if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -notin (5,7)) { throw "This module only supports PowerShell 5 and 7, but this is $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)." } if (5 -eq $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { throw "will get to 5 later" } [string] $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $isCustomBuild = '7.2.0-nohwnd' -eq $psVersion if ($isCustomBuild) { Write-Host "We are in custom PowerShell 7 build. Running in process." } else { Write-Host "We are in standard PowerShell 7. The script will run in a new process, using the current user profile." } if (-not $isCustomBuild) { throw "Can't run in new process yet. Start '$PSScriptRoot/pwsh7-nohwnd/pwsh.exe'." } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Get-Module PSProfiler2 | Remove-Module # PSProfiler PR from Ilya - https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/13673 # will be in some 7.1.x, version hopefully, but only from that forward Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/PSProfiler2.psm1 #$traceCore = Measure-Script { & "$psscriptroot/scripts/hello.ps1"} #Write-Host $traceCore[0].GetType() $traceCore = Measure-Script { & "C:\p\pester\test.ps1" -skipp } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "Got $($traceCore.Count) trace events. Normalizing." Import-Module C:\p\profiler\src\csharp\Profiler\bin\Debug\net452\Profiler.dll $index = 0 $trace = $(foreach ($t in $traceCore) { $r = [Profiler.ProfileEventRecord]::new() $e = [Profiler.ScriptExtentEventData]::new() $e.File = $t.Extent.File $e.StartLineNumber = $t.Extent.StartLineNumber $e.StartColumnNumber = $t.Extent.StartColumnNumber $e.EndLineNumber = $t.Extent.EndLineNumber $e.EndColumnNumber = $t.Extent.EndColumnNumber $e.Text = $t.Extent.Text $e.StartOffset = $t.Extent.StartOffset $e.EndOffset = $t.Extent.EndOffset $r.Extent = $e $r.StartTime = $t.StartTime $r.SelfDuration = $t.SelfDuration $r.Index = $index $r $index++ }) $traceCore = $null if (-not $trace) { throw "Trace is null something is wrong." } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "Trace is done. Processing it via Get-Profile" $profiles = Get-Profile -Trace $trace # -Path $hello Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "Get-Profile is done." # but how do we know what is slow? Well it's simple: $profiles.Top10 | Format-Table -Property Percent, HitCount, SelfDuration, Average, Name, Line, Text # exit break $profiles.Files | Select-Object -Property Path # hello.ps1 $profiles.Files[2].Profile | Format-Table -Property Line, SelfDuration, HitCount, Text break # but how do we know what is slow? Well it's simple: $profiles.Top10 | Format-Table -Property Percent, HitCount, SelfDuration, Average, Line, Text, CommandHits |