# vRealize Network Insight PowerShell module # Martijn Smit (@smitmartijn) # msmit@vmware.com # Version 1.2 # Keep a list handy of all data source types and the different URIs that is supposed to be called for that datasource $Script:DatasourceURLs = @{} $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("vcenter", @("/data-sources/vcenters")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("nsxv", @("/data-sources/nsxv-managers")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("nsxt", @("/data-sources/nsxt-managers")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("ciscoswitch", @("/data-sources/cisco-switches")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("aristaswitch", @("/data-sources/arista-switches")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("dellswitch", @("/data-sources/dell-switches")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("brocadeswitch", @("/data-sources/brocade-switches")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("juniperswitch", @("/data-sources/juniper-switches")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("ciscoucs", @("/data-sources/ucs-managers")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("hponeview", @("/data-sources/hpov-managers")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("hpvcmanager", @("/data-sources/hpvc-managers")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("checkpointfirewall", @("/data-sources/checkpoint-firewalls")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("panfirewall", @("/data-sources/panorama-firewalls")) $Script:DatasourceURLs.Add("all", @("/data-sources/vcenters", "/data-sources/nsxv-managers", "/data-sources/cisco-switches", "/data-sources/arista-switches", "/data-sources/dell-switches", "/data-sources/brocade-switches", "/data-sources/juniper-switches", "/data-sources/ucs-managers", "/data-sources/hpov-managers", "/data-sources/hpvc-managers", "/data-sources/checkpoint-firewalls", "/data-sources/panorama-firewalls")) # Keep another list handy which translates the internal vRNI Names for datasources to their relative URLs $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs = @{} $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("VCenterDataSource", "/data-sources/vcenters") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("NSXVManagerDataSource", "/data-sources/nsxv-managers") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("NSXTManagerDataSource", "/data-sources/nsxt-managers") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("CiscoSwitchDataSource", "/data-sources/cisco-switches") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("AristaSwitchDataSource", "/data-sources/arista-switches") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("DellSwitchDataSource", "/data-sources/dell-switches") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("BrocadeSwitchDataSource", "/data-sources/brocade-switches") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("JuniperSwitchDataSource", "/data-sources/juniper-switches") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("UCSManagerDataSource", "/data-sources/ucs-managers") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("HPOneViewManagerDataSource", "/data-sources/hpov-managers") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("HPVCManagerDataSource", "/data-sources/hpvc-managers") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("CheckpointFirewallDataSource", "/data-sources/checkpoint-firewalls") $Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.Add("PanFirewallDataSource", "/data-sources/panorama-firewalls") # This list will be used in Get-vRNIEntity to map entity URLs to their IDs so we can use those IDs in /entities/fetch $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping = @{} $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("problems", "ProblemEvent") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("vms", "VirtualMachine") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("vnics", "Vnic") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("hosts", "Host") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("clusters", "Cluster") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("vc-datacenters", "VCDatacenter") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("datastores", "Datastore") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("vmknics", "Vmknic") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("layer2-networks", "VxlanLayer2Network") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("ip-sets", "NSXIPSet") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("flows", "Flow") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("security-groups", "NSXSecurityGroup") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("security-tags", "SecurityTag") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("firewall-rules", "NSXFirewallRule") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("firewalls", "NSXDistributedFirewall") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("services", "NSXService") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("service-groups", "NSXServiceGroup") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("vcenter-managers", "VCenterManager") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("nsx-managers", "NSXVManager") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("distributed-virtual-switches", "DistributedVirtualSwitch") $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.Add("distributed-virtual-portgroups", "DistributedVirtualPortgroup") # Thanks to PowerNSX (http://github.com/vmware/powernsx) for providing some of the base functions & # principles on which this module is built on. # Run at module load time to determine a few things about the platform this module is running on. # TODO: use a psd1 to mask this function to the outside world function _PvRNI_init { # $PSVersionTable.PSEdition property does not exist pre v5. We need to do a few things in # exported functions to workaround some limitations of core edition, so we export # the global PNSXPSTarget var to reference if required. if(($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) -or (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) -And ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -ge 1))) { $script:PvRNI_PlatformType = $PSVersionTable.PSEdition } else { $script:PvRNI_PlatformType = "Desktop" } # Define class required for certificate validation override. Version dependant. # For whatever reason, this does not work when contained within a function? $TrustAllCertsPolicy = @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ if($script:PvRNI_PlatformType -eq "Desktop") { if (-not ("TrustAllCertsPolicy" -as [type])) { Add-Type $TrustAllCertsPolicy Write-Host "TrustAllCertsPolicy" } } } function Invoke-vRNIRestMethod { <# .SYNOPSIS Forms and executes a REST API call to a vRealize Network Insight Platform VM. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-vRNIRestMethod uses either a specified connection object as returned by Connect-vRNIServer, or the $defaultvRNIConnection global variable if defined to construct a REST api call to the vRNI API. Invoke-vRNIRestMethod constructs the appropriate request headers required by the vRNI API, including the authentication token (built from the connection object) and the content type, before making the rest call and returning the appropriate JSON object to the caller cmdlet. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Method GET -Uri "/api/ni/data-sources/vcenters" Performs a 'GET' against the URI /api/ni/data-sources/vcenters and returns the JSON object which contains the vRNI response. This call requires the $defaultvRNIConnection variable to exist and be populated with server and authentiation details as created by Connect-vRNIServer, or it fails with a message to first use Connect-vRNIServer .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $MyConnection = Connect-vRNIServer -Server vrni-platform.lab.local PS C:\> Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Method GET -Uri "/api/ni/data-sources/vcenters" -Connection $MyConnection Connects to a vRNI Platform VM and stores the connection details in a variable, which in turn is used for the following cmdlet to retrieve all vCenter datasources. The JSON object containing the vRNI response is returned. