
function Get-vRAResourceAction {
    Retrieve available Resource Actions for a resource
    A resourceAction is a specific type of ResourceOperation that is performed by submitting a request.

    .PARAMETER ResourceId
    The id of the resource



    Get-vRAConsumerResource -Name vm01 | Get-vRAResourceAction
    Get-vRAConsumerResource -Name vm01 | Get-vRAResourceAction | Select Id, Name, BindingId



    Param (



    Begin {


    Process {

        try {

            foreach ($Id in $ResourceId) {

                # --- Set the uri
                $URI = "/catalog-service/api/consumer/resources/$($Id)/actions"

                # --- Get all available resource actions

                $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                if ($Response.content.Count -lt 1){

                    throw "No resource Actions available for the resource. Check the users entitlements."


                foreach ($Action in $Response.content) {

                    [PSCustomObject] @{

                        Id = $
                        Name = $
                        Description = $Action.description
                        Type = $Action.type
                        ExtensionId = $Action.extensionId
                        ProviderTypeId = $Action.providerTypeId
                        BindingId = $Action.bindingId
                        IconId = $Action.iconId
                        HasForm = $Action.hasForm
                        FormScale = $Action.formScale




        catch [Exception]{



    End {

