function New-vRAReservation { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new reservation .DESCRIPTION Create a new reservation .PARAMETER Type The reservation type .PARAMETER Name The name of the reservation .PARAMETER Tenant The tenant that will own the reservation .PARAMETER BusinessGroup The business group that will be associated with the reservation .PARAMETER ReservationPolicy The reservation policy that will be associated with the reservation .PARAMETER Priority The priority of the reservation .PARAMETER ComputeResourceId The compute resource that will be associated with the reservation .PARAMETER Quota The number of machines that can be provisioned in the reservation .PARAMETER MemoryGB The amount of memory available to this reservation .PARAMETER Storage The storage that will be associated with the reservation .PARAMETER Network The network that will be associated with this reservation .PARAMETER ResourcePool The resource pool that will be associated with this reservation .PARAMETER EnableAlerts Enable alerts .PARAMETER EmailBusinessGroupManager Email the alerts to the business group manager .PARAMETER AlertRecipients The recipients that will recieve email alerts .PARAMETER StorageAlertPercentageLevel The threshold for storage alerts .PARAMETER MemoryAlertPercentageLevel The threshold for memory alerts .PARAMETER CPUAlertPercentageLevel The threshold for cpu alerts .PARAMETER MachineAlertPercentageLevel The threshold for machine alerts .PARAMETER AlertReminderFrequency Alert frequency in days .PARAMETER JSON Body text to send in JSON format .PARAMETER NewName If passing a JSON payload NewName can be used to set the reservation name .INPUTS System.String System.Int System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter System.Management.Automation.PSObject .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject .EXAMPLE # --- Get the compute resource id $ComputeResource = Get-vRAReservationComputeResource -Type vSphere -Name "Cluster01 (vCenter)" # --- Get the network definition $NetworkDefinitionArray = @() $Network1 = New-vRAReservationNetworkDefinition -Type vSphere -ComputeResourceId $ComputeResource.Id -NetworkPath "VM Network" -NetworkProfile "Test-Profile" $NetworkDefinitionArray += $Network1 # --- Get the storage definition $StorageDefinitionArray = @() $Storage1 = New-vRAReservationStorageDefinition -Type vSphere -ComputeResourceId $ComputeResource.Id -Path "Datastore1" -ReservedSizeGB 10 -Priority 0 $StorageDefinitionArray += $Storage1 # --- Set the parameters and create the reservation $Param = @{ Type = "vSphere" Name = "Reservation01" Tenant = "Tenant01" BusinessGroup = "Default Business Group[Tenant01]" ReservationPolicy = "ReservationPolicy1" Priority = 0 ComputeResourceId = $ComputeResource.Id Quota = 0 MemoryGB = 2048 Storage = $StorageDefinitionArray ResourcePool = "Resources" Network = $NetworkDefinitionArray EnableAlerts = $false } New-vRAReservation @Param -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact="Low",DefaultParameterSetName="Standard")][OutputType('System.Management.Automation.PSObject')] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Type, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Tenant = $Global:vRAConnection.Tenant, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$BusinessGroup, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$ReservationPolicy, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$Priority = 0, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$ComputeResourceId, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$Quota = 0, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$MemoryGB, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject[]]$Storage, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject[]]$Network, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$ResourcePool, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Switch]$EnableAlerts = $False, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Switch]$EmailBusinessGroupManager = $False, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$AlertRecipients, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$StorageAlertPercentageLevel = 80, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$MemoryAlertPercentageLevel = 80, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$CPUAlertPercentageLevel = 80, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$MachineAlertPercentageLevel = 80, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Standard")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$AlertReminderFrequency = 20, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="JSON")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$JSON, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="JSON")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$NewName ) begin { # --- Test for vRA API version xRequires -Version 7.0 } process { try { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ 'JSON' { # --- Handle JSON PARAM $Body = $JSON $Data = ($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json) $Name = $ # --- if a new name has been passed set it if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NewName")){ Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservaiton name to $($NewName)" $ = $NewName $Body = $Data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress } break } 'Standard' { Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing reservation payload" $ReservationTypeId = (Get-vRAReservationType -Name $Type).id $BusinessGroupId = (Get-vRABusinessGroup -TenantId $Tenant -Name $BusinessGroup).id # --- Enable alerts # --- Convert boolean to a string value for the payload if ($EnableAlerts) { $EnableAlertsAsString = "true" } else { $EnableAlertsAsString = "false" } # --- Email business group manager # --- Convert boolean to a string value for the payload if ($EmailBusinessGroupManager) { $EmailBusinessGroupManagerAsString = "true" } else { $EmailBusinessGroupManagerAsString = "false" } Write-Verbose -Message "Reservation name is $($Name)" Write-Verbose -Message "ReservationTypeId for $($Type) is $($ReservationTypeId)" Write-Verbose -Message "Tenant is $($Tenant)" Write-Verbose -Message "BusinessGroupId for $($BusinessGroup) is $($BusinessGroupId)" Write-Verbose -Message "Priority is $($Priority)" Write-Verbose -Message "Alerts enabled: $($EnableAlertsAsString)" Write-Verbose -Message "Email business group manager: $($EmailBusinessGroupManagerAsString)" $Template = @" { "name": "$($Name)", "reservationTypeId": "$($ReservationTypeId)", "tenantId": "$($Tenant)", "subTenantId": "$($BusinessGroupId)", "enabled": true, "priority": $($Priority), "reservationPolicyId": null, "alertPolicy": { "enabled": $($EnableAlertsAsString), "frequencyReminder": $($AlertReminderFrequency), "emailBgMgr": $($EmailBusinessGroupManagerAsString), "recipients": [], "alerts": [] }, "extensionData": { "entries": [] } } "@ # --- Convert the body to an object and begin adding extensionData $ReservationObject = $Template | ConvertFrom-Json if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ReservationPolicy")){ $ReservationPolicyId = (Get-vRAReservationPolicy -Name $ReservationPolicy).id $ReservationObject.reservationPolicyId = $ReservationPolicyId Write-Verbose -Message "ReservationPolicyId for $($ReservationPolicy) is $($ReservationPolicyId)" } if ($EnableAlerts -eq "TRUE" -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AlertRecipients")) { foreach ($Recipient in $AlertRecipients) { $ReservationObject.alertPolicy.recipients += $Recipient } } switch ($PSBoundParameters.Type) { 'vSphere' { # --- # --- Alert Policy # --- $AlertsTemplate = @" [ { "alertPercentLevel": $($StorageAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "storage", "id": "storage" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($MemoryAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "memory", "id": "memory" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($CPUAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "cpu", "id": "cpu" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($MachineAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "machine", "id": "machine" } ] "@ $ReservationObject.alertPolicy.alerts += $AlertsTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json # --- # --- Compute Resource # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Adding extensionData for type $($Type)" $ComputeResourceObject = Get-vRAReservationComputeResource -Type $Type -Id $ComputeResourceId Write-Verbose -Message "Found compute resource $($ComputeResourceObject.label) with id $($ComputeResourceId)" $ComputeResourceTemplate = @" { "key": "computeResource", "value": { "type" : "entityRef", "componentId" : null, "classId" : "ComputeResource", "id" : "$($ComputeResourceId)", "label" : "$($ComputeResourceObject.label)" } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($ComputeResourceTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) # --- # --- Machine Quota # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting machine quota to $($Quota)" $MachineQuotaTemplate = @" { "key": "machineQuota", "value": { "type": "integer", "value": $($Quota) } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($MachineQuotaTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) # --- # --- Reservation Networks # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation networks" $ReservationNetworksTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationNetworks", "value": { "type": "multiple", "elementTypeId": "COMPLEX", "items": [] } } "@ $ReservationNetworks = $ReservationNetworksTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($NetworkDefinition in $Network) { $ReservationNetworks.value.items += $NetworkDefinition } $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += $ReservationNetworks # --- # --- Reservation Storages # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation storage" $ReservationStoragesTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationStorages", "value": { "type": "multiple", "elementTypeId": "COMPLEX", "items": [] } } "@ $ReservationStorages = $ReservationStoragesTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($StorageDefinition in $Storage) { $ReservationStorages.value.items += $StorageDefinition } $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += $ReservationStorages # --- # --- Reservation Memory # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation memory" # --- Calculate the memory value in MB $MemoryMB = [Math]::Round(($MemoryGB * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 1MB),4,[MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) $ReservationMemoryTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationMemory", "value": { "type": "complex", "componentTypeId": "com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service", "componentId": null, "classId": "Infrastructure.Reservation.Memory", "typeFilter": null, "values": { "entries": [ { "key": "memoryReservedSizeMb", "value": { "type": "integer", "value": $($MemoryMB) } } ] } } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($ReservationMemoryTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) # --- # --- Resource Pool # --- if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ResourcePool")){ Write-Verbose "Setting resource pool" $ResourcePoolObject = Get-vRAReservationComputeResourceResourcePool -Type $Type -ComputeResourceId $ComputeResourceId -Name $Resourcepool $ResourcePoolTemplate = @" { "key": "resourcePool", "value": { "type": "entityRef", "componentId": null, "classId": "ResourcePools", "id": "$($ResourcePoolObject.Id)", "label": "$($ResourcePoolObject.Label)" } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($ResourcePoolTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) } break } 'vCloud Air' { # --- # --- Alert Policy # --- $AlertsTemplate = @" [ { "alertPercentLevel": $($StorageAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "storage", "id": "storage" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($MemoryAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "memory", "id": "memory" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($CPUAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "cpu", "id": "cpu" }, { "alertPercentLevel": $($MachineAlertPercentageLevel), "referenceResourceId": "machine", "id": "machine" } ] "@ $ReservationObject.alertPolicy.alerts += $AlertsTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json # --- # --- Compute Resource # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Adding extensionData for type $($Type)" $ComputeResourceObject = Get-vRAReservationComputeResource -Type $Type -Id $ComputeResourceId Write-Verbose -Message "Found compute resource $($ComputeResourceObject.label) with id $($ComputeResourceId)" $ComputeResourceTemplate = @" { "key": "computeResource", "value": { "type" : "entityRef", "componentId" : null, "classId" : "ComputeResource", "id" : "$($ComputeResourceId)", "label" : "$($ComputeResourceObject.label)" } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($ComputeResourceTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) # --- # --- Machine Quota # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting machine quota to $($Quota)" $MachineQuotaTemplate = @" { "key": "machineQuota", "value": { "type": "integer", "value": $($Quota) } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($MachineQuotaTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) # --- # --- Reservation Networks # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation networks" $ReservationNetworksTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationNetworks", "value": { "type": "multiple", "elementTypeId": "COMPLEX", "items": [] } } "@ $ReservationNetworks = $ReservationNetworksTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($NetworkDefinition in $Network) { $ReservationNetworks.value.items += $NetworkDefinition } $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += $ReservationNetworks # --- # --- Reservation Storages # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation storage" $ReservationStoragesTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationStorages", "value": { "type": "multiple", "elementTypeId": "COMPLEX", "items": [] } } "@ $ReservationStorages = $ReservationStoragesTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($StorageDefinition in $Storage) { $ReservationStorages.value.items += $StorageDefinition } $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += $ReservationStorages # --- # --- Reservation Memory # --- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting reservation memory" # --- Calculate the memory value in MB $MemoryMB = [Math]::Round(($MemoryGB * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 1MB),4,[MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) $ReservationMemoryTemplate = @" { "key": "reservationMemory", "value": { "type": "complex", "componentTypeId": "com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service", "componentId": null, "classId": "Infrastructure.Reservation.Memory", "typeFilter": null, "values": { "entries": [ { "key": "memoryReservedSizeMb", "value": { "type": "integer", "value": $($MemoryMB) } } ] } } } "@ $ReservationObject.extensionData.entries += ($ReservationMemoryTemplate | ConvertFrom-Json) break } 'Amazon' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'OpenStack' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'vCloud' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'HyperV' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'KVM' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'SCVMM' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } 'XenServer' { Write-Verbose -Message "Support for this reservation type has not been added" break } } $Body = $ReservationObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){ $URI = "/reservation-service/api/reservations" Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing POST to $($URI)" # --- Run vRA REST Request $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body Write-Verbose -Message "Success" # --- Output the Successful Result Get-vRAReservation -Name $Name } } catch [Exception]{ throw } } end { } } |