
Function Remove-LANDeskScheduledTask 
            The Remove-LANDeskScheduledTask function removes the specified LANDesk task.
            The Remove-LANDeskScheduledTask function removes the specified LANDesk task. Requires the ID number of the task to check which can be found by right-clicking task, selecting info, and copying
            the number in the ID field. Alternatively, it can be obtained using Get-LANDeskTaskList function.
            The ID of the task to check the status on.
            Remove-LANDeskScheduledTask -ID 877
            Returns the status of the LANDesk Task with an ID of 877.
            Get-LANDeskTaskList | Where {$_.TaskName -like "*Adobe*"} | Remove-LANDeskScheduledTask
            Returns the status of all Landesk tasks with Adobe in their name. Get-LANDeskTaskList creates a list of all of the scheduled tasks on the LANDesk webserver.
            $oldServer = "LDCONT"
            Get-LANDeskDistributionPackage | {$_.PackagePrimaryFile -like "*$oldServer*"}} | Select PackageName

            Write-Warning -Message "An active connection to the LANDesk Web Service was not found. Please run Connect-LANDeskServer before any other functions."