
Function Get-LANDeskComputer
            The Get-LANDeskComputer function creates the gloabl variable $LANDeskComputers if it doesn't yet exist. This is all of the computers returned by the ListMachines
            method of the LANDesk Web Service object. The function then return output based on whether the Filter or Identity parameter is used.
            The Get-LANDeskComputer function creates the gloabl variable $LANDeskComputers if it doesn't yet exist. This is all of the computers returned by the ListMachines
            method of the LANDesk Web Service object. The function then return output based on whether the Filter or Identity parameter is used. Uses Where-Object filtering
            on the global LANDeskComputers variable. This function retrieves the GUID of each computer which is used in other functions in the LANDesk module.
        .PARAMETER Filter
            Specifies a query string that retrieves LANDesk computer objects. This string uses the PowerShell Expression
            Language syntax. The PowerShell Expression Language syntax provides rich type-conversion support for value types
            received by the Filter parameter. The syntax uses an in-order representation, which means that the operator is
            placed between the operand and the value.
            The following examples show use to use this syntax with this function.
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter *
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects. Ignore this example, still working on getting it to perform correctly.
            Instead just run Get-LANDeskComputer with no paramters to retrieve the same results.
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.ComputerName -like "*"}
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects.
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.ComputerName -like "Pre-*"}
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects that have a computername beginning with Pre-
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.IPAddress -like "192.168.028*"}
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects that have an IPAddress beginning with 192.168.028 (The 0 is necessary due to how LANDesk stores the IPAddress information.)
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.SubNetMask -eq ""}
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects that have a SubnetMask equal to
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.LastLogin -eq "ADMINISTRATOR"}
            Returns all LANDeskComputer obejcts where the LastLogin value is equal to ADMINISTRATOR
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter '$_.OSName -notlike "Microsoft Windows 7*"'
            Returns all LANDeskComputer objects where the Operating System is not Windows 7
            Returns all of the computers returned by the ListMachines method of the LANdesk WebService object.
            Get-LANDeskComputer -Identity "$env:computername"
            Returns the landesk information for the computer running the function.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='Filter')]
            Write-Warning -Message "An active connection to the LANDesk Web Service was not found. Please run Connect-LANDeskServer before any other functions."
             $global:LANDeskComputers = $LANDeskWebService.ListMachines("").Devices | Select-Object -Property GUID, @{name="ComputerName";expression={$_.DeviceName}}, DomainName, LastLogin, IPAddress, SubnetMask, MACAddress, OSName
        If($Filter -and (!($Identity)))
            $LANDeskComputers | Where-Object $Filter                        
            $LANDeskComputers | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -eq $Identity -or $_.IPAddress -eq $Identity -or $_.MACAddress -eq $Identity -or $_.GUID -eq $Identity}