiType AuthenticatedUser
        ---- ----- ------ ------- -----------------
        API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity Enabled Ready azureblob
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.Status.ViaGraph.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError "Unauthenticated"
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Will filter the list down to only show those which are "Unauthenticated"
        Output example:
        Name State Status ApiType AuthenticatedUser
        ---- ----- ------ ------- -----------------
        API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity Error Unauthenticated azureblob
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.Status.ViaGraph.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -IncludeProperties | Format-List
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Will extract the raw properties of the ApiConnection object, and expose them in the output
        Format-List is needed to display the PropertiesRaw on screen
        Output example:
        Id : /subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/resourceGroups/TestRg
        Name : API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity
        ResourceGroup : TestRg
        SubscriptionId : b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00
        DisplayName : API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity
        State : Enabled
        Status : Ready
        ApiType : azureblob
        AuthenticatedUser :
        ParameterValues :
        StatusDetailed : {"status": "Ready"}
        PropertiesRaw : @{displayName=API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity; createdTime=22/06/2023 07.07.22;
        changedTime=22/06/2023 07.07.22; customParameterValues=; authenticatedUser=;
        connectionState=Enabled; overallStatus=Ready; testRequests=System.Object[];
        testLinks=System.Object[]; statuses=System.Object[]; parameterValueSet=; api=}
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.Status.ViaGraph.AzAccount {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [switch] $IncludeProperties,

        [ValidateSet('Unauthenticated', 'ConfigurationNeeded')]
        [string] $FilterError

    if (-not $SubscriptionId) {
        $SubscriptionId = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
    $SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId.ToLower()

    $filter = ''

    if ($SubscriptionId) {
        $filter += " and subscriptionId == '$SubscriptionId'"

    $filter += " and resourceGroup =~ '$ResourceGroup'"

    $query = Get-Content "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Queries)\AzureResourceGraph.ApiConnections.Status.txt" -Raw

    $query = $query.Replace('##FILTERS##', $filter)

    if ($IncludeProperties) {
        $query = $query + ", Props"

    $res = (Search-AzGraph -Query $query -First 1000)
    if ($FilterError) {
        $res = @(

            foreach ($item in $res) {
                if ($item.StatusDetails.error.code -contains $FilterError) {

    $res = $res | Select-Object -Property *,
    @{Label = "StatusDetailed"; Expression = {
            $($_.StatusDetails | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4).Replace("`r`n", "").Replace(" ", "")
    } -ExcludeProperty StatusDetails

    if ($IncludeProperties) {
        $res | Select-PSFObject -Property *, "Props as PropertiesRaw" -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Graph.Status -ExcludeProperty Props
    else {
        $res | Select-PSFObject -Property * -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Graph.Status

        Get ManagedApi connection objects
        Get the ApiConnection objects from a resource group
        Helps to identity ApiConnection objects that are orphaned, or which LogicApps is actually using the specific ApiConnection
        Uses the current connected Az.Account session to pull the details from the azure portal
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against, your current Az.Account powershell session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against, your current powershell session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
    .PARAMETER Summarized
        Instruct the cmdlet to output a summarized References column
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.ViaGraph.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Output example:
        Name ResourceGroup IsReferenced LogicApp
        ---- ------------- ------------ --------
        API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity TestRg true LA-TestExport
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.ViaGraph.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Summarized
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        It will summarize how many LogicApps that is actually using the specific Api Connection
        Output example:
        Name ResourceGroup References SubscriptionId
        ---- ------------- ---------- --------------
        API-AzureBlob-ManagedIdentity TestRg 1 b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-35795…
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.ViaGraph.AzAccount {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [switch] $Summarized

    if (-not $SubscriptionId) {
        $SubscriptionId = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
    $SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId.ToLower()

    $filter = ''

    if ($SubscriptionId) {
        $filter += " and subscriptionId == '$SubscriptionId'"

    $filter += " and resourceGroup =~ '$ResourceGroup'"

    if ($Summarized) {
        $query = Get-Content "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Queries)\AzureResourceGraph.ApiConnections.Summarized.txt" -Raw

        $query = $query.Replace('##FILTERS##', $filter)

        (Search-AzGraph -Query $query) | Select-PSFObject -Property *, "LogicAppReferences as References" -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Graph.Summarized -ExcludeProperty LogicAppReferences
    else {
        $query = Get-Content "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Queries)\AzureResourceGraph.ApiConnections.Detailed.txt" -Raw

        $query = $query.Replace('##FILTERS##', $filter)

        (Search-AzGraph -Query $query) | Select-PSFObject -Property *, "IsLogicAppReferenced as IsReferenced" -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Graph.Base -ExcludeProperty IsLogicAppReferenced


        Get Managed Api Connection objects by their usage
        Get Managed Api Connection objects, and filter by their usage
        You can list Api Connections that are NOT referenced by any Logic App
        You can list Logic Apps and the Api Connections they reference, but doesn't exists
        You can list Api Connections that are referenced by Logic Apps
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against, your current az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against, your current az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
    .PARAMETER IncludeUsed
        Instruct the cmdlet to include Api Connections that are referenced by Logic Apps
    .PARAMETER IncludeLogicAppResourceNotFound
        Instructions the cmdlet to include Api Connections that are referenced by Logic Apps, but where the Api Connection doesn't exists
    .PARAMETER Tools
        Instruct the cmdlet which tool to use
        Options are:
        AzCli (azure cli)
        Az.Powershell (Az.Accounts+ PowerShell native modules)
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnectionByUsage -SubscriptionId "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00" -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        This will list all Api Connections in the resource group "TestRg" in the subscription "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00".
        It will only list Api Connections that are NOT referenced by any Logic App
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnectionByUsage -SubscriptionId "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -IncludeUsed
        This will list all Api Connections in the resource group "TestRg" in the subscription "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00".
        It will list Api Connections that are NOT referenced by any Logic App.
        It will list Api Connections that are referenced by Logic Apps.
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnectionByUsage -SubscriptionId "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -IncludeLogicAppResourceNotFound
        This will list all Api Connections in the resource group "TestRg" in the subscription "b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00".
        It will list Api Connections that are NOT referenced by any Logic App.
        It will list Api Connections that are referenced by Logic Apps, but where the Api Connection doesn't exists.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The implementation was inspired by the following blog post:

function Get-PsLaManagedApiConnectionByUsage {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [switch] $IncludeUsed,

        [switch] $IncludeLogicAppResourceNotFound,

        [ValidateSet('AzCli', 'Az.Powershell')]
        [string] $Tools = 'Az.Powershell'

