$cleanupMode = [StaticSource]@{ Name = "cleanup mode"; Description = "Determines how the supplied commit messaged should be cleaned up before committing"; Items = @( [SourceItem]@{ Name = "strip"; Description = "Strip leading and trailing empty lines, trailing whitepace, commentary and collapse consecutive empty lines" }, [SourceItem]@{ Name = "whitespace"; Description = "Same as strip except #commentary is not removed" }, [SourceItem]@{ Name = "verbatim"; Description = "Do not change the message at all" }, [SourceItem]@{ Name = "scissors"; Description = "Same as whitespace except that everything from (and including) the line found below is truncated" }, [SourceItem]@{ Name = "default"; Description = "Same as strip if the message is to be edited. Otherwise whitespace" } ) } $allRepositories = [DynamicSource]@{ Name = "AllRepositories"; Description = "Local and remote repositories"; CommandExpression = { git --no-optional-locks branch -a --no-color | % { $_.trim(' *$(') } | % { $_.StartsWith("remotes/origin/") ? $_.Substring(15) : $_ } | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith("HEAD") } | Select -Unique }; Cache = [Cache]@{ ByCurrentWorkingDirectory = $true; ByTime = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10 } } # Should we remove the Parameter part? CommandParameter -> Command? $dictionary = [PowerTypeDictionary]@{ Keys = @("git"); Name = "git"; Description = "fast, scalable, distributed revision control system"; Platforms = [Platforms]::All; Parameters = @( [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("commit"); Name = "Commit"; Description = "Save changes to the local repository"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Keys = @("--message", "-m"); Name = "Message"; Description = "Commit message"; Type = [ParameterType]::String }, [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("--verbose", "-v"); Name = "Verbose"; Description = "" }, [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("--squash"); Name = "Squash"; Description = "" }, [ValueParameter]@{ Keys = @("--cleanup"); Name = "Cleanup"; Description = "This option determines how the supplied commit message should be cleaned"; Type = [ParameterType]::String; Source = $cleanupMode } ) }, [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("checkout"); Name = "Checkout"; Description = "Change branch"; Parameters = @( [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("--quite", "-q"); Name = "Quite"; Description = "Suppress feedback message" }, [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "Repository"; Description = "What repository to checkout"; Source = $allRepositories } ) }, [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("--version"); Name = "Version"; Description = "Display version" }, [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("--help"); Name = "Help"; Description = "Display help"; Recursive = $true } ) } Add-PowerTypeDictionary -Dictionary $dictionary |