
function New-vRAPackage {
    Create a vRA Content Package
    Create a vRA Package
    Content Package Name
    .PARAMETER Description
    Content Package Description

    A list of content Ids to include in the Package

    .PARAMETER ContentName
    A list of content names to include in the Package

    Body text to send in JSON format



    New-vRAPackage -Name Package01 -Description "This is Content Package 01" -Id "58e10956-172a-48f6-9373-932f99eab37a","0c74b085-dbc1-4fea-9cbf-a1601f668a1f"

    New-vRAPackage -Name Package01 -Description "This is Content Package 01" -ContentName "Blueprint01","Blueprint02"
    Get-vRAContent | New-vRAPackage -Name Package01 - Description "This is Content Package 01"

    $JSON = @"
        "description":"This is Content Package 01",
        "contents":[ "58e10956-172a-48f6-9373-932f99eab37a","0c74b085-dbc1-4fea-9cbf-a1601f668a1f" ]
    $JSON | New-vRAPackage


    Param (


        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ById", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]




    begin {

        xRequires -Version 7.0

        $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{

            name = $Name
            description = $Description
            contents = @()

    process {

        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) 
            "ById"  { 

                foreach ($CId in $Id) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding content with id $($CId) to package"
                    $Object.contents += $CId



            "ByName"  {

                foreach ($CName in $ContentName) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding content with id $($CName) to package"
                    $Id = (Get-vRAContent -Name $CName).Id
                    $Object.contents += $Id


            "JSON"  {

                $Data = ($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json)
                $Body = $JSON
                $Name = $  
    end {

        # --- Convert PSCustomObject to a string
        $Body = $Object | ConvertTo-Json                    

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){

            $URI = "/content-management-service/api/packages"

            # --- Run vRA REST Request
            Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

            # --- Output the Successful Result
            Get-vRAPackage -Name $Name -Verbose:$VerbosePreference