    # Uri for the Azure REST API, to get Api Connections and Logic Apps
    $uriConnetions = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections?api-version=2018-07-01-preview"
    $uriWorkflows = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows?api-version=2018-07-01-preview"

    if ($SubscriptionId) {
        $uriConnetions = $uriConnetions.Replace("{subscriptionId}", $SubscriptionId)
        $uriWorkflows = $uriWorkflows.Replace("{subscriptionId}", $SubscriptionId)

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]] $resArray = @()
    $localUri = $uriConnetions
    do {
        # Fething the Api Connections
        # The do while supports paging / nextLink to load all objects from the resource group
        if ($Tools -eq 'Az.Powershell') {
            $resGet = Invoke-AzRest -Path "$localUri" -Method GET | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
        else {
            $resGet = az rest --url "$localUri" | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
        if ($($resGet.nextLink) -match ".*(/subscriptions/.*)") {
            $localUri = $Matches[1]

    } while ($resGet.nextLink)

    # Persist the Api Connections
    $resConnections = $resArray.ToArray()

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]] $resArray = @()
    $localUri = $uriWorkflows
    do {
        # Fething the Logic Apps
        # The do while supports paging / nextLink to load all objects from the resource group
        if ($Tools -eq 'Az.Powershell') {
            $resLocal = Invoke-AzRest -Path "$localUri" -Method GET | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
        else {
            $resLocal = az rest --url "$localUri"

        # Hack to handle any errors in the response, which cannot be handled by the ConvertFrom-Json
        $resGet = $resLocal.Replace('""', '"Dummy"') | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
        if ($($resGet.nextLink) -match ".*(/subscriptions/.*)") {
            $localUri = $Matches[1]
        # } while (1 -eq 2)
    } while ($resGet.nextLink)

    # Persist the Logic Apps
    $resWorkflows = $resArray.ToArray()
    if ($null -eq $resConnections -or $null -eq $resWorkflows) {
        #TODO! We need to throw an error

    # Create an array of all Api Connections available
    $availableConnections = @($

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]] $colUsedConnections = @()
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]] $colNonExistingConnections = @()

    # Loop through all Logic Apps
    foreach ($la in $resWorkflows) {

        # Not all Logic Apps have a connection reference
        if ($null -eq $'$connections') { continue }
        # Loop through all connections of the Logic App
        foreach ($connection in $'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {

            if ($connection.value.connectionId -in $availableConnections) {
                # The connection was found in the available connections
                        Id         = $connection.value.connectionId
                        Connection = $resConnections | Where-Object { $ -eq $connection.value.connectionId } | Select-Object -First 1
                        LogicApp   = $la.Name
            else {
                # The connection was not found in the available connections
                        LogicApp          = $la.Name
                        ConnectionDetails = $connection

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]] $resArray = @()
    if ($IncludeUsed -and $colUsedConnections.Count -gt 0) {
        # Should we add all used connections?
            ($colUsedConnections.ToArray() | Select-PSFObject -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Usage -Property Id,
            @{Label = "Name"; Expression = { $_.Connection.Name } },
            @{Label = "DisplayName"; Expression = { $_.Connection.Properties.DisplayName } },
            @{Label = "Usage"; Expression = { "LogicAppReferenced" } },
            @{Label = "Location"; Expression = { $_.Connection.Location } },
            @{Label = "Type"; Expression = { $_.Connection.Properties.Api.Name } },
            @{Label = "Properties"; Expression = { $_.Connection.Properties } })

    if ($IncludeLogicAppResourceNotFound -and $colUsedConnections.Count -gt 0) {
        # Should we add all connections, that Logic Apps are referencing, but are not available?
        ($colNonExistingConnections.ToArray() | Select-PSFObject -TypeName PsLaExtractor.ManagedConnection.Usage -Property @{Label = "Id"; Expression = { $_.ConnectionDetails.Value.connectionId } },
            @{Label = "Name"; Expression = { $_.ConnectionDetails.Name } },
            @{Label = "DisplayName"; Expression = { $_.ConnectionDetails.Value.connectionName } },
            @{Label = "Usage"; Expression = { "ResourceNotFound" } },
            @{Label = "Location"; Expression = { ($_.ConnectionDetails.Value.Id | Select-String -Pattern "/locations/(.*?)/").Matches[0].Groups[1].Value } },
            @{Label = "Type"; Expression = { $_.ConnectionDetails.Value.Id.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1 } })

    $resConnections | Where-Object { -not ($ -in $colUsedConnections.Id) } | Foreach-object {
        # Add all connections, that are not used by any Logic App
                Id          = $
                Name        = $
                DisplayName = $
                LogicApp    = $null
                Usage       = "NotUsed"
                Location    = $_.location
                Type        = $
                Properties  = $


        Get tasks that are part of the module
        List all avaiable tasks that are part of the module, to be used for exporting, sanitizing and converting a LogicApp into a deployable ARM template
    .PARAMETER Category
        Used to filter the number of tasks down to only being part of the category that you are looking for
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Instruct the cmdlet to output the details about the tasks in a more detailed fashion, makes it easier to read the descriptions for each task
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask
        List all available tasks
        Output example:
        Category Name Description
        -------- ---- -----------
        Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter Loops all $connections childs…
        Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable Loops all $connections childs…
        Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IdFormatted Loops all $connections childs…
        Arm Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter.AsVariable Creates an Arm variable: integrationAccount…
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask -Category Converter
        List all available tasks, which are in the Converter category
        Output example:
        Category Name Description
        -------- ---- -----------
        Converter ConvertTo-Arm Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        Converter ConvertTo-Raw Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,…
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask -Detailed
        List all available tasks, and outputs it in the detailed view
        Output example:
        Category : Arm
        Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter
        Description : Loops all $connections childs
        -Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
        --Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
        -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
        -Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]
        Category : Arm
        Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable
        Description : Loops all $connections childs
        -Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
        --Sets the value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
        -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('XYZ'))]
        -Sets the connectionName to: [variables('XYZ')]
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaTask {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Arm', 'Converter', 'Exporter', 'Raw')]
        [string] $Category,

