<# .Synopsis Start the given program as administrator (elevated) If the current process is elevated, just executes the command (using "start-process") .Parameter argumentlist Argument list for the started program .Parameter proc The program to start (default=powershell) .Parameter wait Wait for the elevated command to finish before continuing (default=true) #> function Invoke-AsAdmin($ArgumentList, $proc = "powershell", [switch][bool] $Wait = $true, [switch][bool] $NoExit = $false) { if (!(test-IsAdmin)) { if ($NoExit) { $argumentList = @("-NoExit") + @($argumentList) } Start-Process $proc -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -wait:$Wait } else { # this is a workaround for doublequote problem if ($false -and ($proc -eq "powershell") -and ($ArgumentList.Length -eq 2) -and ($ArgumentList[0] -eq "-Command")) { $tmppath = "$env:TEMP\tmp.ps1" $argumentList[1] | Out-File $tmppath -Encoding utf8 -Force & $proc $tmppath | out-default } else { & $proc $ArgumentList | out-default } } } function Invoke-AsUser( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$user, $proc = "powershell", [switch][bool] $Wait = $true, [switch][bool] $NoExit = $false ) { if ($NoExit) { $argumentList = @("-NoExit") + @($argumentList) } $cred = $null if (get-module -ListAvailable "cache") { ipmo cache $cred = Get-CredentialsCached $user } else { $cred = get-credential -UserName $user } Start-Process $proc -wait:$Wait -Credential:$cred } |