
function Get-GithubOAuthToken {
    Obtain OAuth token from
    This function enables obtaining an OAuth token from
    Github provides multiple ways to obtain authentication tokens. This function implements the "device flow" method of authorizing an OAuth app.
    Before using this function, you must:
      1. Create an OAuth app on
      2. Record app "Client ID" (passed as -ClientID)
      3. Opt-in to "Device Authorization Flow" beta feature via the "Enable Device Flow" checkbox on the OAuth app settings page
    This function will attempt to open a browser and will require the user to login to his/her Github account to authorize access.
    The one-time device code will be copied to the clipboard for ease of use.
    $Token = Get-GithubOAuthToken -ClientId $ClientId -Scope 'notifications'
    $Uri = ''
    $Request = BasicAuth $Uri -Token $Token
    For basic authentication scenarios, please use Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)]
        [String] $ClientId,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [String[]] $Scope
    $ValidScopes = 'repo', 'repo:status', 'repo_deployment', 'public_repo', 'repo:invite', 'security_events', 'admin:repo_hook', 'write:repo_hook', 'read:repo_hook', 'admin:org', 'write:org', 'read:org', 'admin:public_key', 'write:public_key', 'read:public_key', 'admin:org_hook', 'gist', 'notifications', 'user', 'read:user', 'user:email', 'user:follow', 'delete_repo', 'write:discussion', 'read:discussion', 'write:packages', 'read:packages', 'delete:packages', 'admin:gpg_key', 'write:gpg_key', 'read:gpg_key', 'workflow'
    $IsValidScope = $Scope | Invoke-Reduce {
        Param($Acc, $Item)
        $Acc -and ($Item -in $ValidScopes)
    if ($IsValidScope) {
        $DeviceRequestParameters = @{
            Post = $True
            Uri = ''
            Query = @{
                client_id = $ClientId
                scope = $Scope -join '%20'
        $DeviceData = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth @DeviceRequestParameters |
            ForEach-Object -MemberName 'Content' |
            ConvertFrom-ByteArray |
        $DeviceData | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose
        $TokenRequestParameters = @{
            Post = $True
            Uri = ''
            Query = @{
                client_id = $ClientId
                device_code = $DeviceData['device_code']
                grant_type = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code'
        $DeviceData['user_code'] | Write-Title -Green -PassThru | Set-Clipboard
        Start-Process $DeviceData['verification_uri']
        $Success = $False
        while (-not $Success) {
            Start-Sleep $DeviceData.interval
            $TokenData = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth @TokenRequestParameters |
                ForEach-Object -MemberName 'Content' |
                ConvertFrom-ByteArray |
            $Success = $TokenData['token_type'] -eq 'bearer'
        $TokenData | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose
    } else {
        "One or more scope values are invalid (Scopes: $(Join-StringsWithGrammar $Scope))" | Write-Error