        [switch] $Detailed

    $res = Get-PsLaTaskByPath -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\internal\tasks" | Where-Object Category -like "*$Category*" | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Path

    if ($Detailed) {
        $res | Format-List
    else {

        Get tasks that are references from a file
        Get tasks that are references from a runbook file, to make it easier to understand what a given runbook file is doing
        Path to the runbook file, that you want to analyze
    .PARAMETER Category
        Used to filter the number of tasks down to only being part of the category that you are looking for
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Instruct the cmdlet to output the details about the tasks in a more detailed fashion, makes it easier to read the descriptions for each task
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskByFile -File "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1"
        List all tasks that are referenced from the file
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Output example:
        Category Name Description
        -------- ---- -----------
        Converter ConvertTo-Arm Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        Converter ConvertTo-Raw Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,…
        Exporter Export-LogicApp.AzCli Exports the raw version of the Logic App from the Azure Portal
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskByFile -File "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -Category Converter
        List all tasks that are referenced from the file, which are in the Converter category
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Output example:
        Category Name Description
        -------- ---- -----------
        Converter ConvertTo-Arm Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        Converter ConvertTo-Raw Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,…
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskByFile -File "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -Detailed
        List all tasks that are referenced from the file, and outputs it in the detailed view
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Output example:
        Category : Converter
        Name : ConvertTo-Arm
        Description : Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        Category : Converter
        Name : ConvertTo-Raw
        Description : Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,
        this will remove different properties that are not needed
        Category : Exporter
        Name : Export-LogicApp.AzCli
        Description : Exports the raw version of the Logic App from the Azure Portal
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaTaskByFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $File,

        [ValidateSet('Arm', 'Converter', 'Exporter', 'LogicApp')]
        [string] $Category,

        [switch] $Detailed
    process {
        # We are playing around with the internal / global psake object
        $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack

        $res = @(Get-PSakeScriptTasks -Runbook $File | Where-Object Name -ne "Default" | Select-Object -Property @{Label = "Category"; Expression = { $_.Alias.Split(".")[0] } }, Name, Description)

        $temp = $res | Where-Object Category -like "*$Category*" | Sort-Object Category, Name
        if ($Detailed) {
            $temp | Format-List
        else {

        Get tasks based on files from a directory
        Get tasks from individual files, that are located in a directory
        Path to the directory where there are valid PSake tasks saved as ps1 files
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskByPath -Path c:\temp\tasks
        List all available tasks, based on the files in the directory
        All files has to be valid PSake files saved as ps1 files
        Output example:
        Category : Arm
        Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter
        Description : Loops all $connections childs
        -Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
        --Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
        -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
        -Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]
        Path : c:\temp\tasks\Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter.task.ps1
        File : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter.task.ps1
        Category : Arm
        Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable
        Description : Loops all $connections childs
        -Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
        --Sets the value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
        -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('XYZ'))]
        -Sets the connectionName to: [variables('XYZ')]
        Path : c:\temp\tasks\Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable.task.ps1
        File : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable.task.ps1
        General notes

function Get-PsLaTaskByPath {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $Path
    process {
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*.ps1"

        $res = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

        # We are playing around with the internal / global psake object
        $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
                "tasks"   = @{}
                "aliases" = @{}

        foreach ($item in $files) {
            # We are playing around with the internal / global psake object
            $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
                    "tasks"   = @{}
                    "aliases" = @{}
            . $item.FullName

            foreach ($task in $psake.context.tasks) {
                foreach ($value in $task.Values) {
                            Category    = $value.Alias.Split(".")[0]
                            Name        = $value.Name
                            Description = $value.Description
                            Path        = $item.FullName
                            File        = $item.Name

        # We are playing around with the internal / global psake object
        $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack

        $res.ToArray() | Where-Object Name -ne "Default" | Sort-Object Category, Name

        Get tasks that are references from a file, with the execution order
        Get tasks that are references from a runbook file, to make it easier to understand what a given runbook file is doing
        Includes the execution order of the tasks, to visualize the tasks sequence
        Path to the runbook file, that you want to analyze
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Instruct the cmdlet to output the details about the tasks in a more detailed fashion, makes it easier to read the descriptions for each task
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskOrderByFile -File "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1"
        List all tasks that are referenced from the file
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Output example:
        ExecutionOrder Category Name Description
        -------------- -------- ---- -----------
        1 Exporter Export-LogicApp.AzCli Exports the raw version of the Logic App from the Azure Portal
        2 Converter ConvertTo-Raw Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp j…
        3 Converter ConvertTo-Arm Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskOrderByFile -File "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -Detailed
        List all tasks that are referenced from the file, and outputs it in the detailed view
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Output example:
        ExecutionOrder : 1
        Category : Exporter
        Name : Export-LogicApp.AzCli
        Description : Exports the raw version of the Logic App from the Azure Portal
        ExecutionOrder : 2
        Category : Converter
        Name : ConvertTo-Raw
        Description : Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,
        this will remove different properties that are not needed
        ExecutionOrder : 3
        Category : Converter
        Name : ConvertTo-Arm
        Description : Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
        General notes

function Get-PsLaTaskOrderByFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $File,

        [switch] $Detailed
    process {
        # We are playing around with the internal / global psake object
        $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack

        $default = Get-PSakeScriptTasks -Runbook $File | Where-Object Name -eq "Default" | Select-Object -First 1

        $tasks = @(Get-PSakeScriptTasks -Runbook $File | Where-Object Name -ne "Default" | Select-Object -Property @{Label = "Category"; Expression = { $_.Alias.Split(".")[0] } }, Name, Description)

        $res = @(for ($i = 0; $i -lt $default.DependsOn.Count; $i++) {
                $tasks | Where-Object Name -eq $($default.DependsOn[$i]) | Select-Object -Property @{Label = "ExecutionOrder"; Expression = { $i + 1 } }, *

        if ($Detailed) {
            $res | Format-List
        else {

        Short description
        Long description
    .PARAMETER Category
        Instruct the cmdlet which template type you want to have outputted
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the Task template file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The file will be named: _set-XYA.Template.ps1
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskTemplate -Category "Arm"
        Outputs the task template of the type Arm to the console
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskTemplate -Category "Arm" -OutputPath "C:\temp\work_directory"
        Outputs the task template of the type Arm
        Persists the file into the "C:\temp\work_directory" directory
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaTaskTemplate {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Arm', 'Converter', 'Raw')]
        [string] $Category,

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $OutputPath

    if ($OutputPath) {
        Copy-Item -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\tasks\_Set-$Category.Template.tmp" -Destination "$OutputPath\_Set-$Category.Template.ps1" -PassThru -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    else {
        Get-Content -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\tasks\_Set-$Category.Template.tmp" -Raw

        Get the object that the task has to work against
        Gets the object from the "previous" task, based on the persisted path and loads it into memory using ConvertFrom-Json
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        Path to the file that you want the task to work against
        PS C:\> Get-TaskWorkObject
        Returns the object that is stored at the location passed in the Path parameter
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Get-TaskWorkObject {
    param (
        [string] $Path = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext)


    Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100

        Get the object that the task has to work against, as a raw string
        Gets the object from the "previous" task, based on the persisted path and loads it into memory using Get-Content
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        Path to the file that you want the task to work against
        PS C:\> Get-TaskWorkObject
        Returns the object that is stored at the location passed in the Path parameter
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Get-TaskWorkRaw {
    param (
        [string] $Path = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext)

    Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw

        Start the consent flow for an ApiConnection object
        Some of the ApiConnection objects needs an user account to consent / authenticate, before it works
        This cmdlet helps starting, running and completing the consent flow an ApiConnection object
        Uses the current connected Az.Account session to pull the details from the azure portal
        The (resource) id of the ApiConnection object that you want to work against, your current Az.Account powershell session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription/resource group or at least have permissions to work against the subscription/resource group, where the ApiConnection object is located
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzAccount -Id "/subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westeurope/managedApis/servicebus"
        This will start the consent flow for the ApiConnection object
        It will prompt the user to fill in an account / credential
        It will confirm the consent directly to the ApiConnection object
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.AzAccount -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError Unauthenticated | Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzAccount
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error of the type Unauthenticated
        Will pipe the objects to Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzAccount
        This will start the consent flow for the ApiConnection object
        It will prompt the user to fill in an account / credential
        It will confirm the consent directly to the ApiConnection object
        This is highly inspired by the previous work of other smart people:
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzAccount {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Id
    begin {
        $listParms = @{
            "parameters" = , @{
                "parameterName" = "token";
                "redirectUrl"   = "http://localhost"

    process {
        if (-not ($Id -match "/Microsoft.Web/connections/(.*)")) {
            $messageString = "The resource id supplied didn't match the expected structure. Please make sure the resource id is a <c='em'>Microsoft.Web/connections</c>."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the resource id did match." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You will be prompted to consent the ApiConnection object: <c='em'>$($Matches[1])</c>. You might need to supplied credentials that <c='em'>are different</c> from your personal account / credentials."

        # Get the links needed for consent
        $consentResponse = Invoke-AzResourceAction -Action "listConsentLinks" -ResourceId $Id -Parameters $listParms -Force

        # Show sign-in prompt window and grab the code after authentication
        $resUrl = Show-OAuthConsentWindow -URL $consentResponse.Value.Link

        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($resUrl)) {
            $messageString = "It seems that either the consent failed or you exited the consent flow before it completed. Please make sure to complete the consent flow all the way through for this to work."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because result from the consent flow was empty." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))

        $regex = '(code=)(.*)$'
        $code = ($resUrl | Select-string -pattern $regex).Matches[0].Groups[2].Value

        if ($code) {
            $confirmParms = @{ }
            $confirmParms.Add("code", $code)
            # NOTE: errors ignored as this appears to error due to a null response
            Invoke-AzResourceAction -Action "confirmConsentCode" -ResourceId $Id -Parameters $confirmParms -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

        Start the consent flow for an ApiConnection object
        Some of the ApiConnection objects needs an user account to consent / authenticate, before it works
        This cmdlet helps starting, running and completing the consent flow an ApiConnection object
        Uses the current connected az cli session to pull the details from the azure portal
        The (resource) id of the ApiConnection object that you want to work against, your current az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription/resource group or at least have permissions to work against the subscription/resource group, where the ApiConnection object is located
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzCli -Id "/subscriptions/b466443d-6eac-4513-a7f0-3579502929f00/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westeurope/managedApis/servicebus"
        This will start the consent flow for the ApiConnection object
        It will prompt the user to fill in an account / credential
        It will confirm the consent directly to the ApiConnection object
        PS C:\> Get-PsLaManagedApiConnection.AzCli -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -FilterError Unauthenticated | Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzCli
        This will fetch all ApiConnection objects from the "TestRg" Resource Group
        Filters the list to show only the ones with error of the type Unauthenticated
        Will pipe the objects to Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzCli
        This will start the consent flow for the ApiConnection object
        It will prompt the user to fill in an account / credential
        It will confirm the consent directly to the ApiConnection object
        This is highly inspired by the previous work of other smart people:
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-PsLaConsent.AzCli {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Id
    begin {
        #! Hack to make the json a single line / oneline
        $payloadList = $([PSCustomObject]@{
                "parameters" = , @{
                    "parameterName" = "token";
                    "redirectUrl"   = "http://localhost"
            } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10).Replace("`r`n", "").Replace('"', '\"')

    process {
        if (-not ($Id -match "/Microsoft.Web/connections/(.*)")) {
            $messageString = "The resource id supplied didn't match the expected structure. Please make sure the resource id is a <c='em'>Microsoft.Web/connections</c>."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the resource id did match." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You will be prompted to consent the ApiConnection object: <c='em'>$($Matches[1])</c>. You <c='em'>might</c> need to supplied credentials that <c='em'>are different</c> from your personal account / credentials."
        $uriList = "$Id/listConsentLinks?api-version=2018-07-01-preview"

        # Get the links needed for consent
        $consentResponse = az rest --method POST --url "$uriList" --body $payloadList --query "value | [0]"  | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

        # Show sign-in prompt window and grab the code after authentication
        $resUrl = Show-OAuthConsentWindow -URL $consentResponse.Link

        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($resUrl)) {
            $messageString = "It seems that either the consent failed or you exited the consent flow before it completed. Please make sure to <c='em'>complete</c> the consent flow all the way through for this to work."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because result from the consent flow was empty." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))

        $regex = '(code=)(.*)$'
        $code = ($resUrl | Select-string -pattern $regex).Matches[0].Groups[2].Value

        if ($code) {
            $payloadConfirm = $([PSCustomObject]@{code = $code } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10).Replace("`r`n", "").Replace('"', '\"')
            $uriConfirm = "$Id/confirmConsentCode?api-version=2018-07-01-preview"

            az rest --method POST --url "$uriConfirm" --body $payloadConfirm | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

            if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
                $messageString = "There was an error while posting the <c='em'>confirmConsentCode</c> on the ApiConnection object. Try again and make sure that you used a <c='em'>user account / credential</c>."
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the posting of the confirmConsentCode failed." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))