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")] param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")] # vRNI Platform server [string]$Server, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")] [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")] # REST Method (GET, POST, DELETE, UPDATE) [string]$Method, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")] [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")] # URI of API endpoint (/api/ni/endpoint) [string]$URI, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Parameter")] [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")] # Content to be sent to server when method is PUT/POST/PATCH [string]$Body = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")] # Pre-populated connection object as returned by Connect-vRNIServer [psObject]$Connection ) if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj") { # Ensure we were either called with a connection or there is a defaultConnection (user has called Connect-vRNIServer) if ($connection -eq $null) { # Now we need to assume that defaultvRNIConnection does not exist... if ( -not (test-path variable:global:defaultvRNIConnection) ) { throw "Not connected. Connect to vRNI with Connect-vRNIServer first." } else { Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Using default connection" $connection = $defaultvRNIConnection } } $authtoken = $connection.AuthToken $server = $connection.Server # Check if the authentication token hasn't expired yet if((Get-Date) -gt $connection.AuthTokenExpiry) { throw "The vRNI Authentication token has expired (expired at '$($connection.AuthTokenExpiry.DateTime)'). Please login again using Connect-vRNIServer." } } # Sleep a tiny bit so we don't overload the vRNI API when using consecutive commands Start-Sleep -m 100 # Create a header option dictionary, to be used for authentication (if we have an existing session) and other RESTy stuff $headerDict = @{} $headerDict.add("Content-Type", "application/json") if($authtoken -ne "") { $headerDict.add("Authorization", "NetworkInsight $authtoken") } # Form the URL to call and write in our journal about this call $URL = "https://$($Server)$($URI)" Write-Debug "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call via Invoke-RestMethod: $Method $URL - with body: $Body" # Build up Invoke-RestMethod parameters, can differ per platform $invokeRestMethodParams = @{ "Method" = $Method; "Headers" = $headerDict; "ContentType" = "application/json"; "Uri" = $URL; } if($Body -ne "") { $invokeRestMethodParams.Add("Body", $body) } # On PowerShell Desktop, add a trigger to ignore SSL certificate checks if(($script:PvRNI_PlatformType -eq "Desktop")) { # Allow untrusted certificate presented by the remote system to be accepted if([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy.tostring() -ne 'TrustAllCertsPolicy') { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy } } # Core (for now) uses a different mechanism to manipulating [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy if(($script:PvRNI_PlatformType -eq "Core")) { $invokeRestMethodParams.Add("SkipCertificateCheck", $true) } # Only use TLS as SSL connection to vRNI [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Energize! try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams } # If its a webexception, we may have got a response from the server with more information... # Even if this happens on PoSH Core though, the ex is not a webexception and we cant get this info :( catch [System.Net.WebException] { #Check if there is a response populated in the response prop as we can return better detail. $response = $_.exception.response if ( $response ) { $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream() $reader = New-Object system.io.streamreader($responseStream) $responseBody = $reader.readtoend() ## include ErrorDetails content in case therein lies juicy info $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : The API response received indicates a failure. $($response.StatusCode.value__) : $($response.StatusDescription) : Response Body: $($responseBody)`nErrorDetails: '$($_.ErrorDetails)'" # Log the error with response detail. Write-Warning -Message $ErrorString ## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord Throw $_ } else { # No response, log and throw the underlying ex $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())" Write-Warning -Message $_.exception.tostring() ## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord Throw $_ } } catch { # Not a webexception (may be on PoSH core), log and throw the underlying ex string $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())" Write-Warning -Message $ErrorString ## throw the actual error, so that the consumer can debug via the actuall ErrorRecord Throw $_ } Write-Debug "$(Get-Date -format s) Invoke-RestMethod Result: $response" # Workaround for bug in invoke-restmethod where it doesnt complete the tcp session close to our server after certain calls. # We end up with connectionlimit number of tcp sessions in close_wait and future calls die with a timeout failure. # So, we are getting and killing active sessions after each call. Not sure of performance impact as yet - to test # and probably rewrite over time to use invoke-webrequest for all calls... PiTA!!!! :| #$ServicePoint = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::FindServicePoint($FullURI) #$ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("") | out-null # Return result if($response) { $response } } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ######################################## Connection Management ##################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Connect-vRNIServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified vRealize Network Insight Platform VM and constructs a connection object. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-vRNIServer cmdlet returns a connection object that contains an authentication token which the rest of the cmdlets in this module use to perform authenticated REST API calls. The connection object contains the authentication token, the expiry datetime that the token expires and the vRNI server address. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Connect-vRNIServer -Server vrni-platform.lab.local Connect to vRNI Platform VM with the hostname vrni-platform.lab.local, the cmdlet will prompt for credentials. Returns the connection object, if successful. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Connect-vRNIServer -Server vrni-platform.lab.local -Username admin@local -Password secret Connect to vRNI Platform VM with the hostname vrni-platform.lab.local with the given local credentials. Returns the connection object, if successful. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Connect-vRNIServer -Server vrni-platform.lab.local -Username martijn@ld.local -Password secret -Domain ld.local Connect to vRNI Platform VM with the hostname vrni-platform.lab.local with the given LDAP credentials. Returns the connection object, if successful. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $MyConnection = Connect-vRNIServer -Server vrni-platform.lab.local -Username admin@local -Password secret PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource -Connection $MyConnection Connects to vRNI with the given credentials and then uses the returned connection object in the next cmdlet to retrieve all datasources from that specific vRNI instance. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # vRNI Platform hostname or IP address [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Server, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Username to use to login to vRNI [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Username, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Password to use to login to vRNI [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Password, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] #PSCredential object containing NSX API authentication credentials [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Domain to use to login to vRNI (if it's not given, use LOCAL) [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Domain = "LOCAL" ) # Make sure either -Credential is set, or both -Username and -Password if(($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential") -And $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Username")) -Or ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential") -And $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password"))) { throw "Specify either -Credential or -Username to authenticate (if using -Username and omitting -Password, a prompt will be given)" } # Build cred object for default auth if user specified username/pass $connection_credentials = "" if($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Username")) { # Is the -Password omitted? Prompt securely if(!$PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password")) { $connection_credentials = Get-Credential -UserName $Username -Message "vRealize Network Insight Platform Authentication" } # If the password has been given in cleartext, else { $connection_credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force)) } } # If a credential object was given as a parameter, use that elseif($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) { $connection_credentials = $Credential } # If no -Username or -Credential was given, prompt for credentials elseif(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) { $connection_credentials = Get-Credential -Message "vRealize Network Insight Platform Authentication" } # Start building the hash table containing the login call we need to do $requestFormat = @{ "username" = $connection_credentials.Username "password" = $connection_credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password } # If no domain param is given, use the default LOCAL domain and populate the "domain" field if($Domain -eq "LOCAL") { $requestFormat.domain = @{ "domain_type" = "LOCAL" "value" = "local" } } # Otherwise there a LDAP domain requested for credentials else { $requestFormat.domain = @{ "domain_type" = "LDAP" "value" = $Domain } } # Only use TLS as SSL connection to vRNI [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Convert the hash to JSON and send the request to vRNI $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat Write-Debug "Request: $($requestBody)" $response = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Server $Server -Method POST -URI "/api/ni/auth/token" -Body $requestBody Write-Debug "Response: $($response)" if($response) { # Setup a custom object to contain the parameters of the connection $connection = [pscustomObject] @{ "Server" = $Server "AuthToken" = $response.token ## the expiration of the token; currently (vRNI API v1.0), tokens are valid for five (5) hours "AuthTokenExpiry" = (Get-Date "01 Jan 1970").AddMilliseconds($response.expiry).ToLocalTime() } # Remember this as the default connection Set-Variable -name defaultvRNIConnection -value $connection -scope Global # Retrieve the API version so we can use that in determining if we can use newer API endpoints $Script:vRNI_API_Version = [System.Version]((Get-vRNIAPIVersion).api_version) # Return the connection $connection } } function Disconnect-vRNIServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Destroys the Connection object if provided, otherwise this destroys the $defaultvRNIConnection global variable if it exists. .DESCRIPTION Although REST is not connection-orientated, vRNI does remember the authentication token which is used throughout the session. This cmdlet also invalidates the authentication token from vRNI, so it can no longer be used. