function Submit-PullRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Submits a pull request to Visual Studio Online .DESCRIPTION Calling Submit-PullRequest will create a pull request between the configured branches in your Visual Studio Online project. If succesfull will launch the pull request in a browser. .PARAMETER Title The title of the pull request. .PARAMETER Description The description of the pull request. .PARAMETER SourceBranch The branch you want to merge from. Can be inherited from a config file. .PARAMETER TargetBranch The branch you want to merge to. Can be inherited from a config file. .PARAMETER Reviewers The list of people to add to the PR. This should be their display name or email address. .PARAMETER Repository The repository name to use. Can be inherited from a config file. .PARAMETER Account The acount name to use. Can be inherited from a config file. If your AzureDevOps url is then this value should be hello. .PARAMETER Project The project name to use. Can be inherited from a config file. .Example Submit-PullRequest -Title "This is good" -Reviewers "Matthew Manela", "" -Repository someRepo -SourceBranch someBranch -TargetBranch master -Account myAccount -Project myProject .LINK about_PsAzureDevOps #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$SourceBranch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$TargetBranch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$Reviewers, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Repository, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Account, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Project ) refreshCachedConfig $accountName = getFromValueOrConfig $Account $script:config_accountKey $projectName = getFromValueOrConfig $Project $script:config_projectKey $repoName = getFromValueOrConfig $Repository $script:config_repoKey $sourceBranchName = getFromValueOrConfig $SourceBranch $script:config_sourceBranch $targetBranchName = getFromValueOrConfig $TargetBranch $script:config_targetBranch $reviewerIds = @() if($Reviewers) { $reviewerIds = $Reviewers | ForEach-Object { getIdentityId $accountName $_ } | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } } $refPrefix = "refs/heads/" if(-not $sourceBranchName.ToLower().StartsWith("$refPrefix")) { $sourceBranchName = $refPrefix + $sourceBranchName } if(-not $targetBranchName.ToLower().StartsWith("$refPrefix")) { $targetBranchName = $refPrefix + $targetBranchName } $payload = @{ "sourceRefName" = $sourceBranchName "targetRefName" = $targetBranchName "title"= $Title "description" = $Description "reviewers" = @($reviewerIds | ForEach-Object { @{ "id" = $_ } }) } $repoId = getRepoId $accountName $projectName $repoName $url = [System.String]::Format($script:pullRequestUrl, $accountName, $repoId) $prResults = postUrl $url $payload if($prResults) { $webUrl = [System.String]::Format($script:openPullRequestUrl, $accountName, $projectName, $repoName, $prResults.pullRequestId) Write-Host "Pull request created at $webUrl" Start-Process $webUrl } } |