        Execute the extractor process of the LogicApp
        Execute all the tasks that have been defined in the runbook file, and get an ARM template as output
        Depending on the initial extractor task that you are using, your powershell / az cli session needs to be signed in
        Your runbook file can contain the tasks available from the module, but also your own custom tasks, that you want to have executed as part of the process
    .PARAMETER Runbook
        Path to the PSake valid runbook file that you want to have executed while exporting, sanitizing and converting a LogicApp into a deployable ARM template
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against, your current powershell / az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against, your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
        Name of the logic app, that you want to work against
        List of task that you want to have executed, based on the runbook file that you pass
        This allows you to only run a small subset of all the tasks that you have defined inside your runbook
        Helpful when troubleshooting and trying to identify the best execution order of all the tasks
    .PARAMETER WorkPath
        Path to were the tasks will persist their outputs
        Each task will save a file into a unique folder, containing the formatted output from its operation
        You could risk that secrets or credentials are being stored on your disk, if they in some way are stored as clear text inside the logic app
        The default valus is the current users TempPath, where it creates a "\PsLogicAppExtractor\GUID\" directory for each invoke
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the ARM template file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The file will be named as the Logic App is named
    .PARAMETER KeepFiles
        Instruct the cmdlet to keep all the files, across all tasks
        This enables troubleshooting and comparison of input vs output, per task, as each task has an input file and the result of the work persisted in the same directory
    .PARAMETER Tools
        Instruct the cmdlet which tool to use
        Options are:
        AzCli (azure cli)
        Az.Powershell (Az.Accounts+ PowerShell native modules)
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaExtractor -Runbook "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name TestLogicApp
        Invokes the different tasks inside the runbook file, to export the TestLogicApp as an ARM template
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaExtractor -Runbook "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name "TestLogicApp"
        Invokes the different tasks inside the runbook file, to export the TestLogicApp as an ARM template
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaExtractor -Runbook "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1"
        Invokes the different tasks inside the runbook file, to export the TestLogicApp as an ARM template
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        The runbook file needs to have populated the Properties object, with the minimum: ResourceGroup and SubscriptionId
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaExtractor -Runbook "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name TestLogicApp -WorkPath "C:\temp\work_directory"
        Invokes the different tasks inside the runbook file, to export the TestLogicApp as an ARM template
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        Will output all tasks files into the "C:\temp\work_directory" location
        PS C:\> Invoke-PsLaExtractor -Runbook "C:\temp\LogicApp.ExportOnly.psakefile.ps1" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name TestLogicApp -KeepFiles
        Invokes the different tasks inside the runbook file, to export the TestLogicApp as an ARM template
        The file needs to be a valid PSake runbook file
        All files that the different tasks has created, are keept, for the user to analyze them
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-PsLaExtractor {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "PreppedFile")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "PreppedFile")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Runbook,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "NameOnly")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Subscription")]
        [string] $Name,

        [string[]] $Task,

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $WorkPath = "$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())PsLogicAppExtractor\$([System.Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)",

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $OutputPath,

        [switch] $KeepFiles,

        [ValidateSet('AzCli', 'Az.Powershell')]
        [string] $Tools = 'Az.Powershell'

    if (-not ($WorkPath -like "*$([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())*")) {
        if ($WorkPath -NotMatch '(?im)[{(]?[0-9A-F]{8}[-]?(?:[0-9A-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9A-F]{12}[)}]?') {
            $WorkPath = "$WorkPath\$([System.Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)"

    #The task counter needs to be reset prior running
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter -Value 0

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value ""

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools -Value ""

    #Make sure the work path is created and available
    New-Item -Path $WorkPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null

    $parms = @{}
    $parms.buildFile = $Runbook
    $parms.nologo = $true

    if ($Task) {
        $parms.taskList = $Task
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.WorkPath -Value $WorkPath

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools -Value $Tools

    $props = @{}
    if ($SubscriptionId) { $props.SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId }
    if ($ResourceGroup) { $props.ResourceGroup = $ResourceGroup }
    if ($Name) {
        $props.Name = $Name
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value $Name

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "PreppedFile") {
        if ((Get-Content -Path $Runbook -raw) -match '\$Name\W*=\W*"(.*)"') {
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value $Matches[1]
    $res = Invoke-psake @parms -properties $props -ErrorVariable errorsFound
    if ($errorsFound) {
        throw $res

    $resPath = Get-ExtractOutput -Path $WorkPath

    if ($OutputPath) {
        $resPath = Copy-Item -Path $resPath -Destination "$OutputPath" -PassThru -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName


    if (-not $KeepFiles) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkPath -File -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -ne $resPath } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false -Recurse }
        Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkPath -Directory | Where-Object { $_.FullName -ne $(Split-Path -Path $resPath -Parent) } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false -Recurse }

        Create valid runbook file based on the task files in the directory
        Helps you build a valid runbook file, based on all the individual task files (ps1) that are located in the directory
        This makes it easy to get a starting point for a new runbook file, based on the tasks you have persisted as individual files
        Especially helpful for custom tasks that might be stored in a central repository
        The task files has to valid PSake tasks saved as ps1 files
        Path to the directory where there are valid PSake tasks saved as ps1 files
        The default value is set for the internal directory where all the generic tasks that are part of the module is located
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
        Name of the logic app, that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the logic app
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the runbook file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The runbook file will be named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
    .PARAMETER IncludePrefixSuffix
        Instruct the cmdlet to add the different prefix and suffix options, with the default values that comes with the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all the internal / generic tasks that are part of the module and implements a valid default path for the includes
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath -Path c:\temp\tasks
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all ps1 files located in c:\temp\tasks
        Great to use when you have lots of custom tasks in a directory / repository, and want a good runbook file as starting point
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all the internal / generic tasks that are part of the module and implements a valid default path for the includes
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup
        Useful if you have multiple logic apps in the same resource group and you want them extracted using the same runbook file
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name "TestLogicApp"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all the internal / generic tasks that are part of the module and implements a valid default path for the includes
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup and Name
        Useful if you want to have a ready to run runbook file, that makes it simple to run the command again and again
        Great for iterative work, where you make lots of small changes in the logic app and want to see how the changes affect your ARM template
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath -OutputPath c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all the internal / generic tasks that are part of the module and implements a valid default path for the includes
        Outputs the build to c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        The runbook file is default named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByPath -IncludePrefixSuffix
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Reads all the internal / generic tasks that are part of the module and implements a valid default path for the includes
        The Properties object inside the runbook file, will be pre-populated with the default prefix and suffix values from the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-PsLaRunbookByPath {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $Path = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Tasks),

        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [string] $Name,

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $OutputPath,

        [switch] $IncludePrefixSuffix

    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*.ps1"

    $res = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

    $res.AddRange($(Get-BuildHeader -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -IncludePrefixSuffix:$IncludePrefixSuffix))
    if ($Path -ne $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Tasks)) {
        $res.Add("# Path to where the custom task files are located")
        $res.Add("`$pathTasksCustom = `"$Path`"")
    $res.Add("# Array to hold all tasks for the default task")
    $res.Add("`$listTasks = @()")


    $includes = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    $list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