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Disconnect-vRNIServer Invalidates and removes the global default connection variable. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Disconnect-vRNIServer -Connection $MyConnection Invalidates the authentication token of a specific connection object #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Invalidate auth token from vRNI $result = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method DELETE -URI "/api/ni/auth/token" # Remove the global default connection variable, if the -Connection parameter is the same as the default if ($Connection -eq $defaultvRNIConnection) { if (Get-Variable -Name defaultvRNIConnection -scope global) { Remove-Variable -name defaultvRNIConnection -scope global } } $result } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ####################################### Infrastructure Management ################################################## ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Get-vRNINodes { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve details of the vRealize Network Insight nodes. .DESCRIPTION Nodes within a vRealize Network Insight typically consist of two node types; collector VMs (or previously know as proxy VMs) and platform VMs. You can have multiple of each type to support your deployment and cluster them. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNINodes Retrieves information about all available nodes. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNINodes | Where {$_.node_type -eq "PROXY_VM"} Retrieves information about all available nodes, but filter on the collector VMs. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Get a list of available nodes first, this call returns a list of node IDs, which we can use # to retrieve more details on the specific node $nodes = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/infra/nodes" # Use this as a result container $nodes_details = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach($node_record in $nodes.results) { # Retrieve the node details and store those $node_info = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/infra/nodes/$($node_record.id)" $nodes_details.Add($node_info) | Out-Null } $nodes_details } function Get-vRNIAPIVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the version number of the vRealize Network Insight API. .DESCRIPTION The API of vRealize Network Insight is versioned and this retrieves that version number. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIAPIVersion Returns the version number of the vRNI API. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) $version = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/info/version" $version } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ######################################## Datasource Management ##################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Get-vRNIDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve datasource information .DESCRIPTION Datasources within vRealize Network Insight provide the data shown in the UI. The vRNI Collectors periodically polls the datasources as the source of truth. Typically you have a vCenter, NSX Manager and physical switches as the datasource. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource Retrieves the details of all datasource types. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource -DataSourceType nsxv Retrieves the defaults of all NSX Managers added to vRNI as a datasource. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Which datasource type to get - TODO: make this a dynamic param to get the values from $Script:data [ValidateSet ("vcenter", "nsxv", "nsxt", "ciscoswitch", "aristaswitch", "dellswitch", "brocadeswitch", "juniperswitch", "ciscoucs", "hponeview", "hpvcmanager", "checkpointfirewall", "panfirewall", "all")] [string]$DataSourceType="all", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Use this as a return container $datasources = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Because each datasource type has its unique URL (/api/ni/data-sources/vcenter, /data-sources/ucs-manager, etc), # and we want all the datasource information, loop through the URLs of the types we want to retrieve and $datasource_types_to_get = $Script:DatasourceURLs.$DataSourceType foreach($datasource_uri in $datasource_types_to_get) { # Energize! $response = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni$($datasource_uri)" # Process results, if there are datasources of this type. The results of the /api/ni/data-sources/$TYPE call is a # list of datasource IDs and not much more. We take that ID and do a call for details on that datasource if($response.results -ne "") { foreach ($datasource in $response.results) { # Retrieve datasource details and store it $datasource_detail = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni$($datasource_uri)/$($datasource.entity_id)" $datasources.Add($datasource_detail) | Out-Null } } } # Return all found data sources $datasources } function New-vRNIDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Create new datasources within vRealize Network Insight to retrieve data from. .DESCRIPTION Datasources within vRealize Network Insight provide the data shown in the UI. The vRNI Collectors periodically polls the datasources as the source of truth. Typically you have a vCenter, NSX Manager and physical switches as the datasource. This cmdlet adds new datasources to vRNI, so it can retrieve data from it and correlate and display this data in the interfce. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $collectorId = (Get-vRNINodes | Where {$_.node_type -eq "PROXY_VM"} | Select -ExpandProperty id) PS C:\> New-vRNIDataSource -DataSourceType vcenter -FDQN vc.nsx.local -Username administrator@vsphere.local -Password secret -CollectorVMId $collectorId -Nickname vc.nsx.local First, get the node ID of the collector VM (assuming there's only one), then add a vCenter located at vc.nsx.local to vRNI. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $collectorId = (Get-vRNINodes | Where {$_.node_type -eq "PROXY_VM"} | Select -ExpandProperty id) PS C:\> $vcId = (Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "vc.nsx.local"} | Select -ExpandProperty entity_id) PS C:\> New-vRNIDataSource -DataSourceType nsxv -FDQN mgr.nsx.local -Username admin -Password secret -Nickname mgr.nsx.local -CollectorVMId $collectorId -Enabled $True -NSXEnableCentralCLI $True -NSXEnableIPFIX $True -NSXvCenterID $vcId Adds a new NSX Manager as a data source, auto select the collector ID (if you only have one), enable the NSX Central CLI for collecting data, also enable NSX IPFIX for network datastream insight from the point of view of NSX. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="__AllParameterSets")] param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Which datasource type to create - TODO: make this a dynamic param to get the values from $Script:data [ValidateSet ("vcenter", "nsxv", "nsxt", "ciscoswitch", "aristaswitch", "dellswitch", "brocadeswitch", "juniperswitch", "ciscoucs", "hponeview", "hpvcmanager", "checkpointfirewall", "panfirewall")] [string]$DataSourceType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Username to use to login to the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Username, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Password to use to login to the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Password, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # The IP address of the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$IP, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # The FDQN address of the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$FDQN, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Collector (Proxy) Node ID [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$CollectorVMId, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Nickname for the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Nickname="", [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Whether we want to enable the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [bool]$Enabled=$True, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Optional notes for the datasource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Notes="", # These params are only required when adding a NSX Manager as datasource [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NSXDS")] # Enable the central CLI collection [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [bool]$NSXEnableCentralCLI, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NSXDS")] # Enable NSX IPFIX as a source [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [bool]$NSXEnableIPFIX, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NSXDS")] # vCenter ID that this NSX Manager will be linked too [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$NSXvCenterID, # This params is only required when adding a cisco