.SYNOPSIS Retrieve PowerShell transcripts .DESCRIPTION The Get-Transcript function fetches PowerShell transcript files from a given folder, which defaults to the Documents folder in the user's profile directory. The transcript files adhere to the naming pattern "Powershell_transcript.<ORIGIN>.<UID>.<TIMESTAMP>.txt", where <ORIGIN> represents the computer's hostname. The function can retrieve all transcripts or only the most recent one, based on the -Last switch. It also allows filtering hostname, through the $Origin parameter. If the specified directory does not exist, an exception is thrown. .PARAMETER Origin Specifies the hostname (computer name) for filtering transcript files. Default value is "*", which includes all hostnames. .PARAMETER TranscriptPath Specifies the directory from which to retrieve transcript files. The default is the user's Documents folder. .PARAMETER Last When used, the function only returns the most recent transcript file based on last write time. .EXAMPLE Get-Transcript This command will retrieve all PowerShell transcripts from the default directory. .EXAMPLE Get-Transcript -Origin "MYPC" -TranscriptPath "C:\Users\username\Desktop\TranscriptsFromMyPC" This command will retrieve all PowerShell transcripts originated from MYPC from the default directory. Notice that you have to gather them from the remotemachine yourself.... .EXAMPLE Get-Transcript -Last This command will retrieve the most recent PowerShell transcript from the default directory. .EXAMPLE Get-Transcript -TranscriptPath "C:\Users\username\Desktop" -Last This command will retrieve the most recent PowerShell transcript from the specified directory. .EXAMPLE Get-Transcript -Last | Get-Content This command will retrieve the most recent PowerShell transcript from the default directory and display its contents. #> function Get-Transcript { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Origin (ComputerName) [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String] $Origin = "*", # TranscriptPath [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $TranscriptPath = (Join-Path $HOME Documents), # Gets the most recent transcript [Parameter()] [Switch] $Last ) begin { # Validate the TranscriptPath parameter if (-not (Test-Path -Path $TranscriptPath -PathType Container)) { throw "The specified TranscriptPath '$TranscriptPath' does not exist." } # If $Origin is empty, set it to "*" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Origin)) { $Origin = "*" } } process { # Make Origin (ComputerName) Uppercase $Origin = $Origin.ToUpper() # Get and sort transcript files $TranscriptFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $TranscriptPath -Filter "Powershell_transcript.$Origin.*.txt" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending # If no transcript files were found, return an error if ($TranscriptFiles.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error "No transcript files were found for Origin '$Origin'." Write-Output $null } # If $Last is set, return only the most recent transcript if ($Last) { $TranscriptFiles = $TranscriptFiles[0] } # Output the result Write-Output $TranscriptFiles } } <# .SYNOPSIS Clear All Transcripts .DESCRIPTION The Clear-Transcript function removes all PowerShell transcript files located in a specified folder. By default, this folder is the Documents folder within the user's profile directory. Transcript files follow the naming convention "Powershell_transcript.<ORIGIN>.<UID>.<TIMESTAMP>.txt". The Origin is a Hostname. To specify a different directory, use the -TranscriptPath parameter. Before deleting any files, the function checks to make sure the folder exists. If the folder does not exist, an exception is thrown. The -WhatIf parameter can be used to preview which files would be deleted without actually deleting them. .EXAMPLE Clear-Transcript This command will remove all PowerShell transcripts from the default directory. .EXAMPLE Clear-Transcript -TranscriptPath "C:\Users\username\Desktop" This command will remove all PowerShell transcripts from the specified directory. .EXAMPLE Clear-Transcript -WhatIf This command will list all PowerShell transcripts that would be deleted from the default directory, without actually deleting them. #> function Clear-Transcript { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [OutputType([type])] param( # TranscriptPath [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $TranscriptPath = (Join-Path $HOME "Documents") ) # Validate the TranscriptPath parameter if (-not (Test-Path -Path $TranscriptPath -PathType Container)) { throw "The specified TranscriptPath '$TranscriptPath' does not exist." } $itemsToDelete = Get-ChildItem -Path $TranscriptPath -Filter "Powershell_transcript.*.*.*.txt" $TranscriptCount= $itemsToDelete.Count if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$TranscriptPath", "Remove $TranscriptCount transcript files")) { $itemsToDelete | Remove-Item } } |