    $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
            "tasks"   = @{}
            "aliases" = @{}

    foreach ($item in $files) {

        $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
                "tasks"   = @{}
                "aliases" = @{}
        . $item.FullName

        foreach ($task in $psake.context.tasks) {
            foreach ($value in $task.Values) {
                $list.Add("`$listTasks += `"$($value.Name)`"")

    $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack

    #TODO! Make sure that we actually need this - other places it was enough with the $psake.context = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
    # $psake.context.push(
    # @{
    # "buildSetupScriptBlock" = {}
    # "buildTearDownScriptBlock" = {}
    # "taskSetupScriptBlock" = {}
    # "taskTearDownScriptBlock" = {}
    # "executedTasks" = new-object System.Collections.Stack
    # "callStack" = new-object System.Collections.Stack
    # "originalEnvPath" = $env:PATH
    # "originalDirectory" = get-location
    # "originalErrorActionPreference" = $global:ErrorActionPreference
    # "tasks" = @{}
    # "aliases" = @{}
    # "properties" = new-object System.Collections.Stack
    # "includes" = new-object System.Collections.Queue
    # }
    # )
    $res.Add("# All tasks that needs to be include based on their path")
    $res.Add("# Building the list of tasks for the default task")
    $res.Add("# Default tasks, the via the dependencies will run all tasks")
    $res.Add("Task -Name `"default`" -Depends `$listTasks")
    if ($OutputPath) {
        New-Item -Path $OutputPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null

        $path = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1"

        $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($path, $($res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"), $encoding)

        Get-Item -Path $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    else {
        $res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"

        Create valid runbook file based on the task passed as inputs
        Helps you build a valid runbook file, based on all the individual tasks that are passed as inputs
        This makes it easy to get a starting point for a new runbook file, based on the tasks you have build in your array and then passes into the cmdlet
        Tasks are expected to be the ones that are part of the module
        Names of the tasks that you want to be part of your runbook file
        Supports array of task names
        Names of the different tasks are expected to be the ones that are part of the module
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session either needs to be "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
        Name of the logic app, that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the logic app
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the runbook file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The runbook file will be named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
    .PARAMETER IncludePrefixSuffix
        Instruct the cmdlet to add the different prefix and suffix options, with the default values that comes with the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup
        Useful if you have multiple logic apps in the same resource group and you want them extracted using the same runbook file
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name "TestLogicApp"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup and Name
        Useful if you want to have a ready to run runbook file, that makes it simple to run the command again and again
        Great for iterative work, where you make lots of small changes in the logic app and want to see how the changes affect your ARM template
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -OutputPath c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Outputs the build to c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        The runbook file is default named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -IncludePrefixSuffix
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        The Properties object inside the runbook file, will be pre-populated with the default prefix and suffix values from the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-PsLaRunbookByTask {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $Task,
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [string] $Name,

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $OutputPath,

        [switch] $IncludePrefixSuffix
    $res = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

    $res.AddRange($(Get-BuildHeader -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -IncludePrefixSuffix:$IncludePrefixSuffix))

    $res.Add("# Array to hold all tasks for the default task")
    $res.Add('$listTasks = @()')


    $list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    foreach ($item in $Task) {
        $list.Add("`$listTasks += `"$item`"")

    $res.Add("# Default tasks, the via the dependencies will run all tasks")
    $res.Add('Task -Name "default" -Depends $listTasks')
    if ($OutputPath) {
        New-Item -Path $OutputPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null

        $path = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1"

        $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($path, $($res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"), $encoding)

        Get-Item -Path $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    else {
        $res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"

        Output the tasks result to a file
        Persists the tasks output into a file, either the raw content or the object
        Sets the $Script:FilePath = $Path, to ensure the next tasks can pick up the file and continue its work
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        Path to where the tasks wants the ouput to be persisted
    .PARAMETER Content
        Raw string that should be written to the desired path
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object that should be written to the desired path
        Will be converted to a json string, usign the ConvertTo-Json
        Important note: If you need the InputObject to be written with a specific structure, the object has to be of the expected type before being passed into the cmdlet
        A simple cast can ensure this to work as intended
        PS C:\> Out-TaskFile -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\1_Export-LogicApp.AzCli" -InputObject $([ArmTemplate]$armObj)
        Outputs the armObj variable to the path: "C:\temp\work_directory\1_Export-LogicApp.AzCli"
        The armObj is casted to the [ArmTemplate] type, to ensure it is persisted as the expected json structure
        PS C:\> Out-TaskFile -Path "C:\temp\work_directory\1_Export-LogicApp.AzCli" -Content '{"Test":"Test"}'
        Outputs the content string: '{"Test":"Test"}' to the path: "C:\temp\work_directory\1_Export-LogicApp.AzCli"
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Out-TaskFile {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "InputObject")]
    param (
        [string] $Path = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Content")]
        [string] $Content,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "InputObject")]
        [object] $InputObject
    if ($InputObject) {
        $Content = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

    $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($Path, $Content, $encoding)
    if ($(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext)) {
        $taskPath = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath
        Copy-Item -Path $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext) -Destination "$taskPath\Input.json"

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext -Value $Path

        Output the tasks result to a file, as an ARM template
        Persists the tasks output into a file, as an ARM template
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object that should be written to the desired path
        Will be converted to a json string, usign the ConvertTo-Json
        PS C:\> Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj
        Outputs the armObj variable
        The armObj is casted to the [ArmTemplate] type, to ensure it is persisted as the expected json structure
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Out-TaskFileArm {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject

    Out-TaskFile -InputObject $([ArmTemplate]$InputObject)

        Output the tasks result to a file, as a LogicApp json structure
        Persists the tasks output into a file, as a LogicApp json structure
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object that should be written to the desired path
        Will be converted to a json string, usign the ConvertTo-Json
        PS C:\> Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj
        Outputs the armObj variable
        The armObj is casted to the [ArmTemplate] type, to ensure it is persisted as the expected json structure
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Out-TaskFileLogicApp {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject

    Out-TaskFile -InputObject $([LogicApp]$InputObject)

