using namespace System function Export-Branch { [OutputType([void])] [Alias("git-fire")] [SuppressMessage("PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases", "")] param( [string] $Message, [int] $ShutdownDelay = 15 ) begin { $Author = git config $Remotes = git remote $CurrentBranch = git branch --show-current $NewBranch = "fire/$CurrentBranch/${env:COMPUTERNAME}/${env:USERNAME}" $IsValidBranch = $(git check-ref-format --branch $NewBranch 2>&1) -eq $NewBranch git fetch --all --quiet $RemoteBranches = git branch --remote --format="%(refname:lstrip=3)" if (!$IsValidBranch -or $RemoteBranches.Contains($NewBranch)) { $Salt = Get-Salt -MaxLength 16 $RandomString = [BitConverter]::ToString($Salt).Replace("-", [string]::Empty) $NewBranch = "fire/$CurrentBranch/$RandomString" } Push-Location $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) } process { Write-Host "$Author, leave the building now!".ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "We will take it from here.`n" Write-Host "[1/4] Creating a new branch and moving all files to the staging area" -ForegroundColor Yellow git checkout -b $NewBranch git add --all Write-Host "[2/4] Committing WIP" -ForegroundColor Yellow $DefaultMessage = "🔥 Fire! If you are in the same building as $Author, evacuate immediately!" $Message = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Message") ? $Message : $DefaultMessage git commit -m $Message --no-verify --no-gpg-sign Write-Host "[3/4] Push last commit to all remotes" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Remotes | ForEach-Object { git push --set-upstream $_ $NewBranch --no-verify } Write-Host "[4/4] Push all notes to all remotes" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Remotes | ForEach-Object { git push $_ refs/notes/* --no-verify } } clean { Pop-Location $ExitMessage = "Turn around and evacuate the building immediately".ToUpper() $InfoMessage = "This computer will shutdown automatically in $ShutdownDelay seconds . . ." if ($IsWindows) { shutdown.exe /s /f /t $ShutdownDelay /d P:4:1 /c $([string]::Format("{0}`n`n{1}", $ExitMessage, $InfoMessage)) } elseif ($IsLinux) { Write-Host $ExitMessage -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $InfoMessage sleep $ShutdownDelay systemctl poweroff } elseif ($IsMacOS) { Write-Host $ExitMessage -ForegroundColor Red osascript -e $InfoMessage sudo shutdown -h now } else { Write-Error $OperatingSystemNotSupportedError -Category NotImplemented -ErrorAction Stop } } } |