switch [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="CISCOSWITCH")] # Set the switch type [ValidateSet ("CATALYST_3000", "CATALYST_4500", "CATALYST_6500", "NEXUS_5K", "NEXUS_7K", "NEXUS_9K")] [string]$CiscoSwitchType, # This params is only required when adding a dell switch [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DELLSWITCH")] # Set the switch type [ValidateSet ("FORCE_10_MXL_10", "POWERCONNECT_8024", "S4048", "Z9100", "S6000")] [string]$DellSwitchType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) if($IP -ne "" -And $FDQN -ne "") { throw "Please only provide the FDQN or the IP address for the datasource, not both." } # Check if the NSXDS parameter set is used when adding a NSX Manager as datasource if($DataSourceType -eq "nsxv" -And $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "NSXDS") { throw "Please provide the NSX parameters when adding a NSX Manager." } # Check if the switch type is provided, when adding a Cisco of Dell switch if($DataSourceType -eq "ciscoswitch" -And $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "CISCOSWITCH") { throw "Please provide the -CiscoSwitchType parameter when adding a Cisco switch." } if($DataSourceType -eq "dellswitch" -And $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "DELLSWITCH") { throw "Please provide the -DellSwitchType parameter when adding a Dell switch." } # Format request with all given data $requestFormat = @{ "ip" = $IP "fqdn" = $FDQN "proxy_id" = $CollectorVMId "nickname" = $Nickname "notes" = $Notes "enabled" = $Enabled "credentials" = @{ "username" = $Username "password" = $Password } } # If we're adding a NSX Manager, also add the NSX parameters to the body if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "NSXDS") { $requestFormat.vcenter_id = $NSXvCenterID $requestFormat.ipfix_enabled = $NSXEnableIPFIX $requestFormat.central_cli_enabled = $NSXEnableCentralCLI } # When adding a Cisco or Dell switch, provide the switch_type key in the body if($DataSourceType -eq "ciscoswitch") { $requestFormat.switch_type = $CiscoSwitchType } if($DataSourceType -eq "dellswitch") { $requestFormat.switch_type = $DellSwitchType } # Convert the hash to JSON, form the URI and send the request to vRNI $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceURLs.$DataSourceType[0])" $response = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -Uri $URI -Body $requestBody $response } function Remove-vRNIDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a datasource from vRealize Network Insight .DESCRIPTION Datasources within vRealize Network Insight provide the data shown in the UI. The vRNI Collectors periodically polls the datasources as the source of truth. Typically you have a vCenter, NSX Manager and physical switches as the datasource. This cmdlet removes a datasources from vRNI. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "vc.nsx.local"} | Remove-vRNIDataSource Removes a vCenter datasource with the nickname "vc.nsx.local" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "manager.nsx.local"} | Remove-vRNIDataSource Removes a NSX Manager datasource with the nickname "manager.nsx.local" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Datasource object, gotten from Get-vRNIDataSource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$DataSource, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $DataSource | Foreach-Object { $oThisDatasource = $_ # All we have to do is to send a DELETE request to URI /api/ni/$DataSourceType/$DatasourceId, so # form the URI and send the DELETE request to vRNI $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.$($oThisDatasource.entity_type))/$($oThisDatasource.entity_id)" Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method DELETE -Uri $URI } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function Enable-vRNIDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Enables an existing datasources within vRealize Network Insight .DESCRIPTION Datasources within vRealize Network Insight provide the data shown in the UI. The vRNI Collectors periodically polls the datasources as the source of truth. Typically you have a vCenter, NSX Manager and physical switches as the datasource. This cmdlet enables an existing datasources within vRNI. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "vc.nsx.local"} | Enable-vRNIDataSource Enables a vCenter datasource with the nickname "vc.nsx.local" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "manager.nsx.local"} | Enable-vRNIDataSource Enables a NSX Manager datasource with the nickname "manager.nsx.local" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Datasource object, gotten from Get-vRNIDataSource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$DataSource, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $DataSource | Foreach-Object { $oThisDatasource = $_ # All we have to do is to send a POST request to URI /api/ni/$DataSourceType/$DatasourceId/enable, so # form the URI and send the request to vRNI $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.$($oThisDatasource.entity_type))/$($oThisDatasource.entity_id)/enable" Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -Uri $URI } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end Process } function Disable-vRNIDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Disables an existing datasources within vRealize Network Insight .DESCRIPTION Datasources within vRealize Network Insight provide the data shown in the UI. The vRNI Collectors periodically polls the datasources as the source of truth. Typically you have a vCenter, NSX Manager and physical switches as the datasource. This cmdlet disables an existing datasources within vRNI. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "vc.nsx.local"} | Disable-vRNIDataSource Disables a vCenter datasource with the nickname "vc.nsx.local" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "manager.nsx.local"} | Disable-vRNIDataSource Disables a NSX Manager datasource with the nickname "manager.nsx.local" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Datasource object, gotten from Get-vRNIDataSource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$DataSource, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $DataSource | Foreach-Object { $oThisDatasource = $_ # All we have to do is to send a POST request to URI /api/ni/$DataSourceType/$DatasourceId/disable, so # form the URI and send the request to vRNI $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.$($oThisDatasource.entity_type))/$($oThisDatasource.entity_id)/disable" Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -Uri $URI } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function Get-vRNIDataSourceSNMPConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the SNMP configuration of a switch datasource from vRealize Network Insight .DESCRIPTION Physical devices like switches and UCS systems have SNMP options, which vRNI can read out to provide interface bandwidth graphs. This cmdlet allows you to retrieve the SNMP configuration of a specific data source. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.entity_type -eq "CiscoSwitchDataSource"} | Get-vRNIDataSourceSNMPConfig Gets the SNMP configuration for all Cisco switch data sources #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Datasource object, gotten from Get-vRNIDataSource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$DataSource, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $DataSource | Foreach-Object { $oThisDatasource = $_ # Sanity check on the data source type: only Cisco, Dell, Brocade, Juniper, Arista switches & UCS have SNMP config if($oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "CiscoSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "DellSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "BrocadeSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "JuniperSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "AristaSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "UCSManagerDataSource") { throw "Invalid Data Source Type ($($oThisDatasource.entity_type)) for SNMP. Only Cisco, Dell, Brocade, Juniper, Arista switches & UCS have SNMP configuration." } # All we have to do is to send a GET request to URI /api/ni/$DataSourceType/$DatasourceId/snmp-config $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.$($oThisDatasource.entity_type))/$($oThisDatasource.entity_id)/snmp-config" $result = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -Uri $URI $result } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function Set-vRNIDataSourceSNMPConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the SNMP configuration of a switch or UCS datasource within vRealize Network Insight .DESCRIPTION Physical devices like switches and UCS systems have SNMP options, which vRNI can read out to provide interface bandwidth graphs. This cmdlet allows you to set the SNMP configuration of a specific data source. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $snmpOptions = @{ "Enabled" = $true; "Username" = "snmpv3user"; "ContextName" = " "; "AuthenticationType" = "MD5"; "AuthenticationPassword" = "ult1m4t3p4ss"; "PrivacyType" = "AES128"; "PrivacyPassword" = "s0pr1v4t3"; } PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource | Where {$_.nickname -eq "Core01"} | Set-vRNIDataSourceSNMPConfig @snmpOptions Configures SNMPv3 for a data source named 'Core01' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDataSource -DataSourceType ciscoswitch | Set-vRNIDataSourceSNMPConfig -Enabled $true -Community "qwerty1234" Configured SNMPv2 on all Cisco switch datasources. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="__AllParameterSets")] param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Datasource object, gotten from Get-vRNIDataSource [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$DataSource, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="SNMPv2c")] # Enable SNMP? [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [bool]$Enabled = $true, # This param is only required when configuring SNMP v2c [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv2c")] # SNMP v2c Community string [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Community, # These params are only required when configuring SNMP v3 [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Username [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Username, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Context name [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ContextName, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Context name [ValidateSet ("MD5", "SHA", "NO_AUTH")] [string]$AuthenticationType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Authentication Password [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AuthenticationPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Privacy Type [ValidateSet ("AES", "DES", "AES128", "AES192", "AES256", "3DES", "NO_PRIV")] [string]$PrivacyType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="SNMPv3")] # SNMP v3 Privacy Password [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$PrivacyPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $DataSource | Foreach-Object { $oThisDatasource = $_ # Sanity check on the data source type: only Cisco, Dell, Brocade, Juniper, Arista switches & UCS have SNMP config if($oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "CiscoSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "DellSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "BrocadeSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "JuniperSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "AristaSwitchDataSource" -And $oThisDatasource.entity_type -ne "UCSManagerDataSource") { throw "Invalid Data Source Type ($($oThisDatasource.entity_type)) for SNMP. Only Cisco, Dell, Brocade, Juniper, Arista switches & UCS have SNMP configuration." } # Format request with all given data $requestFormat = @{ "snmp_enabled" = $Enabled } # if SNMPv2 parameters are given, build the snmp_2c var if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SNMPv2c") { $requestFormat.snmp_version = "v2c" $requestFormat.config_snmp_2c = @{ "community_string" = $Community } } # if SNMPv3 parameters are given, build the snmp_3 var if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SNMPv3") { $requestFormat.snmp_version = "v3" $requestFormat.config_snmp_3 = @{ "username" = $Username "context_name" = $ContextName "authentication_type" = $AuthenticationType "authentication_password" = $AuthenticationPassword "privacy_type" = $PrivacyType "privacy_password" = $PrivacyPassword } } # All we have to do now is to send a PUT request to URI /api/ni/$DataSourceType/$DatasourceId/snmp-config with the right body $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat $URI = "/api/ni$($Script:DatasourceInternalURLs.$($oThisDatasource.entity_type))/$($oThisDatasource.entity_id)/snmp-config" Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method PUT -Uri $URI -Body $requestBody } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ####################################### Application Management ##################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Get-vRNIApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Application information from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .PARAMETER Name Limit the amount of records returned to a specific name .PARAMETER Connection vRNI Connection object .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication Show all existing applications and their details. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication -Name '3 Tier App' Get only the application details of the application named "3 Tier App" #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1, ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [string[]] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject] $Connection = $defaultvRNIConnection ) $applications = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $size = 50 $listParams = @{ Connection = $Connection Method = 'GET' Uri = "/api/ni/groups/applications?size=$size" } # If a filter has been given, use the search endpoint to more efficiently find the right applications if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter') { $listParams['Method'] = 'POST' $listParams['Uri'] = '/api/ni/search' $body = @{ entity_type = 'Application' } # Build the search filter $filter = @() # If there's an application name specified, figure out if it's a single name or an array of names # and format the search filter appropriately if ($Name) { # Multiple application names if ($Name.Count -gt 1) { $nameArray = @() foreach ($nameItem in $Name) { $nameArray += "'$nameItem'" } $nameSearchString = " in (" + ($nameArray -join ',') + ")" } # Single application name else { $nameSearchString = " = '$Name'" } $filter += "(Name $nameSearchString)" } ## end if ($Name) $body['filter'] = $filter -join ' and ' $listParams['Body'] = $body | ConvertTo-Json Write-Verbose ('Body: ' + $listParams['Body']) } ## end if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter') else { # With version 1.1.0 of the API - there's a single endpoint to retrieve all if($Script:vRNI_API_Version -ge [System.Version]"1.1.0") { $listParams['Uri'] = '/api/ni/groups/applications/fetch?size=2500' $applications = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod @listParams $applications.results return } } $hasMoreData = $true $counter = 0 while ($hasMoreData) { $applicationResponse = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod @listParams Write-Verbose ("$($applicationResponse.total_count) applications to process") if ($applicationResponse.total_count -gt $size) { $listParams['Uri'] += "&cursor=$($applicationResponse.cursor)" } foreach($app in $applicationResponse.results) { # Retrieve application details and store them $app_info = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($app.entity_id)" $applications.Add($app_info) | Out-Null $counter++ } $remaining = $applicationResponse.total_count - $counter if ($remaining -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "$remaining more applications to process" $hasMoreData = $true } else { $hasMoreData = $false } } $applications } function Get-vRNIApplicationTier { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Application Tier information from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication My3TierApp | Get-vRNIApplicationTier Show the tiers for the application container called "My3TierApp" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] # Application object, gotten from Get-vRNIApplication [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$Application, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned to a specific name [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { ## do Foreach-Object, so as to enable user to pass multiple Application objects for value of -Application parameter $Application | Foreach-Object { $oThisApplication = $_ # First, get a list of all tier. This returns a list with application IDs which we can use # to retrieve the details of the applications $tier_list = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($oThisApplication.entity_id)/tiers" # Use this as a results container $tiers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach($tier in $tier_list.results) { # Retrieve application details and store them $tier_info = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($oThisApplication.entity_id)/tiers/$($tier.entity_id)" $tiers.Add($tier_info) | Out-Null # Don't go on if we've already found the one the user wants specifically if($Name -eq $tier_info.name) {break} } # Filter out other application tiers if the user wants one specifically if ($Name) {$tiers | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Name }} else {$tiers} } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function New-vRNIApplicationTier { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Tier in an Application container in vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication My3TierApp | New-vRNIApplicationTier -Name web-tier -VMFilters ("name = '3TA-Web01' or name = '3TA-Web02'") Create a new tier in the application 'My3TierApp' called 'web-tier' and assign the VMs named '3TA-Web01' and '3TA-Web02' to this tier. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $security_group_id = (Get-vRNISecurityGroup SG-3Tier-App).entity_id PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication My3TierApp | New-vRNIApplicationTier -Name app-tier -VMFilters ("name = '3TA-App01'", "security_groups.entity_id = '$security_group_id'") Create a new tier in the application 'My3TierApp' called 'web-tier' and assign the VMs named '3TA-Web01' and '3TA-Web02' to this tier. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication IP-Network | New-vRNIApplicationTier -Name IP-Set-1 -IPFilters,, This retrieves the existing application called 'IP-Network' and creates a new tier inside it called 'IP-Set-1' with a /24 subnet, a single host and a /27 subnet. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication IP-Network | New-vRNIApplicationTier -Name IP-Host-2 -IPFilters This retrieves the existing application called 'IP-Network' and creates a new tier inside it called 'IP-Host-2' with a single host on the IP .PARAMETER Filters The filters within an application tier determine what VMs will be placed in that application. Currently, only these options are supported: Single VM: "name = '3TA-App01'" Multiple VMs: "name = '3TA-App01' or name = '3TA-App02'" VMs with a NSX Security Tag: "security_groups.entity_id = '18230:82:604573173'" #> # To keep backwards compatibility with 1.0 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="VMFilter")] param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] # Application object, gotten from Get-vRNIApplication [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$Application, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # The name of the new tier [string]$Name, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="VMFilter")] # The VM filters in the new tier [string[]]$Filters, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="MultipleFilters")] # The VM filters in the new tier [string[]]$VMFilters, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="IPFilters")] # The IP set filters in the new tier [string[]]$IPFilters, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) begin { if(!$Filters -And !$VMFilters -And !$IPFilters) { throw "Please provide at least one filter." } # Format request with all given data $requestFormat = @{ "name" = $Name "group_membership_criteria" = @() } # Backwards compatibility with 1.0 - if the old -Filters are given, transfer it to $VMFilters if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VMFilter") { $VMFilters = $Filters } # If supplied, go through the VM filters and build the call if($VMFilters) { foreach($filter in $VMFilters) { $criteria_record = @{} $criteria_record.membership_type = "SearchMembershipCriteria" $criteria_record.search_membership_criteria = @{ "entity_type" = "BaseVirtualMachine" "filter" = $filter } $requestFormat.group_membership_criteria += $criteria_record } } # If supplied, go through the IP filters and build the call if($IPFilters) { $criteria_record = @{} $criteria_record.membership_type = "IPAddressMembershipCriteria" $criteria_record.ip_address_membership_criteria = @{} $criteria_record.ip_address_membership_criteria.ip_addresses = @() foreach($ipset in $IPFilters) { $criteria_record.ip_address_membership_criteria.ip_addresses += $ipset } $requestFormat.group_membership_criteria += $criteria_record } Write-Debug $requestFormat # Convert the hash to JSON, form the URI and send the request to vRNI $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat -Depth 5 } ## end begin process { $Application | Foreach-Object { $oThisApplication = $_ Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($oThisApplication.entity_id)/tiers" -Body $requestBody } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function Remove-vRNIApplicationTier { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a tier from an application container from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication My3TierApp | Get-vRNIApplicationTier web-tier | Remove-vRNIApplicationTier Remove the tier 'web-tier' from the application container called "My3TierApp" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Application Tier object, gotten from Get-vRNIApplicationTier [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$ApplicationTier, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $ApplicationTier | Foreach-Object { $oThisApplicationTier = $_ # Send the DELETE request and show the result Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method DELETE -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($oThisApplicationTier.application.entity_id)/tiers/$($oThisApplicationTier.entity_id)" } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } function New-vRNIApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new Application container inside vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-vRNIApplication -Name My3TierApp Create a new application container with the name My3TierApp. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Give the application a name [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Format request with all given data $requestFormat = @{ "name" = $Name } # Convert the hash to JSON, form the URI and send the request to vRNI $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat $response = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -Uri "/api/ni/groups/applications" -Body $requestBody $response } function Remove-vRNIApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove an Application container from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION Within vRNI there are applications, which can be viewed as groups of VMs. These groups can be used to group the VMs of a certain application together, and filter on searches within vRNI. For instance, you can generate recommended firewall rules based on an application group. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIApplication My3TierApp | Remove-vRNIApplication Remove the application container called "My3TierApp" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] # Application object, gotten from Get-vRNIApplication [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$Application, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) process { $Application | Foreach-Object { $oThisApplication = $_ # Send the DELETE request and show the result Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method DELETE -URI "/api/ni/groups/applications/$($oThisApplication.entity_id)" } ## end Foreach-Object } ## end process } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ######################################### Entity Management ######################################################## ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Get-vRNIEntity { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available entities from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all kinds of entities inside the monitored infrastructure. This is a catch-all function to retrieve any entity and the objects related to that entity. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI security-groups Get all security groups in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "hosts" -Name "esxi01.lab" Get the entity object for the hypervisor host called "esxi01.lab" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Entity_URI, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to start looking up records [int]$StartTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to stop looking up records [int]$EndTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Use this as a results container $entities = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # vRNI uses a paging system with (by default) 10 items per page. These vars are to keep track of the pages and retrieve what's left $size = 10 $total_count = 0 $current_count = 0 $cursor = "" $finished = $false while(!$finished) { $using_params = 0 # This is the base URI for the problems $URI = "/api/ni/entities/$($Entity_URI)" if($size -gt 0 -And $cursor -ne "") { $URI += "?size=$($size)&cursor=$($cursor)" $using_params++ } # Check if we want to limit the results to a time window if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TIMELIMIT" -And ($StartTime -gt 0 -And $EndTime -gt 0)) { if($using_params -gt 0) { $URI += "&start_time=$($StartTime)&end_time=$($EndTime)" $using_params++ } else { $URI += "?start_time=$($StartTime)&end_time=$($EndTime)" $using_params++ } } Write-Debug "Using URI: $($URI)" $listParams = @{ Connection = $Connection Method = 'GET' URI = $URI } # support filtering by a VM by using search instead of returning all entities if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') -and $Name -ne '') { $listParams['URI'] = '/api/ni/search' $listParams['Body'] = @{ entity_type = $Script:EntityURLtoIdMapping.$Entity_URI filter = "Name = '$Name'" } | ConvertTo-Json $listParams['Method'] = 'POST' $finished = $true } # Get a list of all entities $entity_list = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod @listParams # If we're not finished, store information about the run for next use if($finished -eq $false) { $total_count = $entity_list.total_count $cursor = $entity_list.cursor } # If the size is smaller than 10 (decreased by previous run), or the size is greater than the total records, finish up if($size -lt 10 -Or ($total_count -gt 0 -And $size -gt $total_count)) { $finished = $true } # If we're using version 1.1.0 or greater of the vRNI API - we can use the /entities/fetch bulk method of getting entity details. Much more efficient. if($Script:vRNI_API_Version -ge [System.Version]"1.1.0") { $requestFormat = @{ "entity_ids" = $entity_list.results } $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat $entity_info = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -URI "/api/ni/entities/fetch" -Body $requestBody foreach($entity in $entity_info.results) { $entity = $entity.entity # If we're retrieving flows, add the time of the main flow to this specific flow record if($Entity_URI -eq "flows") { $entity | Add-Member -Name "time" -value $entity.time -MemberType NoteProperty } $entities.Add($entity) | Out-Null if($Name -eq $entity.name) { $finished = $true break } $current_count++ # If we are limiting the output, break from the loops and return results if($Limit -ne 0 -And ($Limit -lt $current_count -Or $Limit -eq $current_count)) { $finished = $true break } } # Check remaining items, if it's less than the default size, reduce the next page size if($size -gt ($total_count - $current_count)) { $size = ($total_count - $current_count) } # continue the while(!