        Remove parameter from the ARM template
        Removes an ARM template parameter by the name provided
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [ArmTemplate] for it to work properly
        Name of the parameter that you want to work against
        If the parameter exists, it will be removed from the InputObject
        PS C:\> Remove-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName"
        Removes the logicAppName ARM template parameter
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Remove-ArmParameter {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name

    if ($InputObject.parameters.$Name) {


        Remove variable from the ARM template
        Removes an ARM template variable by the name provided
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The ARM object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [ArmTemplate] for it to work properly
        Name of the variable that you want to work against
        If the variable exists, it will be removed from the InputObject
        PS C:\> Remove-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName"
        Removes the logicAppName ARM template variable
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Remove-ArmVariable {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name

    if ($InputObject.variables.$Name) {


        Remove parm (parameter) from the LogicApp
        Removes an LogicApp parm (parameter) by the name provided
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The LogicApp object that you want to work against
        It has to be a object of the type [LogicApp] for it to work properly
        Name of the parm (parameter) that you want to work against
        If the parm (parameter) exists, it will be removed from the InputObject
        PS C:\> Remove-LogicAppParm -InputObject $armObj -Name "TriggerQueue"
        Removes the TriggerQueue LogicApp parm (parameter)
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Remove-LogicAppParm {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [object] $InputObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name
    if ($$Name) {


        Set the current working directory
        Sets the current tasks working directory, based on the current PsLaWorkPath and the execution number that task is in the overall execution
        Outputs the path that has been constructed
        Notes: It is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.
        Path to the current working directory
        The value passed in should always be the $PsLaWorkPath, to ensure that things are working
    .PARAMETER FileName
        The of the file that you want to be configured for the task
        Is normally equal to the name of the Logic App
        PS C:\> Set-TaskWorkDirectory
        Creates a new sub directory under the $PsLaWorkPath location
        The sub directory is named "$taskCounter`_$TaskName"
        The output will be: "$Path\$taskCounter`_$TaskName"
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This is considered as an internal function, and should not be used directly.

function Set-TaskWorkDirectory {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [string] $Path = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.WorkPath),
        [string] $FileName = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name).json"
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter -Value $($(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter) + 1)
    $taskCounter = $(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter)
    $taskName = $($psake.context.Peek().CurrentTaskName)
    $newPath = "$Path\$taskCounter`_$TaskName"
    New-Item -Path $newPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath -Value $newPath
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile -Value "$newPath\$FileName"

        Split an ARM template into multiple files, based on the resource type
        You might have a large ARM template, consisting of multiple resource types. This script will create single ARM templates for the specified resource type, and will copy the parameters from the original template
        Path to the ARM template that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the ARM template file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The file will be named as the original ARM template file
    .PARAMETER TypeFilter
        Instruct the cmdlet to only process the specified resource type
        The default value is 'Microsoft.Web/connections'
        PS C:\> Split-ArmTemplate -Path 'C:\temp\template.json' -OutputPath 'C:\temp\output'
        This will create a new ARM template file for each resource of the type 'Microsoft.Web/connections' in the original ARM template file.
        The new ARM template files will be persisted in the 'C:\temp\output' directory.
        PS C:\> Split-ArmTemplate -Path 'C:\temp\template.json'
        This will create a new ARM template file for each resource of the type 'Microsoft.Web/connections' in the original ARM template file.
        The new ARM template files will be persisted in the same directory as the original ARM template file.
        PS C:\> Split-ArmTemplate -Path 'C:\temp\template.json' -TypeFilter 'Microsoft.Web/sites'
        This will create a new ARM template file for each resource of the type 'Microsoft.Web/sites' in the original ARM template file.
        The new ARM template files will be persisted in the same directory as the original ARM template file.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Split-PsLaArmTemplate {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Path,

        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder')]
        [string] $OutputPath,

        [string] $TypeFilter = 'Microsoft.Web/connections'

    if (-not $OutputPath) {
        $OutputPath = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent

    # #Make sure the output path is created and available
    New-Item -Path $OutputPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null

    #The task counter needs to be reset prior running
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter -Value 0

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath -Value ""
    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value ""
    $InputObject = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Path

    # We only want to process the resources that are of the type we are looking for
    $colFiltered = $InputObject.resources | Where-Object { $_.type -eq $TypeFilter }

    $baseName = Split-Path -Path $Path -LeafBase
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $colFiltered.Count; $i++) {
        $Destination = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "$baseName`__$(($i+1).ToString().PadLeft(3, "0")).json"
        $obj = $colFiltered[$i]

        # Loading the original ARM template file, but to be used for the local resource
        $tempArm = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Path

        # The resources is overwritten with the resource we are currently processing
        $tempArm.resources = @($obj)

        # We need to do some string manipulation to get the names of the parameters
        $jsonStr = $obj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        # We need to match all parameters that are used in the resource
        $parmsToKeep = @(($jsonStr | Select-String  "parameters\('(.*?)'\)" -AllMatches).Matches.Groups | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.Groups } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value -Unique)

        # We need to remove all parameters that are not used in the resource
        $tempArm.Parameters.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object { $parmsToKeep -notcontains $_.Name } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach-Object {
            $tempArm = Remove-ArmParameter -InputObject $tempArm -Name $_

        Out-TaskFile -Path $Destination -InputObject $tempArm

        Update parameter file from another file.
        Update parameter file values from another file.
        The source file can be an ARM template file or a parameter file.
    .PARAMETER Source
        The path to the source file to be used as the changes you want to apply.
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The path to the destination parameter file to be updated.
    .PARAMETER KeepDestinationParameters
        If you want to keep the parameters in the destination file that are not in the source file, set this switch.
    .PARAMETER KeepValues
        If you want to keep the values of the parameters in the destination file, set this switch.
        Useful when you want to align parameters across "environments", but don't want to change the values of the parameters.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeSourceParameters
        If you want to exclude parameters from the source file from the update, set this switch.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmParameterFile -Source C:\Temp\Source.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json
        This will update the parameter file C:\Temp\Destination.json with the values from the parameter file C:\Temp\Source.json.
        It will only update the parameter values that are present in the destination file.
        This example illustrates how to update a parameter file from an ARM template file.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmParameterFile -Source C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json
        This will update the parameter file C:\Temp\Destination.json with the values from the parameter file C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json.
        It will only update the parameter values that are present in the destination file.
        This example illustrates how to update a parameter file from a parameter file.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmParameterFile -Source C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json -KeepUnusedParameters
        This will update the parameter file C:\Temp\Destination.json with the values from the parameter file C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json.
        It will only update the parameter values that are present in the destination file.
        It will keep the parameters in the destination file that are not in the source file.
        This example illustrates how to update a parameter file from a parameter file.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmParameterFile -Source C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json KeepValues
        This will update the parameter file C:\Temp\Destination.json with the values from the parameter file C:\Temp\Source.parameters.json.
        It will only update the parameter values that are present in the destination file.
        It will keep the values of the parameters in the destination file.
        This example illustrates how to update a parameter file from a parameter file.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-PsLaArmParameterFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Source,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Destination,

        [switch] $KeepDestinationParameters,

        [switch] $KeepValues,

        [string[]] $ExcludeSourceParameters

    process {
        #The task counter needs to be reset prior running
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter -Value 0

