
function Get-Battery {

    process {
        $Battery =  if ($IsWindows) {
            $Win32Battery = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Battery
            $ChargeRemaining = $Win32Battery.EstimatedChargeRemaining

            # An unhandled 32-bit integer overflow is the reason why Win32_Battery
            # sometimes reports (2^32)/60 as the estimated runtime. This property
            # will only yield an estimate if the utility power is off, is lost and
            # remains off, or if a laptop is disconnected from a power source.
            $Minutes = $Win32Battery.EstimatedRunTime ?? 0
            $IsCharging = $Minutes -eq 0x04444444 -or ($Win32Battery.BatteryStatus -ge 6 -and $Win32Battery.BatteryStatus -le 9)
            $Runtime = New-TimeSpan -Minutes $($IsCharging ? 0 : $Minutes)

            # The first two statuses were renamed to reduce ambiguity.
            # The second status indicates whether a device has access to AC, which
            # means that no battery is being discharged. However, the battery is
            # not necessarily charging, either.
            $Status = switch ($Win32Battery.BatteryStatus) {
                1 { "Discharging" } # Other
                2 { "Connected to AC" } # Unknown
                3 { "Fully Charged" }
                4 { "Low" }
                5 { "Critical" }
                6 { "Charging" }
                7 { "Charging and High" }
                8 { "Charging and Low" }
                9 { "Charging and Critical" }
                10 { "Undefined" }
                11 { "Partially Charged" }
                Default { "Unknown" }

            return [Battery]::new($ChargeRemaining, $Runtime, $IsCharging, $Status)
        } elseif ($IsMacOS -or $IsLinux) {
            Write-Error $OperatingSystemNotSupportedError -Category NotImplemented -ErrorAction Stop
        } else {
            Write-Error $OperatingSystemNotSupportedError -Category NotImplemented -ErrorAction Stop

        Write-Output $Battery