$finished) loop continue } # Go through the entities individually and store them in the results array foreach($sg in $entity_list.results) { # Retrieve entity details and store them $entity_info = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/entities/$($Entity_URI)/$($sg.entity_id)?time=$($sg.time)" # If we're retrieving flows, add the time of the main flow to this specific flow record if($Entity_URI -eq "flows") { $entity_info | Add-Member -Name "time" -value $entity_info.time -MemberType NoteProperty } $entities.Add($entity_info) | Out-Null if($Name -eq $entity_info.name) { $finished = $true break } $current_count++ # If we are limiting the output, break from the loops and return results if($Limit -ne 0 -And ($Limit -lt $current_count -Or $Limit -eq $current_count)) { $finished = $true break } } ## end foreach($sg in $entity_list.results) # Check remaining items, if it's less than the default size, reduce the next page size if($size -gt ($total_count - $current_count)) { $size = ($total_count - $current_count) } } # if a single entity name was requested, filter on name if ($Name) { $entities | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Name } } else { $entities } } function Get-vRNIEntityName { <# .SYNOPSIS Translate an entity id to a name in vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION The internal database of vRealize Network Insight uses entity IDs to keep track of entities. This function translates an ID to an actual useable name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIEntityName -EntityID 14307:562:1274720802 Get the name of the entity with ID 14307:562:1274720802 #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] # The entity ID to resolve to a name [string]$EntityID, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Invoke-vRNIRestMethod with the proper URI to get the entity results $result = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method GET -URI "/api/ni/entities/names/$($EntityID)" $result } function Get-vRNIProblem { <# .SYNOPSIS Get open problems from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRNI checks for problems in your environment and displays or alerts you about these problems. These problems can have multiple causes; for example latency issues with NSX Controllers, a configuration issue on the VDS, etc. In the end you're supposed to solve these problems and have no open ones. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIProblem Get a list of all open problems .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIProblem | Where {$_.severity -eq "CRITICAL"} Get a list of all open problems which have the CRITICAL severity (and are probably important to solve quickly) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIProblem -StartTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()-600) -EndTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()) Get all problems that have been open in the last 10 minutes. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to start looking up records [int]$StartTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to stop looking up records [int]$EndTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "problems" -Limit $Limit -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime $results } function Get-vRNIFlow { <# .SYNOPSIS Get network flows from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRNI can consume NetFlow and IPFIX data from the vSphere Distributed Switch and physical switches which support NetFlow v5, v7, v9 or IPFIX. This cmdlet will let you export these flows .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFlow Get the last 100 flows (100 = default) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFlow -Limit 10 Get the last 10 flows .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFlow -StartTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()-600) -EndTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()) Get all flows that occurred in the last 10 minutes. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFlow -StartTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()-600) -EndTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()) | Where {$_.protocol -eq "TCP"} Get all flows that occurred in the last 10 minutes and ignore all flows that are not TCP based. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFlow -StartTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()-600) -EndTime ([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()) | Where {$_.traffic_type -eq "INTERNET_TRAFFIC"} Get only internet-based (in or out) flows that occurred in the last 10 minutes. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 100, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to start looking up records [int]$StartTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to stop looking up records [int]$EndTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # If we want to select flows in a time slot, make sure the end time is later then the start time if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TIMELIMIT") { if($StartTime -gt $EndTime) { throw "Param StartTime cannot be greater than EndTime" } } # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "flows" -Limit $Limit -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------- VM Entities ---------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNIVM { <# .SYNOPSIS Get virtual machines from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all VMs in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these VMs. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIVM List all VMs in your vRNI environment (note: this may take a while if you have a lot of VMs) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIVM -Name my-vm-name Retrieve only the VM object called "my-vm-name" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $vcenter_entity_id = (Get-vRNIvCenter | Where {$_.name -eq "vcenter.lab"}).entity_id PS C:\> Get-vRNIVM | Where {$_.vcenter_manager.entity_id -eq $vcenter_entity_id} Get all VMs that are attached to the vCenter named "vcenter.lab" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "vms" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIVMvNIC { <# .SYNOPSIS Get virtual machine vnics from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all VM vNICs in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these VM vNICs. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIVMvNIC List all VM vNICs in your vRNI environment (note: this may take a while if you have a lot of VMs) #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "vnics" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------- vCenter Entities -------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNIvCenter { <# .SYNOPSIS Get configured vCenter instances from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all vCenters in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these vCenters. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIvCenter Get all vCenters in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIvCenter vcenter.lab Retrieve the vCenter object for the one called "vcenter.lab" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "vcenter-managers" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIvCenterFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available vCenter folders from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all vCenter folders in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these folders. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIvCenterFolder Get all vCenter folders in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "folders" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIvCenterDatacenter { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available vCenter Datacenters from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all vCenter Datacenters in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these Datacenters. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIvCenterDatacenter Get all vCenter Datacenters in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "vc-datacenters" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIvCenterCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available vCenter Clusters from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all vCenter Clusters in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these Clusters. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIvCenterCluster Get all vCenter Clusters in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "clusters" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-------------------------------------- ESXi host Entities ------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNIHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available hypervisor hosts from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all hosts in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these hosts. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIHost Get all hypervisor hosts in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIHost esxi01.lab Retrieve the ESXi host object for the one called "esxi01.lab" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIHost | Select name, service_tag Get a list of all hosts with their hardware service tag. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIHost | Where {$_.nsx_manager -ne ""} Get all hosts that are managed by a NSX Manager. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "hosts" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIHostVMKNic { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available host vmknics from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all host vmknics in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these vmknids. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIHostVMKNic Get all host vmknics in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "vmknics" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------- NSX Entities -------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNISecurityGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available security groups (SG) from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all SGs in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these SGs. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNISecurityGroup Get all security groups in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNISecurityGroup 3TA-Management-Access Retrieve the security group object for the one called "3TA-Management-Access" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "security-groups" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNISecurityTag { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available security tags (ST) from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all STs in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these STs. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNISecurityTag Get all security tags in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNISecurityTag ST-3TA-Management Retrieve the security tag object for the one called "ST-3TA-Management" #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "security-tags" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIIPSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available NSX IP Sets from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all NSX IP Sets in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these IP sets. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIIPSet Get all IP Sets in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "ip-sets" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIService { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available NSX Services from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all NSX Services in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these Services. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIService Get all NSX Services in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "services" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIServiceGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available NSX Service Groups from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all NSX Service Groups in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these groups. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIServiceGroup Get all NSX Service Groups in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "service-groups" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNINSXManager { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available NSX Managers from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all NSX Managers in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these NSX Managers. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNINSXManager Get all NSX Managers in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "nsx-managers" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #---------------------------------------- Networking Entities ---------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNIFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available firewall rules from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all firewall rules in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these rules. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIFirewallRule Get all firewall rules in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "firewall-rules" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIL2Network { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available layer 2 networks from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all networks in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these layer 2 networks. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIL2Network Get all layer 2 networks in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIL2Network | Where {$_.entity_type -eq "VxlanLayer2Network"} Only show all VXLAN layer 2 networks. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "layer2-networks" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIDistributedSwitch { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available vSphere Distributed Switches from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all VDSes in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these VDSes. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDistributedSwitch Get all vSphere Distributed Switches in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDistributedSwitch LabSwitch Get only the VDS called 'LabSwitch' #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "distributed-virtual-switches" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } function Get-vRNIDistributedSwitchPortGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available VDS Portgroups from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all VDS Portgroups in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these portgroups. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDistributedSwitchPortGroup Get all VDS Portgroups in the vRNI environment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDistributedSwitchPortGroup Web-Tier Get only the portgroup called 'Web-Tier' #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "distributed-virtual-portgroups" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------- Storage Entities -----------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Get-vRNIDatastore { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available datastores from vRealize Network Insight. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight has a database of all datastores in your environment and this cmdlet will help you discover these datastores. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIDatastore Get all datastores in the vRNI environment. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # Limit the amount of records returned [int]$Limit = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] # Limit the amount of records returned [string]$Name = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) # Call Get-vRNIEntity with the proper URI to get the entity results $results = Get-vRNIEntity -Entity_URI "datastores" -Name $Name -Limit $Limit $results } ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### ##################################### Recommended Firewall Rules ################################################## ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### function Get-vRNIRecommendedRules { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the recommended firewall rules of a specific application. .DESCRIPTION vRealize Network Insight collects netflow data and analyses the required firewall rules to implement micro-segmentation. This means you have a starting point when it comes to micro-segmentation and implementing the needed firewall rules. This function retrieves the recommended firewall rules for an application. Per default this function uses a 14 day analysis period. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-vRNIRecommendedRules -ApplicationID (Get-vRNIApplication vRNI).entity_id This will return the recommended firewall rules for the application called 'vRNI' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $sevenDaysAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) PS C:\> $start = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date -Date $sevenDaysAgo -UFormat %s)) PS C:\> $end = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date -UFormat %s)) PS C:\> Get-vRNIRecommendedRules -ApplicationID (Get-vRNIApplication vRNI).entity_id -StartTime $start -EndTime $end This will return the recommended firewall rules for the application called 'vRNI' from analysis on the last 7 days. #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to start looking up records [int]$StartTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TIMELIMIT")] # The epoch timestamp of when to stop looking up records [int]$EndTime = 0, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] # The application entity ID for which to retrieve the recommended rules [string]$ApplicationID = "", [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)] # vRNI Connection object [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$Connection=$defaultvRNIConnection ) if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TIMELIMIT" -And ($StartTime -gt 0 -And $EndTime -gt 0)) { if($StartTime -gt $EndTime) { throw "StartTime cannot be greated than EndTime" } } else { # Use a timeframe of 14 days by default $twoWeeksAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) $StartTime = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date -Date $twoWeeksAgo -UFormat %s)) $EndTime = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date -UFormat %s)) } # TODO: also allow lookups between 2 application tiers # Format request with all given data $requestFormat = @{ "group_1" = @{ "entity" = @{ "entity_type" = "Application" "entity_id" = $ApplicationID } } "time_range" = @{ "start_time" = $StartTime "end_time" = $EndTime } } # Convert the hash to JSON, form the URI and send the request to vRNI $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestFormat $response = Invoke-vRNIRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method POST -Uri "/api/ni/micro-seg/recommended-rules" -Body $requestBody $response.results } # Call Init function _PvRNI_init |