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value ""
        $armObjSource = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Source
        $armObjDestination = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Destination

        foreach ($item in $armObjDestination.parameters.PsObject.Properties) {
            $valueObj = [ordered]@{}
            if (-not ($armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)") -and (-not $KeepDestinationParameters)) {
                # Should we use the Remove-ArmParameter function here?

            if ($KeepValues) {

            if ($armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".DefaultValue) {
                $valueObj.value = $armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".DefaultValue
            else {
                $valueObj.value = $armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".Value

            $armObjDestination.parameters."$($item.Name)" = $valueObj

        foreach ($item in $armObjSource.parameters.PsObject.Properties) {
            $valueObj = [ordered]@{}

            if($item.Name -in $ExcludeSourceParameters) {

            if (-not ($armObjDestination.parameters."$($item.Name)")) {
                if ($armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".DefaultValue) {
                    $valueObj.value = $armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".DefaultValue
                else {
                    $valueObj.value = $armObjSource.parameters."$($item.Name)".Value
                # Should we use the Add-ArmParameter function here?
                $armObjDestination.parameters | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$($item.Name)" -Value $valueObj

        Out-TaskFile -Path $Destination -InputObject $armObjDestination

        Update ARM template from another ARM template.
        Update an ARM template, with the content of another ARM template.
        You can update the entire ARM template, or just a part of it.
        Supports the following options:
        * Full
        * SkipResources
        * SkipParameters
    .PARAMETER Source
        The path to the source ARM template to be used as the changes you want to apply.
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The path to the destination ARM template to be updated.
    .PARAMETER SkipParameters
        If true, then the parameters will not be updated.
    .PARAMETER SkipResources
        If true, then the resources will not be updated.
    .PARAMETER RemoveSource
        If true, then the source ARM template will be removed after it has been used.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmTemplate -Source C:\Temp\Source.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json
        This will update the ARM template in C:\Temp\Destination.json from the ARM template in C:\Temp\Source.json.
        It will overwrite the entire ARM template, but will not remove the source ARM template.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmTemplate -Source C:\Temp\Source.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json -SkipParameters
        This will update the ARM template in C:\Temp\Destination.json from the ARM template in C:\Temp\Source.json.
        It will overwrite the entire ARM template, but leave the parameters alone.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmTemplate -Source C:\Temp\Source.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json -SkipResources
        This will update the ARM template in C:\Temp\Destination.json from the ARM template in C:\Temp\Source.json.
        It will overwrite the entire ARM template, but leave the resources alone.
        PS C:\> Update-PsLaArmTemplate -Source C:\Temp\Source.json -Destination C:\Temp\Destination.json -RemoveSource
        This will update the ARM template in C:\Temp\Destination.json from the ARM template in C:\Temp\Source.json.
        It will overwrite the entire ARM template, and remove the source ARM template.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-PsLaArmTemplate {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Source,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]
        [string] $Destination,

        [switch] $SkipParameters,

        [switch] $SkipResources,

        [switch] $RemoveSource

    process {
        #The task counter needs to be reset prior running
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskCounter -Value 0

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskInputNext -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskOutputFile -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.TaskPath -Value ""
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Name -Value ""
        $armObjSource = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Source
        $armObjDestination = Get-TaskWorkObject -Path $Destination

        if (-not $SkipParameters) {
            $armObjDestination.parameters = $armObjSource.parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10

        if (-not $SkipResources) {
            $armObjDestination.resources = @($armObjSource.resources | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100)

        Out-TaskFile -Path $Destination -InputObject $([ArmTemplate]$armObjDestination)

        if ($RemoveSource) {
            Remove-Item -Path $Source -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

This is an example configuration file
By default, it is enough to have a single one of them,
however if you have enough configuration settings to justify having multiple copies of it,
feel totally free to split them into multiple files.

# Example Configuration
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'Example.Setting' -Value 10 -Initialize -Validation 'integer' -Handler { } -Description "Example configuration setting. Your module can then use the setting using 'Get-PSFConfigValue'"

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'Import.DoDotSource' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation 'bool' -Description "Whether the module files should be dotsourced on import. By default, the files of this module are read as string value and invoked, which is faster but worse on debugging."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'Import.IndividualFiles' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation 'bool' -Description "Whether the module files should be imported individually. During the module build, all module code is compiled into few files, which are imported instead by default. Loading the compiled versions is faster, using the individual files is easier for debugging and testing out adjustments."

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'ModulePath.Base' -Value $script:ModuleRoot -Initialize -Description "The base path for the module, used for the internal functions to be able to provide the full path for internal objects."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'ModulePath.Tasks' -Value "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\tasks" -Initialize -Description "The full path for all generic tasks that are part of the module."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'ModulePath.Classes' -Value "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\classes" -Initialize -Description "The full path for all the generic classes that are part of the module."

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.prefix' -Value "tag_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.tag.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for Tag objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string"

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.parm.prefix' -Value "parm_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for parm (parameter) objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.parm.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for parm (parameter) objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string."

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.connection.prefix' -Value "connection_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for connection objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.connection.suffix' -Value "_id" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for connection objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.trigger.prefix' -Value "trigger_" -Initialize -Description "The default prefix for trigger objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet."
Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'prefixsuffix.trigger.suffix' -Value "" -Initialize -Description "The default suffix for trigger objects, used as a fallback value for the Format-Name cmdlet. Be default an empty string."

Set-PSFConfig -Module 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Name 'ModulePath.Queries' -Value "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\queries" -Initialize -Description "The full path for all queries used in different cmdlets / functions."

Stored scriptblocks are available in [PsfValidateScript()] attributes.
This makes it easier to centrally provide the same scriptblock multiple times,
without having to maintain it in separate locations.
It also prevents lengthy validation scriptblocks from making your parameter block
hard to read.
Set-PSFScriptblock -Name 'PsLogicAppExtractor.ScriptBlockName' -Scriptblock {

# Example:
Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name "PsLogicAppExtractor.alcohol" -ScriptBlock { 'Beer','Mead','Whiskey','Wine','Vodka','Rum (3y)', 'Rum (5y)', 'Rum (7y)' }

# Example:
Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command Get-Alcohol -Parameter Type -Name PsLogicAppExtractor.alcohol

New-PSFLicense -Product 'PsLogicAppExtractor' -Manufacturer 'Motz' -ProductVersion $script:ModuleVersion -ProductType Module -Name MIT -Version "" -Date (Get-Date "2022-04-04") -Text @"
Copyright (c) 2022 Motz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#endregion Load compiled code